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damn, didn’t know the NSA had a lemmy acount.


likely GPU ram, there is some tech that can offload ram, but generally it’s all hosted in VRAM, this requirement will likely fade as NPUs start becoming a thing though.


if you use windows, sure.

Don’t use windows.


scenario time: you haven’t taken 40 thousand pictures over the last three years because you aren’t cripplingly addicted to technology so you can sort through them manually in about 10 hours or so.


idk man sounds to me like the “educated elites” are the one causing the inequality.

kind of weird that woke is quoted. But whatever.


the fact that gog is even in business is impressive to me.

You mean to tell me you can actually make money and run a successful company by just, respecting the customers? And giving them what they want? Even in late stage capitalism?

we don’t deserve GOG.


that would make sense.

God speed GOG.


most based republican.

Fucking hate her, but at least she has some self awareness.


yeah, though considering it sows division, which is actually practically helpful in this scenario. I think it’s probably going to be more productive than one thinks.


and eventually, the bolt must break.


i quite like queerphobes, very funny.

Makes it sound like you hate fairies or some shit.


yeah, i could back that.


Just dont, and it wont, ez pz


Tru, although I think at this point we’re shitposting, so


you know what else is crazy? That prison sentence you get after you run me over for negligent manslaughter.


i thought america was bad with car laws.

Apparently not.


depends on how well that works more than likely, chances are you’re going to end up killing someone eventually, if you do run.


she is reaping the every living fuck out of this.

Wonder what she is going to inevitably sow…


it follows the wording of the original phrase. Which does mean it’s backwards, but i think it’s funnier that way.


i feel like this is my default state.

I still don’t know how i feel about it. Am i a dumbass who can’t communicate? Are others just fucking stupid? Who knows!


when I feel like it would be easier for them to just -listen- to what we’re saying, because it’s usually in black and white.

i find i often just make sure people understand the thing that im talking about, so that it’s hard to misunderstand what im about to talk about. The side effect is that they learn about something that they may not have intended to, but are going to.


this reminds of that one conversation i had with a user trying to one up me on the semantic stupidity of the english language.

Like it’s great that you’re multi-lingual, please never try to argue something for the english language, even if you only speak english. It makes you look stupid.


The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles!


actually, technically it would be a trinary system, if we’re looking at it like a spectrum, and if we’re looking at it like a spectrum, i think it’s funnier to conceive of it like a circle. Or to get the point across, like those political alignment charts.


it can only make a full circle, when all parts are put together, therefore problem solved.


depending on how you classify it that;s certainly an option


i think this is probably the best one of these so far.


capitalism enabling the cartels causing the drug war to happen?

Who would’ve guessed.


capitalism is just a legal version of a black market, so yeah pretty much.


ah yes a classic xenia posting, these never get old.


here’s a TL;DR from a seasoned linux user for distros.

For new users shit like mint and ubuntu are really good do to the OS itself being pre packaged, and having a large community. However once you become accustomed to linux enough i recommend most people move to one of the big three distros to get more familiar with how a linux system works.

Archlinux is great for this because it will literally walk you through every step from creating install media, to manually partitioning, to configuring the bootloader, to installing the system, to installing a DE/WM etc.

anyway, the big three i recommend are debian, arch, and gentoo, although it’s worth noting that gentoo is the try hard OS, and it’s arch on steroids. Still a neat OS, and a rather useful learning experience though.

Debian is super trivial to pick up, arch is less so, but i already talked about it.


Don’t care about the ram or CPU I don’t have performance issues and I could not care less that I might be in theory 1.5 fps. If performance is a concern, turn it off.

you would be surprised what using a lighter OS would do for your system responsiveness. Your system will boot faster, become usable quicker, launch applications sooner, and use less ram. All of which is for free.


i thought we were better than the instagram/facebook word on background templates.

The internet fucking sucks dude.


well if we’re going by the traditionally defined ethics as we humans use it. No, because they don’t speak english.

Do they have some form of ethical system? Probably, i believe we’ve even seen as much in some species already.


So long as parades/festivals like the Folsom Street fair continue to exist, heterosexuals in general will dislike homosexuals. Can’t blame them for disliking homosexuals when they witness the activities that go on in public space.

wait until you find out about what heterosexual men due to children on the semi regular.

Not to mention the subculture of men who want to be HIV positive. As they call themselves negs and poz (positive for HIV). And the thrill to find HIV negative men to convert to HIV positive men…

username checks out.


The fact that the subculture exists, that in of itself is a threat to humanity.

oh man you just learned about sociology didn’t you?


You have absolutely no idea what my username means.

idk man, i think it’s pretty clear. You want to uphold the normative values of days gone by.

Wait til you find out what liberals do to their children, every waking moment of their lives.



correct me if im wrong here, but do any animals, ever, at all, speak any human language at all?

I just used english as a force of habit. A stand in statement if you will.

Perhaps maybe even the fact that we’re speaking in fucking english right now, will lead you to the reason as to why i stated english.

Of course people don’t fucking speak english, what a stupid fucking comment.


Monolinguistic people rarely realise just how overtly ethnocentric they’re being. Guess it’s hard to see when you don’t have any other languages to think in.

and it also probably helps when you’re classifying humans separately to animals for the purpose of a semantical argument, where classifying humans as animals would only cause further problems.

Along with the fact that it’s arguably hate speech to some degree to refer to certain groups of people as animals separately from others, but this isn’t relevant.

