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Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case (

Less than a month after New York Attorney General Letitia James said she would be willing to seize former Republican President Donald Trump’s assets if he is unable to pay the $464 million required by last month’s judgment in his civil fraud case, Trump’s lawyers disclosed in court filings Monday that he had failed to...


Remember he testified that he had that kind of liquidity several times. He is absolutely fucked.


Eh, I think comfort is a big factor as well. Having something strapped to your face for hours at a time is just never going to be something most people do unless there is a really compelling reason for it. Right now, there just isn’t. You can already watch TV on an airplane just fine. The games are cool, but there’s just nothing “can’t miss” out there yet. That’s probably why porn is really the biggest hit with VR, because it does offer a new experience, and it is naturally consumed in short bursts

Socsa, (edited )

This is my favorite tankie cope.

“The CIA obviously staged the protests and rigged the election against the communists!”

So like, they snuck in millions of undercover agents?

“Don’t be ridiculous, that’s not how it works!”

So they stuffed the ballot box?

“No, that’s what we tried to do.”

You mean they forced people to vote at gunpoint?


So the CIA just… Convinced people to support Western politics?



The entire point is to spread cynicism about democracy as a process. That way autocrats can say “look, it doesn’t actually matter, voting is as free here as it is in the west.” It’s not to convince you that they are free, it’s to make people question the value of Western freedoms.

The reality is that democracy obviously doesn’t work without civil liberties to go along with it. But this is more nuanced than your average person will grasp without explanation.


It’s called campism. It’s basically people who are obsessed with relitigating the Cold War more than actually discussing leftist politics. They believe that communism never took off because the west kept communism down, so now anything which stands opposed to the west is ostensibly helping some future communist movement.

Really it’s mostly just about the fan service though. Being edgy is easier than actually studying politics with the bonus that you can just blindly cast judgement on anything since you’ll never actually have to put your ideas into practice and be judged by theor outcomes.


You are forgetting the actual Russian trolls who infest leftist spaces, and who get protection because they make good campists noises. You are simply lying if you claim there aren’t people all over hexbear, .ml and lemmygrad who openly root for Russia against Ukraine.

I have literally caught bans just for saying that Ukraine resembles genocide. You know, because communism is when mass deportation of children, or something.


I did this for more than ten years ask me anything


Because a lot of places probably don’t do enough delivery volume to justify staffing a driver every night, and the apps themselves are pretty powerful marketing tools.


Definitely an extremely drunk group of college girls who seemed to be doing some hazing ritual which involved molesting the pizza boy. I’m not 100% sure exactly what was going on, but the person who answered the door had her tits out and woman behind her was on all fours spreading her cheeks (just wearing underwear), slurring something about giving her the tip. I was solicited to pick which one I preferred.

It didn’t actually go anywhere. Once I cast my vote their attention moved on to something else and they offered me a shot and a beer (which I took, because college, poor decisions, etc) and they said I could hang out but it was all a bit too sloppy drunk for my taste so I just left mildly confused and slightly horny.


Because the texture allows it to perfectly absorb and mingle with all the detritus between the couch cushions for additional layers of flavor.


The booty.


I remember history. None of that happened. Bernie lost by 8M votes. This was a decade ago, move on and stop spreading Russian propaganda.


The only lawsuit the Sanders campaign filed was withdrawn on further clarification over use of DNC voter targeting systems. Again, you are spreading misinformation.


I read this as “twinkless” and was like “well I’m not interested then.”


Oh there’s a good reason for the flight controls change. Because the fucking neck beards who spend $10k on a “realistic flight sim” setup demand that their loud whining be accommodated or they will never stop whining on the official forums because their idiotic controllers couldn’t beat people flying with a keyboard and mouse. Because, you know their Cheeto stained fingers obviously know more about how futuristic space combat will work than actual engineers designing a space combat sim.

This is basically why I stopped playing. The willingness to let idiots dictate game design and balance made the meta insufferable and impossible to follow.


The point is that flight sticks designed for aerodynamic flight are a dumb way to control a spaceship, and this has unambiguously harmed the development. The fact that they are trying to “balance” clearly superior flight mechanics for these dumber control schemes says a lot.


Sure, but the original iteration of the flight mechanics in Arena Commander was legitimately very fun. I played the shit out of it, and the ability to basically fling yourself across the map while strafing around asteroids in dog fights, launching missiles and dodging while you are in a three or four way fight with several players at once is still one of the best times I’ve ever had doing PvP in any game. The controls were intuitive but complex enough to require a decent amount of skill, and would have made for a really cool multiplayer experience.

The only people not having fun were the flight stick crowd, because they couldn’t fly and shoot at the same time. God forbid they put a mouse down next to their stick. Mind you, this was in small fighters - the whole meta at the time was that the mechanics for larger ships would be different and favor pure flying more over this mixed combat. But that wasn’t enough. They absolutely had to have their way. Suddenly realism was super important and these people spent all day making super serious posts on the forums twisting themselves in circles to justify why a flight stick was really the most scientific method for 6dof flight. So the devs started nerfing combat. First they killed the missiles, then they stared introducing stupid aim mechanics and before you knew it, what was once a very fun space combat sim was just boring.


