@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar



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JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Hamas’s human shield tactic paying off.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Israel will not be defeated militarily. Not without the rest of the middle east collapsing first around it.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

It also has a method of governance capable of granting lasting human rights, which is a quite popular export.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

The tunnels were the means of attack.

Destroying the tunnels is the literal definition of a proportionate response.

Combined with reasonable attempts to warn civilians, it’s kosher.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Same thing only every shit hole in the mideast sucking the tits of Iran., especially Gaza.

Gaza is a failed rump state led by criminals. I’ll take flawed democracy over insane pan-Islamist violent extremism every day.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

When we reach for our democratic ideals we are at our best.

Meanwhile back in the middle east, authoritarian religious police stone you to death for saying things like you’re saying about their government. Grow up. You obviously have it very good.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Actually they send texts, call phones, and fire warning shots. The Qatari media you gorge yourself on has covered it zero times.

Are you saying they did not warn people before moving into Rafah?

That’s delusional.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

If they want more rights that begins with following International law on any occasions. Rejecting terrorism. Putting your soldiers in uniform. Freeing hostages. Not targeting innocent people every single day with indiscriminate rocket attacks. Do you know anything about the people you’re talking about or are you just ignoring it all because you’re sad about the consequences of their own actions? Nobody made Hamas build tunnels under every single school and hospital, nobody made Hamas turn their airport and water ports into instrumentalities of international terrorism. That’s what the people chose. Hamas is (was?) wildly popular.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Prisoners of war don’t get an arraignment and bail. What are you even talking about.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Prisoners taken in a warzone under suspicion. Administrative detention. Call it however. No diplomatic status. Citizens of no legitimate state. Hamas is a terrorist organization. They don’t get to have a state. They are actual war criminals for all intents and purposes, and in all pursuits. War crimes are never punished in Gaza, often rewarded, always revered. Hamas is indefensible and unredeemable for what they’ve done to millions of people of have lived and died in Gaza without any prospects, having turned every institution into modalities of Iranian-vassal terrorism. Give me a break.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

This is the classic defense of Hamas by the way. Disregard all points of fact, talk about how evil Israel is.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

This is the strategy of fascism. Overwhelm people with problems. Give them nowhere to turn.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

This is a great question.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Go read the ICJ preliminary order and the express finding that Israel does prosecute war criminals. And guess what? It’s true. The Qatari state/ pro-Trump/pro-Russia media diet you are gorging yourself on does not cover it at all.

Hamas are war criminals…in all pursuits.

No, that’s not also true about Israel. You are looking at a small isolated thing, which I think you are portraying unfairly and incompletely, but fine we can disagree.

But Israel has a legitimate government that has stabily for decades provided essential services to tens of millions of people.

Glad you agree Hamas must go.

What’s your plan to make that happen? How would you destroy the tunnels?

You’d do the best you could. That means ordinance and coordinated evacuations and warnings, knowing that the civilian population is going to follow Hamas around up above like one of those artic foxes stalking a tundra shrew below the snow, so they can win Martyrdom™ prizes, paid in rial, no doubt. Such disregard for their own side’s civilians is unprecedented in warfare. International law is based on precedent.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

98% of Gaza says that’s not true.

You’re conflating a few isolated stories from the initial days of the war during the evacuation of northern Gaza when they said “go south toward general safety,” not “go south and your safety is guaranteed.”

At that time, 99.94% of the civilian population evacuated without harm.

At any rate “don’t stand above tunnels and stay the fuck away from any members of Hamas or die” would have been very clear to me.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Mistakes were made. I’m concerned with a way forward. The terrorists are there now.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Try believing less of what you read on the internet. It’s pretty good in America for more people than in virtually any place in any time in world history. Thanks for the effort it took to type your post though.

And hope for the future is more justified here than anywhere in the middle east.

I’d say the most hope rests with Israel: they could excise their right wing populism problem in one election. Could happen this year. How much hope do you have for an Arab Spring in Iran? Even the places that had Arab Springs mostly remain unchanged.

And that’s precisely why Israel is worth the West’s defense against Iranian and Russian fuckery, much less open war (world war III). I hope Biden continues to lead western diplomacy toward incentivising a more just future for Israel. I have zero hope that there is a more just future in Iran without total regime change, or in the laundry list of other dumpy theocracies which pass as “government” in the mid east, Gaza, Houthiville, or whatever glorious caliphate they imagine, etc.

For the future rights of the hundreds of millions of people who will live and die in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, for example, there is more hope after western military invention than before.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

No not at all. Hostages? Of who? No one wants to trade anyone for anything, except Hamas.

I see how there exists in Gaza a pervasive, deranged culture of support for terrorism and willing “martyrdom,” a wilfull disregard for life or law, material support of which justifies administrative detention. Easily. Do you not?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Wow a four second video of nothing, totally proof of war crimes.

