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They outlawed Fox News?

Don’t pretend this is about disinformation.

Fox News is disinformation peddler numero uno.

This is about the seizure of media outlets that don’t parrot pro-capitalist propaganda.

But it’s too late, the majority of each generation millennial and later is anti-capitalist. The critique media will simply change form.


And the weapon is ideas? If a society has to shield itself from ideas to prevent revolt, then perhaps that society has bigger problems. Patching the hole as a united bipartisan front, when the ONLY things that receives united bipartisan support is corporate interests, kinda gives their hand away. They’re doing this as a desperation move to prevent societal erosion and more importantly, loss of power in media. I think it’s too late.

Seems like an upheaval, electorally or otherwise, is at hand and this is a desperation move. I don’t expect the patching to prevent the rain, but who knows.

My interpretation, open to being wrong.

stembolts, (edited )

47 hours isn’t so bad. I drove San Fran CA to Charlotte NC once and it took 69 hours with stops for sleep included.

But, your core point is still valid, I’ve kinda always wondered that too. I guess the other replyee explained it, freight trains get priority.

To compare a train ride I took once, I took a train from Charlotte NC to Detroit MI and that took 24 hours. The drive is 10 hours.

My takeaway, maybe we should build dedicated rails for hauling people… wait, the auto industry doesn’t want us to have that and lobbies expressly against it? Fuckers. Back to reality, all US politicians are owned by corporations and oppose train infrastructure expansion, and yes, I recognize the main opposition is conservatives. But on this topic quite a few liberals are probably opposing it also, I actually don’t know and am speaking from generic observations.

Nonetheless, corporate lobbying is the root cause. Aka legalized corruption.

The reason I highlighted conservatives is because they oppose absolutely anything that costs money (which is everything), and they spend all their efforts banning books/lifestyles/scientific-phrases and well, science and medical advice from science and medicine experts. That’s all banned too. But not guns, because “bans don’t work,” (except in every other civilized first world nation in existence, but wait that doesn’t feel good to think about) so conservatives ignore that.

So you know, I guess it’s not my fault that I assume Republicans are the root cause to this problem too, since they are the root cause behind most Americans’ ills.

For all you “both sides bad” people, great, so introduce ranked choice voting in your state. That would disrupt both conservative and liberal life-long politicians. If you won’t do that, when you say “both sides bad” you are actually saying “Republicans aren’t that bad”.

Ranked choice voting, bitches. Do that shit. Read about how it works before you go ask the people in power and media-shills about it, spoiler, they fucking hate the idea because it would dethrone quite a few of them.

(Shoots AR15 into the air, the traditional American greeting and salutation for departure).

Have a nice day.


Hahaha. I love it. Fuck closed source hardware gatekeepers.

Nice to see them groveling for performance.


C’mon, I can joke. Such a cathartic paragraph to read. Intractable cunts.

DS9 Episode - S2 E22 - The Wire (

I know many other seasoned Star Trek fans out there have probably experienced this one many times before. But I just watched this episode for the first time and the writing, acting and story just blew me away. So far it is by far one of my favourite scenes and episodes of the series so far. The dialogue between Bashir and Garak...

stembolts, (edited )

Being woke remains a good thing.

It means being aware of societal challenges that exist and the historical context in which we live.

The alternative is to bury ones head in the sand and say, “Everything is okay, question nothing.”

I am thankful I am not simple enough to fall for the new monthly conservative slur in attempt to supress social awareness and change. It’s coming. The slurs are a silly game for the simple minded.

stembolts, (edited )

Edit : Post left unedited below. Sorry i wrote this after waking up and misread. I still hope it helps. That “long time” is going to feel short before you know it. 60 years is a blink.

===== ===== ===== =====

If everything is equally boring, go lift weights. Not to get stronger, just for the experience of suffering. Suffering is novel, unique, different from boredom. You may grow to enjoy the suffering, many do. Because after the suffering, the world glows like a lightbulb because your body is so relieved the suffering is over. (Plus chemical brain stuff I won’t get into.)

Another boring activity, mental health diagnosis and treatment.

May as well right? Since everything is boring, you would have no preference for one task over another.

Unless shitpost means “I want to complain don’t help me,” in which case I will have to avoid this community in the future.

You’re young, try everything once. Sorry if I missed the joke, wish you the best.


