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I like that you don’t say it annoys you but that it creeps you out. Like the washing machine singing at you is somehow a hint that Skynet is beginning to activate.


I once saw someone say of the first Overwatch that if you have a thriving rule34 community before your game is even out, you are doing something exceptional in terms of PR. Blizzard had an incredibly enthusiastic fanbase and squandered all of that goodwill out of greed.


Crazy that I have two reasons to post this video in the same day, but if you haven’t seen it, you have to go watch the Kevin Smith talk where he pulls back the curtain on his involvement on this movie’s production:

Part 1:

Part 2:


My dumb ass read Superman in the headline lol


Oh fuck, my actions have consequences?

I’m screwed.

Btw pls link that hour rant


Was it this one?

I searched Kevin Smith Dark Knight Rises


I hate how hard it is to find videos you watched on YouTube, but they love cramming the videos you’ll never watch into every feed.

Can’t you check your watch history?


No worries.

But FYI watch history doesn’t take up hardly any space. It doesn’t store the video, just a list of links to videos you watched. And if you’re using the official YouTube app, even that is stored in the cloud.


All car companies are run by evil dickheads. Most of them just make less noise than Elon.


It’s above your pay grade. If I were you, I’d reach out privately and suggest that the customer seek a competitor’s product that has the features that want, and tell them that there is no desire within the company to support free software or self hosting.


That’s still good though. If there are people willing to move into those luxury places, they are probably freeing up some other capacity, and so on. More supply is never bad. As long as they are building in density, it will help with housing affordability.


Building more density in well-designed, walkable neighbourhoods is absolutely part of the answer.

We need to make it so that there are about as many homes as people who need homes. Right now the numbers are wildly out of wack. The reason prices won’t go down is because the government is resistant to opening the floodgates of density (as you said, because too many of their constituents are homeowners).

If we just abolished single family zoning and said anyone can build dense housing anywhere that is residentially zoned, we’d have affordable housing within a few years. Zoning is an artificial bottleneck on the supply of housing. Imagine if every shitty carbrained suburb suddenly could house 2x or 3x as many people! But then of course we would need to make them a bit less carbrained by introducing more walkability, better public transit, and more mixed use. That can all be done gradually by relaxing zoning restrictions.


In fact one of the main points of the article is that Montreal has been building faster than population growth and housing is still drastically going up in price.

That’s because Montreal doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s maybe the only city in Canada with a remotely good approach to urbanism, and as a result one of the most affordable cities to buy housing in Canada. So there is added demand for Montreal real estate from the rest of the country, which contributes to rising prices.


It’s not really socialist. Socialism is an economic model that involves taxing the rich and redistribution of wealth to the working class through welfare programs.

But in ST, there is no economy, no taxes, no rich people, no wealth, no working class. The only thing from that definition that they do have is welfare, but it’s a completely different form of it.

ST is a magical post-scarcity utopia. Any economist would tell you that economics is first and foremost the study of how to allocate scarce resources. In a post-scarcity society, the whole concept of economics breaks down. Replicators break everything we know about economics. Everyone can get everything they need and it costs them nothing but electricity (which they conveniently can generate for basically no cost).


Social ownership of what? Resources? Means of production? Neither of those means anything when replicators are a thing.

There are a million different definitions of socialism depending on who you ask. I gave one above but I’m not claiming it’s the only one. However it is ultimately an economic model, and it doesn’t make sense to apply it in a world where economics is meaningless because the laws of thermodynamics have been broken.


Because the writers recognized that too many story tropes would be entirely unreasonable in a post scarcity world and so wrote in a bunch of stuff that really makes no sense if you think about it too hard. Like why would someone pay for a drink at Quark’s when every residence on DS9 has a replicator? Because the writers wanted DS9 to be a frontier town and a frontier town needs a saloon.

Also to be clear, everything I was saying in my above comments was primarily in relation to the Federation. I recognize there are parts of the galaxy where replicators are not common.


Socialism isn’t a binary yes/no thing. It’s an economic ideology that can be realized in many different ways


And with only one unfortunate exception that I can think of, matter replication is treated as a net energy loss - it isn’t free.

