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Lol, if you mean facebooks AI will skew more towards the views of American Facebook users, I’d say that’s a win for Europe. It will make the AI less valuable, creating a gap in the market for a better AI that can reflect European values or american or both.

AI does not need infinite data. They can easily licence that amount of content. They are just trying to do it cheaply with user content.

I gully expect use for AI training to become a standardized part of locencing for media and content going forwards. For a band or singer, or author, it may be they ibky get a small amoint for using their content but it won’t be stolen. There is minimal value in any one part of the content. There is value in the aggregate of lots of data.

Digitized books out of copyright have more archaic language but I expect we will see lots of media out of copyright being used also. Media organization that make movies, TV shows and publish newspapers and magazines also have a trove of content.

Visitors to Greece appear ill informed about heatwave risk, warn rescuers (www.theguardian.com)

Over the past week, three search and rescue operations have been started for tourists who have gone missing during treks on far-flung islands, including one for the popular TV presenter Michael Mosley, who was found dead on the island of Symi....


As an Australian, originally from Ireland I’m surprised California would be hottest place. I would have though Australia or middle east would be hotter than California. I’ve loved a summer in San Diego and it was hot but not stifling. Sydney is not crazy hot by Australian standards and its oppressive heat when a heatwave comes.

Saying that, I’m now more familiar with how much humidity plays a part. Dry heat like 40degrees in Adelaide is much more comfortable than humid 35 in Sydney. When its 43 in Sydney, its best to stay inside. I’ve never been to Greece but if its similar to other Mediterranean countries, I’d say its moderately humid, rather than dry. California is similar I’d imagine, but a little drier.


I agree, but I think it is more complex than that. There are limits to free speech already. I agree that no one country should be able to censor others, but what about content that is illegally produced in that country.

So if terrorist training videos were made in Australia, could banning them from distribution mean they could prosecute fitter for distributing them? How about csam? How about China prosecutes for ibfro about Tiananmen. What about CSAM?

So objectively there are things some countries would want banned, but not all. Some that all might agree to ban. Classifying it might help but might that be more of an invasion of privacy? The web is built on lots of open protocols that assume good actors and no malicious intent. We are now adding protocols that increase privacy and security on top. Even something like the fediverse is a good example of the trade off between being public and being anonymous and being private. You can’t have it all.


Holding social media companies responsible for the content they host is a better solution in my view. We hold newspapers responsible. Why not social media? Yes, moderation is expensive but they are wildly profitable, musk aside.

They don’t need to moderate everything, as the content volume is high, but they certainly could manually moderate all content that reaches a certain threshd. They choose not to and hide behind their users sharing as a reason.


Depending on private companies for free speech is bad for free speech in and of itself. So either course has negatives, which means the course with leqsr negative outcomes is best. If they over moderate, they lose users. If they undermoderate they face fines. I’m sure the market force will mean they do whatever is most profitable.


I find password sharing between family or others poor on bitwarden. It segments all the password vaults and then defaults all new into one. Very hard to change. It would be better to be able to choose zones or similar for sharing so I could have a personal vault, a family vault and a work vault and able to access all seamlessly. I would own all but be able to share as appropriate.

While this is possible to do its not seamless.


Yes, I use them but it doesn’t work smoothly. I cannot easily add a password to my organisations from my personal account within a browser, even when setting up first time. If someone shares an organization vault with me, it can easily be accessed.


9 times out of 10 password creation is one click with no prompt or indication that its for any particular vault. Not intuitive at all. I do it but less techy family or work colleagues, no, they don’t.

I also don’t see an option to save to both at once. So hard to share between users that have different access levels when there is crossover.

Perhaps I’m missing something. My personal use case is Personal passes Family passes Family passes, kids access Work passes all Work passes personal Work passes admin (higher security) Work passes customer facing Work passes clinical

So if I use a service at work but also on my kids ipad computer I need to created 2 seperste entries manually. I don’t want my work to have access to kids vault and likewise I don’t want my kid to have access to work vault. That’s just an easy example. There are many more cases like that for different work users a d not having cross access with other users. So it defaults to their personal account but they need access to joint accounts or department accounts. When theybsave something new, it saves to their personal.


I remember sega also did a combined pc with amstrad, likely for the uk market in a similar vein to this.


Its already too late for them. The idea would be to scare future jurors. Its not like hell only face one jury.

Anyone calling for doxxing should be tracked down and arrested like the terrorist they are.


