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Fascism is the reason we don’t like fascism.


There’s a difference between voting for an ideal candidate and not being able to vote for one materially supporting a genocide. “not funding genocide” isn’t an ideal, it’s a bare minimum. If not funding genocide is ‘idealistic’ to you, then I want no part of anything you’re trying to sell and normalize.


Tell me what percentage of the country was able to cast a vote by march 12th, because it’s not the majority. Most of us will never get a say before the primaries are over.


Hilarious when statistic are saying that of the voters getting apathetic they tend to be black and/or female. But stand on the name of those groups while you ignore how they’re actually moving some more.


Who’s trying to restrain the genocide? Last I checked Biden says nice things then does nothing but send more weapons?

Doesn’t matter, that option is not one of the two choices.

This is the cause of voter apathy btw, when you tell people there’s no way to stop genocide, they’re not going to feel like they can effect change. And when voter apathy sets in democrats lose. Democrats know this, yet pursue political avenues that foster voter apathy. I live in a blue state, nothing I can do will save the Democrats from themselves.


Good thing money is free and not held in majority by a small group of people already politically co-ordinated to only allow two options to you for the sake of pretending the US isn’t a one party state.

Also if it was all about fundraising, Bernie would have been president, but it isnt about fundraising, its about who’s funding you.


That phrase was never meant for center right democrats, it was only there to sheepdog those who demand candidates not beholden to the billionaire class. You can’t “vote blue no matter who” those types, they’ll vote republican because at the end of the day most of them belong to social classes not threatened by conservatism, 4 years is no skin off their back, they may even see their IRAs grow. We’re nothing but a voting bloc to them, and that’s why things like Malcolm X’s quote on white moderates is so relatable to many non black progressives, both groups know what it’s like to be only included in appearance and only spoken to when votes are needed. How many more black elected officials do we have now, and yet the Democrats still fail Black voters perennially. I would have to ignore 60 year of history to think the progressive cause would do better if (and that’s a big if) we can get more of them elected. If there’s a path forward through the democratic party, it’s eluded the black community for long enough to see cop lynchings increase and I don’t think ‘progressive issues’ like ‘stop killing the environment before we all die’ have the time necessary to go the same route that’s been taken from Malcolm X to now.


But Biden made it so only the companies that operate close enough to us to actually abuse the data can get it! Thats so much better than countries and companies who have no means to influence my life outside of Facebook ads having it duhhh. Because PATRIOTISM!


Protip, not talking about the problems is also not a solution. Seems you just like your silence. Half the articles posted on lemmy have no solutions presented, yet we don’t find people saying things like this on those. I wonder why.

Also on the face of it its a ridiculous asertation. Should people only post articles about problems they themselves have solutions for? Because that sounds wholly stupid.


He was a mid StarCraft 2 player who said funny things when he got mad, I have no idea how it got to this. He was never funny on purpose, it was funny watching him be salty and now hes some political commentator.

Brazil military leaders told police Bolsonaro plotted to remain in power despite election defeat (

SAO PAULO (AP) — Two top Brazilian military leaders declared to police that former President Jair Bolsonaro presented them a plan for him to remain in power after the 2022 election he lost, but both refused and warned him they would arrest him if he tried it, according to judicial documents released Friday....


The US loves a fascist when they’re the ones installing them.


Babe wake up, new marketing term for concentration camps just dropped.


You wanna use China as the example we should aspire to legislate like?


Congratulations Bibi, you’re next up in the long standing tradition of scapegoating. We know the next guys not gonna be much better and the problem with Israel are deep a systemic, but it’ll at least force a new media cycle where Isreal will have less eyes on it. Horray.


He’s being pressured out so the US doesn’t have to stop funneling money to their interest keepers in the middle east and he’s far from the only one in the government wishing vile things upon both Gaza and the West Bank. This is a band aid on a bullet hole.


Dems lose, blame voters, move rightward, repeat. At some point they themselves will be fascists and their supporters will urge everyone to vote for the ‘softer’ fascist. They see no issue in continuing this cycle and pledging their votes with no conditions or red lines, exactly like how Biden funds Israel. Why expect them to do what you want if youve signaled you’ll never leave their side?


Media ratings too. Every single outlet that plays on TV would love a Trump victory because it makes people pay attention who would otherwise not watch any news.


