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At this point to me, review bombed just means many people are unhappy with a product, likely for notable reasons. Any other connotation added would require me to trust the integrity of the journalist using the phrase, which is a bar they have almost universally decided doesn’t matter, particularly when it comes to media journalism of any sort.


Russia continues their nuke threats, Putin just in the last day made another. It is only natural others respond.


There should never have been such a ban preventing Ukraine from defending themselves. Even if you believe it made sense, at the latest it should have been lifted the day we confirmed Russia was using Iranian weapons in Ukraine.


At that point Russia is using foreign weapons in a country they invaded. Therefore there is absolutely no reason left Ukraine should be banned from using foreign weapons against the country invading them.


This was Russia’s final warning. This time they will use the nukes!

See also:'s_final_warning


Not that I’m aware of. However they are in ‘any month now’ status. I’m expecting to hear about them arriving after they preformed a few strikes.


Yeah, there is a reason everyone talks about the Steam Deck, it’s an actually good device that Valve put a bunch of effort into making soild. There is also the problem that many of these other handhelds, like this ASUS one, are running an OS full of background processes constantly sapping your battery. Again, Valve put a bunch of effort into making the Steam Deck good and it shows.

BombOmOm, (edited )

Yeah, they basically set themselves up for failure. Among many other things, the biggest thing to me was they didn’t allow the KSP2 devs to talk to the KSP1 devs. They just plopped the code base in front of a bunch of new developers and told them to have at it, rather than letting the professionals do their job.


Quite happy we continue to destroy the Houthis and the Houthi’s ability to attack global shipping.

Though, I find it quite funny the latest Houthi victim was a boat transporting food to their benefactor.


The factory will soon turn out about 30,000 steel shells every month for the 155-millimeter howitzers

Love it. Ukraine needs the artillery shells, and that is one place the US and Europe are vastly short on production.


These are some nice improvements. Have been wanting redo for awhile and I like that this will make it harder to accidentally undo something you did 10 min ago. I dread every time I hit undo once too many times and I don’t see an effect infront of me ‘what did I just break?!’


I have unironically gotten into a power death spiral because a single piece of belt carrying a new coal line into the power generation area got rotated back. 10 min after the undo there isn’t enough power and we are mining less coal, producing less power, and mining less coal…


It’s going to effect battery life having windows on these. It is one of the reasons the Steam Deck does not run Windows.


Good. The time to stop is when Russia leaves Ukraine.

BombOmOm, (edited )

Unless China’s plan is for Russia to leave Ukraine, I have a strong feeling it isn’t going to work out.

In unrelated news, Russian occupied Belbek Airfield is on fire, with reported losses of Russian combat aircraft, an air-defense radar, and two S-400 anti-air missile launchers.


From my experience, nothing. I’m not sure what the guy is complaining about.

BombOmOm, (edited )

If you have a username attached to a publicly posted comment, people will be able to see your history. The internet is forever. Publicly posted comments are, by definition, not private. Treating them as such, in any capacity, is a mistake.

The biggest thing is to not post personal details, or to even post accumulations of details over many comments that can narrow things down. The weather where you are at the time, what type of car you drive (or your lack of a car), what type of job you have, etc, etc, etc. On their own, each of these pieces of information don’t mean much, but you start putting them together and you can narrow things down considerably.

It is also not a bad idea to occasionally throw in some misinformation about yourself. Maybe you don’t drive a Corolla, but instead a Hilux.


There are lots of random assholes on the internet. I like when they are forced to stay on the internet and not able to bring their asshollery into one’s real life.


Review sites have historically been almost worthless in judging how good a game is (user reviews are where it is at). However, I’m really hoping this game is good. Homeworld 2 was great; another installment would be quite welcome.

BombOmOm, (edited )

Yeah, that suggestion is hysterically nonviable for a plethora of reasons. Even joking about that would eviscerate the average politician. Not even just the average American politician, the average European politician would get wrecked for such a nonviable idea.


What if instead the government took the equivalent amount of ownership and put them on the path to building EVs? GM could’ve been Tesla without the Musk issue.

In 2009, $/kwh prices were astronomical. There is a reason the Model 3 didn’t exist until 2017. Trying to make that car back in 2009 would have been a catastrophically awful idea.

You guys have to stop with these suicidal ideas.


The US government forcing GM to make a $100,000 luxury EV in 2008/9 would have been so laughably bad I can’t put it into words. And yes, the $/kwh of batteries was terrible then, why do you think EVs were so damn expensive in 2009?


Here is my process for new cards: Pick a pricepoint, head over to Video Card Benchmark and scroll down until you find the first (ie fastest) video card that meets that price point. Also double check prices at PC Part Picker. For used cards, the chart is still pretty useful, just a bit more manual (and money saving!) to get used prices from eBay/Mercari.

I personally have an AMD bias though, since they have pulled way less shit than nVidia. But, that is your decision to make.


You are thinking of UserBenchmark, which is a stain on the PC gaming industry.


You don’t get to do something shitty then expect everyone to be happy. If you want that, you shouldn’t have done the shitty thing in the first place.


