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Drones trespassing in my property

Idk if anyone had a similar problem before, but I live in EU by the countryside, at first there were only a few but now it happens more and more often to see drones passing over my house, I am sure they are civilian drones because law enforcement has no reason to use them since the area is quiet (and honestly I doubt they would...


I’m not sure for the EU but in the USA the airspace above your private property is public domain and since drones are classified as aircraft they are entitled do fly over your property just as an airplane or helicopter might. When a drone is being used to record and surveillance it depends on local jurisdiction.


If it’s being operated over a home then it will almost certainly have to follow the rules on Operation Over People and those can be quite restrictive, especially for drones that weigh more than .55lbs.

That is incorrect… If you actually read the law you are trying to reference you will learn it’s a prohibition on flying over “open-air assemblies of people” and if you read the final rule report (found on the very bottom of the page you linked under resources) on page 128 & 129 you will see how the FAA classifies “open-air assemblies of people”.

The FAA received a few comments addressing the proposal to prohibit Category 3 operations over open-air assemblies of people. One commenter recommended the FAA clarify what it means by an “assembly of people” and provide a quantity or density of people that constitute a significant risk. The FAA has declined to define this term by regulation; rather, the FAA employs a case-by-case approach in determining how to apply the term “open-air assembly.”58 Whether an operational area is an open-air assembly is evaluated by considering the density of people who are not directly participating in the operation of the small unmanned aircraft and the size of the operational area. Such assemblies are usually associated with public spaces. The FAA considers some potential examples of open-air assemblies may include sporting events, concerts, parades, protests, political rallies, community festivals, or parks and beaches during certain events. Some potential examples that are less likely to be considered open-air assemblies include individual persons or families exiting a shopping center, athletes participating in friendly sports in an open area without spectators, individuals or small groups taking leisure in a park or on a beach, or individuals walking or riding a bike along a bike path, but whether an open-air assembly exists depends on a case-by-case determination based on the facts and circumstances of each case.

While the FAA refused to strictly give a definition, what was provided is enough to construed that private property does not constitute an “open-air assemblies of people”.


That is incorrect on a federal level, your milage may vary with city/country/state laws. Federally in the United States the right to reasonable expectation of privacy does not extend to outside of your house per Hester v. United States, 265 U.S. 57 (1924). The government is allowed to surveil you from public airspace without a warrant per Florida v. Riley, 488 U.S. 445 (1989).


In the United States that is not true. The airspace above your private property is only sorta yours. You are entitled to do whatever you like with the airspace however you do not have the right to dictate what can fly through your airspace.

Since drones are classified as aircraft by the FAA they are entitled to transit the navigable airspace just as a manned airplane might [1]

Navigable airspace is defined in ‘public law 85-726 -AUG. 23, 1968

“Navigable airspace” means airspace above the minimum altitudes of flight prescribed by regulations issued under this Act, and shall include airspace needed to insure safety in take-off and landing of aircraft.


That site is full of false claims with zero sources to back up those claims which is pretty funny seeing as that article is claiming to be written by a retired corporate attorney. The site is also chocked full of SEO tricks which is possible why it was the first result that came up for you. For example on 5. the word drone is stealthily a link to another irrelevant article about drone deliveries on a different as sketchy site. Link hiding is a well known trick to gain the system and bump up your page.


You will get leagues better picture quality using a camlink/capture card and a camera with clean HDMI out. A gopro is a good budget option but a used DLSR or mirrorless camera is going to be the best. Some DSLR and mirrorless cameras support video out over usb so you don’t even need a capture card. Here’s a guide on getting it to work on Linux with a camera capability list inside the guide. If you do want to go the capture card route I hear elgato’s camlink works in Linux.


Eh this is to be expected seeing how nvidia handles their architecture. For the last few generations nvidia has designed their architecture around the enterprise world’s needs with gaming being an after thought. The fact is their gaming GPUs are defective enterprises GPUs not to say that’s a bad thing but nvidia does not sell any GeForce GPUs that utilizes the full die. Simply put the enterprise world is all in on AI workloads and ROPs do not benefit those workloads so why would Nvidia dedicate precious silicon to an after thought?


There’s a few routes (pun intended) you could go.

DIY with opnsense on an old PC will give you the most flexibility and will allow you to build your router to your exact needs.

Ubiquiti is also another choice albeit a contentious one. Their hardware is pretty good which also doesn’t require a recurring charge to use (unfortunately rare when you get into the enterprise grade gear). The software side is where people have such mixed feelings as for consumers and prosumers it’s pretty good but when you start getting into enterprise level configurations you’ll find their software pretty lacking. For example if you need a L3 switch for inter VLAN routing you’ll want to go with a different vendor as ubiquiti’s L3 is practically broken.


I’ve actually never had any problems with their support the two times I had to RMA some dead products but maybe I’ve been lucky.


