@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar



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@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

The existing literature has people saying asbestos is safe and that RoundUp is harmless.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not a moron and understand basic physics, biology, and the scientific methods. I’m agreeing with you by the way.

Just pointing out that you can find anything in the literature.

Partisan hacks and morons can submit work for scholarly review too. Most journals don’t publish that shit, but some just don’t know any better.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

All for this. If the Americans say the evidence against this unit is credible, sanctions against the unit is the least that should happen, followed by sanctions against anyone that knew about it and protected the unit.

Fuck Netanyahu.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Two western proxies, Israel and Ukraine, holding off two supermember states of the modern Axis of Evil/Group of Friends: Russia and Iran. Gaza and the West Bank are to Iran what Belarus and Crimea are to Russia, just further along; Russia already has a working nuclear weapons program and have parked nukes in Belarus and taken over reactors in Crimea. Nobody is going to let Iran get that far. Russia says they are fighting fascism, too. Why do you believe it when Iran says it but not Russia?

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Nah I don’t see it that way at all. Gaza’s political and community leaders put their kids in harm’s way and and then celebrate their deaths as “martyrs,” which is just coded speech for “human shields used by fanatical warlords to increase the human price of Israel’s strikes against Hamas members and the hundreds of miles of tunnels they built under neighborhoods and schools.” Lying about it to everyone and coming to the international community with crocodile tears is the only weapon for Hamas and it’s many pan-Islamist ideological allies, other than straight up hostage-taking, indiscriminate rocket attacks, mass shootings, and suicide bombings.

Hamas would scuttle the tunnels and surrender if they had any concern about human lives in Gaza, other than their own. Maybe Gaza could have elections and international ports of entry again, bring in all the food and medicine they want, you know, if they had a legitimate legal system and government, if they ever even one single time treat a war criminal as a criminal instead of as a hero, maybe they could develop an economy based on something other than spending everything on weapons to kill Jews while the entire population is malnourished and living philanthrope-to-philanthrope.

Don’t need to think Israel is the heroes to understand, as a country, it has redeeming qualities.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I read your comment wrong and went looking for this guy’s excuse and apparently he was just a gullible moron.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

It’s a real police state. They make everyone a suspect and an informer.

Do you report what you know, or wait for your neighbor to report you for not reporting what you knew?

It’s Kafkaesque, and he came to a fitting end: “like a dog.”

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Grow up.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I mean yeah, there are minimum standards for entry. Maybe Palestine should get its shit together and stop choosing terrorism every chance it gets.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

They should start demonstrating their commitment to humanity by condemning Hamas, condemning the October 7 attacks, and then by pursuing the war criminals in their own ranks for a while, instead of offering support and shelter.

Your comment reminded me of one of those times Trump’s campaign manager, former attorney or something was charged with crimes, and then Trump pretended he didn’t even know the person.

I am not strongly opposed the West Bank having UN membership but they have work to do. I could be convinced they’re on their way. I haven’t seen much evidence of that.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think it was suggesting it.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Israel is going to invade Rafah either way.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

What part don’t you understand? Israel was going to invade Rafah either way. Might as well try and get something out it that may not save another 10,000 Gazans, but perhaps will prevent hot open war, saving hundreds of thousands of lives in the process.

Sounds like this deal was misreported anyway because according to some commenters Israel has struck Iran.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think the Israelis consider them to be separate matters.

Avoiding the hot war with Iran in exchange for something Israel was going to do anyway, was the US’s position. I guess we will see how many lives it would have saved since Israel is bombing right again right now.

I say hundreds of thousands.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t see it that way. We’re not in charge of Israel. They are in charge of their own shit.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Uhhhh, in this fantasy, why is Iran paying proxies to kill Jews?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I just don’t see it that way. I suppose long-term it trends that way but in the short term, it’s a very well armed vassal state with a form of government and civilian populatiom worth preserving.

To me it’s like this: Israel has all the ordinance and warheads it would need to turn the Middle East into smoldering ruin from Tehran to Cairo. That’s a vassal state that is more dangerous to humanity if the reigns of American (and international) support are removed. If Israel and Iran know the US won’t back up Israel, then it stops being a vassalary war and starts being a hot, open war. I don’t know how many deaths it would take to convince me an unprotected Israel is safer for humanity than the current one but it’s a hell of a lot more than low-mid five figures. I’m thinking of the safety and rights of millions of lives. I think an open war with Iran would lead to an unprecedented humanitarian and refugee catastrophe that would result in a cascade of failed states enveloping the mideast and eastern Europe, at minimum.

