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You know what my main problem with Joe Biden is?

He’s not Putin’s choice? He gave billionaires a tax increase instead of tax cut?

Joe Biden doesn’t know the first fucking thing about being an American because he hasn’t ever actually done it.

You mean despite being the only US Senator who rode the bus to work every day?

Joe Biden knows way more about being an American than you seem to.…/remarks-by-president-biden-on-de…

[Remarks by President Biden on Democracy and Freedom | Normandy, France]

Too many of the laws outright don’t apply to them

Which specific law does not apply to Joe Biden? You simply made that up. His son was just found guilty on a charge that almost no other person in America would even be charged with.


And I’m going to listen to your baseless accusation and ignore Bernie Sander’s crystal clarity? lmfao.

Bernie Sanders: Trump is the most corrupt president in our lifetimes


And that day is upon you now.


I think as candidates Clinton, W. Bush, Gore, Obama, McCain had sincere support

Joe Biden was better and more progressive than literally every one of those guys. It’s not Biden’s fault that you haven’t been paying much attention.

I can’t personally remember a race where “the other side must be stopped” as pretty much the sole consideration among the voters until the Trump era.

I can’t personally remember a president who has achieved more progress than Joe Biden, and I can remember every president starting with Nixon.


Okay guys we need to figure out who to elevate in the 2028 Republican primaries

Not a single Dem has that power nor would have wished a GOP candidate as bad for America as Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump.

who’s just as vile as Trump

I’m not expecting anyone as vile as Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump although the GOP does have a knack for continually disappointing America with their bad candidates.

will have to keep voting for our pro-corporate asses.

Corporations must be super mad at “pro-corporate” Joe Biden for raising the minimum corporate tax rate from 0% to 15% even though tax rates are the single thing that matter above all else.

so those uppity leftists

The indispensible prerequisite for moving the Overton window to the left is for the GOP to lose elections. And leftist who doesn’t understand that will automatically transform themselves into a perpetual Loser.


Because decades of being marginalized by Boomers have left generations after them trained to think their participation has no effect

That’s on you and nobody else. It’s incredibly stupid for people to think your participation has no effect. Dems typically beg people to participate in every primary and election and the GOP typically hopes few people participate.


all the evidence is that dems don’t care if leftists vote at all.

Since Dems are leftwing all the evidence is the exact opposite of your claim.…/index.html

Obama in 2020: This president [Trump] and those in power – those who benefit from keeping things the way they are – they are counting on your cynicism. They know they can’t win you over with their policies. So they’re hoping to make it as hard as possible for you to vote, and to convince you that your vote doesn’t matter. That’s how they win. That’s how they get to keep making decisions that affect your life, and the lives of the people you love. That’s how the economy will keep getting skewed to the wealthy and well-connected, how our health systems will let more people fall through the cracks. That’s how a democracy withers, until it’s no democracy at all. We can’t let that happen. Do not let them take away your power. Don’t let them take away your democracy. Make a plan right now for how you’re going to get involved and vote. Do it as early as you can and tell your family and friends how they can vote too.


I love how you all ignore all the terrible policy this man voted for as a senator.

Like when he was one of the few senators to vote against he first Iraq War in 1993?


Biden is an evil person. Trump is an evil person

Bernie’s friend Biden is fucking awesome dude. Love the guy! Bernie likes Biden and I’ve never once noticed Bernie to be wrong about anything. The more you slander Biden the more I like Biden.


You trash and undermine our every attempt at change [but] I have no solution

You’re the only one doing that with your “I have no solution”. Well the rest of us all so have a solution. Vote for Dems because that is the one and only way possible to move to the left.


in 2016. I’m sure you had a perfect solution for what to do after Trump was elected right?

No, we all had the perfect solution for what to do BEFORE Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump was elected. Vote for Dems because that is the one and only way possible to move to the left.


Billionaires are richer than ever. Housing is more expensive than ever. Food is more expensive than ever. Education is more expensive than ever. The planet is hotter than ever.

Thanks to everybody who didn’t vote Dem.

Healthcare is more expensive than ever.

Not for people who have Obamacare vs before Obamacare.


Yeah this “you’re throwing a tantrum because you didn’t get everything you wanted” is rich coming from the people who got Joe Biden elected in the 2020 primaries.