“The powers that be” doesn’t describe anything, nothing permanent anyway. The only constant is change, and that applies to leadership of any sort. A friendly leadership today is a hostile leadership tomorrow because its all a game of musical chairs. The tools to violate privacy, once created, will fall into all hands. In my opinion, we will learn the easy way… or the unfortunate way.

That said, I didn’t understand most of your message but responded to the small part that was communicated clearly.

Finally I’d like to (hopefully constructively) critique of your writing style. In the future I think that you should prioritize understandability and explanation over vocabulary and brevity. What use is a display of swordsmanship to a blind crowd?


I understand your perspective. Hopefully my critique wasn’t overstepping. I’m just one person with some ideas I thought would help you. Maybe so, maybe not! Seems like we’re both trying and that is all we can do. Have a nice day.

stembolts, (edited )

Cool, then respond to this post with a video of you masturbating. It would be helpful to the scenario to include your full birth name, address, and employer, since that is the scenario that folks who would be blackmailed would be facing.

Since you really don’t care.

It is possible that you mean what you say, but I believe its more likely you lack imagination to what impact the above scenario would actually feel like once you’re in it.

That silly proposition aside, I agree with you about the microphone killswitch. Certainly overlooked.


The Marianna Trench contains microplastics. (not a meme)

The eggs of all newly born children contain microplastics. (not a meme)

But this person’s water-well. Free and clear. I think the key is this their well is outside of the environment. (meme)


Check your votes… No one is buying this… We all see what is happening. But you are a bot so not sure why I’m replying to you.

Israel is a genocide state.



Have you ever considered that you are crafting a subjective world around you that doesn’t exist? Nothing about this post has anything to do with firearms or the United States.

It’s a commentary on the need to respond to those who use force to dominate others, with force. The firearm, bat, or otherwise is a metaphor representing appropriate uses of violence (to overcome a fascist oppressor).

Being able to understand and interpret images and text is a skill you should have at least learned the basics of by high school, otherwise you end up misunderstanding the whole world and spend your life angry at things while everyone around you looks at you and thinks, “What?”.

stembolts, (edited )



I’m not sure if you are attempting a platitude or are making a point, but to make a point your logic should be sound.

Your logic is that if an average first world person cannot live in a place comfortably, then you have an unstated implication that they should not receive support against death. Please correct if you were implying something else, would have been easier to know if you had spoken less vaguely.

Nonetheless regarding said “logic”, (TLDR it’s not logical) I don’t see the logical connection between the tourism experience of visiting a country under siege and how that determines whether the residents of that country should be exterminated.

If you were making a point, could you elaborate on this connection? If however you were attempting a platitude, no explanation needed, you succeeded.


Ah great, well thank you for the explanation regarding their implication. That is helpful.

Do you happen to also understand if their position is logical, or is your meaning then, “They murder, so we must murder them, so that all of the murderers have been murdered.”

(Please correct the above if I am misunderstanding)

Because there is a bit of a problem with that sentiment as well.

I’m not stating that you take this position, so do not take this next statement as targeted at you, rather it is targeted at those who may hold the above sentiment. That is, progress is rarely generated from the barrel of a gun. Then we live in a world where B’s hate against A is justified, because A hates B. This is a perpetual cycle of endless violence and war, that is the end result of this type of thinking, and why these comments are so negative because a lot of us have lived long enough to see this cycle, every day, it does not end through bloodshed.


It always bothered me when folks injected out of context Japanese and provided no explanation, but now I know some Japanese, so for the other folks here like me.

いいね is pronounced i-i-ne and translates to something like “nice”.

The comment below わかりました is pronounced wa-ka-ri-ma-shi-ta and translates to something like “I understand”.

And finally a note to the Japanese injectors. Almost no one likes when you inject Japanese out of context. If you are a student studying Japanese and inject it in context people would enjoy it more.

I accept my down votes if my observations are incorrect, have a nice day.


As a huge Formula 1 fan and daily Linux user for a few decades now, while also being quite stoned… this fusion broke my brain, haha, well written. I could hear the words in the voice of Lauda, Seb, and Rossberg.

Pastor Maldonado I would assume is a windows user.


A reporter asked a very very long question in a press conference 2-3 years ago. It has become a quaint F1 copypasta due to this. The author took that quote and replaced all of the Formula 1 references with Linux references.

It’s obscure as hell but funny to encounter as a fan of both.

I am pretty sure the long question is used in Netflix’s Drive to Survive series in one of the seasons with Sebastien Vettel. Good show even for a non-F1 fan, but I admit I am biased.

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