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One article I read said he likes to fire whole teams and then see which people are asked about. Those are the ones he rehires. If nobody misses you then you were doing a job of value.

From a human level, this is just shitty. It isn’t the way to treat people.


That isn’t true. I’m literate as well as all my friends.

Lemmy is just an echo chamber of financial illiteracy. It’s mind boggling how few basic concepts are understood here.

The questions are in the article I see there missed all the time here.

wintermute_oregon, (edited )

I just the evaluation listed in the article. I got 100%. It’s only 5 questions.

You are confusing with economics with financial literacy. Not exactly the same things

Americans generically are horrible at financial literacy. It’s something that should be taught in school. It was when they went to high school. Hence why I can answer the questions easily.


Generically. Auto correct.


Financially literate people are. I trade in stocks and bonds. Everyone I know does. It’a most likely part of your 401k which most people don’t understand. The test was designed to see you understood basic concepts like what inflation does to money. That’s a basic financial literacy question. Do you understand compound interest, etc.


I am aware Europeans don’t but I specially said Americans. Most likely that’s why they are poor. If you don’t understand how money works, you’re doomed to fail.

They could use an Ira if they do not have a 401k. Tax deductible and same concept.


Well how are they going to start a business if they are not financially literate? They’d fail.

I grew up poor. Most my Friends were dirt poor. None of us are poor now.

Now I have plenty of poor family but they are financially illiterate.

It’s a skill everyone should be taught in school.


Weird how you turned this into a discussion about an article into an attack on me. Since you have once again resorted to person attacks, I’ll end the conversation here.


It’s your MO. You started attacking my political beliefs even though I never brought it up and it had nothing to do with the topic. You just wanted to make a personal attack. You can’t talk about issues, you always talk about people. It’s sad. This is the second time in two days you have went out of your way to talk about me instead of the topic.

Do better.


I am not going to play your troll game with you. I’ll just move on to someone who doesn’t make personal attacks.


Argentina achieved its rare surplus by slashing three-quarters of transfers to provincial governments and halting nearly 90 percent of public works, Milei said

That isn’t glowing per se. If the public works need to be done, he just halted needed work. If it was waste then he did a good job.

I don’t know enough Argentina to know what the transfer entail but in America, that wouldn’t be good since it would halt productive work.


I was going to buy one when they came out but they were hard to get. I never got one and don’t see the need to buy one now.

I will not pay over list for a game console. That is just bad money skills.


I won’t buy from scalpers. No way. They add zero value and are like parasites. Microsoft and Sony should have taken a firm stance against them.

Course I pay double ? Sure at the time I had the money but I won’t do it because of the ethics.


We can’t. We sent some much production there we should worry that China may put sanctions on us. It’s why we shouldn’t have allowed manufacturing to move there.


Nobody is going to gut nato. Trumps whole schtick was they need to pay for their own defense. It appears nato is paying attention now after Putin invaded.


Trump will not leave nato. That’s just fear momgerong and gore against his public statements.

And not a few countries. The bulk were not contributing what they should and Trump was right. Russia was a threat. They should have listened.


No you are fear mongering. Trump has already supporter Ukraine, he just made another statement backing Ukraine and helped get the vote through.

His public statement wasn’t he’d pull America from nato. What he said was nato needs to pay their share or we will leave which is fair. Europe needs us for defense. We don’t need Europe for defense.

You’re fear mongering. There are plenty of reasons to dislike Trump. You don’t have to lie and fear monger to find a valid complaint about Trump.


I would like to see a modern tank that is greener, and I don’t mean that as a joke.

The amount of fuel consumed is insane. It creates logistics problems if nothing else.


The m1 consumes about 6 gallons per mile.

In a large war that is a lot of fuel and supply lines.

I know of Iraq/Afghanistan. They were testing solar to power the bases because they required so much diesel, and those were the convoys being attacked.

I know people will call it woke but we need to green up the military to protect lives.


I have not heard that. That would be cool.

There has been talk of moving more electric but I haven’t seen much.

The problem is the haters. If done right it’ll make our military even more lethal.


I would agree. As the climate changes, what is important will change.

I think the average person outside of America doesn’t grasp the size of America. We have enough water, land, etc to feed our population if we plan correctly. Other countries don’t have that luxury and wars can be caused over a shortage of water and food.


I don’t frack. So I’m not sure you mean by you. Nor do I support fracking. Gas should be expensive.


BYD is made by their enemy? It isn’t hard to figure out why they wouldn’t want to buy things from a hostile country.


That doesn’t refute anything I said. How weird.

Do you think India and China are buddies?



Tata is selling more. You keep trying to cite one specific range as proof BYD is dominating the market. Tata is selling more overall.


They have been working on these for years. It isn’t an mRNA vaccine but Cuba has one for some types of lung cancer.


I like Sanders because he isn’t just another d/r. He speaks his mind, and I believe he believes in what he says. I would vote for him out of principle.

That said, his ideas are idiotic for the most part, and he has no clue how the economy works.If elected the country would quickly become a wasteland if his ideas were implemented but I would feel decent voting for him at least.


Funny, I don’t remember ever saying taxes are theft by default. What I have said is the tax system should be fair.

Bernie has suggested this, such as taxing wealth, which is unconstitutional. He didn’t propose an amendment; he just wanted to tax wealth. He didn’t even realize that it was against the Constitution. He also said it’s unfair that Elon didn’t pay more in income tax when he made a dollar that year. He couldn’t even be bothered to look up Elon’s income.

He says things so his plebes will clap without realizing it isn’t an intelligent or viable solution.


I have never suggested that. Nice Strawman you built there!


The rich already pay more than their fair taxes. If you have a cite to show otherwise, I would love to see it.…/rich-pay-their-fair-share-of-…

As this chart shows, The top 1% pay 40% of all taxes but only bring in 20% of the income. That is paying their fair share.

