Nougat, to politics in Trump probation interview set for Monday after hush money conviction, NBC News reports

After? Here I thought the content of that interview (among other things) was supposed to be used by the judge to determine sentencing.


After the conviction, but naturally before sentencing.

btaf45, to politics in Trump probation interview set for Monday after hush money conviction, NBC News reports

I don’t want probation I want Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump to be held accountable for his crimes. Michael Cohen got 3 years in prison for the same crime and unlike Treason Trump he was remorseful and respectful.

EleventhHour, avatar

Well, I don’t know how "respectful” he was, but he did show acts of contrition. And he certainly did behave himself in court as a witness.


That’s incorrect. The charges were different, and a few of Cohen’s were more severe (higher class felonies).

Cohen pleaded guilty to 5 counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a federally insured bank, one count of causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution.…/michael-cohen-pleads-guilty-manhatt…

Trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records.


From the article:

The probation interview is required by the court as part of the former president’s pre-sentencing report.

@treefrog also had a good quote from the article providing more info as well.

The name “probation interview” is a poor one. Sentencing hasn’t happened yet and this interview is standard operating procedure to collect relevant information about the convicted party so that the judge can make an informed decision during sentencing.

downpunxx, to politics in Trump probation interview set for Monday after hush money conviction, NBC News reports


FunderPants, to politics in Trump probation interview set for Monday after hush money conviction, NBC News reports

legal experts noted that holding a probation interview over a video conference call is unusual but having the former president in a New York probation would also be unprecedented.

More kid gloved special treatment for Trump.

Trump could also be asked if he is associating with anyone with a criminal record because he cannot associate with them if he is placed on probation,

LOL, Trump has been surrounded by criminals for ages.


Trump could also be asked if he is associating with anyone with a criminal record because he cannot associate with them if he is placed on probation,

“Does it count if I pardoned them?”

Zerush, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens avatar

Yeah. This. This is what will send me to live in a commune.

Zerush, avatar

Novadays they also use biometric to enter

delirious_owl, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens avatar

This is why you bring tape and a few pieces of paper in your carry-on

GolfNovemberUniform, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens avatar

But how can they access a passenger’s digital profile?

makingStuffForFun, avatar

Last time I had my phone plugged in to charge it, I noticed that it wasn’t on charge mode exclusively, but it was actually on File Share Mode.

Now I don’t know if the airplane was able to instigate that connection mode, or why my phone was on that mode, but it did concern me incredibly that they were able to browse the files on my phone, when I just wanted it to charge.

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

Well that is obvious. Btw many phones have file share mode as the default now. Make sure you change it. But how about other cases? I don’t really understand. Are digital profiles officially tied to the ID and plane tickets now?


Or do you have an UA credit card?

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

Oh so they just use the data from the credit card like age and gender? It’s still bad but not that much of a problem as if they had access to all Google, Apple, Meta and other kinds of analytics and behavior data. Though I heard some banks do buy that data so I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave it to the airline. Well I know the era of total surveillance is coming. The EU may fight it but the US doesn’t seem to have any desire to do so. That’s unfortunate but only a big amount of active people can change it. Also what is an UA card?


That’s why you should use “usb condom” when charing your phone from untrusted power source.


I would assume it’s mostly ads for tourist places or local attractions at your destination

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

But the article says the ads are personalized. I really suspect it goes deeper than just the destination

delirious_owl, avatar

They know your name. That’s usually enough.


And your email, identity document, photo, payment method… lots of fun data points to boil it down to a demographic of one person.


Oh please. It’s 2024, and you’re still wondering how a company knows who you are? The plane knows who is sitting on which seat, unless you change seats, and the airline has, at least: you email, your credit card, name, address, gender, age, nacionality, origin and destination. From there, they can ask a number of data brokers for more information like purchase habits, health, wheather you have children, your field of work, etc etc. Even if it’s one’s of those flights without assigned seats, there are cameras in the cabin. It would be pretty easy to face ID who is sitting where.

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

That’s what I wanted to know. Well total surveillance is slowly becoming a thing. Having multiple digital identities and using privacy-respecting services makes more and more sense every day


The problem is that you can’t fly anonymous. They will always know exactly who you are. But yeah, you can at least try to limit the information on you, but still.

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

I believe you can use your “official identity” only for stuff that requires identification (like border crossing, business and flights) and create another one for general internet usage and stuff like that. It’s much harder in countries that require ID to buy a SIM card though


I think the whole of Europe requires ID for SIM cards these days.

GolfNovemberUniform, (edited ) avatar

It makes sense why they want to do it but it’s really sad. I think you still can use the majority of privacy-respecting internet if you host your own email (so you don’t need a phone number to register it) but it basically reverts the internet to the 90s because you need knowledge to set up a server and it doesn’t let you use almost all of the popular messenger apps, making usage of the “official identity” mandatory to contact most of the people and therefore lose privacy when the situation gets worse


I wouldn’t mind the ID if providers were regulated properly and couldn’t harvest user data, but naturally that’s not the case 😢 even governments expect to be able to request customer data.


Slowly? It’s already here. Been here for some years even

GolfNovemberUniform, avatar

Not really. Some stuff can still remain private and there are useful privacy-respecting services. I believe it can get much worse


I take small pleasure in the fact that any ads I see I have no intention of ever purchasing their shit. I would actively tell people to avoid it as well. We literally have ads shoved in our faces 24/7 and the amount I have after bills and shit is already earmarked so the ad companies can go shove a baseball bat up their ass.

GBU_28, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens

I launch baseball cap pulled down on my eyes

bazingabot, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens


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  • weker01,

    Flying is still the safest mode of travel.

    possiblylinux127, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens

    And now I will never fly United again. Time to move on


    I bet soon more airlines will follow. Our cars are no different either. No much options left for traveling.


    I will not travel then. I refuse to be violated.


    I admire your conviction. But in that case we also have to consider how your right to move about freely is being affected. If you feel like you need to choose not to travel when you want or need to travel, how will you reconcile? Do you weigh and choose the lesser evil? Seems like you just end up violated one way or another. I don’t like it, not any of this.

    fleabomber, to politics in Trump claims credit for Biden’s insulin price cap avatar

    I don’t know, this seems like small potatoes compared to the fascism.

    Thcdenton, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens


    Fixbeat, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens

    I can ignore ads on a motherfucking plane just like I can everywhere else. It’s just another insult to paying customers added to the pile.


    We noticed you may not be fully appreciating the information provided by our valued partners. We’re increasing the volume and raising your seat to help you experience them better – your friends at United

    Roopappy, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens

    Oh good. Because if there’s a profile of my advertising preferences out there, it knows that when I am forced to view an ad, I look away from the screen, turn off the volume, sigh dramatically, and say “Fuck <this product> right in the ass.”

    Personalize away.


    You & me both, friend.


    I work for a company that does marketing, and they are seriously struggling right now because TV and Social media ads are getting more expensive, while at the same time becoming less effective.

    Yes. This is true.

    Because ads suck and people hate them. Whats the new way? Be good at what you do so people talk about your brand. Show up in searches when I’m looking for you. That’s it.


    Astonishing! Who would have thought that be the case? Actually doing the work instead of paying your way to success? That cant be correct! /s


    God forbid the enormous amount of money be poured into the actual product rather than spamming an inferior one.

    douglasg14b, avatar

    Naw, they’ll find some way to “incentivize” (punish you for not) viewing ads and enforce it with eye tracking.

    Glowstick, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens

    Phones play movies. If they make the seatback system annoying then people will just stop using it and download movies from Netflix or wherever

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