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I always made the mistake of starting to edit videos, finish up, then looking up the video fps and matching the project type before output. Immediate crash.

GBA ‘Mega Man Mania’ Collection Is Being Brought Back To Life By Fans, Two Decades After Its Cancellation -- Retro Gaming News 24/7 (

Fans of the Mega Man series were excited about the announcement of Mega Man Mania for the GBA in 2004, as it offered a modern-day collection of the classic Game Boy Mega Man games. Unfortunately, the project was canceled shortly after. However, fans are now reviving this idea and working on remastering and coloring the original...


Both Battle Network Legacy Collection and Mega Man X DiVE were released last year though?


This is actually a question I’d like some opinions on!

I have a ton of headless servers running Debian that I just replace the sources.list for an upgrade. I imagine things are much more complicated when switches like X11 to Wayland happen, so all desktop environments get a wipe/install instead… But maybe I’m just making a lot of work for myself doing that!


If I’m given a choice between some fixes and no fixes, I’ll take some. You know they’ll dump the code like a hot potato once Sims 5 starts rolling out micro expansions.

Peffse, (edited )

I’m just curious why Valve looked at the oversaturated hero shooter market (seriously, we’ve had failures 8 years ago now) and said “Oh yeah, let’s devote our resources there”

edit: Like, I seriously can’t understand it. Not even Blizzard is coming out unscathed from Overwatch 2.


this is where you say “It failed because…”

My assertion was that it was an imperfect hero shooter among many hero shooters. The more competition, the harder it is to enter a game.


It’s been too many years since I’ve dabbled in code licensing so I’m a bit in the dark as to what this implies, but if this results in a Linux fork that’s capable of running Winamp plugins…



Any of them compatible with Winamp plugins? Because that’s my reason for sticking to the past.


ah, a fellow Duke connoisseur!


This might be a controversial take, but this was one of my favorite controllers:


It had the size of a Duke, so comfortable to hold with my large hands, and also felt really nice when the airflow feature was turned on. It had the really bad D-Pads though.

Perfect Dark Reboot Is Allegedly In Bad Shape (

I don’t think big companies know how to make a good FPS campaign anymore, let alone hone in on classic deathmatch multiplayer. The last FPS I bought was Half-Life: Alyx four years ago, and the first one to come along and interest me since then was Phantom Fury, but I’m letting that one iron out bugs for a few weeks before I...


It’s funny how much survivorship bias we have. Movies, Music, Games. It’s so easy to forget how bad some previous stuff was.


Is this bell curve change a recent thing? Because it looks to be the same ratio to me based on box office Pre-COVID.


I wish we had more small publishers. It’s so rare to go into a store now and see a $20-$40 title from some rando. Cheap enough that I can go “Oh, that’s interesting looking I’ll grab it”. Limited Run is great and all, but there’s no magic when you pre-order something 8 months out.


Oh no doubt. It’s a shame too. We saw the death of the mid-level developer long ago.

When I go to cons I try to buy any smaller self-published titles I see, but wish the market could support smaller devs while remaining consumer-friendly with a “coop” publisher. An entity that can eat a loss while still finding gems that would be lost to time if stuck on a digital store.

That isn’t to say that smaller titles are dead. Currently I look out for stuff published by Soedesco, GS2 Games, Team17, Microids, EastAsiaSoft, etc etc.

Peffse, (edited )

I’m guessing ease of installation/use.


I just wish it had a better name. Anything You just makes my brain feel like it hiccup’d trying to reread the sentence parsing it a second time as a name.


I’m really curious when Microsoft will start seeing the fruits of all their purchases. They’ve bought up a lot of game devs. Seems modern games cook for 3-4 years before publishing, so some might be turning up soon.


Microsoft has pushed and pushed and pushed and finally achieved their goal of going digital-only with Game Pass. I’m 100% confident that the next console won’t have physical media options, so I probably won’t be getting it as I don’t want Microsoft dictating whether I own something or not.


I hope Fallout London won’t have to push their release date back to cope with this change. If Skyrim updates are any indication, this might not bode well.


I guess I’ll keep this in the back of my mind, but I already migrated over to QuickWeather when Geometric Weather went unsupported. It stinks that I can’t swipe between locations anymore, but the built-in radar and higher information density outweigh switching back for me.


What? I didn’t have to subscribe to anything. Are you not choosing Open-Meteo?


As somebody who has had to set up smartcards, yes. It’s a linux system managing that. The end-user GUI stuff is all Windows though.

There’s a surprising amount of Linux in some hospitals… but people just don’t see it. Fetal Monitors? Probably Linux. User tracking and auditing software? Also Linux. Network downtime document viewer? Linux. Heck, the software that carts use to print sheets to the network printers is CUPS.


I still remember the outrage when they announced 2004 wasn’t a free upgrade for 2003 purchasers. Stores did their best to mitigate that, but all my friends were peeved and kept to UT99 because of it.


Just in case you missed it: The joke is a reference to Freeman’s Mind (another Ross creation) where Freeman lists things he was right about but called wrong.


I would be so confused and so very angry at the end. I had a hard enough time working inside vim-tiny.


I think the only four I have set to block are reddit, twitter, facebook’s products and fandom. A shame those are always the top 10 results from any search.


Every annoying thing ever invented is embedded in every single fandom page. Ads, twitch streams, ads, personality polls, ads, content gating behind login, ads, sidebars, ads, popups, ads, “share with facebook”, ads, “Tweets from thisguy”, ads, “Check us out on tiktok”, ads, ads, ads and some more ads…


I’ve tried. Check how large the list got before I completely blocked the domain a couple years ago. And it STILL let stuff through, as they constantly add more crud that infests the pages. The focus isn’t on the content, it’s on the revenue… and they push hard on the revenue. I bet every single module has an extensive list of trackers attached.

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Are either KVM powered by an AC adapter or are they riding off the 5v rail of your PC?
I had a very similar problem and found that the 5v on my PSU was going bad, and as devices powered down/up the KVM would vanish for a second and reconnect.


Maybe I’m just not getting it, but if we’ve mostly transitioned to HTTPS and encrypted DNS… what exactly can the ISP learn other than the address they serve and MAC of your gateway? Is this report for those who use their ISP’s DNS?


I’m going to need a source on both those claims to better understand how they can happen.
For an ISP to mitm, they’d need to sign and send the website certs themselves, and that’d show up in most browsers as a big red flag.
As far as Facebook goes, I was sure that’s just javascript and tracking cookies that they’re paying websites to use. No mitm there.


I’d love to see the process they used when they decided to throw away backward compatibility with PSVR1 software. Surely at least one person on the team said it was a bad idea.

I thought out of all the VR hardware manufactures out there… Sony would be the one who had the best chance to get it right. They’ve got a static SKU of hardware for all software devs to target. They’ve got multiple organizations in every known type of electronic device. Yet here we are on round two of them flubbing the potential.


I feel like there is a scary amount of copyright infringement going on to make it look THAT much like Windows 11.


I always saw the higher $60 games were cartridge-based games, while the CD-ROM equivalent was cheaper. When everybody switched away from cartridges it dropped back down to $50 being the norm until around 2005-2006.


Does discovery mode not have a timer? Feels like that should be the default mode… turn it on, you have x amount of time to find and pair before it turns back off.


I’m not sure why people are suggesting that RetroPie is tied to Raspberry Pi. RetroPie is a setup script that’ll run on Debian-based distros, even on x86-64 PC. It’ll do the install of EmulationStation, along with any selected consoles of your choice.

Of their officially supported emulators, it doesn’t look like PS3 is in the list though.

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