How hard would it have been to just refrain from the word English in that sentence? Why did you feel the need to add it? Does “animals don’t speak” somehow not convey the meaning of that? (Genuine questions, not sarcasm.)

are you actually genuinely mad at me for this? And yes, “animals don’t speak” doesn’t convey it properly, because animals literally do speak, they just don’t speak the same kind of interpreted languages that humans often do, though we have taught monke sign language a couple of times, so there’s that, which might count i guess. (though it’s not particularly fluent, or communicative)

But generally, for all intents and purposes, for this semantic argument, no, they don’t speak spoken languages, with semantic meanings, and rooted histories. The same way that humans do “english” for example.

This is like being mad at someone for talking about transportation, and using cars as an example, because they like cars, or drive one all the time. It’s just the basic bias of existing as a human being, where being impartial to literally everything that ever exists, at any point in time, is quite literally impossible.

There are lots of parrots who can clearly utter recognizable English, so yes, there are animals who speak English. On what level can they understand the language they use, that’s another question entirely. Which more or less was my point in replying to you. :)

yes technically parrots can recognize, and recreate sounds, it’s not that they understand english, or words, or language. It’s that they’re capable of recreating vocal anomalies of human speech, pretty well. Likewise, i can also mimic someone else speaking in another language, or just individual words, but that doesn’t mean that i’m speaking the language. In order for me to speak that language, i need to be able to communicate in some commonly understood and defined dialect, that other people can understand, such that i’m capable of understanding them as well. Parrots cannot do this.

regardless, my point was that animals have their own code of ethics, independent from the human concept of ethics, as defined in languages like english, which i used as the example, because i don’t know if you know, ethics, is an english word. It comes from the english language. I’m just using the system relevant to the words i’m speaking about. It’d be a little weird if i was using fucking C the programming language, as an example of language, wouldn’t it?


ok cool so we’re just shitposting now


You’re repeating the age-old myth of “parrots just parrot, they don’t actually understand anything they parrot”.

This is decidedly untrue, and there’s heaps of science behind that. A lot of which I have shown you. So that assertion is proved untrue, ie “wrong”.

show me someone conversing with a parrot in a legible manner and i will believe you. I also handed you a much better example to use anyway.

This is also just plain wrong. It’s a Greek word that comes to English from Latin.

most prominent languages are based on latin, and latin is literally dead. Also technically if we’re being pedantic here, like you are, it’s not from latin, because latin isn’t the premiere progenitor of all language. Latin itself is actually a massive hodge podge of other various lingual devices, as are most languages.

But judging by your level of intellectual prowess, english isn’t a real language, because it steals words and grammar from other languages, often in non sensical mannerisms, that are inconsistent with it’s own grammatical constructions. Which is ironically, a fair statement, because english is a fucking mess.

Maybe bilingual people just don’t have a very multinational view of the world when it comes to history, and how it tends to play out, i don’t know though, because i follow history from time to time.

(See my first point about monolinguistic speakers often being a bit ethnocentric. Not your fault, one language is limiting in more ways than one.)

again this is like me getting into an older american car, to go somewhere, because it’s a car that i like and i drive it, because it’s reliable, only for you to inform me that i’m actually pretentious for using an american car because “there are other countries that manufacture cars” you keep acting like the one fucking statement that i made in passing is the arbiter of truth, solely defining every logical facet of the world. It’s not that deep, i’m just expressing my thoughts in a rather terse manner to get my point across without typing three fucking pages of text on the etymological history of every fucking word i’m using for fear that someone thinks i only understand english, and don’t understand the totality of all history ever, because otherwise “i would look like a dumbass”

Parrots can indeed speak, but to what extent do they actually understand the language, or have grammar? That’s the video I linked in my very first reply.

this is also literally what i re-iterated. I didn’t watch the video or click on any links, because unless you’re going to present it to me in a genuine manner that isn’t just trying to patronize me, i don’t really give a fuck to be honest. Maybe if you had read what i had written, you would understand this.

Can animals grammar? – introduction to my animated series which goes deep in just what the capabilities are, because there is a lot of debate in the science world.

you know it’s funny that you mention this, because in the very first post that i made, i’m pretty sure i literally said “animals have methods of communication, it’s just not the same way that we do, I.E. english” or something along those lines. And i’m pretty fucking sure i reiterated that multiple times.

Thoguht you might be interested, but guess you’re more interested in “winning” a conversation than actually having one.

it’s kind of interesting, and i’d like to discuss it, but it’s also hard to discuss something when literally everything you say is disputed for the purposes of “uhm nah actually ur wrong, because here’s a technicality where it’s actually kind of sort of wrong, and you should feel bad because i’m better than you” but maybe you don’t intend it that way, in which case, that’s how it fucking reads.

Am i brazen? Yes, i feel i’m being equally as brazen as you are though.

Edit lol replied to myself accidentally. Meant to put this at the bottom end of the thread.

officially a shitpost now lmao


look it’s not my fault that polyfill is a fucking disaster and that they happen to make the worst pillows on the planet.

Though there are other nice, non animal products that are also pretty good comparatively.


and polyfill is a material from hell, Might as well stuff your pillows with fucking beard hairs.


for that price alone, terrorizing Canadian geese seems rather worthwhile.


normally i would, but i don’t like touching people. So.


doesn’t mean it ain’t hitting the anti people neurons though!

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