I love mikrotik especially their switches as they are the only vendor making relatively affordable 100 gigabit gear. I completely agree their software isn’t user friendly which I why I didn’t endorse them. Plus I don’t really have experience with their wireless access points nor have I seen any in the wild.


No, vehicles have gotten larger because of the same problem as most of the issues in the United States: politics!

You see automobile manufacturers have to meet an average fuel economy across their entire fleet under the CAFE (Corporate average fuel economy) act of 1975. CAFE was a good idea as it forced the auto industry into actually improving on fuel economy year after year throughout their entire fleet or be met with steep fines for ever 0.1mpg off the target.

In 2011 CAFE was changed which directly caused the auto market we have today. See in 2011 the formula on how you’d calculate your fleet’s avarage MPG got changed to now factor in vehicle footprint as a variable which auto manufactures quickly caught on to mean the larger a vehicle is the smaller their entire fleet’s MPG has to be.

On top of that in 2012 “medium-duty trucks” was added as their own category with a lower MPG requirement meaning if your truck or SUV fell into that category then you would have a smaller MPG target for your entire fleet.

Now put yourself into the shoes of an early 2010s auto manufacture, would you rather design small and light vehicles that require you to meet a pretty high fuel economy level across your entire product range or would you inflate the size of your vehicles and move all R&D into finding ways to get your entire fleet classified as a medium-duty truck/SUV with a smaller MPG requirement? Of course you are going to take the latter.

The changes to CAFE in the 2010s killed small vehicles as we knew it. Ensured light duty trucks stayed dead domestically built or chicken tax be dammed. Caused the explosion of crossover SUVs to flood the market. All while making vehicles more dangerous and worse for the environment.


This is incorrect in most states.

Employers can require an employee to be “on-call” and available to work on an emergency or as-needed basis. Employers are generally not required to pay employees who are “on-call,” unless the employee is actually called to duty. However, if an employer places significant restrictions on how an employee spends their time while on-call, this time may need to be compensated as hours worked.

The tenth circuit of appeals came up with this test to determine if the employers restriction constitutes on call hours as hours worked.

Where the employee is not required to remain on the employer’s premises, the critical inquiry is whether the employee is able to use the time effectively for his or her own purposes. Here, the report requirement necessarily entailed that the employee could not drink alcohol, must be able to dress in uniform, and must be able to travel to the airport, park, and pass through security within one hour of a call. She was not able to make or attend doctors’ appointments for herself or her children, do her weekly shopping, nor go on field trips with her children. The court compared these circumstances with many FLSA cases presenting similar, or even more restrictive, circumstances involving availability by pager, inability to drink alcohol, and ability to report within 30 minutes or one hour. In the FLSA cases, it was determined that the employees’ activities were not so curtailed as to require the on-call time to be considered compensable working time. The court followed this precedent.


I work for the railroad and this is incorrect. The big fight this contract was for actual sick leave. As of right now if I was to get sick and call in I’d potentially lose an entire weeks worth of pay for taking that one day off (our pay system is complicated) and have a mark on my attendance. Most class ones only allow three hits before you are let go. Some take this a step further and make weekends and holidays count as two strikes. Since we work on call 24 hours 6 days a week with no guarantee of actually being home for your day off doing things as simple as scheduling a doctors appointment becomes a nightmare.

What happened in December was congress removed the sick leave portion and made it a separate bill. H.J. Res. 100 passed to block us from striking while the bill for sick leave H.Con.Res.119 failed at the senate.


Because proton put themselves into this position by making false advertising claims. Let’s not forget this isn’t the first time proton has given away the IP of an individual and last time was even worse because proton at the time was directly advertising they kept no IP logs which they had to quietly remove after giving the Swiss feds the IP.


They dont log by default, they log with a warrant, I guess. But still, hello, they are just companies, they don’t owe you nothing. You should all use anonymous services wich will close in fee weeks or months as it’s illegal to keep nothing

If you look though my comment history you’ll see I’m a huge advocate for tor/I2P instead of VPNs

HDMI stream live processing?

I’m getting tired of the extremely loud ads on that don’t seem to be subject to the old TV broadcasting laws that prevent them from being blasted 10db louder than the actual content. Wondering if there’s stuff out there that would let me take the hdmi stream from my Apple TV or other streaming source, and do ad detection...


I think you are over complicating things. Just get an HDMI audio extractor (HDCP compliant), feed the audio into an audio compressor/limitor, then you can run the audio into your speakers or buy an HDMI audio injector to feed back into your TV.


Audio compressors do not compress all of your audio. Please refer to the graph in my original comment.


In the US pretty much all our ISPs use dynamic IPs by default and charge extra for static IPs. The lease time on the dynamic IP varies dramatically from ISP to ISP.


ZFS is amazing but i wish it’s support for flash was better. I’m not sure if ZFS will ever be able to fully utilize flash since ZFS was designed around spinning disks and the pitfalls they provide. Maybe at some point F2FS will catch on…


ETX4 was released in 2006 and BTRFS was released in 2007.


