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That’s why he loves Putin so much!!! They have the same first name!!!


Aw damnit… I hate when that happens…

He had a funny one basically saying that if he did show us his shirtless chest, we’d get to see how closely he resembled Baron Harkonnen.


You do realize that’s exactly what Wegovy is, right? Ozempic was being prescribed off-label for weight loss so much, it was severely impacting supply for diabetics who needed it to manage their diabetes. They put the drug through a second round of FDA testing to get approval as a weight loss drug.

And, as someone taking Wegovy for weight loss… it’s no shortcut. It absolutely makes it easier to control your appetite but the side effects are non-trivial. I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life and I feel lucky I wasn’t heavier when I started, but before this I’ve been anywhere between 235 and 320 up and down for the last 15 years. This medication makes me feel, finally, like I’ve got a shot at losing the weight and getting it to a safe level.

Now… if you’re talking about the people who want to take it for 2 months to lose some vanity weight before beach season… I absolutely agree.


Cool. It’s been helpful, but hot damn… if you don’t pay for it occasionally if you eat the wrong thing…


Protesters vote…


Well, it was an admittedly flippant comment done in passing in an effort to highlight the fact that regardless of any perceived proximal effect, protesters are still part of the electorate. What’s more though, is the effect the protest has on opinions of the wider electorate, which is where I would wager we move from a protest vote and into the area where major change can occur.


Are you quoting the TV edit? I remember the quote being “… circumcise a gnat, Bug.”

Either way… hilarious movie.


Hey… if you’re old enough to recall the movie well enough to quote it, you’re allowed to flub an obscure quote. I was asking more to check my memory more than anything else, lol.

God damnit, John Candy was such a fucking gem. Departed too soon.

Trump’s Brain Is Not Okay (ghostarchive.org)

While for many it’s obvious how serious Trump’s declining mental capacity has become, for too many Americans that reality has not yet broken through. The media continues to treat Trump like a normal candidate; many Americans have baked Trump’s bizarre behavior into their perceptions of him; and many take right-wing lies...


Eh… Texas still elected Greg Abbot though…. I’m not convinced even that would do it…

Fact check: Trump falsely claims US crime stats are only going up. Most went down last year, including massive drop in murder (www.cnn.com)

Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed on Tuesday that US crime statistics are “only” going up. In fact, most US crime numbers went down last year – and the decreases included one of the largest national declines in murder ever recorded....


What do you mean? This is standard political fare… most of the population has the memory of a goldfish, so popular shit like this always waits until the election cycle.

Additionally, an executive order, or changing the chief of the DEA, are probably the least effective ways to handle it. All it would take is a republican administration to undo it all. The way that sticks best is legislation.


I completely agree… but that’s how this shit goes. This is definitely one of the situations where both sides pull the same shenanigans. When was the last time you heard Kamala Harris open her mouth? Granted, she’s been busy in a divided Senate, but Dan Quayle was more visibly present during the elder Bush’s administration than Kamala has been during Biden’s. Now she crawls out of the Senate chambers to talk about cannabis? Better late than never I guess.

It’s not like Biden’s administration hasn’t been doing anything useful. But these wildly popular policy initiatives that would do a lot of good often wait for politically convenient moments when it’ll be fresh in the electorate’s memory.


I’m not convinced they’d even try passing the legislation once some executive order was issued. It would be touted as a victory for the Biden Administration, and then forgotten about until 2028…

God damnit, when did I become so cynical?


Ok… so how do we run people genuinely interested in fixing it? How do we make this not how shit goes? I can’t argue that it’s really disheartening, but the idea that any party is going to run anyone primarily interested in anything other than getting reelected is absurd. The National Committees for each party would never give them a platform. Running third party is suicide here.

The real change that needs to happen is election reform to provide more transparent campaign financing and moving away from a First Past the Post voting system. That’s how you get people in who can actually fix the issues we have in a constructive and positive manner. It won’t be perfect but it would be helpful. Then we’d have a flourishing of different political parties emerge and voters would have actual choice.

“That’s the way she goes” shouldn’t hurt turnout. The reality is we’re facing the single greatest threat to the basic ideals of the American Republican Democracy. Bigger things are afoot than cannabis policy. I’ll take this political grandstanding from the Biden administration 10 times out of 10 than one more day of a Trump administration.


Ah… so you’re not interested in discourse. I see.

Citizens united was bullshit and never should have gone the way it did, but more could be done.

And as another user mentioned… undoing settled case law is a terrible way of doing things… look at RvW…

Ad campaign targets conservative groups’ opposition to abortion, IVF (thehill.com)

So, my thought here is that I really feel like this should be leading the effort to get Joe Biden returned to office in 2025. This shit really does scare me – how efficiently the GOP has planned to do this shit, and how abjectly bad the Democrats are at bringing this up. Maybe it’s because I’m not a political campaign...


Sooo… what exactly do you expect Biden to do? He can’t declare by edict or executive order that abortion is legal in all the land… when SCOTUS reversed RvW, they said the practice is not constitutionally protected, kicking the legality back to the states. It will literally take an act of Congress to do anything. Even then, I’m not sure whether they can force legality in states that don’t want it.


I literally thought the T was going to be titties, and was prepared to laugh. Now I’m just sad.


I just missed this gen entirely, and with the exception of the Switch’s successor, I don’t think I’m going to be buying another console for a very long time.

I used to be a dedicated console gamer… I had an NES growing up, then a Genesis, Saturn, and Dreamcast. Picked up a Game Cube somewhere along the way. Then I had the Xbox, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, WiiU, and finally the XBOne and Switch. I’ve had PCs mixed in there from time to time, but most gaming was done in the living room on console.

Then the Series X/S and PS5 come around… there were the massive supply issues, and everything was moving to 4K and I didn’t have 4K, and none of it seemed worth the upgrade. At this point my laptop was a dinosaur from 2011 and needed to be replaced anyway. So I built a desktop PC, which gets gamed on alongside my Switch, and my XBOne has been gathering dust.


Enjoy! It took me quite a while to get used to the columnar layout on my Moonlander, but it’ll come with use. Just force yourself to stumble though using it and spend some time on the typing exercise websites to train yourself and it’ll come. Before you realize it you’ll be just as fast and accurate as you used to be.

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