But their deaths won’t bring us any closer to Putin not invading Ukraine.

The only way for Ukraine to win this war is to destroy Russia’s ability to wage it. This means destroying Russia’s troops, destroying Russia’s vehicles, destroying Russia’s factories, and destroying Russia’s oil and refinery production.

Destroying the invader demonstrably brings Ukraine closer to ending Putin’s invasion.


I care quite a bit about the Russian soldiers who left Russia.

I care quite a bit about the Russian soldiers who waved the white flag.

I care quite a bit about the Russian solders who refused their orders and stayed in Russia.

I do not care about the Russian invaders. They made their choice, they will now live (or die) with them.

BombOmOm, (edited )

As you note, Afghanistan beat the Soviet Union, there is no reason to believe Ukraine cannot beat Russia. It is also unlikely to take 20 years given how deeply Russia is expending their Soviet inheritance. We are actively watching Russia drain this one-time resource as their storage yards deplete every month. We have watched the Black Sea Fleet sink and the remnants relegated to the furthest coasts of Russia while Ukrainian grain shipments have recovered. This war is winnable, and Ukraine intends to do just that.

BombOmOm, (edited )

Begin negotiations for a permanent peace settlement.

Ukraine is willing to end the war today, unfortunately Russia actively rejects returning Ukrainian lands. Until Russia is prepared to accept peace, the only path forward is to destroy Russia’s ability to wage war.

Ukrainians had that chance in 2022 and they choose counteroffensive. It failed and they lost territory.

??? In 2022, Ukraine pushed the invader away from Kiev, out of Kharkiv, and out of Kherson. Ukraine holds significantly more of their own land today than they did before their counteroffensives in 2022. The entirety of the green shaded area is land Russia once occupied that Ukraine liberated.


Really hoping this game is great. The first was one of the best RTSes.


Love to see the aid heading to Ukraine!


Hamas and Iran attack Israel and its people and westerners cry foul at Israel when they attack back. Hamas and Iran couldn’t ask for better support.

BombOmOm, (edited )

And Iran fosters and arms the groups attacking Israel from the north and south. This shit has been a back and forth for decades. I have no love lost for either side.

BombOmOm, (edited )

Best description of this I have seen is: the 5th Amendment protects compelled production what you know. It does not protect what you are (fingerprints, hair, etc).


Yep. Passcode unlocks are legally protected, unlike fingerprint unlocks. If you have any desire to keep the police out of your phone, you should not have fingerprint unlock enabled.


I remember when they were THE name for several genres of games. Now their games just aren’t exciting.

U.S. Secretly Shipped New Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine (

The United States last week secretly shipped a new long-range missile system to Ukraine, and Ukrainian forces immediately used the weapons to attack a Russian military airfield in Crimea last Wednesday and Russian troops in the country’s southeast overnight on Tuesday, according to a senior U.S. official....


In a major policy shift, President Biden secretly approved the decision to send more than 100 of the longer-range missiles in mid-February

That is a big deal! I believe they were given 20 or so last year, and they were able to wreck a dozen of Russia’s best attack helicopters with them, as well as several other, less flashy, targets. And that was with the shorter range variant, the article is saying they received the longer range variant this time!

Additional longer-range missiles were also included in the $60.8 billion of aid for Ukraine

More to come!


Kinda. Importantly, the Convention on Cluster Munitions was not ratified by the US, Ukraine, or Russia. There isn’t any legal issue there.

Ukraine and Russia have both been using cluster munitions and the US has previously provided cluster munitions to Ukraine. They work well, they are getting used.


Ukraine has been hitting deep into Russia proper all year. If Russia is so offended that hitting someone gets you hit back, they are free to leave Ukraine.


Rs wanted Israel funding, Ds wanted Ukraine funding. With the power of working together, both sides got what they wanted.


The Ukraine lethal aid bill voted by Congress is $60.8B and the Israel bill $26B.

This article is talking about how the first $1B of the $60.8B is being spent to help Ukraine.



Ukraine was going to lose in the first three days; Ukraine was going to lose in the next two weeks; Ukraine was going to lose in the next three months. We are now in the third year of Russia’s war of conquest and it is clear Ukraine can hold their own. It is our duty to give them a fighting chance against the invader.


Russia informed the world the time of global (relative) peace is coming to a close. And nobody wants to be left holding the bag.


Great powers have directly fought eachother in third locations on multiple occasions without nukes coming into play. Additionally, nukes are even less useful than they used to be, as advances in precision guided munitions have taken many of their cold war roles. There is no reason to think nuclear winter is the likely outcome.

BombOmOm, (edited )

US is literally just letting Ukraine integrate itself into NATO standards by training on and building up NATO standard equipment as it runs out of the shitty Soviet era alternatives

Not just Ukraine, either! All the NATO Eastern Bloc countries donated their Soviet equipment (and much more) and are actively rearming and retraining their own militaries on NATO standard equipment.


If he does, it’ll be downvoted and fail. That’s what you want?

I wanted him to do his job and put it up for a vote, where it just passed today with a supermajority in the House. Would have been so much simpler if he would have done this months ago.

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