Well sure, it’s energy negative, but they also have basically free energy. We see in Voyager that as soon as they are cut off from that free energy, they regress to a market-based economy by like the third episode of the show. Doesn’t seem very socialist to me.


Again, the Ferengi are a bad example since they aren’t part of the federation. But my point was simply that this stuff wasn’t thought through. Why do the Ferengi exist? Because the writers wanted some capitalists to use as a contrast to the Federation.

I firmly believe that ST’s worldbuilding mostly handwaves the questions of economics and scarcity, at least within the Federation. The writers didn’t want to come up with good reasons for these things that actually make sense when you think about them.

It’s a great franchise, but we shouldn’t try to apply real-world economic ideas to it when that was so clearly not at the front of the writers minds when they created it.


There is definitely still private ownership in Star Trek. Replicator programs and other software are regularly seen as being treated like intellectual property. Schematics as well. You think anyone can just go down to their local print shop and replicate the parts for an Enterprise class ship themselves?


Yeah that’s my point. As soon as they no longer had access to the magical impossible logistics network of virtually free energy, they immediately regressed to capitalism with a side order of martial law.


They use replicator rations as currency and exchange them for goods and services. In a world that frequently says that society has progressed beyond the need for money. As soon as things become scarce they start using a market again. Thus, the lack of scarcity in the Federation precludes the concept of an economy at all.

And yeah Starfleet ships are always militaristic, but people can choose to leave if that’s still an option. I believe this was why RDM left the writing team, but it never seemed right that Janeway just appointed herself dictator when this ship was potentially in for a multi-generation journey. BSG handled that sort of thing much better.


Yeah that’s the cynical and IMO more realistic take. I’m mostly just taking the world presented in the show at face value. It’s not realistic at all.

But even then, it wouldn’t be the replicators that are scarce, it would be the software. Because in theory if someone is charging you to use their replicator, you could just pay to print out the parts for your own replicator, and then replicate yourself ten more replicators. What would prevent this? Proprietary software.


Socialism isn’t a binary thing. It is an ideology that can be worked toward with various different degrees and measures.

But also I clarified further down this thread that my intent is not to give a definition of socialism, but rather to say that no definition of socialism makes sense in the context of ST’s federation and the magical impossible technology they possess.


Yeah I’m not out here saying socialism is bad. I consider myself quite left of center. But it’s like… they have literal magic. The words we use to describe different ways of allocating resources do not apply to them. They don’t have an economy. An economy is a system of logistics and trade for moving scarce things to the people who want those things. Everyone and their dog has a transporter and a replicator. Logistics and resource allocation are irrelevant. Why would anyone trade anything for anything else if they have infinite everything?

Campaigns Can Now See What You Watch on TV. (

Televisions that can stream platforms like Hulu or Max usually come loaded with technology that collects information on what viewers are watching, and buyers consent to have their viewing tracked when they open their new TV and click through terms of service agreements. Sometimes, data firms can connect those viewing habits to a...


That’s what I did a couple months ago and I regret not doing it sooner. I got a Beelink SER and loaded it with Endeavour OS, a web browser, torrent client, and VLC.

Dev of cancelled Life By You game shares some information, including just two weeks notice of cancellation after being given the thumbs-up a few weeks prior (

I cannot share specific numbers, but I can say that we had an internal metric we were aiming for that had been approved, and that we exceeded that number by a significant portion. We also got a thumbs up a few weeks before launch.


Damn, this makes me mad. Reading the news about this I assumed there was a good reason for this cancellation, but the devs were on track for a release. Fuck PDX. This shouldn’t be allowed to happen.


I feel like we need a catchy word for this “destroy creative works for tax purposes” thing that has become increasingly normal in the past few years. It’s hard to call it out right now in a way that gets people riled up about it, because it’s hard to explain to people what it even is. I think part of the reason why so many corpos have become okay with doing it is they realized people don’t understand it, and so must assume they are killing the thing for a good reason. I know I was perfectly willing to assume there was a good reason for this game getting delayed back when that was announced.


It’s kind of wild that the game went from being 4 months away, to a year away, to cancelled. I was very willing to believe they just needed more time. I’m used to thinking that if a game is at the point where the studio is advertising it for release in a few months, it’s impossible that the project would get completely shitcanned. Why were they advertising it and putting up a steam store page if it was still so up in the air?


