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How easy is it to switch back to windows?

I’m considering switching to linux but I’m not a computer savvy person, so I wanted to have the option to switch back to windows if unforeseen complications (I only have 1 pc). Is it just a download on usb and install? And what ways can I get the product key or “cleaner” debloated versions.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

recently I have encountered a problem with this, it is indeed not so straightforward to create a bootable windows 10 USB instillation media under linux.

The media created by fedora media writer is not bootable and the media created by ventoy lacks drivers. I was then able to create a media quite easily with the last windows machine in my household. I don’t know if it is a temporary bug or fundamental incompatibility.

So I would suggest you to keep a windows installation media at hand in case you need to switch back, or make sure at least one of your friend has a windows machine you can borrow.


Hum, on retrospect, my ISO might be just corrupted. I have never tried to redownload it.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

I don’t think he isn’t properly treated, at least according to wikipedia:…

There is a bench in New York central park dedicated to him:…/central-park-bench-and-gatherin… . If you are near the central park, you can stop by to pay tribute to him.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

You know who else was arrested for “spreading misinformation”? The doctor who tried to warn his friends about covid privately, before the government took any action.

Source (in chinese):

The form he filled out at police station, clearly stating his action is against the law:

couple related articles in english:

baseless_discourse, (edited )

Yeah, the final ECMO was indeed controversial in Chinese community. Other than that, I have not heard any indication of mistreatment.

Given his high social status, and he said “一个健康的社会不该只有一种声音” (a healthy society shouldn’t only have only one voice), some people suspect CCP likely wanted him dead. But so far, I am not aware of any evidence that his death is man-made.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

According to…/arrest, “arrest” means

If the police arrest someone, they take them away to ask them about a crime that they might have committed

And in

to take or keep in custody by authority of law

Dr. Li was taken to police station because the police has deemed his action is against the law.

He was later released because he signed a consent about “stop spreading misinformation”, which I showed in my response. We wouldn’t know how he will be treated if he refuse to sign such consent. But I might hypothesize that the police wouldn’t simply let him go.

And he has never spread any misinformation, the patient record he sent to his friend clearly indicated the patient has tested positive for SARS; and as we know later, the disease is indeed caused by SARS-cov2.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

since most western outlets are causally dismissive of the claims.

It is interesting you didn’t give any western media the benefit of the doubt, while giving CCP plenty.

After a quick google search, it seems like there are several court documents for Zhang’s case circling the internet:

There are two different versions, one judgement, one indictment (copy). Their contents seems to match, and they also match the reports of various media articles.

The indictment mentioned neither “the lie” nor “the truth”, which, in my mind, is probably why most media never reported it.

The document only mentioned:

故根据现查明的事实可以证实 张展通过微信、“twitter”(推特)、“YouTube”(油管)等网络媒介发布的相关文章、视频及接 受采访内容均与武汉市实际防控疫情的客观实际情况不符。

according to current known fact, the related article, videos, and interview by Zhang Zhan on wechat, twitter, youtube, differ from the objective truth of situations in Wuhan.

I was not able to find any court document from official source from China/CCP. Since all these articles are either photos or transcribed from photo, I don’t imagine the original documents are easy to find. It seems like the original document can be obtained from: (according to the title of the website, and Chinese government owned domain name), but they require personally identifiable information (like phone number, which is connected to ID in China) after I typed in 张展 (Zhang Zhan).

But since you clearly know more about China and CCP than I do, so you might want to give it a try.


What if I am allergic to cicadas? The article doesn’t seem to specify that case.


I have seen tech illiterate people who are very comfortable with steam deck.

She doesn’t even know macbook charger can charge steam deck. She was complaining to me that she is very afraid of losing her steam deck charger, since she doesn’t have a spare.

So the total positive rate, from my observation, is around 100%, with sample size of 1.


Can’t you just use github API? everything is hosted on github.

You can basically list all the package under the flathub org, git clone, and build them.


It is useful to check the manifest file, some developer list additional setup guide and options in their github readme.


I use a client because I don’t want microsoft to remember me when I go on other microsoft site besides their web email client.

I guess I can use a dedicated browser for email, but that is pretty much just a email client using more resources.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

Article says “young people”, but curiously only cute women in the pictures.

I think it is just cute woman get more likes on social media. Since it is not formally a movement, more like humorous complains, cute woman tends to get more attention in this case.


Chinese “sexy” is not as formal as their american counterpart, I think she said “可爱而不失性感”, which I feel is a perfectly SFW phrase. And like others have already said, it is probably also a subtle dry humor that got lost in writing and translation.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

Another woman said the best part of wearing her fluffy sweater to work is that she can head straight to bed once she gets home.