Al Jazeera has zero credibility.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

In the line of fire =/= crime.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Hamas should not live anywhere.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Hamas launches rockets at civilians nearly every day.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

“If Rafah gate closes for an extended period, it’s hard to see how famine in Gaza can be averted,” he said.

Been hearing about “imminent” famine since November.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

There’s kids starving right around here.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Actually according to this guy it. Can still be averted.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

And they have averted it.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Damn I wish my plane had flares, my plane doesn’t even exist.

Israel military calls on Palestinian civilians to evacuate Rafah (www.reuters.com)

Israel’s military said on Monday it had begun encouraging residents of Rafah to evacuate the southern Gazan city as part of a ‘limited scope’ operation, but did not immediately confirm media reports this was part of preparation for a ground assault....

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Because Hamas won’t let them / tricked them into staying.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Because your an Iranian Qatari sheep?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve known this for years. Why is it news now?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Nothing wrong with that at all. I’m just not sure what new information there is here? This is a “Today I learned” not a “today we learned.”

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Same thing happened to Obama. The border crisis is a manufactured thing by Republicans.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Fantasy land.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Gaza has like at least five years of martial law in its future during reconstruction.

Hamas is charge of the time table.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

“Famine is imminent” since November.

More aid enters Gaza every day. The situation has been improving for months and there is zero reason to think it will not continue to improve. Daily death totals have been dropping since what, the second or third week of the war?

Tell Hamas to surrender and come out. Watch the daily deaths drop to zero.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Fine. Let them be replaced in due course by a legitimate form of government that is fairly elected. Sounds great to me.

You know I don’t see Gaza as an illegal occupation. I did before October 7th. I find the settlements in the West Bank to be still illegal.

In my learned opinion though, after October 7, Israel has good and just cause to go to war to eliminate Hamas, the de facto government-in-hiding of Gaza, and its tunnel network. Hamas is not a legitimate government and can simply no longer remain in charge, dead or alive. I don’t see anything illegal about occupation, the goal of which is to achieve that end, because n so far as Gaza ever was a state under Hamas, it is now a collapsed state with no effective government, legitimate or otherwise. It’s a rump state. Irredeemable territory. And, in that case, it’s the neighbor’s duty to step in, establish law and order, and govern temporarily, legitimately and equitably.

Martial law is a legitimate form of interim government during a transition from hot war to reconstruction, before a provisional government of local stakeholders can decide how to form and choose a new government. No government run by the whims of a few religious people will ever be legitimate.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

What a joke. Hamas was elected, after telling people not to participate in the elections. They die take power and immediately used it to cancel all future elections.

They collapsed as their own state. Hamas corrupted everything it touched. They turned every institutiom into instrumentalities of international terrorism. They robbed the country of its whatever resources and wealth it had and used the money to launch suicide bombings and rocket attacks and to dig the tunnels which they use to smuggle fighters and rocket launching systems. Hamas big wigs are hiding under ground or living in Qatar with lavish wealth while their families are in Gaza starving.

All they had to do was reject violent extremism at any turn, and they couldn’t do it. These are deranged fucking worthless people and nobody is going to miss Hamas. Anyone that does should join them.

Pan Islamist terrorists don’t get to “go legit” and have their own state. Never going to happen.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Call them attack 'ems, used to attack 'em.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Also diplomats, ambassadors, ministers, and consuls.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

They have a long commute. Billboards on the way in be like “If you lived here, you’d be at war by now.”

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe a different distillate?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

If you compare blah blah

Please pull more BS out of thin air. The most hinged house in the neighborhood is Iran? Get real.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t have to prove what is true. You can learn it for yourself. I’m not your dad or your teacher. I post, you can take my notes.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t watch any TV news. I’m a left wing Bernie supporter. You can look it up yourself and verify what I’ve said.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I remember when I was 13.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

7,000,000 > 30,000. You sound overly emotional. Check your figures.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

You’re post just had me remembering that childlike confidence in my opinions I had back when I thought I knew things but actually had no idea about anything, let alone foreign policy.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

No of course not but things don’t happen in a vacuum. On balance, the alliance with Israel and the West is more important because it contains Iran.

There is no area more critical to global security than the Middle East for the next 100 years, and Iran is a time bomb of far right religious insanity. Iran has 90,000,000 people living in it, man. I’m talking about 90,000,000 people. 90,000,000. You want to talk about 30,000 as if its the end of the world, as if it matters more than an alliance that protects tens of millions of people, even from themselves? There are floods that kill 30,000 people in an afternoon. Hamas has allies all over the region that kills 30,000 civilians every year. The world isn’t going to cede any democracy, flawed or not, to Iran, or any other religious dictatorship, over a small town worth of people.

Preventing a larger war between Israel and Iran is how life and human rights will be secured and protected for new generations in the middle east, it will absolutely not come from any Imamate or Caliphate, or from any far right system of violent religious autocracy, such as are wildly popular and deeply entrenched in Gaza, Iran, and Yemen.

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