Bidens new memoir “How to lose votes and alienate muslims” coming to a store near you soon.


And the reason Hamas in in power in Palestine is because Bibi was so afraid of the leftwing alternative that he funded Hamas himself to take them down. So yes, they come for the left first.


If literal genocide cannot convince liberals to consider third parties, then I’m convinced they will never support third parties. This is the duopolies Sandy Hook moment. If you see Genocide A or Genocide B and don’t seek a third option, you will never seek a third option.


The three letter agencies never had a plan for right wing authoritarianism because from their inception their goal is to prevent the US from moving beyond capitalism or making any serious moves leftward. From the fear of the USSR to the fear of the Black Panthers, to bombing a Philly neighborhood because of MOVE, they know their purpose and they know their tatgets. Fascism is fine by them, preferable even to anything that threatens the status quo of investor enrichment.


Allys too, we made zucc testify to congress before doing nothing about it.


Israel is a glorified US military base wrapped in a religious flag. Criminal charges didn’t jeopardize their leaders viability, Genocide did not hurt his viability, not listening to the US hurts his viability. If I were Jewish I’d be furious my religion was being used to launder a military base.


Well if the road is only for troops then I suppose any Israeli on it will be a legitimate target moving forward.


Id say give India a few years before deciding. Modi isn’t steering them in the best direction as of late.


Even if the Republican party disappears I guarentee liberals will tell you voting for a party like the greens or cpusa would be a wasted vote. It’s the only strategy they have other than not being republicans.


If we seek out ways to ‘kill’ that ‘political party’ I urge we give no mercy, no quarter, and we finish the damn job.


The republican party is not a person though. Theres no need to be merciful to a ideaology, especially one that aspires to become fascism.


Comprehensive privacy law time? Nahh just ban the Chinese EVs and pretend this doesn’t happen. Same thing as tiktok. You’ll never be protected as long as they can point to the Chinese boogyman.

Netanyahu vows to defy Biden’s ‘red line’ on Rafah (

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he intends to press ahead with an invasion of the city of Rafah on the southern border of the Gaza Strip in defiance of United States President Joe Biden, who has warned such an offensive would be a “red line.”...

agitatedpotato, (edited )

Biden continues to espouse that he will always fund Israel, his red line had nothing to do with funding. It’s not shocking that no ones listening to him. It’s either wilful incompetence or malevolence at this point.


Oh in that case genocide is totally okay then. Disgusting logic.


I mean I’ve only heard of one party in this conflict shooting at aide bringers, and it wasn’t people from Palestine.


Bidens really good at talking ill give him that. Like when he said theres no red line that would result in him taking away funding to Israel. Really strong statement, just in the wrong direction.


Some part of me thinks that many of the backers of this idea want exactly that.


You should know better than to levy any sort or critisizm on Democrats or Biden. We’re not allowed to do that even on lemmy aparently. They don’t like it when you vote third party and they don’t like it when you try and make their chosen candidate represent your views. They don’t want people like us. They just say they do.


For real, quotes like this tell me rich people feel way to comfortable.


Do you not know how studying history works or do you seriously only believe what you yourself have seen?


That’s probably why they’re so insistent on going in despite any ceasefire. In the IDFs opinion too many Palestinians are still getting things like food and water.

agitatedpotato, (edited )

So Biden vetoing ceasefires and giveing them time to punish the collective Palestinian people before drawing up his own Isreal favored ceasefire was useless. Didn’t see that coming /s


Lool and the people who say that shit about Biden think blue maga isnt a thing. Seems pretty apt when Biden voters say shit like that.


Hey hes a job creator. If the stores too neat they’ll start downsizing staff.


Even Lenin stayed out of Russia when the government set it sights on him and waited for a more oportune time to come back. Here’s to hoping Martyrdom will change things, but Russians are very very used to things getting worse and just taking it on the chin.


Yeah I keep thinking this too, it’s a buy once game, they still have the money they made. They’re trying to push more content as quick as possible to get more waves of players, new and old. I’m positive their accountants know the player base isn’t rebuying the game.


Hes gonna get a sweetheart plee deal where hes inelligeble to run for office, payd a big fine, and never sees prison. The US already has displayed is had no idea how to punish people like him. They straight up dropped the chages on Matt Gaetz for diddling children, I have no hope for anything real happening to Trump.

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