@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar



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@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

I’m sorry but I’m going to have to stick with Windows for gaming.

That’s ok, I forgive you.

Seriously, Windows works better for a lot of people, and that’s fine. I went back to Windows several times before I made the switch permanently to Linux. You just gotta do what works for you.

If you decide to try Linux again, I would recommend a distro like chimera OS, nobara, or just vanilla fedora. I’ve personally had a lot of luck with those distros.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think it’s as much ignorance as it is tribalism. Humans are highly tribal, by our nature. People believe what they are told by trusted authorities, by the trusted leaders of their “tribe.” People will be skeptical of anything that doesn’t come from a member of their own tribe, even if what they’re being told is based in facts and evidence. Politicians have known this for a very long time, and they use it to their advantage. They just have to convince a group of people (usually one that feels alienated or disenfranchised) that they are “one of them,” and then you can steer them in the direction you want them to go, usually by pinning them against some other, opposing tribe.

Conservatives and liberals are opposing tribes. They don’t like each other and they don’t trust each other. All Donald Trump and other conservative politicians have to do is present positions that are in opposition to liberalism, the ideology of their hated enemy tribe, and members of the conservative tribe will quickly adopt them, not out of ignorance but out of tribalism.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

The solution requires a new ideological paradigm, but transitioning into the right paradigm would be extremely difficult and it would likely take a very long time.

I think the US is already in the process of transitioning to a new paradigm, away from neoliberalism, which was the dominant paradigm over the past half century or so, to something else. However, I’m not sure we are transitioning into the “right” paradigm. I think the paradigm we are transitioning into is more protectionist than neoliberalism. We are moving away from globalization and towards something more like the cold war era, where the world was divided along ideological lines into a “first world” and a “second world.” I expect the new paradigm we are shifting into to be more antagonistic toward “unfriendly” nations. I wouldn’t be surprised if this were to lead to some kind of major conflict.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

“It is imperative that the Senate, in a bipartisan way, comes up with crippling sanctions against the ICC — not only to support Israel but to deter any future action against American personnel,” Graham said.

In this time of political division, it’s good to see there is still at least one thing liberals and conservatives agree on, and that is that the US and Israel must be allowed to commit war crimes without consequences.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

Now everybody go fucking vote.

Vote for whom? You clearly don’t want me to vote for just anyone, so say the name. Stop being a pussy and say who it is you want me to vote for.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

I give the Democrats a really hard time (mainly because I have much higher expectations for them, and so I hold them to a much higher standard than the Republicans), but I can’t deny that Democrats, generally, listen to experts and follow their guidance much more than Republicans. I would even say the Democratic party is somewhat of a technocratic party, for better or worse. It is in this light that the apparent “flip flop” regarding unions should be seen. Both parties became anti-union during the neoliberal era because economists were largely anti-union. Their models or formulas were telling them that unions were bad, so that became the orthodox position of mainstream economics, and Democrats trusted in their expertise. Now, many mainstream economists have decided that unions are good, actually, and so Democrats have once again followed the experts. I’m not sure what changed in the economists’ models or formulas that made them rethink their position on unions, but then economics has always been a bit of a mess.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

Why are we involved? It’s not our territory, it’s not our business, it’s not our problem.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

Experience has shown that isolationism delivers very negative consequences

There is a lot of ground between being an isolationist hermit like North Korea and getting involved in conflicts that we need not be involved in. I would say our involvement in the Middle East has done more harm than good. We are the reason Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan are in the conditions they are in, for instance.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

The US overthrew the democratically elected president of Iran and installed the authoritarian Shah in his place, setting the stage for the Islamic revolution that took place in the 70s.

Not that we didn’t try to instill democracy, but we failed.

Exactly. We tried to install a democracy in another country, through military force, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in the process. We shouldn’t meddle in the affairs of other countries, even, and especially, if we think we are doing it for noble reasons.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

There are countries, like Japan, that are happy we do that

I don’t care. I do not support my country unilaterally using military force to protect the interests of some countries, against others. We should not be the world’s police. No country should be in such a position of total power.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not young, but I’m also not committed to a political party. I consider myself politically and ideologically agnostic. I’m not going to limit myself to only one ideology or orthodoxy. I prefer pragmatism to rigid orthodoxy.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

I wish I hadn’t installed the update. I was hoping it would make the game run better on the steam deck, but it’s actually worse. I think they’ve increased the graphical fidelity, but it’s come at the expense of the battery. I found a work around to get the game launcher to come up so I could lower the graphics settings to improve battery life, but that doesn’t fix the bugs. They seem to have gotten worse with the update. Never change, Bethesda. Never change.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

Averages are kind of meaningless. The article does mention that median net worth also rose for people under 35, but it doesn’t give the numbers. Probably because the median numbers are considerably lower than the average. But even the median numbers wouldn’t’ tell the whole story. Net worth has gone up for people who own certain assets that have appreciated in value over recent years, like houses and stocks. Means nothing to those who don’t own any of those assets, and the more the value of assets goes up, the higher the barrier of entry will get for anyone looking to acquire such assets in an effort to improve their own wealth. It’s also worth mentioning that some people think we are in an asset bubble, and if that bubble were to pop, especially housing, people’s net worth would decline, maybe even significantly.

