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janbartosik, to gaming avatar

A coop PvE game for two dads and three sons?
A shooter, preferably. Any recommendations, guys? The youngest lad is 10, so as little violence as possible. Thanks šŸ˜‰



A survival game is probably what youā€™re aiming for here. Someone has to host in those scenarios usually unless one of you pays for a dedicated server. I donā€™t have a ton of experience with the shooty kind. But Valheim, Vrising and Palworld were a lot of fun for about 20 to 30 hours each. Palworld had some shooter experiences.

I like these because it usually turns into a ā€œletā€™s get things done together ā€œ and everyone finds their tasks to do. Then you put it all together and you end up with a cool base you built together and have some pride in. Palworld again is the one with the lowest ā€œviolenceā€ imo


I did this for the dumbest of reasons, but Iā€™ve been testing Guilded for a week now. My friends and I bought each other discord nitro for a few months over Xmas and when it ran out we were bummed. But we all agree nitro is not worth it unless discord is a part of your income stream like a Streamer or somekind of media relation for a company that hosts a discord for feedback and engagement.

Found someone mentioning guilded randomly on a lemmy comment. Turns out you get higher quality voice, large amounts of emoji and a few features not in discord. Currently no soundboard or stickers. Havenā€™t tested a stream yet, but I donā€™t think you are limited there either by default like discord.

Is it the discord killer? Probably not. The discord killer will be the IPO or company that buys them and has to actually make a profit on the platform. Once people get ads in their chat, some will bail. But for now, I think we are in an era of jumping from ā€œgrowth phaseā€ platform to ā€œgrowth phaseā€ platform. If data privacy isnā€™t your primary concern, doing this lets you enjoy features for mainly free until a platform has to monetize.

Advantage of moving on services like discord is itā€™s feasible for some of us. I have a small group of friends we use discord for and get together to game. So as long as I make a good use case and we like the new platform, jumping to guilded will be similar to when we jumped from mumble to discord.

Google's Chrome Browser Analyzing Your Browsing History with so-called "Privacy Sandbox" Feature

For nearly two years now, Google has been gradually rolling out a feature to all Chrome users that analyzes their browsing history within the browser itself. This feature aims to replace third-party cookies and individual tracking by categorizing you into an interest category and sharing that category with advertisers. Itā€™s...


Thereā€™s another comment here about banks scrapping your history. Guess Iā€™ll ask because now Iā€™m curious. Whatā€™s a realistic way to get around this type of thing with banks and credit cards short of using cash? I hate cash :(


Okay thank you. Iā€™ll do my homework and find a local credit union.


You can already somewhat do that with iOS and Shortcuts if you have the chatgpt app. But as OP says, itā€™s only to talk to. Canā€™t use it to set a timer or reminder. Itā€™s neat but a lot of my voice assistant stuff is ā€œcall X personā€ or ā€œreply to Xā€. If I want to talk to chatgpt, I usually open the app and turn on voice for a session.

If ChatGPT can weasel itself into a true assistant with the ability to perform certain actions, then it might be a game changer for the voice assistant space. Itā€™s so much better at understanding context than current assistants on your local device.


I somewhat bought into the hype early and convinced work to pay for ChatGPT plus. At first I struggled to use it. One day I somewhat went ā€œI bet it canā€™t help with Xā€, it did. Now Iā€™m at the point where I default to it. There is this odd assumption that it will only be right some of the time. To me itā€™s rare where itā€™s wrong. Usually it mainly misunderstood the direction I was trying to go in and once I fix it with follow-up prompt I get what I want.

I donā€™t think I do prompt engineering per se. Itā€™s like google fu though. You need to learn to be descriptive to the point where the LLM can infer some context then even a year later it feels surreal. So far GPT-4 is the top for me. llama does well and a lot of the open models are nice. But if I want code or think through some work problem, GPT-4 gets me where I want to get amazingly fast. I make it do online research for me and then I have it validate my thoughts. I have to keep in mind ā€œhey, itā€™s mainly predicting the next wordā€. But I rarely go ā€œwow it was truly off hereā€. Trust but verify is where Iā€™m at.

Iā€™m at the point where I feel like I do my 40 hour work week in 25 or so. I have a ton more free time. I have to be careful not to share any direct work related info, but thatā€™s easy. I give it generic info then fill in the blanks myself.


