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Russia says U.S. is responsible for deadly Ukrainian attack on Crimea (www.reuters.com)

MOSCOW, June 23 (Reuters) - Russia said on Sunday that the United States was responsible for a Ukrainian attack on the Russian-annexed Crimean peninsula with five U.S.-supplied missiles that killed at least five people including three children and injured 124 more....


No Russia is completely responsible, if they hadn’t occupied it, Ukraine wouldn’t have to fight to get it back. Fuck Russia your rhetoric is stupid. The Russians are the Nazis and Putin will die in a bunker.


May he despair so he wish to commit suicide, but be in prison so he is prevented from doing it.


It’s one thing that Trump believes that telling an elephant and Giraffe apart makes him a genius, the truly horrible thing is that a lot of Americans agree, and are prepared to elect him president of USA.

Buffalox, (edited )

This is working as intended, Ukraine attacks refineries, which makes it necessary for Russia to export crude oil at lower prices.
This way Ukraine can hit the Russian economy, without causing oil prices to increase on the global market, something Ukrainian allies have expressed concern about.
It is allegedly already causing difficulties for Russia to refine enough oil for their needs for their war against Ukraine, and that makes it necessary for Russia to export crude oil and buy some of it back at higher prices after it has been refined.

Buffalox, (edited )

xterm, because shortcut keys do what they are supposed to.


Bash because it’s default.


Ah OK, Bash because it’s default.

Buffalox, (edited )

IDK if federations doesn’t work, I already wrote to another response that I use Bash.
Since the Amiga in the 80’s I considered CLI windows and Shell as the same thing,because they kind of were on the Amiga, as there was only 1 shell, and a CLI window was also called Shell. But that was obviously a misunderstanding I just never got quite rid of.

Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments (www.independent.co.uk)



But he never lies, NEVER!


Trump has very high standards, in fact they are so high they are what we call DOUBLE standards.


People were tired after being chased by security forces before Arafat day. They were exhausted," one Arab diplomat told AFP

What? This doesn’t make any sense!

But terrible that so many people die, just to live up to a delusion.


Yes there is that.
Btw I suspect Mohammed was a western plant, to prevent the Arabs from getting too far ahead scientifically. If that’s the case, it has worked better than anybody could dream of.


I can’t find a quote from the OP linked DW article, so I found this.

EDIT: It is in the original article posted, it’s just the OP comment that is misleading. Read the article, and forget the OP comment.

Diese Mannschaft ist wirklich großartig. Stellt euch kurz vor, da wären nur weiße deutsche Spieler.

My amateur translation as neither English or German first language:
This team is really great, imagine (for a moment) if it was only white German players.

Seems like she is trying to defend the fact that it’s not an all white team. But IDK, seems somehow inelegant the way she writes it. But maybe my German isn’t good enough?

I think she should have stopped at just saying the team is great, the second part just seems like a weird response to racist complaints that there are too few whites on the team. Just saying the team is great, is probably the best counter to racism IMO.


Thank you. 😀

Buffalox, (edited )

By the standards of modern day Republicans, boys would never have been allowed to have long hair, and girls wouldn’t be allowed to wear pants.
Republicans are contrarians to everything normal people would call progress.

Kamala Harris: Hamas Committed Horrific Acts of Sexual Violence on Oct. 7. We Will Not Be Silent (www.haaretz.com)

U.S. Vice President’s remarks come amid allegations from Israel’s critics that claims of sexual and gender-based violence were either fabricated or exaggerated in order to provide justification for its military response in Gaza...


2 wrongs don’t make a right. Even if Hamas committed such acts, it doesn’t justify genocide or killing children or civilians at all. Israel is at least 3 steps up from completely unacceptable.


And those are the lucky half, that still have a place to stay.


To be fair, it’s no joke to be a minority in either Russia or China either, so they are pretty poor countries to use for that comparison, as they actually are worse in most regards.



Buffalox, (edited )

We need to stop acknowledging the one China policy. China is threatening war against Taiwan, and there should be absolutely zero doubt that we don’t condone Chinese aggression towards Taiwan.
EU and other allies should of course not support it either.


I have no idea how that happened, but it’s corrected now.


What? I have no idea where that came from? The One China policy is about reuniting Taiwan with mainland China.

In principle I don’t mind that China wants Taiwan to reunite with China, as long as they are perfectly peaceful about it, like with Germany and Est Germany.

But what are you talking about?


OK, I missed that completely, but I can see that’s actually quite funny.


Yes, I missed that, that’s quite clever and funny. 😀


Thank you, I needed a bit of optimism. 😀


That is 100% a lie, optimism is necessary to try to make change, optimism is the driver of progress.
Pessimism causes apathy.

So it’s the exact opposite of what you claim.

Buffalox, (edited )

Yes VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes are all definitely garbage. /s
Absolutely the companies that make some of the best cars in the world, should make better cars. What a moronic comment!

They are actually very attractive offerings too, I recently tried a BMW eDrive i4-40, it’s an absolutely amazing car. And VW has some pretty attractive prices IMO.


The Germans have been dragging their feet on electrification

Not true, VW, Audi, BMW and Mercedes all have excellent electric cars, that are even better than Tesla now. If they aren’t good enough, maybe you need a Porsche.
They are also way better than Chinese cars in general especially BYD. It’s only when compared on price to subsidized Chinese cars they have difficulty competing.
The country that’s behind on Electric is Japan, yet Toyota remains the #1 car manufacturer in the world.

they can’t afford a trade war with China

Generally everybody loses in a trade war. But if China subsidizes EV production, that needs to stop if they want to be part of an open market.

Buffalox, (edited )

It’s very fair, Wegovy is more expensive in USA, because Americans are fatter.

Sorry, my mistake. It’s of course because USA has the best healthcare system in the world.
Except for the people who need it of course.