It’s a shame. But based on what I saw about it, it looked like maybe they had some delusions about using LLMs for character dialogue, which seems like an insanely complex feature to build into an already complex game.


You’d need the conversations to be highly constrained in order to not break the game. Currently there are too many ways of “jailbreaking” LLMs. It was too much of a scope creep for a game which was already biting off a lot more than most studios could chew.


I wouldn’t give it a free pass if it ruined the gameplay and would have been easier for them not to implement.


That sounds awful


The bit about the game telling you how to refund it was hilarious

4th grizzly hit, killed along Trans-Canada Highway in B.C. park (

“Visitors are asked to respect posted speed limits and no-stopping zones at all times, as well as stay alert and prepared to encounter wildlife at any time, even when driving along fenced sections of the highway. By reducing speeds, driving alertly, and giving wildlife space and respect, you can help reduce wildlife...


I mean, my first thought was basically verbatim what the comment you’re responding to said. But I was thinking about whether the collision would have killed the passengers of the car, not just “is the car okay?”


Wow. After watching both, the one you posted makes me actually want to play the game. No Engrish, good music, good visuals, and an idea of what the game’s sense of humour is. The OP trailer looks awful by comparison. It’s just a couple of gameplay clips and some freeze frames of characters, and clearly Google translated captions.


It’s funny, I stopped playing just before the first ever rework. Before that, it was all balance changes. Little numbers tweaks here and there. Now everytime I talk to someone who still plays league it’s like literally everything has changed. Who benefits from that kind of development cycle?


In my day, Riot got their whale milk by selling skins. How does reworking the game’s mechanics help attract whales?


In my day, they added new things by introducing new items, champs, game modes, and maps. Why do they need to upend the entire game to “keep things fresh”? Doesn’t that just ruin the experience for people who like a certain thing how it is?

Let’s Skip The Dragon Age: The Veilguard Vs. Baldur’s Gate 3 Comparisons, Yeah? (

*Dragon Age: The Veilguard *is going to be divisive. It already is. When you’ve spent ten years waiting for something with an idea of what it would be in your head, if it’s not that thing, you’re bound to be disappointed. But ultimately, *The Veilguard *is not trying to accomplish the same things *Baldur’s Gate 3 *did....


I think it would be totally fair to compare the new Dragon Age to DA: Origins, in the context of talking about all of the depth of writing and roleplay that will be lost (as it looks like they’re going a very different direction for the series). The new game looks fundamentally worse as a work of art compared to the original.

In that conversation, I think it’s reasonable to bring up the fact that a game came out last year which copied the DA:O formula in every way, and became the bestselling fantasy RPG of the last decade.

One could absolutely ask what BioWare is thinking straying so far from the original, successful, formula. The answer of course is valuing short-term profit over the creating of something that will stand the test of time.


Games are art. Just because two musicians make different genres of music, doesn’t mean I can’t compare them. Especially when it’s clear that one is making a certain genre because they know it will sell well, and the other is making the music they are passionate about making.


DAO presented a very specific iteration of the cRPG formula, and that iteration is the closest I’ve seen to BG3.

I’m not criticizing BG3. I think it’s awesome that Larian structured the game so much around the same skeletal structure as DAO.


Flatpak’s benefits mostly exist for the developer. Apt is more tightly integrated with the distro, which is generally advantageous, but also means more work for packaging. Flatpak’s benefit is that it’s a compatibility layer for lots of different distros. In a perfect world, every distro would have a large library of packages in the official repo, but that’s a lot of work for devs, and flatpak lets them avoid that sprawling support.


Okay but redeeming the games doesn’t actually do anything. Epic doesn’t care. You’re not messing with them by just having an account if you don’t use it


Oh no, not the metrics!

I’m sure they’re fully aware that some percentage of people will redeem the games with no intent of actually playing them.

The whole point is to generate word of mouth for their store. You’re out here doing their job for them, talking about how many free games you’ve gotten from them.


Lol No, fuck Epic. I’m saying don’t brag about shit that doesn’t matter. Like “Hooray, I’m playing right into their marketing scheme. Surely they must be furious!”

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