At the same time, Israel has all the institutions it needs right now to vote Bibi and his right wing fanatic friends out of office and I have hope the Israeli people will do that very soon. Democracy is too rare and precious to cede. Democracy is the path to lasting peace and human rights. Say that in Hamas territory and see if you don’t get stoned to death in front of a raucous crowd. So I’m not ready to feed it to the wolves.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Ridiculous. Read some books or even the rest of this article.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

That’s a novel legal theory. I understand it has a lot of traction in fundraising circles and in nonprofits, and among interested associates of Tehran.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Click here to donate! 🤡

Until a court of competent jurisdiction applies the law and a prosecutor charges and secures a conviction of someone, who isn’t South African, it’s literally a novel legal theory.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

All definitions: “as practiced in South Africa.”

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

You get that never even happened for South Africa right.

Yes. It was a new paradigm in racial discrimination, an aggravated form that the world had never seen before, during, or since.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I find this completely uncontroversial. Both parties do this as their standard agreement with leading candidates and nominees.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Again this is completely uncontroversial. This is how party funding works.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Absolute idiocy. It’s all bullshit. Yes, I guess that’s why Trump’s lawyers have been so successful getting his cases thrown out.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah it’s been going up. Makes sense. Arguably not enough for how much stress that job is. Of course it comes with a free house and that has a bowling alley in it, and escape hatches for hookers.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Considering the dude has been in the Senate since dinosaurs were on the planet during which time he could partake legally in inside trading and he had access to much of the world’s confidential information and a long list of people volunteering to do him favors.

That’s Jimmy-Carter-selling-his-peanut-farm modest.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

You know we don’t charge the full price of the house all at once in blue States right?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

No, he probably got some Adderall prescriptions he stole from Baron.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Actually this is depressing news.

Elaboration by request: It’s a tiny amount of money that only sounds like a lot to the 99%. Relative to his wealth, this post is a sad reminder of the dragon’s-hoard of wealth he still has and the desolation caused by aquiring it. I want to eat this whole mother fucker and I’d settle for like half, but I am certainly not uplifted by a bite of pinky toe.

Edit: Okay, it’s uplifting that he is saying this and encouraging good citizenship. It’s a paltry amount and I won’t be pleased by it.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I suppose, that’s nice of him to say, somewhat uplifting after all.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, you’re right.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Screeeeeeeeee. 🐦‍⬛

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Yes they built 500 mi of tunnels in an area only 25 miles wide. They put them under the homes of their families and friends and hold their families and friends to stay there and keep working, keep living, don’t mind the terror tunnels under your house.

That’s called using entire cities as human shields.

Then they told people the evacuations were a hoax and instead of leaving their building after getting a phone call from the IDF saying it’s about to be bombed, people should go stand on the roof instead.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not saying anything controversial. I don’t need citations for basic uncontroverted facts.


@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Hamas admits it built 350 kilometers of tunnels and that was 10 years ago like what are you even talking about.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Ridiculous. I can see for myself and so can you.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I will watch it. I’ve seen it in my feed before but never clicked it. My education on this comes from two influential professors, one I had for constitutional law, who was an expert on constitutional history and theory and had been an envoy to South Africa to help write their new Constitution, and the other was unofficial liason between certain folks in the US government and Arafat and the PLO, which had no official relations. To me, the lack of popular consent of the governed is the sine qua non of Apartheid, that means the victims are a political but popular majority citizens of the country. Those are the things that make it so evil and so abhorrent, to me anyway, and it’s how I’ve come to understand it, both in terms of how it came to be and the reforms that ended it.

Apartheid is said to be an “aggravated form of racial discrimination.” Racial discrimination is against international law on its own, by itself. Apartheid, in which the minority political bloc purported to rule over the unconsenting majority, based solely on race, is something way, way more dastardly and offensive to humanity, mainly because it is antithetical to democratic governance, which the the only think that even leads toward peak humanity, if not the greatest human achievement.

Meanwhile, although a suspect class for which heightened scrutiny of potential racial discrimination is warranted, nationality and citizenship status are sometimes perfectly just grounds for policies that are facially neutral but discriminatory as applied. For example, how many suicide bombers have to cross the border from the same place before you restrict certain people’s rights based on national origin or immigration status, how many rockets do they have to import and launch at your people before you start inspecting their deliveries?