Buffalox, (edited )

I don’t believe it’s actually $90 anywhere, that must be because of some sort of subsidy.
In Denmark where Novo resides, the price is $200+ for the lowest dose. And Denmark allows parallel import if it can be bought cheaper elsewhere.

USA has a very different market, with extreme penalties in case something goes wrong, that mandates higher self insurance, and sales channels that are almost built for abuse by almost everybody. I seriously doubt Novo makes 6 times more on Wegovy than they do elsewhere. The problem is in the American system.

That said, I agree with Bernie Sanders that there’s a problem that needs to be fixed.

EDIT: $200 is for 4 doses enough for 4 weeks.
I bet the insane prices in USA, are mostly due to insurance companies and whole-sellers exploiting the lack of structure and regulation in the US system. Novo cannot take more that those are willing to pay, and if insurance chooses not to cover Wegovy, Novo sells nothing through that company. Insurance companies are in control more than anybody in USA.

Buffalox, (edited )

Oh yes, I’m not against Bernie doing this, but I wouldn’t call it the system working as intended, that it’s necessary.


Nononono The problem is definitely woke elitists, emigrants, LGBTQ, colored people, Jews, poor people, foreigners, and of course liberals. They are not heartland America.
The good guys are money grabbing corrupt criminals and criminal politicians, Christian fanatics, Totalitarians, Nazis and Russians.
Because how isn’t that obvious??? At least that seems true to about half of America!!!




He is such an asshole, feeling sorry for himself for having to pay because he ruined other peoples lives.


I agree, but whether it was fake or not, I’m certain that he feels sorry for himself, and finds it unfair that is actions should have consequences. His behavior is so psychopathic, that I would be very surprised if he isn’t one.


Yes it literally has come a long way, all the way from 1991 to 2024, I think the only other OS that has managed that is Windows.
I know that’s not quite what you meant, it was just a thought I came to think of reading the headline.

But apart from that, it’s also become quite good, but IMO it has been for more than a decade now.


Yes it is absolutely cool. 😎
I tried Linux earlier, but didn’t find it really useful until 2005 when I switched to Linux as my main OS, but games were a huge problem, so I had to dual boot for a couple of years, before I dropped Windows completely.


That’s kind of true, but MacOS and Mac OSX are 2 different things. What is based on BSD is the MAC OSX that came out in 2001 AFAIK.

And BSD was interrupted for 2 years because of copyright disputes with AT&T. If that hadn’t happened, BSD would be the longest continuous OS today, and probably way more significant than it is.

I don’t consider MAC OSX as part of BSD, just like Android isn’t part of Linux Desktop, but only uses the Linux kernel. OSX took parts of BSD and shielded it behind a proprietary wall, because the BSD license offer no protection from that. So they become separate projects the moment they enter the Apple domain.

Problem here is when people mix up the use of the word Linux as an OS with Linux the kernel. I am 100% sure OP meant Linux as a Desktop OS like GNU/Linux or something like Free desktop according to freedesktop.org. Using his experience with EndeavorOS as an example.

But you are right, it can be said Unix/BSD has an even longer running time, but it has been somewhat problematic and interrupted because of AT&T and SCO and Novell.


Windows became popular with Windows 3.0 that came out 1990, And the Linux kernel came in 1991, but the first distro which is a better comparison came in 1993.

So Windows had a 3 year advantage.
But that wasn’t the more crucial thing, the real advantage was DOS compatibility, which everything legacy ran on. So with Windows people and companies could still run their old DOS programs, they could even run them better than in an old fashioned DOS system, because Windows was brilliant for multitasking DOS programs.


Yes BSD just hasn’t had much luck, I have no idea why the GNU project didn’t use the BSD kernel? They say the Linux kernel was the final piece to make it a complete OS. But AFAIK BSD existed with a kernel way before that.


Good catch, I guess that’s mostly true, but Windows NT was an evolution of Windows that mainly got rid of the DOS legacy. Which after Windows NT ran on a compatibility layer, where Windows 3 ran on DOS directly.
It’s a bit of a grey area. But I’d say windows NT was a continuation of Windows that shared almost the entire API from Windows 3.0.
The old “System n” OS was also called MAC OS. And the switch to OSX was a completely new OS where the old MAC OS software ran on a compatibility layer.

I guess it can be seen either way.


That’s an impressive list, 👍
I admit I forgot AIX, but the others there are reasons I didn’t consider, I have explained in other posts why on BSD and MAC OS. Same arguments are true for most of your list.
But it’s still an impressive and interesting list. And yes AIX absolutely qualifies.


Interesting, I just don’t get that last line, Linux came out in 1991, so how is 1991 way before Linux?

I’m not sure either, that if the GNU project had managed to make a decent kernel, that it would have made the world a different place today. At least not for the better.
The Linux kernel is the most successful piece of open software ever made, and it’s GPL like GNU. I am far from sure another kernel would have been equally successful either technologically or in benefiting all sorts of computers.


Yes, because the corrupt parts of the media of USA allow it. The way half the American media are reporting, wouldn’t be legal in EU.

Buffalox, (edited )

It is, Trump is literally a malignant narcissist, sociopath and psychopath and a pathological liar. Meaning he lies to put himself in a better light, and to hurt people on purpose.

Trump is a natural in gaslighting, it’s not even an effort to him. It’s the way he thinks all the time.

It’s absolutely insane that about half of USA support him. It’s a country where a large part of the population is collectively mentally ill.


That’s strange there has been talk about it for years. Russia tried to switch to Ruble, and Iran and Venezuela tried to switch away from $ USD too.

It has had near zero effect AFAIK, because nobody wants to trade in unstable currencies. Maybe Russia has been moderately successful, but at the cost of having to sell well below market prices.

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