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Or any republican that opposed bills or that had groundswell.


You know what’s really good for making sure thing never explode in your face?

Repressing them and pretending they never existed.


The stupid this is the deep state isn’t some hidden cabal of secret actors, they’re hidden in plain sight and the billionaires that hire lobbyists, fund campaigns and basically decide ‘democracy’ as they choose to present it.

The show we’re presented and to argue over is just a distraction to keep us from coming after them.

Biden’s Morehouse address was a farewell speech (www.cnn.com)

But the Morehouse crowd, at least, understood that no matter how much Biden talks about his proximity to HBCU graduates and having worked with President Barack Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris, his policies have yet to fully meet their expectations, and while some may argue that a little progress is better than no progress...


The difference is that this isn’t a normal election, Trump has shown his hand and it’s terrifying.

Unfortunately, any criticism of Biden, even if warranted or necessary, is seen as tacit approval or support of Trump, even if it isn’t meant in that way.

That being said, opinion articles are almost always biased in nature, and this one is from someone in the Republican sphere and pushes an untenable idea of what is not a true sentiment about a political rival, regardless of the rest of the content.

That’s not a great foot to start off on if you don’t want to be considered as propaganda.



Insanely, unbelievably true.

Out of all the people on any sort of “hand out” I think the remarkably insignificant are proud of the fact or want to be.

The fact is that those dollars are INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT TO THOSE PEOPLE.

And for every family that may HAVE to take them, once again, notice the distinction as you mentioned, not WANT, there is a chance that those pittances will help them survive another month, and possibly get one step closer to being their own actor in pulling out of the shitty, no good, bullshit that is poverty.

For every dollar that rich fucks hoard, a needy family could spend in our economy.

Hoarding does no good and only fuels inflation.


Also you’re not invited to my birthday party


They learn their new script from the writers, and don’t bother with anything from the old one anymore.


Definitely. They’ve gone for the stick instead of the carrot if they’re looking to juice PSN numbers, and gamers are a notoriously outspoken bunch.

How they thought this would just fly without an uproar after such a great launch is way beyond me.


Sounds like you would have liked Nazi Germany. And I don’t mean that in a nice way.


And it’s a million times better for people trying to troubleshoot.

1 forum post can solve many problems, rather than having to have each person ask in a support chat that’s not searchable.


Corporations aren’t your friends, they aren’t going to give you any preferential treatment that they aren’t seeing the better side of.

Capital flight is also not a thing, it’s a bogeyman set up by conservatives to avoid raising taxes.

Businesses also won’t leave. Their remarkable treatment in Canada will go down to slightly less remarkable. They moan and groan and set up a whole ad campaign about how this is going to hurt the consumer but that means it’s working. And if you mean “small business” there are so so so many way ways to create exceptions or offer grants to Canadians starting or operating small businesses, where the target is larger oligopolies and conglomerates.


Once again. Corporations aren’t your friend, no matter the head count. It’s that simple. Don’t simp for people who don’t give a fuck about you or your family. Full stop.

Second. Again. Capital flight is a boogeyman. Alberta and Sask aren’t comparable. Alberta has cities, amenities and established populations, Sask doesn’t. If you want to take anything flight seriously, how about brain drain in our high paying, sought after career sectors, where we educate our population only for them to leave for better opportunities elsewhere? Doctors aren’t going to stay for the pittance, and software engineers aren’t going to keep staying for the remarkable amount of investment the government is putting to try to establish STEM in Canada because the private sector isn’t competitive with their salaries. Fuck your capital flight, if these are the corporations you’re afraid of leaving I’m more than willing to say goodbye, because the ones who fill the gaps will likely see the case studies and change course.

I’ll give you a spoiler alert. They’re not going anywhere. Just like they haven’t left Aus, NZ or the other dozen and change 1st world countries with high corporate tax rates than Canada. It’s not happening, you’re afraid of a ghost.


You cantankerous fuck. You curmudgeonly prick. You beast headed moron.

You keep thinking you’re right. You do that. I don’t give a flying fuck. You are the most miserable fuck I’ve come across on here to date and exactly the type I left Reddit and Twitter behind to avoid.

I sincerely hope you fuck off. Hard.

You don’t want to talk about ideas you want people to tell you you’re right, even though you’re not, and you will take any little thing and twist it in your warped brain to make it seem right.

I’ll say this one again, preaching for your corporate overlords is going to do nothing and I mean fucking absolutely nothing for you. They aren’t going to reward you for your boot licking. They aren’t going to reward you for your deeds. They’re going to do the same thing they always do, take as much money from you as fucking possible unless held accountable.