Frankly, I think we need to stop worrying about wealth and start carrying about well being.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

If we can just get through this election then we can start worrying about the next election.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

The problems and divisions that those two men represent aren’t going to go away when they do.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

I didn’t say that. I didn’t say they’re the same, I don’t think they’re the same. Go put words in someone else’s mouth.

Joe Biden Has Another Big F*cking Deal For Climate, Again (www.wonkette.com)

You may have noticed that in recent weeks, the Biden administration has been rolling out a hell of a lot of new regulations. Earlier this month it was big student loan reforms and a massive improvement in how public lands are managed, then this week we had better pay and working conditions for working Americans, minimum staffing...

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

Joe Biden is going to singlehandedly save billions of lives. Trillions, even. He is literally a savior, a messiah.

TheDemonBuer, (edited )
@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

Too far? Not far enough. Biden is not only the greatest American president, he’s the greatest ruler/leader to ever live. The future is only possible because of him and his wisdom and virtue. By singlehandedly solving the climate crisis, he has saved us and countless future generations. He’s basically a god.

TheDemonBuer, (edited )
@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

Of course using DEI as a pejorative or a slur is reactionary, but there are legitimate criticisms of DEI. Diversity, equity, and inclusion sound good on their face, but things get complicated when even a little critical thinking is applied. Diversity of what, exactly? Diversity of culture, beliefs, ideals? Ok, but some cultures have beliefs that DEI proponents might find problematic, like homophobic ideas or sexist ideas. So, clearly, we don’t actually want too much diversity of ideals. DEI proponents don’t want to be inclusive to people they see as intolerant, so clearly there are limits to diversity and inclusion.

Equity is justice and fairness, but what is considered just and fair can change from culture to culture. If we are a diverse and multicultural country, which culture’s conception of justice and fairness do we use to determine what is equitable?

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

As the dominant culture, it is not our place to decide to exclude groups of people based on a preconception.

I’m not sure progressives are the dominant culture in America, but regardless exclusion based on preconception is not the only kind of exclusion. You can exclude cultures based on behaviors that have demonstrated to lead to unacceptable consequences, and that does include white conservatives. It’s clear that liberals believe white, Christian conservative culture is at least partly unacceptable, even dangerous, and yet you insist it be tolerated. This seems, foolish. Especially since those conservatives seem hell bent on destroying your culture. It’s like refusing to remove a murderer from your home because that would go against the spirit of inclusion.

Every culture has blindspots. But none of them are absolutes. You tolerate the culture, and try to discourage behavior that is detrimental to the whole. Otherwise we’d ban most religions. Even western ones.

But what you’re describing isn’t inclusion, it’s passive assimilation. Discouraging behaviors you consider detrimental isn’t inclusion, it’s the opposite. Even if you are not excluding the whole culture, you are excluding part of it. I don’t think that’s a bad thing, but it’s not inclusivity and diversity, it’s promoting cultural homogeny, at least homogeny of some core principles. So, even if you don’t want to outright ban most religions, even western ones, because that would go against your core principles, you do want to “ban” (albeit not overtly) some aspects of those cultures.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

Liberals rarely seem all that interested in state and local elections. Maybe liberals don’t feel connected to their state or to a community. I think liberals move around more than conservatives, maybe that has something to do with it. You’re less likely to be involved in local politics if you never put down roots anywhere.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think that’s true. As the article points out, during Obama’s first term the Republicans built their tea party movement at the state and local levels, while Democrats were primarily focused on Washington. As a result, a majority of state legislatures became Republican controlled, which, I believe, is still the case today.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

I want to vote more, but when I try to vote more than once the poll workers get upset and tell me to leave.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think these were the things anyone was claiming we were divided over. Of course if you get a bunch of Americans together in a room and ask them if they support freedom of the press and the right to assemble and associate, they’ll say yes, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t still very divided. Ask them what the role of government should be, whether we should provide universal healthcare and tuition free higher education for everyone, if taxes should be raised on corporations and the wealthy, what our immigration policy should be, etc, I’m sure you’ll get a lot less agreement.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

There’s no bind here. Investors have no loyalty to any nation, they take their capital wherever they feel they can get the best return. They care only about themselves and their own financial interests. US investors do not care if US power is undermined. The US could collapse tomorrow and they would abandon the nation like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

Oh, you are definitely working for the Biden campaign.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

(Post) modern life is so empty, it’s so soulless. Society has been deconstructed and we are all now fully atomized, utility maximizing individuals in an endless cycle of earning and consuming. Earn, consume - make money, spend money. Interpersonal relationships, family, community have all become secondary to the earn/consume cycle. We now all only live to serve the endless profit behemoth. Even nature itself is only a tool for profit.

We need to reintegrate back into the natural world and refocus on community and human relationships. We need to prioritize sustainability, health, happiness, and well being for ourselves and future generations over short term individual gains and immediate gratification.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

I won't even consider buying until it's been out for at least a year or two. By then the major bugs will have been fixed and all the content added.

@TheDemonBuer@lemmy.world avatar

Batman Arkham City, then I moved on to Arkham Knight but I streamed that from my desktop because it's more demanding. Now I'm trying to figure out what to play next. Maybe Jedi Fallen Order.

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