“It’s so convenient for both work and home. I have essentially reached a state where the office and my home have become one,” she said.

It is not protest for the sake of protest, but mostly “convenience”.


It is definitely protest. But they choose these outfit to protest because they are comfortable, as oppose to vampires costume, which would also violate the dress code.

This is related to what OP is saying. These outfit already exists because of toxic work culture, they are taking it to the extreme.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

Is it possible to share your source on “Every instance of someone taking a company to court over 996 has resulted in them winning.”?

baseless_discourse, (edited )

Chinese government are turning a blind eye on companies, but not on individuals, this is the primary evidence of state-sponsored capitalism.

Right on the front page of, Chinese government are willing to prosecute a individual for the use of VPN for work, and confiscated all their income for the duration of their use of VPN (3 years, 1058k rmb, roughly 146k USD, which is more than most people’s life savings), with some additional fine.

Imaging if CCP seek to bankrupt every single company that disobey the law in the same manner, then 996 would never ever exists.

Maybe you can educate me on this, is there any prosecution that fine a company the entirety of its revenue during the 996 policy period?

baseless_discourse, (edited )

Sorry to burst your hexbear bubble, China mostly use out-dated Windows, even though they want to switch to linux, it is not even close to being done.

Even wechat is unsupported on linux, which makes linux unusable for most people in China. Plus most people need mirrors to use most FOSS software in China, with most of the privacy centric ones are completely blocked.

This is an example of such mirror: , a more complete list can be found here: Most popular distros are included in these mirrors.

Basically there is few ways to get FOSS software and update directly from the developers in China, which tends to be the most secure way.


The link they give leads to a 404 page, which is disappointing. I have a few friend and family member works in the public sector and government of China, as far as I know, none of them have heard about linux.

So probably not 90% yet.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

Sorry, I was referring to the links given in the article, not the article itself. Specifically, the source of their “90%” claim:…/8ac085cc6e112a0f016ee947c8ac00b5.htm…

I have found a article (in Chinese, by Chinese media, to eliminate “western bias”) documenting the current state of transition:

Although this article states that the transition is happening, but it seems like it is no where near mainstream in Chinese government.

There are also a Chinese government version of windows : ……/announcing-windows-10-china-govern… , which seems like a strong competitor of linux.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

I typically search the package name + fedora, it will probably tell me the alternative package that is in fedora.

Nowadays, I have moved to an atomic fedora distro, so I would severely limit the amount of package I install on my system for stability and security.

I think I only have two packages installed on my machine: fish, because it is the only popular shell that follows xdg dir; and a latex-like input method to use in slack.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

It is technically doable, but that would require a unified method to call when an app needs camera, and that method will show the prompt.

This would technically require developers to rewrite their apps on linux, which is not happening anytime soon.

Fortunately, pipwire and xdg-portal is currently doing this work, like when you screen share on zoom using pipwire, a system prompt will pop up asking you for what app to share. Unlike on Windows, zoom cannot see your active windows when using this method, only the one that you choose to share.

Most application framework, including GTK and electron, are actively supporting pipwire and portal, so the future is bright.

There is a lot of work in improving security and usablity of linux sandbox, and it is already much better than Windows (maybe also better than macos?). I am confident, in 5 years, linux sandbox stack (flatpak, protal, pipewire) will be as secure and usable as on android and ios.


There are several wlroot based DE, like river, sway, and hyperland. They are all light, but focused on tiling window management and keyboard navigation. Thus, they are not exactly a LXQT replacement.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

By default, you can just type nvidia in the software store and click install, wait 5 to 10 minutes after it finishes and restart.

But you will need to run one command before you restart, to register it with secureboot:

<span style="color:#323232;">sudo kmodgenca -a
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo mokutil --import /etc/pki/akmods/certs/public_key.der

See: Boot

I use ublue, so I never need to deal with this.


Install everything from store, and you should be fine. If you see a tutorial being too complicated, it is probably not worth following. Set your search engine to past year and see if there are better tutorials.

You might also want to consider atomic distros, they are much harder to mess up, and much easier to restore.


If I understand correctly pipwire is supposed to be the “portal” but for audio and videos.

But I believe camera portal is already there, using pipwire. All they need to add is a popup to request usage when the app needs it.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

In most terminal (gnome terminal, blackbox, tilix etc.) you can actually override this behavior by changing keyboard shortcut. Blackbox even have a simple toggle that will enable ctrl+c v copy paste.

Gnome console is the only terminal I know that doesn’t allow you to change this.