I’m asking for that last part, and that’s fucking reasonable, because I don’t owe them a fucking thing. I don’t owe them a fucking crumb on my floor. They only get my business because I require their services and if I had more options or a cheaper way to do it I would take them, but because of people like your stupid fucking self who keep sucking them and the governments who support them and their ability to block any competition regardless of anti-competitive laws in some kind of backwards insanity, you fucking assholes have fucked us all so fucking hard and I despise you all for it.

If it weren’t for the likes of you the world wouldn’t be dying, the places I’ve visited, and yes, counter to your “travel” stupid ass quip I have travelled extensively, including almost every square metre of this great country, and I’d be able to show my family the amazing places, but no. Let’s trust the corporate overlords to self-manage, and that’ll fucking work and you keep sucking theirs dicks and telling us we’re all the fucking morons even though you’re sitting there with your cum and shit stained clothes wondering why the fuck daddy Corpo isn’t giving you a tip for your service.

Fuck you. Move to the states. I really really believe Canada needs less of you fucking pricks.


Let’s break this down for you, fuck off.


nazi Tommy Douglas

Ah fuck I took the troll bait.

Go back under the bridge bitch.


Nah. It’s because you’re a joke.

If I made a point you’d be like “oh but the monkey’s right nut was facing west so that means that blahblahbullfuckingshit”

You’re one of those twirps who just changes the argument regardless of what’s actually happening. It’s worthless, just like you.

Go eat shit.


Holy fuck keep editing your comment for the three people that will read it and shake their heads at what a useless 10-ply shitstain you are.

I’m glad they’re giving out contraceptives for women now, maybe it means we can avoid another one of you.


Hey when you get back under the bridge can you check to see if my lure is down there?

It snapped off a while back and damn I just can’t find one like it.



Oh boy! Watch out everyone we have a big shot here, can’t get in this guy’s way, he’s got a NUMBERED CORPORATION!

They hand those out like tictacs. You’re one in a million, you’re not special, all those “lost souls” you support would just … find someone else to support them if you fucked off.

So do it. I dare you.

Fuck off. Let’s just see what happens when you leave to those poor souls.


It’s kinda like… silver and purple sparkly? I guess? With black hooks.

You’ll know it when you see it.


Uh oh. Like someone here might mean somebody. That someone might want to be careful! Or else big numbered corporation might get me! Ohhh I’m so scared!

Buddy. This is hilarious. I hope when you sit down at your desk tomorrow, you realize how much everyone makes fun of you behind your back. People like you are always the butt end of the joke.

Your business is also going to fail because nobody likes you.

Go to hell.


Oh no! When a dumb shit calls me brain dead what does that mean?

Does it come back around?

Do I get to go on some special super government program where I get free money for live and sap off numbered corporations specifically?

Oh gee I don’t know. I’m too stupid but I’m sure someone will figure it out for me wouldn’t want to miss out on that free easy siphoned off numbered corporation money!


Ah shit. That’s the mirror! you’re going to have to keep trying bud, thanks!


Well this convo is giving me some satisfaction. That’s pretty worthwhile.

If you fuck off, well hell. It’s all worth it right there!


What I’m the actual fuck are you on about now?

I think you gotta see a therapist or something dude. That’s straight, like no more jokes, you gotta see somebody.


A happy, healthy, educated population is a productive population.


Let’s call Live Service what it really is, company hosted anti-piracy because they don’t want to pay/implement Denuvo


Most games aren’t fully baked at release anymore. You’re not getting the full experience unless you play it down the line, sometimes years after release.

On top of that, you have to play games on someone else’s time, that is, their license agreement.

If I run out of steam in the middle of persona 3 reloaded, and need to take a break before I revisit it, I don’t want to have to buy it on the subscription platform again to recover my save, or have to keep the foresight that I might not beat it before it disappears.

It’s games. It’s a distraction, a joy. I shouldn’t have to manage anything else or have to pay anything I don’t want to.


Depressing and also nightmare fuel for anyone with an ounce of claustrophobia.


Awww some of those bugs were really endearing.

Won’t miss having to re-assign a pal to the boink task every time I revisit the base though. I DONT CARE HOW UGLY SHE IS HENRY MAKE ME AN EGG


TIL Many = 15%


That’s not many. That’s a few.


No shit! Wasn’t aware of this project.

I have a little android emulator handheld, I’m going to mess around with this to see what I can get to run.


I know I moved off the Xbox version because it was so far behind. Heard how difficult Microsoft makes it to upload and push updates too.

Guess you just have to be an incredible success of a video game to actually get attention from them to work with you.


You just know those cocksuckers would use shrink as justification to increase prices for customers too.