How do you know that? I voted Bernie and I think you’re throwing a tantrum.

They would throw a tantrum if they didn’t get everything they wanted.

I voted Bernie. Not throwing a tantrum. I’m thrilled that Biden is the most progressive president since LBJ if not FDR.


LMFAO. Bush was terrible. Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump has been rated the worst president in history by historians. Biden was ranked the 14th best BTW…/presidents-survey-trump-ranks-last-bi…


Then you saw Biden being a better president than Obama because he was more experienced. Maybe the answer here is to pay more attention to what a politician does than what he says


So I would anecdotally say this election is outside the norm.

If you mean “unique in 240 years of American history” I agree.


We aren’t “protesting” anything. We are safeguarding America’s longstanding core values of democracy and the rule of law.


Biden has benefited a lot from people listening to what he says and forgetting what he’s done.

You mean forgetting that Biden has the lowest unemployment rate since the 1960’s? Forgetting that he raised the minimum tax rate on corporations from 0% to 15%? Forgetting that that every few days there is a record stock market high? That nobody could have handled Covid or Ukraine better?

Biden is the victim of a lot of people forgetting what he’s done.


WTF? Dude it is not Bidens fault that Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump has been ranked as the worst president in history by historians. That means there are lots of “Biden Republicans”. But Dems would be voting for Biden over any Republicrat.


Factually true.

Regardless about what some random idiot reporter said 8 years ago, (1) no Dem has any powers to select a GOP nominee and (2) Dems aren’t responsible for how terrible the RNC’s nominees are .


You made shit decisions in the past and here we are.

I made a ‘shit decision’ voting for Bernie Sanders twice? LMFAO

No the only way possible to move to the left is to not vote for procorporate trash in the primaries.

Good thing we had Biden then since he raised taxes on corporations which is the thing that corporations hate the most.

If the GOP wins, we move to the right not to the left. In which case the Dem nominee is irrelevant.


And by the same token we had multiple solutions

Sanders was the only one better than Biden.

procorporate establishment

Weird that the “procorporate” candidate did the exact thing that corporations hate most – raise corporate taxes.

The word “establishment” is completely meaningless here. Sanders has been a politician almost as long as Biden.


If I could I would award her the Medal of Freedom.


Unbelievable that the reason why the Supreme Court is intentionally delaying Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump’s treason trial and supporting the GOP’s War on Democracy is because Alito and his wife hate gays.

Warning to Trump’s new pals on Wall Street (

Republican donors – including those who had said they’d never support Trump again after Jan. 6 — believe the current regulatory climate for businesses is also an existential danger. Kathy Wylde, president and CEO of the Partnership for New York City — a nonprofit organization representing the city’s top business...


Republicans have conveyed to her that they consider that “the threat to capitalism from the Democrats is more concerning than the threat to democracy from Trump.”

Does he mean the threat of booming stock market highs practically every day? Or the threat that unemployment will be too low? How come these people are so out of touch with reality?


I was blown away by so many things that reminded me of Convicted Felon Treason Trump and today’s Party.

He rose to power at the head of a pop-up fascist insurrection, staging a coup inside an existing political party that had become fatally weakened by its cynicism and lack of ideological clarity

In the torrent of printed matter that rained down on the country, special leaflets were addressed to every conceivable social and demographic group – shopkeepers, civil servants, farmers, workers, Catholics, Protestants, the old, the young, women. The content of these appeals was based on an analysis by the party’s market research.

The Nazis did so to construct their targeted appeals to different kinds of voters, using a message that was invariably “simple, direct, and shorn of any nuance, couched in a few snappy catch-phrases, a handful of images and easily recognized code words.”

the successive Nazi campaigns of 1932 were largely about branding, merchandising and showmanship, and hardly at all about policy or ideology. Indeed, while the party’s anti-Semitic attitudes were well known, hostility to Jews did not play a major role in the 1932 campaigns – arguably a lesser than anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim sentiment played in Trump’s 2016 campaign.


Hasn’t Tucker and his team seen all of it?

It is top secret, therefore only Kremlin agents are allowed to see it all. GOP logic.


