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as a non developer myself, to my understanding, the vulnerabilities were implemented in test binaries?

If so, i question why those were shipped to the client. Unless they were built into the package itself on the mirror, in which case, still curious as to why that would be. I would think tests are entirely benign and do nothing. Seems like it would be incredibly bad practice to do otherwise?

Seems like an obvious vector to shutdown any potential fuckery. But what do i fucking know.


i just want a web browser that doesn’t cause me to have strokes, and doesn’t give me internet aids.

How fucking hard is it to write a piece of software jesus fucking christ.


and to shame people into making a solution, hopefully.

Or at least that’s what we tell ourselves. Because it makes us feel better.


“just buy a bmw and hack the heated seats into a switch that you physically installed into the dash” this u right now


thats exactly the problem.

That would make sense as to why it’s such a dogshit piece of software, wouldnt it? That’s why windows is bad after all.

Also fun fact. I recently had a spat with firefox taking like 30s to startup, apparently for SOME fucking reason, someone thought a 25s timeout would be sane in the event that discord doesn’t detect xdg-desktop-settings or whatever the specific was.


it’s not even a word, it’s more of an expression, which is why its so good


today is a terrible day to be literate in english


this is definitely not bussin


something something damn kids these days and the way they wear their hair, something something and the fashion they engage in.

Nothing is new under the sun gramps.


still going hard on the yt-dlp stuff it into any existing media player backend and call it a day, crowd.

Highly recommend. Works well.


i believe to some degree, that this is what that one youtube alternative did.

Although you could pretty easily implement this into youtube. Would be pretty cool if it was very minimal on the backend, such that people like me could also get involved. I archive yt manually, have TBs of it. Provided read access only to it and having it integrate into a global frontend would be pretty cool.


it’s not that bad honestly, it allows you to curate everything to whatever needs you have, plus writing a script to automatically archive the more regular shit makes it a lot easier.

Though yeah, you can just use something like tubearchivist.


Question: Which is the safest spot on the bus to be sitting when in an accident?

A tbone would be pretty catastrophic, and given the length of the bus, likely happen in the middle, being rear ended would be a nightmare. Theoretically being in the front would likely be the safest, given the fact that the engine exists there. However, a front side impact would likely be a significant mess. Though perhaps less than you would think, given the structure for the door and stairs.


im talking, which spot on the bus, is statistically least likely to get you injured in a crash, level of specificity. Near back of the bus is a pretty good contender though.


to be specific here. What is the heatmap probability of any particular spot being hit, and what is the heatmap of least likely to be impacted spots, overlayed on top of the heatmap, to account for any weird anomalies in data present.

But yes, bubble wrap is a very good answer.


you would think it’s simple, but the second you start to consider things, it starts to make less sense, notably, i think the most important aspect would be your bus route. Taking a lot of turns that expose you to potential side collisions is objectively worse, than not.


i mean, unless you’re sitting in the very back, yeah it probably won’t be noticeable. Unless you were. Though they are situated pretty high up, so a sedan is probably going to get the lifted f150 treatment anyway.


looks like it’s starting cron? I’m assuming that’s debian/ubuntu then.

Could be anything else, but if i had to posit a likely guess that would be mine.


no, thats the monitor, how else are you supposed to debug it?


they’re all pretty much ewaste on delivery. Thankfully there are a lot of good smaller channels, who actually produce content out there though.


the canonical spelling is ashley btw.

You spell it in any other fucking way and you should be inflicted with the curse of dyslexia for the rest of your livable life.


perhaps we have a list of “accepted variations of names” where that is what is legally recognized. Though the body will have to regulate it properly of course.


i feel like i’ve just witnessed something which i don’t have the context to, and should.

I dont know how to feel about this interaction.


definitely a furry screen name.

That’s the worst part.


ah yes, the classic admin, or my personal favorite. [insert product name here]


genuinely, i think committing crimes against parents of those names should be legal, to a degree.

It’s actually fucking obtuse.


honestly, jaxon is almost acceptable. Much like bryan with a y.


idk if thats how passing laws works in germany, but i can definitely confirm that the french do count.


mari, or mary.


ok so uh, how the fuck do you pronounce the one with the X though? breckslee, or braelee.