We allowed and continue to allow the rich and the corporations to vacuum up our money at increasing rates while more people become marginalized.

In a post-scarcity world on the brink of climate ruin, how have we let them let us think this is an ok normal?


And yet people seem to be increasingly moving towards right governments and their “easy answers”, even though they almost invariably are neo-liberal, pro-corporation governments, and love to squash social safety nets and climate programs in favour of more breaks for the rich and their companies.

The media is also getting taken over by right wing interests, that peddle their side and push propaganda that pushes the Overton window further right.

They also make any “leftist” movement or bill as seeming way too extreme, while out the other side of their mouth are more than happy to make huge sweeping moves to little to no objection.

The right uses anger very effectively, and the left likes to take the high road, but I fear it’s going to be the end of us all. Any revolution is going to be too slow and too short or a movement at this rate.


In my opinion not expanding it to mental illness is short sighted.

Many people suffer in silence, or don’t let known the extent of their feelings of their mental illness and this could be an opportunity to open a dialogue with their doctor.

This could be an opportunity to let known the extent of their illness and seek alternative treatments before MAID as part of the requirements.

If people are at that point it may happen anyway but without anyone knowing how bad it had become.



Mental health is part of our health, just like dental and medicine should be. It shouldn’t be universal unless it covers head to toe.

Not everyone’s answer is going to be the same, either, so I don’t believe in restricting someone’s access to something if they feel it’s their time. At the same time, they should be given every resource to make the right decision for them, and to try to get better.


What are they adding to these games to justify new DRM?

Or are they doing new “packs” and are adding new DRM to make it seem justifiable to get that game with a few others?

I just can’t see why they’re doing this now. Unless it’s something they think came make more money than they’ve just spent implementing new DRM.

Control - the first game to get me to turn on cheats in decades

I finished Control last week, likely the best game to marry a creepy funhouse with a sprawling government office that you’ll ever play. I was up and down on this one for a few months. There’s a fun narrative and plenty of atmosphere, but I wasn’t always enjoying the gameplay....


I had a lot of fun with Control but the narrative fell flat for me. It got to the point where I didn’t really care why I was running around and killing things anymore, I was just having fun doing it. Same for Alan Wake 1 for that matter. Was definitely invested in Max Payne 1-3 however.

For a game that made me break my own rules? I have been getting into more difficult games for a while, and Elden Ring was the one that started that a few years back. The deaths less frustrating as I learned not to just swing wildly as actually learn enemy moves and use dodge and parry effectively. After beating Elden Ring, making my way through most of Returnal, Bloodborne, beating a handful of other difficult games and rising to the challenge I was starting to “get it”.

Until Dead Cells. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t translate that same strategy to 2D. I got far but found myself really spinning my tires after a while, then had to use assist after I got stuck, and my prior strategy of “leave it, come back later when you’re less frustrated” didn’t work several times in a row, but I really enjoyed the gameplay. I too had to use the assist mode for this one. It was just too difficult and I couldn’t get my head around it in 2D.

I think I blame my lack of experience with Metroidvanias. I never took to them, and though I played a lot of side scrollers, it’s a different, but similar, set of skills.


I’m lucky enough that I have all three of the consoles, but PlayStation first party games have kept that one in use a ton more and I have bought games at out near launch.

Game pass is great for filling in the gaps but none of it hits as hard.


Heck, you can even add MMO to that too, as it’s one of the PS single player crafted games.

It would be like a God of War or Uncharted MMORPG, that’s not the niche for those fanbases.


Copied from YouTube description:

FusionFix: github.com/ThirteenAG/GTAIV.E

Console Visuals: gtaforums.com/topic/989098-co

Various Fixes (installation slightly change, see the notes/updates above): gtaforums.com/topic/975211-va

Radio Restoration: downgraders.rockstarvision.com

God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story (comicbook.com)

Despite being nominated for numerous awards and even winning Game of the Year in 2018, the creator of God of War, David Jaffe, is not a huge fan of the new direction the series has gone in. Jaffe himself hasn't worked on these new God of War games, but thinks that they're not staying true to the spirit of the character and the...


The original Kratos was basically one big long revenge story. Almost all of it justified and satisfying, but basically wiping out the Greek Pantheon was his ultimate goal.

His actions were reckless and fury driven, but often went over the top, both in violence and in actions.

My favourite example is from GoW: Ragnarok, when certain characters are reflecting on Kratos’ past, and how the one story of him killing the Sisters of Fate must truly be myth, then he corrects them saying it was true and how they deserved it. The third character then shines a present light on the fact that he did that in the past and says, “that’s the most dangerous and irresponsible thing I’ve ever heard.”

I think that sums up Greek Kratos in a nutshell.

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