The top 5% pay 20% of the taxes but only bring in 15% of the income.

So yes, I deserve a tax cut, and most likely, you deserve a tax increase.


Why are you quoting the bible? The bible also says I shouldn’t eat shellfish. Leave your sky God out of the discussion.

That paper ignores people’s capacity to pay.

People need to be responsible for their finances. The answer isn’t to make other people pay your way in life. As California and New York learned, people will leave and their budgets are wrecked.


No, it answers what you said but you choose to think otherwise.

I will make it simple for you.

Elon typically earns 1 dollar per year.

How much should he pay in taxes on that 1 dollar?

Your point is invalid. High-income earners already pay more in taxes, not only as a percentage but also as a total of their income.

You don’t see the irony in wanting others to pay more but not wanting to pay more yourself.


Elon Musk earns about $1.5 billion dollars/year with an estimated net worth of about $150 billion.

False. Elon does not earn $1.5 billion a year. That is not his income. His net worth has nothing to do with his income.

Musk should be taxed at 90% like we did for top earners during the biggest economic expansion in our nation’s history.

That is also false. Income was taxed at 90%, not wealth. We have never taxed wealth because it is unconstitutional. Also, the tax code was very different back then, and only 1 person ever paid that level of tax. People had many more deductions than they do now.

And that wasn’t my point; you’re trying to change the argument because you know you’re wrong. No, I am right, as you demonstrated here that you don’t know the difference between income, wealth, and even how taxes have worked historically.

I would love for you to point out where I said I wouldn’t be willing to pay more in taxes. This accusation is a confession, it seems.

How much more do you think your tax bracket should pay to keep the current rates for all the other brackets?


I also never said wealth was taxed. I said his income should be taxed (in response to your question). then why did you bring up Elon’s wealth?

You’re misrepresenting my argument at every step like you always do.

Then, be more clear. Don’t blame me because you can’t articulate your thoughts well. You are talking about wealth but claim you are not talking about wealth. Elon does not earn $1.5 billion per year. That is factually inaccurate.

Your sealion question at the end is irrelevant; you have no idea how much I earn, and I’m not here to impress Internet strangers like you seem to be. You said you would pay more but when asked, it’s now sealioning? Never asked how much you earned. I asked how much more your bracket should pay since you said you would pay more.

Bet you’re real close to that billion though if you keep grinding! Not even close and not even a goal of mine.

Bet it burns you up that you can’t ban me from here. It’s so weird you try to turn everything personal instead of having a discussion. Instead of trying to talk about me, why not engage in the discussion?


“buy borrow die” is totally income, dude. It is not income under the law but I have no issues taxing it as income or preventing the practice.

If Bernie wasn’t so dumb, that is where he would focus his angst. I suspect few people really understand that is how Elon supports himself through loans and not income.

One day, those loans have to be called, but until then, there is no income.


That isn’t true at all.

So can you back up any of your claims like Elon makes 1.5 billion a year in income or are we just done for now?


Stop trying to turn this into a discussion about me. I am acting in good faith.

You can’t just make a claim and then refuse to back it while trying to have a real discussion.

You will see someone else brought up loans, and I agree that is an issue. That is why the ultra-wealthy can avoid taxes, and that is a problem we can solve without violating the Constitution.


Why do you keep avoiding the topic?

You made a claim that Elon is making $1.5 billion in income. If it wasn’t important then why did you bring it up?

Anyway, I will chalk this up to you not understanding income, wealth, and taxes.

If you want to have a serious discussion, come back with some actual cites for your claim to discuss.


It would be interesting to see how many of the rich are using loans to bypass taxes.

I have only heard of a few cases dealing with tech wealthy people who are paid mainly in stock.

I do think it is an issue and something should be done about it.

It is a fallout from being a public company and we can regulate that much easier.

I think our whole tax system needs to be burned down and replaced.


Can you show otherwise?


No, Bernie has shown time and time again that he doesn’t understand how anything works.…/senator-bernie-sanders-doesnt-unders……/the-economic-ignorance-of-bernie-san……/bernie-sanders-biggest-weakness…

Can you find anyone that says Bernie understands economics?


It really boils down to this: why would you go to bat for people who have more than you? Because someone always has more than someone else. Unless you are number one, someone always has more than you do. A fair society is not one that punishes the successful people. You make sure the system is fair.

It does not make sense for people like you to say millionaires “pay their fair share” when they only become wealthy due to exploitation of everyone else who has to work for a living.

I don’t buy that at all. Going to work is not being exploited. I go to work every day, and I am not exploited. I am paid fairly for the work I do.

If you’re over the age of 18 and you still haven’t figured these basic facts out, that means you’re being taken advantage of left and right without even realizing it. Or maybe I am not being taken advantage of. Maybe I am paid fairly for the work I do, and I am happy with my pay. the only thing I am unhappy about is having to pay more than my fair share of taxes for people who don’t want to pay their fair share.


You didn’t cite anything. When called out, you make a personal attack?


That’s moving the goalpost.

The pay their fair share of income tax.

The issue is there is a way to avoid income.

That’s the problem we need to solve. Technically they’re taking on debt to avoid taxes. Sounds reasonable but those are loans we couldn’t get. It’s just a tax avoidance system.


Refusing to send one weapon system is not a Russian ally. He is concerned about the range and that it could be used to attack Russia proper.

At this point, I think that is a weak argument, as Ukraine needs to attack Russia proper to stop the war. Russia won’t quit as long as it’s people are not impacted by the war.


When you live in a country, there is an obligation to that country. You pay taxes, you fight in a war of self defense, etc.


That’s a philosophical topic and not the law. Legally in America if you are called you must go. Otherwise you go to jail.

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