Rocklyn is in a similar vein imo. Although in that case, they’re both concoctions of what are individually bad names. Brayden, and haley. Rebecca, and whatever the fuck else terrible name you wanna pick.


this comment is like the preamble to an entire novel.


ah yes, love naming my kid after the commonly memed homophone of murica.


how many kids with dark hair are named deegan you think?

Also, imagine naming your kid after the color of their hair, truly the most creative of decisions.


yeah, but the difference here is that summer and rain were actual words. And that nobody uses them today, because they’re terrible names.


maybe? Idk, im not german.


ah ok, thanks for the context, i figured it must’ve been mentioned somewhere else, just haven’t seen it.


london would be the equivalent to america though. And i mean, in some capacity, that is kind of a name, miss america for instance. Still pretty silly to use because it’s a bad name but wouldnt the equivalent here be memey slang? Or is that lisbon, im not EU pilled. Lisbon is a terrible name honestly.


uh oh. What did i miss?


i mean yeah, but what other names were common in 1912 that aren’t today lol.


probably beacuse im an english speaker growing up in america. Cognitive bias and all that.

I’m sure they’ll be back later, i’ll still hate them just a little though.


idk, i think it’s productive to make fun of names from time to time, i think we attach to them too much. It’s definitely too much to make fun of people with bad names though.

There are definitely a lot of other names in other cultures, but i would need some genuine context before hand. Otherwise im just going to assume it isn’t a real name, because people have a weird propensity to just fucking lie all the time for some reason.


i genuinely cant imagine putting that much effort into naming someone only to completely fuck it up and for them to be stuck with a shitty name, or at least having a shitty name at one point for the entirety of their life.

Literally just stick to the normal names, pick one that people aren’t using at that point in time, or one that they are, literally who cares. Bonus points if you use the most common generic name because it provides slightly more anonymity.


i mean look, if you dont want to put effort into your kids name, that’s fine, just use a name. Almost everyone does it. If you want it to be unique though, it better damn well be a good one.

I’m not explicitly making fun of people with bad names, i’m just saying that in my opinion, they’re bad names. That should mean nothing to anybody. That’s like the equivalent of me telling you that you use your brain wrong.

Another part of the problem here, is that names are somewhat explicitly tied to identity, which im sure people will love to yell at me about, like the people with weird names who get shit on have learned to deal with, much like everyone else with a weird name. It just doesn’t matter.


FWIW I think these people did put effort into these names, and in their bubble/micro-culture (which may not be the same culture from which they got the names), these names are great. Making fun of names is like making fun of clothes; at best it makes no difference and at worst you ignorantly insult someone’s culture and heritage.

i mean yeah, i could name my kid rape, because if i ever had a kid, it would be because i was raped. That would be a very clever and apt name. But also a completely and utterly shit name. The name is an intrinsically outwards facing property, you must both consider it’s meaning to you, your family, and the world, carefully. It’s a balance of all three.

I generally don’t think culture is that significant of a factor, the primary aspect that matters is geographical region. You either have that name there, don’t have it there, or it’s becoming a thing there, or fading away. Usually, if it’s becoming a thing, and it’s culture related, that’ll be immigration. Which tends to make it pretty apparent. It’s different on the internet of course, i have no idea what source that list of names is from, but we also have no idea whether that’s even real. We have no idea whether the tweet is from even exists. We know nothing about it, so it’s safe to assume nothing about it, since we’re in a vacuum.

I think you’re free to name your child whatever you want, but i also think you’re free to be made fun of relentlessly for naming your child a bad name.


And being style police is completely and utterly useless, and serves no purpose.

Just like telling other people that they’re bad at fashion, or simply don’t understand style.

My point with that example was to illustrate that you have a clever name, be a very shitty name simultaneously. Much like changing the i in brian, to a y, or vice versa, depending on how you feel. it’s all useless.


you keep arguing with me like i think im the arbiter of names. I’m not, i just think it’s funny, like most of the english language.

Did you know that that specific structure of text that i just used is a grammatically correct method of using words in the english language?

Although i suppose with your username, i shouldn’t be surprised should i.


nothing is sacred, god is dead

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