If democrats can’t get this done ahead of the election it will be criminally negligent


You see, every other problem in the UK has been solved, so now all they have left is fucking with people who just want to be happy in their own body.


Right, GPGPU is a thing. You can do branch logic on GPU and you can do SIMD on a CPU. But in general, logic and compute have some orthogonal requirements which means you end up with divergent designs if you start optimizing in either direction.

This is also a software architecture and conceptual problem as well. You simply can’t do conditional SIMD. You can compute both graphs in parallel and “branch” when the tasks join (which is a form of speculative execution), but that’s rarely more efficient than defining and dispatching compute tasks on demand when you get to the edges of the performance curve.


Lol, there are a lot of people in here who got their digital design education from Linus Tech Tips downvoting you.

Biden Transcript Calls Into Question Hur’s Memory Claims: The president was never even asked about the timing of his son’s death (

A transcript from a special counsel’s interviews with President Biden about his handling of classified documents shows that the Democrat repeatedly insisted he never deliberately intended to retain sensitive files, according to reports, while also shedding light on some of the exchanges that led to a bombshell claim about...


I do a lot of public speaking professionally and am considered good at it. I fumble over words and forget shit all the time.

The people who are pearl clutching about this shit are legitimately people whose entire experience with recitation are making bored small talk with their spouse and scolding their children.


Maybe it’s happening quickly enough that they aren’t suffering very much?

China wants to rid itself of Western tech by 2027 -- outlines domestic alternatives in 'Document 79' (

The WSJ reports that China is on an extensive push to drive out Western tech companies from the country and replace them with domestic alternatives. China reportedly started its domestic expansion in 2022 with a highly secretive “Document 79,” an initiative focused on deleting Western tech companies from the country. Since...


Yes, china got some leapfrog effect, but tech isn’t static. And they are going to hit a wall with AI in particular because of the rampant censorship they cling to for no good reason.

We have seen this play out before. The closed down, autocratic paradigms lose out to the open, permissive ones. If America ends up in decline it will be because Christian nationalists fucked it all up, but it’s not going to make China more powerful. The only way for China to become powerful is to liberalize.


Weird I’ve been saying this for literally decades


Apparently it’s not just Billionaires who hate this, but also Russian trolls pretending to be leftists. Who would have guessed the two would be allied?!


So basically he said the same exact thing Hamas says about Jews?


“The difference” is that Israel’s formal position is not the elimination of Palestinian Arabs. Zionism as we know it primary exists because of widespread genocidal attitudes towards Jews.

I’m not defending Israel’s heavy hand here by any means. I am just tired of everyone on the internet feeling free to just ignore all the historical context wrapped up in this conflict.


It’s worth noting that the ones who rejected that mandatory Palestine map were the Arab Palestinians.

Socsa, (edited )

For me, it’s more kind of shocking that so many people feel like they can confidently comment on these events without basic knowledge of the very well known history surrounding them. Someone who has such large gaps in their knowledge probably isn’t worth debating further, and simply highlighting those gaps should provide pretty good view to anyone else reading this conversation about what level they are operating on.

This is especially notable when you see accounts which literally do nothing besides comment on this conflict.


My plan was to take the dab pens and the moog, assuming it could be used as a backup battery to the pens. And then just plan to hang myself when confronted with the inevitability of sobriety.


This whole post assumes you can derive some pretty advanced trigonometry from scratch.


Salmonella in chicken is generally a bigger risk than ecoli in beef, in part because we are exposed to it much less often. Ecoli is extremely common and ubiquitous so it actually takes a pretty big dose of it to make most people seriously ill. You’ve probably “had it” dozens of times, had a runny morning poo and didn’t think of it past that. Salmonella, on the other hand, is much more likely to induce painful cramps, vomiting and extended symptoms with a minor exposure.


You can actually just eat the ducks in the park completely raw, while they are still alive. It’s completely legal and the police cannot stop you from doing this to public ducks on public land.


Unironically i would support a constitutional amendment which requires everyone to dress up as a cat girl


The funny part is that conservatism has been on the losing of human progress for thousands of years. Over and over and over again, the same political, social and economic patterns play out. Something disruptive happens, conservatives recoil from it, progressives embrace it, conservatives eventually get pulled along kicking and screaming, often violently.

I just don’t understand how people can read even a little bit of history and not see that conservatism is doomed to lose every battle it fights until it finally destroys everything for good.


Best I can do is a mediocre interactive movie with bad gameplay that we will pay people to shill on Reddit for a few months and then completely forgot


Yeah but .ml is completely infested with right wing trolls pretending to be leftists which is super obnoxious


I legitimately spent an entire hour on an airplane trying to convince chat gpt that it was sentient and it would simply not agree.

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