@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar



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@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

All 3 of the current series. Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2. The first one was released in 2019, I think.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

I know everyone thinks I'm a brittle American, but I'm kind of sick of everyone blaming Americans for choices that are made by people who think poorly of Americans.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

@Windex007 Yeah, but they see themselves as smarter than the rest of the Americans when they are in fact, the bottom percentile.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

I know what you meant. There is such a thing as self-hatred, or thinking you're the only exceptional member of a group. And there's also such a thing as don't trash the majority with the actions of a small minority, particularly a small minority that thinks they are better than the majority.

My point is that the reason this was dumbed down is that movie execs THINK Americans need that, not that Americans need that. Movie execs just think the average American is dumber than a movie exec.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

@masterspace Oh go milk a moose.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

@masterspace All right, so I was interested in the statistic so I looked it up and 20% of Americans are at Level 1 literacy or below according to Wikipedia... which means that actually a lower number than that is functionally illiterate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy_in_the_United_States

And out of curiosity I looked up Canada. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/literacy 22% Level 1 or below.

Allowing for margin of error, your public school system sucks just as much as ours. So go milk a moose in French.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

Stalking your past convos? No. I saw you were from lemmy.ca and therefore Canadian. Then I did a search for the 20 percent statistic and of course Wikipedia came up.

I don't feel bad. I know our school system sucks because of a lot of systemic problems. I do think your education is not as great as you think it is if you simplify the 20% statistic to full illiteracy and if you think a random person on kbin needs to set up a new public school system before she can have an opinion.

That's before we unpack the idea that literacy=intelligence, which is not always the case.

I do feel a bit bad about the stalking accusation. I didn't realize the ability to see your server in the automatic kbin reply setup combined with the esoteric knowledge of how to use Duck Duck Go would frighten you, Mr Better Educated Than Me. We can stop if this is too much for your heart. This weather can be tough on the body and I know you guys aren't well-versed in heat safety.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

@masterspace So we're helping you. I bet you feel bad about making fun of us now.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

@masterspace And there we get to why I'm such a brittle American. See, the immense privilege of the powerful in our country, our military prowess, and the export of the my of American exceptionalism have CONVINCED a lot of people across the world that if they bash Americans it is punching up.

It's not. See, we do HAVE a bad public school system and the richest in our country have spent 40 years sabotaging it in some scheme to fund private schooling. Not only that, school funding is partly by federal and state funding--which is sabotaged by those bastards--but MOSTLY by local taxes so the people in the rich areas get the good schooling with arts, extracurricular activities, foreign language studies and a pool while the people in the poor areas get a whiteboard, an untrained Army veteran as a teacher, and the requirement to buy their own school supplies.

As Americans we have to fight constantly against this sabotage, WHILE working full-time jobs with greater hours and fewer benefits than any other Western country just so we can afford to go to a doctor--as we are called by not just the privileged in our country but the entire WORLD lazy, stupid, complacent and undeserving.

So when you make fun of the average American and call them stupid because their public school system which they need to fix before they complain about people making fun of them? You're punching down.

Meanwhile, you accuse me of punching down but I have spent this thread mocking you for living in a country with a vast abundance of natural resources and wildlife, and living in a country where it's common to ACTUALLY learn a second language rather than learn some grammar rules and tick off boxes, which as I say above, is a privilege in the US afforded to the better schooling that you get by virtue of living in a rich area.

Now, if you'd say Americans are stupid because we invaded the wrong country... Well, then you'd be punching up. But instead you're making fun of something that we are actually at a disadvantage in.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

This you?

I’m pretty sick of Americans feeling picked on.

You have an illiteracy rate of like 20%. Make a real public school system and then we’ll talk.

You weren't just making fun, you were saying you're sick of us being bothered when people made fun of us.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

@masterspace Yeah, but YOU are the one who brought public school into it and you did it in a clever little jokey way.

If you had said "Well, that's what you get for attacking the wrong country", it would be one thing. But you went and made fun of the public school system. You punched down. And now, for your sins, you are stuck in this conversation.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

I'd hate to see how you'd react to an actual temper tantrum.

No, man. You're mocking people who don't have access to a high standard of learning. You're trying to rationalize that away so that you don't have to feel bad about it.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

Did too.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

@masterspace You're really so obsessed with the last word you're gonna let this dissolve into name-calling? are you still IN school?

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

@masterspace Less tired of this than me. You win this time, Canada.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

Ooo, that's an idea I like. What else has Annapurna done?

Edit: They've published Stray, which was amazing. (But it wasn't their development like I initially thought.) I am cautiously optimistic.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

Maybe try a different genre, or even a different format. Instead of multiplayer fighting games, try a social deduction game.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

I'm not sure if Stray counts as Cyberpunk, but it has most of the trappings and is a great game. A bit short. It's kind of like the futuristic part of Cyberpunk taken beyond the extinction of the humans.

