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I think we should create an “Impatient Gamers” community and send OP to that one (evil emoji).


Doesn’t updating homebrew packages require a reboot?


You can give My time at Sandrock a go, it is similar to Stardew Valley but with a more linear story. Still the game has plenty of content to keep you entertained for a longer period of time and it is enjoyable, and chill.

UN food agency pauses its aid work at US pier in Gaza over security concerns, in latest setback (

WASHINGTON (AP) — The director of the U.N. World Food Program said Sunday the program has “paused” its distribution of humanitarian aid from an American-built pier off Gaza, saying she was “concerned about the safety of our people” after what had been one of the deadliest days of the war there....


The same pier which is a covert US military base where 1000 marines deployed? I am not sure that this pier was ever meant to be a humanitarian hub.

If the US was so worried about the Palestinian well-being they could have simply stopped military shipments until Israel opened their land border and provided an adequate humanitarian relief to the population living in Gaza.


And that’s what’s happening pretty much everywhere. Inflation is a godsend to employers for which work became immediately cheaper while they adjust the prices to either match the inflation or surpass it


And now imagine you were on the opposite side. How would you feel if someone kills your child, in the pursuit of saving their own? Would you still be so cool?


Congrats, you just found how terrorism is created. By violence. You just openly admitted that you will turn willfully a terrorist if the right conditions are met, e.g. someone endangers your child.

Now imagine how many Palestinian parents lost their children in this war. How do you think they feel?


Why don’t you give PopOS a try, it is quite user friendly Ubuntu/Debian based


Yes, this OS looks interesting and beginner friendly


NVIDIA hardly cares about the discrete GPU, they’re happy with their data centre sales and it is terrible they don’t even have a proper competition. That’s why their valuation sky rocketed.


They have ROCm and ZLUDA but both are inferior to CUDA. They completely overslept the whole AI hype cycle and they could have been valued now to over 1 trillion.


Correct me if I am wrong but it sure as hell seems like this is the aspiration of Israel to slowly evict all Arabs and Palestinians out of Israel or make their life hell, in order for them to revolt and give them an excuse for ethnic cleansing.

And let’s not forget that Israel prior to its founding had less than 10% of the population in modern day Israel.

So stop pretending that Israel is only fighting for self-defence and see what’s happening in the West bank and how they actively are trying to make the lives of all non Israeli citizens unbearable. Occupying the West Bank, uprooting olive trees, building checkpoints. Sorry but I am pretty sure if you were personally a subject to those restrictions you wouldn’t be happy either.


Yes, it really reminds me of the Black mirror.


Give it a try, you might like it


A strange patch number for a major update - 0.7.972.


Not to mention that the state of Israel exists today thanks of Jewish terrorism. Read a bit of history and the events preceding the founding of Israel.


Perhaps you should educate yourself before opening your mouth:

Tell me that this isn’t a terrorist attack, and mind you this isn’t the only one. So in a way the Jewish state exists today due to Jewish terrorism.


Fuck this protectionist policy of the USA. In their attempt to hurt their adversaries, they hurt the free market, in which they swear to.


How is your mobile coverage, mine is pretty shitty.


The only reason why other game studios are opening offices in Poland is because CDPR had created and cultivated the human talent of many game Devs in the country, plus Polish workers should be a lot cheaper compared to West Europe and the US.


The article has some valid points though, one being that GPUs are obscenely expensive, like it is not normal in my eyes a single mid range GPU to cost more than a console. And mind you this GPU is not even future proof because NVIDIA for example didn’t want to put more VRAM.

Plus a lot of game studios are trying to push micro transactions and other bullshit into games, and turn the whole gaming industry into pay to win and gaming as a service.

Of course there are plenty of decent game studios that actually generate great games, but the majority of those big studios are concentrated on how to maximize their profit and disregard the will of their customers.


Are we talking the same 4060, that can’t beat 3060Ti? That’s an absolute disgrace if you ask me, and should have been called 4050Ti at most, if not 4050. Or the fact that 3060 had 12GB of VRAM, while 4060 had 8Gb. NVIDIA bumped all their lineup with one tier up, in order to make their current offering look a bit better compared to last gen.

Or are we talking about the fact that NVIDIA made a whole lineup of unworthy GPUs except 4090.

You need to shed 850-900 bucks to get a 4070Ti Super that has 16Gb of VRAM, in a year when RAM is dirt cheap. And the mid range is priced as high end.

Is that okay in your books? Because in my books, it is definitely not!


It is amazing how many companies rely on ffmpeg and built their businesses around it.