Still not ready to feed a democracy to Iran. Israel isn’t going to let it happen without a fight, and that will be a bloodbath that makes the entirety of the hostilities from 1948 to date look like a pleasant afternoon.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Nah, even though no nation or individual has ever been indicted, let alone convicted, for apartheid crimes, outside of South Africa, I’m coming around to the idea that my understanding of the definition of apartheid is ill-founded. It doesn’t hurt at all but it is difficult to recognize. I’m only informed by my own education and experience, which on this were pretty on point, primary sources. I read a nice law review article this morning about the modern South African indictments under modern positive international law, but it focuses on jurisdictional and procedural rather than substantive law, since obviously they were South Africans and thus it wasn’t a new application of the substantive law.

Maybe you can help by describing the feature or features of “apartheid” under the statutory or customary international law definition of your choice that distinguishes apartheid from mere racial discrimination? What makes apartheid “aggravated” discrimination instead of regular discriminstion?Something that really gets to the meat of whether the international custom against apartheid, which led to the Rome Statute (which says in Article II “as practiced by South Africa”).

I fundamentally disagree that discrimination based on national origin and immigration status is on the same level as discrimination based on race. Every country discriminates based on national origin and immigration status; while doing so is always suspect, it is often perfectly acceptable and uncontroversial.

I also fundamentally believe that an evil policy duly enacted into law by a popular majority is less evil than the same policy forced onto the majority without consent. The latter is obviously a crime against humanity. Again, racial discrimination is already against international law.

So I’m still not ready to feed Israel to Iran and write off the only country in the middle east capable of granting legitimate human rights, and that’s the one that elects its leaders and not the one that hears voices and describes democratic ideals as infidelity to the word of Dog. I am hopeful for the Israeli people that they can and will strive toward democracy, and that is hope for humanity, since caliphates and imamates are not legitimate sources of positive law.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

“As practiced in South Africa.”

What was practiced in South Africa was minority political rule over the racial majority.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

More irrelevant spam and presupposition.

“As practiced in South Africa.”

That’s the language you need to quote because that’s the language I’m talking about, it qualifies the whole thing. You’re reading it out. That’s not how reading law works. All words have their usual meaning. No words are superfluous.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Bud…yes, similar policies against any other racial group as practiced in South Africa.

When a court of law with competent jurisdiction somewhere find someone outside of South Africa guilty of apartheid, then you have a leg to stand. Until then, there’s a reason nobody has been charged outside of South Africa, and that’s because the practices in South Africa were if a fundamentally different character than those in Israel, chiefly, based on immigration status, not race, and secondly, against non citizens, not citizens.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Try and keep up slow poke, it’s irrelevant because it’s a wall of text everyone here talking about this has already read. You don’t need to constantly link things to me that I’ve already seen.

The Rome Statute says “as practiced in South Africa.”

That means it’s about policies that are of the same character and kind as they had in South Africa.

The defining policies of Apartheid are simply not present in Israel, so you must agree you are making a stretch.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Except that it’s not really like it was in South Africa without that bit is it?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

You tell me what he said.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

But in that quote he’s literally saying that the UN recognized the plight of people in Palestine and in South African apartheid, and then ended the system of apartheid.

What does that say about the system in Palestine?

This is not evidence of Nelson Mandela stating that the situation in Israel is literally apartheid.

At best it is a presuppossed, vague comparison.

Yes, it is unjust. That doesn’t mean it is Apartheid. Hey Charlie

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Nobody is disputing that people compare it. I’m also not disputing that there is a hyper modern converted effort to define Israel as an Apartheid state.

You’re supposed to be providing evidence that as originally understood and as codified into law, Israel is literally an apartheid state.

Citing people who made comparisons is not evidence on this point nor is citing modern sources who, I am suggesting, have been misled or miseducated.

Maybe I am he one that was miseducated. Maybe the statutory codification of the international crime of apartheid was meant to be broad enough to include Israel even though it lacks the hallmark policies of Apartheid but I am not persuaded so far.

Back to your Mandella quote, the part about the world putting an end to Apartheid, and doing things like codifying it into international law. That began in 1973. In 1969, the UN had just adopted the convention against racial discrimination.

By your edtimation, what are the distinguish features as between the racial discrimination convention and he apartheid convention?

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