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‘Huge win’: Brown University protesters reach an agreement to dismantle encampment (forward.com)

This article describes the little-reported on success that Brown University had in disbanding student protest… by conceding to let activists present a case for divestment at an upcoming hearing before the university’s investment board....


Idiots. You gave up literally all you’re leverage for the chance to just speak to the board that merely advises the president on investments in 6 months time, when most people will have forgotten this and you won’t have the nation-wide momentum? And you didn’t even get charges dropped?

Absolutely fucking braindead. Like you just wasted ALL the effort of every student involved in this to do Absolutely nothing.


Willing to bet real money that the US has a stronger reaction to Turkey doing this than to Israel actually doing genocide.


This would be a lot funier if the question were the other way around and the response was just about him naming it.


Or you know, he does care but internal US politics as well as international geopolitics are actually more complicated than you think and Biden can’t just do whatever the fuck he wants just because he’s president.


They already have methods and resources to build temporary piers, as logistics is a crucial part of war fighting.

A ship with the resources and egineers needed to build a temporary was basically already waiting to go when this decision was made.

So the logistics is already a solved problem.


Do you think the ships will not be docking in Israel and that nothing will be transported by land through crossings?

Yes? The Plan is to build the dock on the Gaza strip, specifically to get around the problem of Israel having the crossings closed? And no US military personel are being allowed on land so they cant just dock in Israel and drive across because Israel wont let them. Its not a difficult concept.

I don’t understand how you can fail to see the absurdity of this situation.

Who says I dont? Just because I dont hold the exact same position as you, doesnt mean i hold a completely opposite view. If Israel refuses to let aid in, then the only options for the US are airdrops, build a pier or basically invade Israel.

Even if they do get something built, there will still be the need to operate and deliver the aid from the pier to the interior of the enclave with… trucks.

Yes? The problem is not the trucks themselves its getting them past the crossings. Assuming they have not all been bombed out Gaza will already have many trucks in it. and Gaza is 5km across and 40km long. distribution within gaza isnt the problem.


No, he does not care at all. Biden said lots of times, he fully supports Israel.

Because that is what US doctrine has been since Israel’s inception. and Biden is not in a position to change that?

At some point the geopolitics and internal US politics needs to setback and you need to take a hard look and think about the more than 33 000 lives that have been taken away.

Thats, unfortunately, not how politics works, Biden cant just say “fuck everyone else, im going to do something” and honestly thats probably a good thing as it also reigns in people like Trump to an extent.

This is not about “doing anything he wants just because, he’s president”. Despite the fact Biden cannot do ‘everything he wants’ - he certainly has a great influence of what happens (he’s president after all). The US refused to agree to a ceasefire multiple times.

Yes he has a lot of influence, but he also doesnt even have a functional majority in either the house or the senate, and even if he did, there are outspoken zionists amongst the democratic party in both houses and the DNC, theres also zionists (including christian zionists) among the party’s biggest donors. Then theres the military industrial complex and the people who have large investments in those companies as well. All of those people have vested interests in supporting Israel and put a lot of pressure on Biden to support Israel. If Biden unilaterally went against Israel he wouldnt get very far going against all those people.

And even if he someone did manage to go against them, those donors and supporters would likely flip to Trump who has basically come out saying he supports wiping Gaza off the map. oh and not to mention the media, who has been doing their best to sell the pro-Israel narrative would absolutely cannibalise Biden. So, even if he could go against all of the zionist influences, he is basically looking at a trolley problem, does he stop aid to Israel (which wouldnt even stop the genocide due to Israels large stockpiles of weapons) and basically gift the election to Trump, which among the plethora of other problems that would cause, would make things in Gaza far far worse.

Oh and thats not even mentioning how important to the US economy and military doctrine their relationship with Israel is. They need good relations with Israel and to keep them armed so that they stay the dominant power in the middle east and willing to defend US capital and political interests in the region.

Israel hosts massive stocks of US weapons, the biggest outside of the US itself, as well as early warning radars, military bases and provides a port for the US 6th fleet.

When you add all of that up, can you see why Biden cant just start burning brides both internationally, within the US and even within his own party?


A democracies value is that (in theory) the government needs to reflect what its people want.

And if large parts of the country support Israel. like basically all republicans and large swaths of democrats do, then the government will unfortunately reflect that.


Sorry, but you’ve fallen for the propaganda if you actually think Israel has to allow the United States to do anything given the power dynamics.

Im sorry for the strong language, but are you actually this dumb? You actually think the US can just operate its military in an allied country without permission???

They have held and continue to hold complete leverage over Israel and can end this tomorrow if the US administration so chose.

They could end it tomorrow, but then they burn their bridge with one of the US’ most important strategic allies, lose their proxy in the middle east, have to move their military bases out of the country, their giant stockpile of weapons, their early warning radar and find a new port to supply the US 6th fleet and if they continue not to support Israel then Iran and maybe Egypt go to war with it, which royally fucks up US commercial interests in the reason and if they lose that war they lose pretty much the only pro-western country in that region.

And thats not to mention the fact that their are many many influential people in the house, the senate, the media, the DNC, donors, military, defence contractors etc. that are vehemently pro-israel not to mention basically all of the republican part too.


You currently pretend as if Biden has zero influence as a President. Biden can put a lot of pressure onto it and perhaps it might budge. I never mentioned at all that he would be going ‘’I’m going to do something!’’. That’s not possible of course, but he can use his Presidency to put pressure on the money and weapon aid to Israel.

Im not pretending he has no power im making he case that he doesnt have enough power to push this through.