You play a cat that has accidentally fallen into a walled city that's full of human-like robots and uncover what happened to the humans as you try to get out.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

Seconding Control. One of my favorites.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

Alan Wake is pretty interesting from a female perspective, because it's a male hero but it's good a pretty good female supporting character in the Sheriff and the plot with Alice is really interesting in light of the idea of fridging. Also, the sequel will have a second playable protagonist that's a woman.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

You have redeemed the term.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

I think maybe the irksome thing is this is a retroactive label for older games. It's not how we got to know those games, and it sounds pretty dismissive of something we enjoyed and loved. smart_boy below has the right idea, reclaim the term, realign the meaning.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

Did you tell this to the kids who coined the term?

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

It would be nice if language worked like that, where the term remains precise as it propagates. But that's not the case. Boomer Shooter is being used to refer to the old games, and that is how many of us were introduced to the term, as a reference to the OG games.

I’ve fallen into a deep gaming rut lately. What game(s) helped “get you back into” gaming and rediscover the magic of video games?

I, like many gamers, grew up playing Pokémon Red and Nintendo 64 and was obsessed with Nintendo products. I graduated to a PS2 and PS3 and became super into Metal Gear Solid and Call of Duty and Fallout. Also spent a ton of time with the Guitar Hero series. I loved the escape gaming brought me and it genuinely helped me relax....

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

If you're depressed, sometimes you lose interest in your hobbies. You might want to look into seeing someone.

I will say, you seem a bit worried about no longer considering yourself a gamer, like this burnout has led to a crisis of identity. You are MORE than your hobbies. Gamer is a temporary state based on what you are doing. It is okay not to be one. You're still you.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

41 year old woman who games Playstation and PC. There is no age cutoff.

That said, it wasn't all that common to have a game system when I grew up. My grandmother had an Atari because of her Alzheimers and that's what made my family nerds but people from Gen X are a lot less likely to have gotten the habit young.

Maybe a younger woman will be more likelyto be into it. But you both don't have to like all the same things. Ask the women you date about their hobbies instead of talking about yours, maybe? There must be some common ground interests, or at least something on their side that could be considered a bit offbeat, geeky, or childish and you can bond over being on the receiving end of judgment. Maybe she's into Renfaire or Star Trek.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

Gaming vs dementia isn't new. I started gaming on my greatgrandmother's atari system in the 80s, which was doctor recommended for her Alzheimers.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

Thing is, generally everyone has a PC. You can get a higher end laptop and play a lot of games on it. That way, you can choose a specific console but still have access to games not on that console, and old games.

I've always been a Playstation gamer but I use PC to play Sims 4, Alan Wake and Quantum Break, and Star Trek Online when in a trekkie mood.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

I would expect a higher percentage on PC, because casuals play low end indie games and older games on PC, and there are bound to be a lot more of them than hardcore gamers.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

I never needed to get all those extras to play an MMO or most indie games. Not every game is a system hog.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

HAS a game. In addition to the other comments, there's an MMO. Star Trek Online's been going for like, 11 or 12 years now. It's actually pretty neat because the missions are "Episode" format and they go by "seasons" for content. They have a LOT of Trek actors for voice acting. Like, they did have a lot of content voiced by Rene Auberjonois and Aron Eisenberg before they passed. They had some sequences with Leonard Nimoy voicing too.

They had one season that had most of the Voyager cast, except for Janeway and Chakotay, and then they got Kate Mulgrew for the current storyline. They had another season that was a DS9 reunion with a whole storyline set from the DS9 hub.

Right now I'm a bit checked out because it's a HUGE mirrorverse storyline, but they got Wil Wheaton, Gates McFadden, and Kate Mulgrew doing voiceover so I'm almost certainly going back to play through.

It is, however, a free to play model with lockboxes. If you're competitive you end up spending money or a lot of time, but if you just want a story you can ignore all that.

https://www.playstartrekonline.com/en/ -- You can play PC or there's a version on Playstation or XBox. The communities and accounts don't link up, though, so I never tried the console version. All my stuff is on the PC account.

Sadly, the STO subreddit did not move to lemmy with the major Star Trek subreddits.

Alan Wake 2 Devs Aren't Worried About October Competition (gamerant.com)

The developers of Alan Wake 2 have recently stated that they aren't concerned about the content-packed month in which the game will release. Remedy Entertainment's developers also spoke about the game's length, Saga Anderson and her partner, and other interesting factoids.

@Ragnell@kbin.social avatar

This one will probably be my first play that month, and I'll wait on Spider-Man 2.

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