Honestly, I confirm it because I use it for work. I had it do some research on comparing bunch of VDI solutions (the VMware/Broadcom thing has forced us to rethink things). It did a really good job summarizing things. I used to work in consulting, so I already knew what the comparison. It saved me hours of having to write that report. I usually verify in the term that ā€œdoes it make senseā€. I would do the same with a stackoverflow post before posting the code and so on.


Thereā€™s a subreddit and discord called Summoners school. Going to drop the discord link below as a lot of us are on lemmy to avoid Reddit.

Mobas are hard because of fundamentals people know and you donā€™t. Learning some of the basics is a huge step up. Tons of YouTube and guides on summoners school will help with that. Donā€™t worry though too much about picking the best champion. Below emerald ELO (probably even after that), knowing fundamentals and really knowing ā€œyourā€ champion is a bigger deal. Pick a role you like. Then pick a champion that appeals to you playstyle wise within that role.

Finally donā€™t let failure get you in a negative headspace. Itā€™s really easy and happens often where you are playing against champions youā€™ve never dealt with before. If the opponent knows the matchup, odds are you get spanked. Thatā€™s okay. Review each death and just note what you could have done different and the next time you play that matchup it will go a lot better. League is a game of who has the most experience in a particular scenario.

Take your time. Push your limits and donā€™t be afraid to die. People get stuck with this ā€œplay safeā€ mentality and you end up in a lot of games where people miss opportunities because they donā€™t want to risk a death.


Not sure when they added this (maybe season 10) , but you can mute in game by default. I use it. You can still see pings and emotes. When someone is obviously griefing with pings, I mute them completely.

The game is a much better experience that way. Chat in that game is overrated. Plus without all the none sense people spew in chat itā€™s easier to find flash and summoner timers

batcheck, (edited )

Thatā€™s actually where I started my moba journey. Was huge HotS player. Mained tanks like Mura, Etc and Garosh. Then Blizzard killed that esports scene 2 weeks after saying they were doubling down on it at blizzcon. Never have a been that mad at a company. I quit blizzard games after that.

Going to League of Legends was a tough switch. Really helped that the League esports scene is a ton of fun. Though it seems having the esports tied money is starting to make that scene die a slow death too.


I was really hooked. But part of me believes they are the closest thing to AGI we have right now. Also, I use chatgpt premium a ton and would hate to see it die.


This. It feels like every major acquisition of this type starts with all these promises and then the next quarter the company leaders remember their bonuses are tied to stock price and they conveniently forget every promise.


I agree. But I want to give them some credit. I report people for being toxic or for afking. Recently the client tells me almost after every game that someone in my previous game was punished after my report.

Now, I can never easily validate this. But if its true it seems riot is taking a much more active role with automated punishment.

League of Legends is pretty fun. Just ā€œmute allā€ every game and itā€™s a lot more tolerable. Donā€™t let the people that tilt after one or two deaths get to you. Recent comeback changes make the game playable until your nexus explodes


Totally agree. Iā€™ve been in some dailies where we keep wiping over and over due to new player and usually everyone is super understanding and gives pointers and help. Iā€™ve rarely had a toxic pug in FFXIV. One one of the reasons each expansion brings me back.

Working parents, how do you find time to game?

I grew up an avid gamer. But now, among my 50-hour work week, helping my kids with their math homework, grocery shopping, and house chores, Iā€™m no longer able to find enough free time to really dive into a game. I mostly play casual games that I can drop in and out of but forget about the 40hr+ games requiring commitment....


This more or less. My wife games too. We went through periods where we probably gamed too much and had to correct that behavior (house was becoming a mess and kids ignored school too much)

For us it put a decent amount of pressure on our marriage for a while until we admitted that gaming needed to take a backseat to life in general. Its hard. I grew up with gaming and both my wife and I were 8+ hours a day of MMO before kids. But life demanded we become adults for a while and be responsible.

My kids are finally on the older side where their demands on my time is lower. I still donā€™t game much before dinner and most house chores are done. I try to game with them a bit after dinner and then I get about 1.5 to 2 hours to play a few League of Legends games (yes, I know i hate myself) if I donā€™t want to ruin my sleep.


For me its between my first FFXIV Twintania or WoW Arthas 10 Man hard first kill.

I donā€™t know what it is about first kills with a group of players in an MMO, but weeks of work and collecting gear for a hard fight and then beating it is super rewarding

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