True indeed; he will have many obstacles but if he truly cared about the lives that are getting murdered on a daily basis,

i think thats an unfair assessment. There are a lot of places where people are getting murdered on a daily basis and I dont think its right to sell Biden as a heartless monster because hes not fixing them. Like I know its very apples to oranges to make this comparison, but what are you personally doing to help the people of Gaza? What about Ukraine? What are you doing to help the famine in Yemen? What about the civil war in Myanmar? Are you a bad person who doesnt care about those peoples lives because there is more you could be doing to help them? (again I know there is a world of difference between what you can do and what the POTUS can do)

And this is just my opinion speaking but he, himself has an interest in Israel as well and therefore does not care about the Palestinians lives. I mean do we remember this? Joe Biden says if Israel didn’t exist, the US would have to invent one to protect US interests

I think this perfectly ties into what I was saying in my comment. Even if he is morally against this genocide (which I believe he is) the US cannot afford to lose Israel as an ally, as they need an Israel to protect US corporate and geopolitical interests in the region.

≥Therefore Biden does not really care about the Palestinian lives,

I think this thinking is a too black and white just because they are not his top priority does not mean he doesn’t care about them. I know that might sound kind of harsh but thats just how it works. Pretty much everyone, not just Biden, not just politicians but everyone operates with a concept of “acceptable losses”. Like me or you certainly own some products, wether theyre electronics or cheap clothes or what have you, that were made with slave labour or from generally mistreated workers, but we accept that because your first priority is to yourself. If your choices are buy sweatshop clothes or go without clothes, you will take the clothes and dismiss the sweatshop labour as an acceptable or unavoidable loss. So its the same for Biden, but the stakes are astronomically higher.

You seem like you have a good sense of morals, and I really respect that, so the idea of this probably seems as abhorrent to you as it does to me, but thats just kind of the reality we live in. I dont like using that as an argument, but when making the “realist” argument like im doing it becomes unavoidable.

Biden’s first priority as president is to the US. So he can only go so far with his action when it comes to Israel, and despite what you and many people are saying he is doing something he has been putting pressure on Netanyahu, but ultimately Israel knows how valuable they are to the US and so knows how far they can push it given Biden’s weak position. He has pushed aid funding for Gaza, started airdrops into the strip and building the harbour to get larger amounts of aid in, as well as negotiating for a cease fire and hostage releases.


Well Starmer has agreed with pretty much everything Tories have said so far, so there’s a very good chance he will agree with this too


It’s a damn shame how many genuinely good people are being killed in this war just for edgelords like you to live their lives unscathed.


Can you even imagine the stress of that?

Not just being a doctor having people’s lives depend on your competence. But also in an active genocide, where you’re probably starving and you could be blown up by a bomb at any minute or have the idf burst through the doors and shoot you.

It’s literally the most stressful job operating under the most stressful possible conditions.

Each one of these people should, no matter the result of this “conflict” be commemorated as heros, not just in Palestine but internationally.

gmtom, (edited )

Inb4 the Russian trolls come here to try and argue this is all Bidens fault and if you vote for him you’re literally as bad as the people actively killing gays.


The russians


You e pect the person that writes her songs to know about her childhood?

gmtom, (edited )

Fitting since she makes music for people that are exactly like that.

People that think they’re wild and crazy but are actually the most mild and middle class white people you’ve ever met.


From everything ive heard, it seems her parents were super supportive and understanding, from driving her hours away so she could get lessons/coaching, to moving across the country so she could start her career.


read the fucking article, each portion got a separate vote.


I started to learn to skate at like 27 and innthe first 2 years only badly sprained ankles twice, fractured a rib and snapped my arm bone in half. It’s not as bad as it sounds.


I literally dont understand keyboard hobbyists, like at this point youre just being different for the sake of being different.


Yeah fuck that. We already have enough problems with Turkey as part of NATO. We don’t need another belligerent state that literally only going to cause problems.

And it’s not even like Argentina provides some utility like Turkey does by being so close to Russia and controlling the black sea. Argentina has no real strategic value, has an absolutely dogshit military and is more likely to go to war with a NATO country (again) then do anything to defend one.

Let them rot.


Tell me how I’m wrong then… ill wait.


Lmao typical cop-out from someone being called out on their bullshit.


Fair, but it’s not like Turkey isn’t fucking around as well, especially with the Kurds and Syria and, ya know, fucking invading Cyprus.


Lmao always a good day when you litterally just ask someone for an explanation beyond “no ur wrong” and it makes them so upset that they block you.


Also, people like me hate Aregentinians because they fucking murdered members of my family in an unprovoked war.


Except they don’t, because most countries believe in the right to self determination and don’t think you should be able to invade a countries sovereign territory because “well its closer to us”


are you American?


The less people that know about Swindon the better.


They’re not two different continents thought?


Yes Eurasia is 1 continent too, arguably it should be afroeurasia as well.


?? Plates dont equal continents? Or do you think Turkey is its own continent? And the east coast of Africa is a seperate continent to the rest of Africa?


Continents are large landmass separated by oceans. That’s the working definition, it’s not a particularly precise definition, but it’s the generally accepted one.


No, because that sets a president that creates much bigger problems than the “problem” it solves.


Im just gonna be that guy and say that none of those bands are emo.


Didnt the allegations against All Time Low turn out to be unsubstantiated, or am I making that up?


pop punk


No you misunderstand, that pill just makes a loud noise go off in a retirement home.


*Hammas controlled playground.

Wouldn’t want someone to think you’re antisemitic would you?


Conservatives would never agree to this. Even if it’d objectively the right thing to do.


Sorry ukraine. The republicans want you dead and the war has been going on too long to stay inside the attention span of the average person, so they don’t care anymore.


Oi, this is slander, we might be one of the most awful places in the country, responsible for giving the world Doncaster, Grimsby and Scunthrope, but were not Norfolk.


This comment, but it’s left on a video of a nightcore remix of someone burping the tune to a nickleback song.

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