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Try PassAndroid. It hasn’t been updated in more than a year, but…it works


I’ll have a look at it. In the meanwhile, I’ve been using Tasker for that: if an SMS from curtains numbers is received with the text “POSITION”, it will reply back with an OpenStreetMap link of the smartphone position.


I’ve been sending my position to my server (with Traccar and GPSlogger) for years and I haven’t had any problems with the battery. It sends out the position every 5 seconds (excessive, I know!!! 🙈) and every 69 seconds when the battery is below 25% and only when it’s not connected to a WiFi network.

But I’m with you about the new Google tracking system. I haven’t had the chance to check: does it work like Apple and can track devices that have been turned off?


or even pinging GPS satellites (because that leaves a log)

What logs does it leave and where? Satellite is a one way communication system, the devices just receive the satellites signal and calculate the position by themselves.


I haven’t tried it, but having tried Perplexity, I can say that it’s difficult to have something that’s worse than it!

Some interesting distributed networks (non-centrally controllable networks)

some projects/ideas i found in the last couple of years, that try to solve our current problem of the internet being a centralized structure that is controllable by big corporations or governments and not so easily usable with mesh technology or when not being connected for long amounts of time...


millions are still being poured into development efforts

Millions for development? Do you have any sources? I’d like to read about it. Thanks

How is everyone handling the 2FA requirement for GitHub? (

Just wondering what people are using to meet the 2FA requirement GitHub has been rolling out. I don’t love the idea of having an authenticator app installed on my phone just to log into GitHub. And really don’t want to give them my phone number just to log in....

peregus, (edited )

Totally agree! 2FA on all the accounts that support it avoiding SMS. And different passwords (complex, auto generated by a password manager) for each single account. I may be paranoid, but I also use a different email alias (SimpleLogin) for every single account! 😆


Or like eBay


I self host a lot of services, but I will never self host my email server If any of my self hosted service would have to go down, I will work on it as soon as I can, but it coudl that it’s not that soon. If I would have self hosted my own email server at it would go down, I would have to work on it straight away because usually after 24/48 hours the other email server give up and send back the email (that was directed to me) to the sender, I could not receive airplane ticket for example and a lot of other stuff. What if that would happen when I’m on holiday in the other side of the world??? 🙈

peregus, (edited )

I use Wallabag, nothing social special, but it works. It has an extension for Firefox


For what I use it, I’ll stick with it. I should be using it more, but I’m too lazy! 🙈😆


Is it open source?


Thanks for your feedback, but I tend to stay away from app that hasn’t been updated in a while (that one and all the other GitHub alternatives on F-Droid are years old☹).


No, unfortunately I’m no developer at all 🤷🏻‍♂️


I second Node Red. I use it on different home automation systems and I’m very happy with it. I’ve never ever had any problem through updates and some nodes have been operating for at least 6 years.


I don’t like the comment “this is why people say the open source ecosystem sucks” because a bankruptcy of a company has nothing to do with the concept of open source.


I didn’t and it doesn’t matter because you wrote it under this article and so it’s related to it. I’m not saying that it’s not true, but it can’t be related to this fact.


Dude, just write down a couple of lines in your posts so that people can know what they’re about.


But why should I visit the website (that by the way now returns 500) to know if I’m interested in the article?


Have you tried with Docker? I’ve installed it more than a year ago, but if I’m not mistaken I’ve used their Docker compose.

peregus, (edited )

Neo Launcher, open source!

Edit: there haven’t been releases for a while, but it appears that a new one is coming soon:

Till now we have no alpha release of 1.0.0, but this would come in the next weeks.



Hanno iniziato da un po’ di tempo a fornire troppi servizi, dovrebbero focalizzarsi di più a sistemare quelli che hanno. La webmail di Protonmail è un abominio: perdita di selezione multipla aprendo un’email, email che ricompaiono subito dopo averle cancellate, ricerca…stendiamo un velo pietoso!


They need to focus on providing quality services instead of quantity. The ProtonMail webmail is a shame: multiple selection lost if you click just outside the checkbox because that will open the email, emails that just after have been deketed reappear in the inbox and don’t get me started on the search 🤢!

P.s. I’ve double commented because I’ve just realized that I’ve written the other comment in Italian 😆, sorry.


Have a look at Grist or ToolJet or similar tools. I use the first in a very basic way and…it works!


No, I’ve never used NFS. I’ve solved with this export:


And this mount:

sudo mount -t nfs -o vers=3 /mnt/nfs/

Made it permanent with this /etc/fstab: /mnt/nfs nfs vers=3,rw 0 0




If I don’t remember wrong, KDE Connect needs to be installed on both the devices you need to transfer file/text to/from, with Snapdrop (and PairDrop) you just need to selfhost it (or use the official website) without the need to install anything and they *can *work even when sender and receiver are on different network


Are you selfhosting it? Were you able to set it up to work even with devices on different networks with turn/coturn server?


Just sending files


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