For jurors, seeing the defendant and witnesses live in person is part of the process. They assess body language as well as other things. Video link is helpful as a back up in certaain cases, eg for kids or victims of sexual assault who may be uncomfortable being in the room with their alleged attacker.

Isn’t it wild that it’s even considered dangerous to be a juror for an ex president. Yet some of his non violent followers still dont appreciate how damaging he is for democracy.


Lol, tech competency was not his strong point. That’s for Barron. He’s good with the cyber.

He’s probably more upset at losing money from rubes than the guilty verdict.

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it (www.theguardian.com)

On the issue of Gaza, Biden is dramatically out of touch with the voters he needs to win re-election. If he will not be moved by morality to stop his support of this war, he should be moved by vulgar self-interest. Gaza is not a distant foreign conflict: it is an urgent moral emergency for large swaths of voters. Biden will lose...


There is no shortage of idiots. There never has been.


Or the movement to microtransactions means prolonged time playing will lead to more income, whereas number of sales is completed.


If it’s not ready to play, don’t do a playtest. They want to have their cake and eat it. The playtest is for publicity, not testing.


So, even at full release, there could be bugs. That makes the suppression of actual opinions worse. If people didn’t call out unfinished projects, they would not get fixed. If they want preorders, stop making buggy mess games.


Employees do testing, already covered by an NDA. Content creators do publicity. If they are restricted to no negative publicity, then they are not reliable and it’s dishonest.


Because the community response was negative. It didn’t end up there by mistake. It was put there.


Trust their motivation. They are worried that ai including LLM processing will be mainly on Linux and they’ll be left behind. They are just following where they think the money will be. It just happens to be good for Linux and consumer choice, but that’s a side effect, not the reason.


The idea is to encourage the opposite. If they want access to furnace, Germany, Italy, they need to make it available in smaller countries. It becomes financially viable to cater to small countries when not doing so loses the big countries.


You do know you can unblock your pihole for seconds, minutes etc to go to a site that is otherwise blocked?


The pill that needs to be swallowed is large companies losing money if they ask for data too.

Sure, those who want can hand over their data. Those that don’t can decode not to and sail the seas instead of paying.

I certainly won’t pay for games on of that force a PlayStation account despite having a PlayStation.


Yeah, bit they sell less and less these days. I think one FIFA was on PS+ about 18monyhs after release. The most recent one was less than a year. They can only milk so much.


I wonder of the desperation will cost more than the money can help.


No, lots of PlayStation games have allowed for a free update to the ps5 version.

Sony’s licensing has been odd, though but I have no doubt that its easily doable and moneynisnthe issue.

I am a long term PS+ subscriber. This constant deprecation and nickel and diming is going to make my next purchase a steam deck. I only subscribe for online play, the games are a bonus. They are usually not my tyoe. Or often are just bad.

As console gaming and PC gaming converge, crappy console walled garden stuff just moves players awaybfrom consoles. They marker ps4 or ps5 games as separate products, but in reality, they are the same product with different graphics libraries (among other differences). With a PC, with fragmentation, I get to choose those assets as my hardware changes. On a console, they lock in with less choice and then try and charge again when I upgrade my hardware? Why would I choose the poorer, more expensive product?


Difficult to manage their supply chains? This means look the other way.

If they really wanted to, they could very easily avoid north Korean outsourcing. I have never accidentally outsourced to north Korea.

Check the contracts as part of the investigation. If there was no requirement to keep confidentiality or prevent the use ofnslave labor, its willful. If there was and there were nonchecks, its effectively the same thing.

Fine the company double the total amount they paid to outsource at a minimum. It would be interesting if we had fines based on total revenue. As an original for amazon, that’s a huge chunk of change. Of course, the company would be legally distant from the main ownership, but one can dream.


Oh, I don’t doubt that. However the fact that presumable neither of us work in outsourcing and can deduce that makes it seem willful ignorance.


There is some benefit in not letting perfect be the enemy of good. There is also overtones window shift. Accepting his leadership as normal will tend to normalose it.

If the bar is only as high as let’s not be completely useless and dysfunctional, they are better off politically ,and the country is better off, by letting the crazy side show their craziness as a negative. They will shown the people, and by extension, more moderate Republicans.

The reason the crazies took over is that they offered political advantage by courting the racist, bigoted vote. Moderates held their nose and went with it. They feared losing power on an individual basis as well as collectively. All politics is loacal. So if the crazies mean your voters stay home or are more likely to flip, you are more likely to disagree with them and push the out. If they are winning you elections, that’s not going to happen.