You guys can also check out Typst It is a lot easier than LaTeX even though not as powerful. It has meaningful error messages making the debugging a lot more user friendly.


The compiler is open source:

And maybe because LaTeX is a pain to work and debug? So please don’t tell me that you have never been frustrated with it.


The things I like in the PS is that they still sell a disc edition, meaning that you can buy and sell games on the cheap.

But on the other hand PC games support mods and that’s unbeatable. Plus PS games usually work on two generations only and then finito.


I am looking forward to mods adding some new content.


This is pretty much what is happening in most developed economies, unfortunately. Because real estate became a very profitable investment, and as a result we are now running out of affordable accommodation.

‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms (

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails” in defiance of US threats to further restrict arms deliveries if Israeli forces proceeded with an offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah....


And everyone who dares criticizing them is obviously antisemitic.


Don’t go into that rabbit hole called Node-Red. You will end up writing a lot of code, and node.js isn’t the best scripting language, and my suggestion is to just write a simple Python script.

Debugging is hell, version control is hell, it doesn’t have VSCode integration, plus sometimes it has some weird bugs, when you forget to clean up headers, etc. and it can truly make you crazy.

If you need something super simple and it has a good integration, you might consider it, but for anything more complex, stick to Python, or some other scripting language you are familiar with.


And I am using it almost every day and believe me I am writing a lot of code in those function nodes.

As soon as you want something more complicated that’s not covered by the nodes, you need to write your own code. And then debugging this code or version controlling it becomes a nightmare.


Anyone who played it? It sounds interesting and different, but not sure if this equals to worth buying.


So what’s the performance difference between the open source NVK driver and their proprietary one?


How easy it is to install and configure Rocm and also how limiting it is? I also heard about ZLUDA, etc. and I very much want to pick AMD as my next GPU, especially considering the fact that I am using Wayland, but I think they are still far behind NVIDIA?


Yes, I am running NixOS with Hyprland at the moment as a trial and most things were pretty well. I know that open source NVIDIA drivers are crap especially if you want to run Wayland, but I am more interested into the AI/ML side as I want to play a bit with open weight LLMs, and Pytorch. I used to do some AI with Tensorflow, but I would like to learn more about Pytorch.

I used to have an older AMD card in the past that I borrowed from a friend and tried to install Rocm and it was an absolute disaster. That was around COVID and even though I consider myself fairly familiar with Linux and very comfortable around the command line, I didn’t make it work back then.

The majority of the opinions I have also read were just pointing out that CUDA is just plug and play and Rocm is a lot of tinkering. And I think I am simply too old and tired of this constant tinkering and I would prefer something that will simply just work out of the box.

I really hate NVIDIA and don’t like the company but still consider them with something like i3, just to have some peace of mind and know that everything works out of the box with their proprietary drivers.


Hmmm, I tend to disagree. You know garbage in, garbage out.

I have not much experience with Gemini, but I used Pro 1.5 for analysing videos and it performed surprisingly well.


This, I also used to create a CV in typist, after a really frustrating experience with LaTeX and the difference is night and day.

And the best part is that errors are actually understandable, so you can actually fix them

filister, (edited )

The US state department has found five units of the Israeli military responsible for gross violations of human rights in individual incidents, but says they will continue to receive US military backing.

Wow, just wow, textbook representation of double standards. Mind you this has happened before the current war there, and imagine how many unspeakable human rights violations have been committed by this so-called most moral army in the world, and what we do, nothing, absolutely f****** nothing.

Seems like the US is the lapdog of Israel.

Israel investigated the battalion over the death of 80-year-old Palestinian-American Omar Assad who died after being bound and gagged by soldiers during a West Bank village search in 2022.

At the time the US called for a “thorough criminal investigation and full accountability”.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) later said they regretted Mr Assad’s death, and a commander would be “reprimanded” and two soldiers barred from senior positions for two years - but would not be prosecuted.

It sounds about the right level of scrutiny. You allegedly tortured and killed a man, and the commander was “reprimanded” and two solders barred from senior positions for TWO whole years. Damn, I think that’s even too harsh on those most moral soldiers. And mind you, this is only a problem, because the said victim was Palestinian American, if he was Palestinian, nothing would have happened.


Mind you these human rights violations happened before the war. The lives of Palestinians were never rosy under Israel’s occupation.

Israel has been treating them as livestock for a long time and every time they were opposing they were crushed really hard. Simply the rest of the world cared too little about them and apart from a couple of strong worded statements of some states.

So in a way Hamas is reaction to this ill reatment and I dare say that if they have respected them and managed to find some peaceful agreement and treated them respectfully, this was and Hamas would have never occurred.

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