I don’t want probation I want Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump to be held accountable for his crimes. Michael Cohen got 3 years in prison for the same crime and unlike Treason Trump he was remorseful and respectful.


Okay. I am letting you know. The inflation rate is 3%. And the jobs numbers have been revised upwards more often than downwards in the last 2 years.


since house prices are through the roof

Yeah turns out when the GOP gives gigantic tax cuts to the wealthy it inflates the real estate market because they buy extra houses they don’t even live in.


Yes you are missing the fact that the president’s policies have a major effect on the economy.


I thought the Prison Boys were still in prison.


Is anywhere else sick of Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump saying “rigged” every time he loses a court case or election? Loser Trump loses at golf? “Rigged”.

This unamerican neofascist slanders our great country and attacks America’s longstanding core values of democracy and the rule of law every f*cking time he loses. And being such a huge loser and criminal he loses a lot. What a sick and twisted piece of shit.


Batshit crazy demand #1 - “or we’re not going to have a country anymore!”

So Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump is now demanding that Biden wins.

btaf45, (edited )

obama had a kill list .

Yes. Osama Bin Laden.

bill clinton signed the welfare reform and the crime bill and he signed off on moving the us embassy to jerusalem. under kennedy, we went into vietnam.

WTF none of those have anything to do with democracy. Did you think “democracy” meant “do everything that you personally want”? Do you not get that you are not the only voter? LMFAO.

that means having a war against democracy.

How is going into Vietnam a war AGAINST democracy. Vietnam does not have a democracy, although South Vietnam had a democracy in 1975. And South Korea has a democracy today, because of the Korean War.

btaf45, (edited )

No matter what your opinion of the North Korean regime, to praise this war is to praise mass murder.

Dude nobody is praising North Koreans and Chinese for their war of aggression and mass murder. Also please stop your implied racism against South Koreans by undervaluing their freedom.

This has been used as at least a minor motive in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam and Iraq, to ​​name a few.

Sort of true with Korea and Vietnam. Not true at all with the rest.

The consequences are there to be seen.

Yes the consequences are very apparent. South Korea is a thriving free democracy. North Korea is still the worst country in the world to live.

There is no such thing as “incomplete democracy”:

That’s why nobody is claiming there is. There is a measurable scale for how good a democracy is. Starting with the obvious “Is there freedom of the press?” and going to stuff like: Is every vote weighed the same? Is it easy to vote?

Not “same” as fascism, but not democracy at all.

Not democracy because votes are grouped by states? How idiotic can you get?


I wasn’t talking about North Korea and Chinese actions

North Korea is responsible for the war. The USA and UN is not. Are you saying it would be bad for the US or UN to help defend any country from an unprovoked attack? So Britain and France were responsible for WWII and not Germany? What utter nonsense.

And you are praising this war when you say it was “nice”.

I’m not praising the war. North Korea’s war of aggression was terrible and cost many lives. I am praising the United Nation’s role preserving freedom in South Korea. The United Nations was authorized by the Security Council to defend South Korea. You undervaluing the freedom of Asians sounds like racism. It’s easy for you to say that Asians do not deserve freedom, but you would think radically differently if YOU were the one living in North Korea.

talked endlessly about how each of these countries was ruled by a terrible dictator

Dude Afghanistan was attacked by NATO because they attacked the USA. Iraq was attacked because Bush was alleging weapons of mass destruction. Democracy was a SIDE EFFECT, the not reason for war.

This scale is ridiculous

The pretense that there is no scale and it is black or white is what is ridiculous.

the division of delegates is not strictly proportional to the population of the states.

Which makes the US an imperfect democracy, not a dictatorship. It is not all the way to perfect on the scale.


they were all antidemocratic. none of them supported justice.

Dude you are using “antidemocratic” to mean “anything I do not like” instead of “not what the voters wanted”. It’s kind of rude to pretend that you are the only voter who matters.

. the North Vietnamese wanted communism

How would you know? There was no election. That is like claiming the Italians wanted Fascism. And the reason for the war was to defend that other country of South Vietnam which definitely did not want communism.

btaf45, (edited )

So you now admit US involvement in the (2nd of 3) Vietnam wars was not to “spread democracy”.


Then all your examples are wrong.


Good you need that.


And you’ve been wrong the whole time.


You were wrong about many different things

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