Thanks for correcting me!

baseless_discourse, (edited )

Oh! in that case may I suggest yachts with docker containers?

Everything on my homeserver is directly installed on the server, keeping them up-to-date is pretty annoying, and permission control is completely non-existent.

Since want to do things the hard way, I believe this can also be a good opportunity to do things in the “better” way (at least IMO).

baseless_discourse, (edited )

If you run a systemd distro (which is most distro, arch, debian, fedora, and most of their derivatives), you can create a service file, which will autostart as root on startup.

The service file /etc/systemd/system/<your service>.service should like

<span style="color:#323232;">[Unit]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Description=some description
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[Service]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">ExecStart=alsactrl restore
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[Install]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">


<span style="color:#323232;">systemctl enable <your service>.service --now

you can check its status via

<span style="color:#323232;">systemctl status <your service>.service

you will need to change <your service> to your desired service name.

For details, read:


It is pretty great, but for now they are still mainly aimed at power users. I have used home manager for a bit, but I feel some module are not exactly well maintained, and using it is not exactly “maintenance-free”. BTW, they pollute your hone dir like crazy, as if xdg has never existed.

I feel like nix is aimed as ease of deployment, but not the ease of maintenance especially for desktop use. However, I love atomic distros, they are on the part of the spectrum, you cannot replicate your setup exactly by copying a dir, but they are very easy to use, with sane default.


Portainer are great too! But yacht seems to be specifically designed for self-hosting.


Do I get new puzzles every week if I lived in a escape room?

baseless_discourse, (edited )

Does after=… solve the problem or cause the problem? Sorry, I cannot parse what you were trying to say.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

That is interesting. BTW, I don’t assume that command will run forever right, i.e. it will terminate relatively soon? so that could be why the service is deactivated, not because it is not run. You can try to add ; echo “command terminated” at the end of ExecStart to see if it is terminated, you can also try to echo the exit code to debug.

If the program you use has a verbose mode, you can also try to turn it on to see if there is any error. EDIT: indeed, alsactrl restore --debug

There is also a possiblity that this service is run before the device you need to restore is loaded, so it won’t have any effect.

On a related note, did you install the program via your package manager, and what distro are you running. Because sometimes SELinux will block the program running. But the error message will say permission denied, instead of your message.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

I use xorg on my desktop, because nvidia card don’t have good support for my applications on wayland. Specifically, typing in electron app will jitter. I will be switching to wayland if this problem is solved.

I use wayland on my laptop because it is more secure and supports one-to-one gesture, which is crucial for trackpad.


Also you will need to setup secure boot in commandline, unless you are using ublue.


Secureblue removes a good amount of unused kernel component, and even some useful ones like bluetooth and thunderbolts, but you can always manually enable them.

baseless_discourse, (edited )

However in the same way, compromised flatpak app can also put a malicious .desktop file in ~/.share/applications, which also allows execution of arbitrary command, even outside of the flatpak sandbox.

User home permission is just incredibly dangerous on linux, I think we need special permission to explicitly allow access to these folders in home. Fortunately more and more app starts to support portal, which makes them much more secure.

Although, I do wish portal would have a access per session vs access forever option. For now if you open a folder through portal, the app was granted r/w permission to that folder forever.


Fortunately many flatpak browser now comes with codecs, like ungoogled chromium and librewolf.


Yeah, this is the old philosophy of the “run anywhere” philosophy of linux (or computers in general) that got us here. Another problem with stripping down kernel drivers is that swapping hardware component will require rebuilding the kernel, which regular user will definitely not be happy about.


I am not an expert, but I feel like rebuilding the kernel is probably too slow for most user.

And kernel already dynamically load the kernel module, then disabling them would practically make sure they will not be loaded.

I feel like we don’t need to go down to micro-kernel to solve the problem of loading too many drivers.


I just checked the price, it seems like unlimited (with storage, vpn, pass etc) only cost $120 for the first year. And it is $156 for normal price.

And if you only need mail, that only cost around $50 for the first year.

Unless your $ doesn’t mean U.S. dollar?


Oh, that is 6 user with 3 terabyte of storage. average to 50$ per user per year. In where I live, that is like 2 meals outside per year, and cheaper than office 365 personal.

To me this is pretty good value, but I understand people are different. However, I cannot get them yet, as proton drive still don’t have a linux client (or any client for that matter)…

baseless_discourse, (edited )

Yeah, but the malicious code replaces the ssh signature verification function to let it allow a specific signature. Hence attacker, with the key, can ssh into any system without proper authentication by ssh.

This kind of describes authentication by-pass, not just remote code execution…

EDIT: it is remote code execution, see the edit of parent comment.

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