That goes to my overton window shift point. The amount of shift is still a spectrum. What are now moderate Republicans may not have been considered moderate before, but there are degrees before batshit.


Which leads to less money. I’d prefer a few failed games and the industry learns. Fun games sell, it microtransaction nor half baked shovelware. Some strike it lucky with micro transactions, but only if the game is good.


Seems odd, to purposely restrict income. It would be worse for residents long term if necessary infrastructure is absent. Without new hotels, older hotels will become decrepid. There will be no appetite to refurbish where additional rooms cannot be added.

Surely it would have been better to build new hotels in areas that need an influx of construction or people. It would take time but should revitalise areas. If drug tourism is the problem, then make efforts tonstop that, not hamstring tourism in general.

In sating that, they may have already tried. I know they have already made restrictions on drug purchases for residents only a fewbyrsrs ago. Perhaps its not working. It just seems like this would be a verybslow fix, where the negative effects are also very slow and difficult to correct later.


No, I get the point. I also realize that overtourisn is bad, by definition. Tourism is not inherently bad, though.

By artificially worsening tourism like this, it will lead to less tourists, butbalsona poorer experience for other tourists. This will lead to a reduction in investment in infrastructure, or amenities, like the Rijksmuseum. Locals benefit from the money tourists bring in more ways than just being a business that is tourist facing.

Yes, the hotels can renovate. But only to reduce capacity. The reason for hotels to renovate is competition or increase capacity. Without either, why bother. It will be less hassle and more profitable not to renovate. That’s my issue. Its inventivising decrepid hotels and bad infrastructure.

Tourism broadens the mind. We should look at more sustainable tourism and using tourism money as a tool to rejuvenate, rather than impinge.

Airbnbs often get blamed, but if hotels were sufficient and reasonable, airbnb becomes a poor proposition with its silly rules and extra hassle. We should appropriately tax and regulate what is now unregulated. Compact Eco friendly hotels in less congested areas encourages responsible tourism.

Its like bike culture, there. If you want people to move from cars, you don’t let the roads deteriorate to dangerous levels. You ensure there is alternative infrastructure like public transport and bicycle lanes.


Psvr (original) as an amazon prime day deal about baby ear after launch. It was about AUS150, so US100 by today’s exchange.


Thrown out before or after the records are already transferred?


It might be that due to so many games getting released, many confuse it for a rerelease or extra content rather than a full game.


So fine them and require all governemtn documents and legal documents of anybkind to be in a true open format. Its only a compatibility problem if people continue to use their format.


They don’t need to fine them in every country. Just in Germany. If they pull our of Germany, they need to pull out of the EU. They are not doing that. They will make their document open, for real.


As I see it, there are 3 options.

Allow forks and let community sort itself.

Pass on to someone trusted, that ideally has been part of the project for a long time, or even the start.

Have a fork that is officially endorsed.

Depending on the software, different approaches may be appropriate. For something like this with VPN, I would want the fork to be vetted by the community before trusting it. If the original owner endorsed one, id probably update to it quickly but keep an eye on the community.

If it was something with less security risk, id probably move quicker if features were added I like. With something like this, with higher risk, id be assessing forks and alternatives equally.


Software for equipment and software for imaging etc. I work in healthcare. I’d love to use Linux but we’re stuck on software that is based on Java from 8 years ago, as the newer version is not compatible with some older equipment. Add to that, the newer version costs $500 per user to upgrade with no additional features, and this is just for one medical camera, that treats the camera like a webcam. The problem is how it stores images is in a custom database, through a server. Otherwise, the Java part should be easy enough.

Medical equipment is super expensive and they only make a few thousand of some of them. So, the software is super expensive too and not updated nor is there versions for Mac or Linux. Heck, most of them don’t officially support windows 10 or 11. It’s really frustrating too, as most are really a simple bridge that connects to the machine to give instructions or receive data. They are not usually drivers, but send data over the network. An open format would suit better for security too, as all this old software will be pretty leaky.


I’ve heard of people having success.eiyh setting up an account for the family pet and friending their kids and friends before they are old enough to understand the concept of sharing online.allows you to keep tabs on them unobtrusively and can obviously deactivate or defined as appropriate when they age.

Hopefully though, I stead, you’ll teach them how to use privacy controls to not allow you to see, when they are old enough that it’s appropriate.


Then a custom rom, like graphene is allows you to de google your phone. Although google have embedded themselves deeply into android, the pixels are quite open about unlocking boot loader etc.


They’re talking about the famous fountain.

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