Exactly especially when the default file system on windows is 30 years old.


Methamphetamine (Desoxyn) and heroin (Diacetylmorphine) are scheduled II drugs. I don’t think they will at least to the same level as Marijuana since it was previously classified as scheduled I (no medical use)


Your car might not be trackable but do you use Google maps or Waze?


It’s not just driving a off road capable vehicle exclusively on road but mainly installing modifications that look like it would increase the vehicles off roading capabilities but in reality hinder it. Take the lift on the truck i posted above, it has a long travel suspension which when installed correctly would vastly improve the trucks ability to handle trails at high speeds however because they chose height over suspension travel they’ve created a truck with none of the benefits of a long travel suspension with a vastly increased risk of rolling over. They are trying to cosplay as a monster truck without understanding that a monster truck has tires that are almost as wide as they are tall for stability which you physically cannot do on a road legal truck without it being two or three lanes wide.


You don’t necessarily have to pay for hook ups anymore. I’d argue solar and some LiFe batteries are more than enough to power someone living a modest lifestyle. For water/sewage there’s plenty of places to fill up/drop off like at some interstate rest stops.


Most people wouldn’t actually like professional audio engineering headphones as the EQ is purposely set as flat as possible.


What you have to realize is the final mix of tracks that generally end up in the public’s hand are tailored towards what the average person is going to be listening to them on and unfortunately that usually means phone and laptop speakers that simply do not have the frequency range and dynamic range to reproduce what the band intending.

Another thing is some people just really enjoyed their music bass heavy where as others might enjoy more midbass to get that kick drum that slaps you. It’s all down to preferences.

It’s not that difficult to find flat EQ headphones, the keyword you are looking for is “reference headphones” and “mixing headphones”. Personally I use the ath-m50x although after about a decade of hard use the highs on mine are starting to sound pretty harsh.


I’m not, the comment I was replying to literally called proton a “security and privacy” company.


(stolen from homelab, might help you in the future)

Individual firmware, ILO and Intelligent Provisioning downloads for HPE servers can be found at

  1. Search for your machine type - for instance dl380p.
  2. Click on first result representing the correct machine to “select your product”.
  3. Click on Drivers&Software and browse the list to find at least one link per firmware/bios/ILO etc. | OS to deploy from.
  4. On the individual firmware pages, click on Revision History to find specific versions.
  5. Linux downloads can be deployed by following the official instructions for scexe or in case of rpm by unpacking those first with rpm2cpio (search online for more detailed instructions).

GEN 8: All latest versions available!

GEN 9: Only “Critical” versions available!

(see step 4. on how to find them easily)

note: on gen 9 Intelligent Provisioning can sometimes pull firmware newer than “critical” but only up to its own release date.


You’d still need a base distro for the VM to run on. If OP goes the proxmox route they should do VGPU instead of pass through as it’s more flexible. Here’s the link to a guide on getting vGPU working with consumer grade nvidia GPUs


Not to sound like a shill or anything but that’s what’s great about monero. Its actually used on a daily basis as money because it wasn’t designed to be an investment vessel. Unlike most crypto currencies monero is one a few if not the only crypto currency that could suffer from inflation as there is an unlimited supply however this works out in avarage uses favor as there’s no scarcity based value which means there’s less speculation trading leading to a more stable price. I’m not sure what the long term effects of having an unlimited supply of monero is but their justification is that it’s a predictable fixed ammount added which will prevent hyper inflation.

Once again I’m not a crypto shill, I’m literally saying investing in crypto is a bad idea and to only use it for it’s utility.


From what I see online it’s just hid mapping support and their page only mentions the OG CDJ 2000s (non nexus). I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it was only just control and no display features like you get within rekordbox. I have a pair of 2Ks laying around so I’ll try it out some point.


The old spaghetti factory still serves it

Why are keyboards getting smaller?

I’m not a true mechanical keyboard enthusiast. I mean I like a good keyboard for typing code, so I rolled with model-Ms in the 80s and 90s, then some expensive Cherry keyboard I only recently retired because it was utterly spent (and it was PS/2), and now I happily use a Wooting Two HE....


The avarage user doesn’t need all the buttons accessible at every moment as such are willing to trade convenience for space saving and cost reduction. Some people though mainly professionals with hyper specific niches go the opposite direction and trade space and cost for oversized keyboards in the name of efficiency.

Trading terminal keyboards are the easiest keyboards to point to utilizing their additional keys for more streamline trading in an era before algorithmic trading

Belive it or not just like click switches, large keyboards still popup within the mech keyboard community. Hyper 7 being the most well known (and has a group buy currently going) but there’s also the wombat 200% which features twenty rotary encoders. Some people have been getting the best of both worlds by utilizing a modular mindset. A 75% keyboard with an external numpad and macro pad has the same functionality as a battleship.


Hello fellow sinc user (rev2 here), my favorite macros I’ve set up is having a dedicated set of keys to swap between virtual desktops.

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