MagicShel, to politics in D.C. ethics board recommends Rudy Giuliani be disbarred

That is my recommendation as well.

antidote101, to gaming in Disney to take $1.5 billion stake in Epic Games, maker of Fortnite

I was learning unreal engine, but I guess it’s time to switch to Godot.


I’m surprised Disney would be the reason. Epic has enough reasons all on their own.

MudMan, avatar

I... yeah, what? Disney is what does it? You were cool with Tencent, Sony, Lego, the massive fine for mishandling underage information? Disney. That's your line.


Fisch, avatar

Godot is honestly just so much nicer to use. I switched to it back in the day because of that after using Unreal and Unity. I didn’t even know what open source was at that point, I just liked it more.

Omega_Man, to politics in Supreme Court releases ruling on Trump immunity in election case

How can an illegall act be an official act? Isn’t this basically saying that if the president does it, it’s not illegal? They’re speaking out of both sides of their mouths.


He managed to cultivate a terrorist base because they’re white and SCOTUS is terrified of what they’ll do if they cut out Trump’s paths to power.


Bruh. They’re part of his terrorist base.


Just standard republican shit. They’re all worthless filth.


Yep, they are confusing the issue on purpose, because the goal is to draw out time, to try to get Trump elected.

Varyk, to politics in Supreme Court rejects bid by former Trump aide Steve Bannon to avoid jail in contempt case

So funny.

Have fun in jail, asshole

ikidd, avatar

I doubt his asshole will be having fun at all.


One can only hope his is a cautionary tale for privileged others who think they’re above the law.

randon31415, to politics in DJT shares tumble 13% as Trump Media stock sell-off accelerates

Ya, the Ruble is falling against the dollar again, so of course this happens.

Silverseren, to politics in Trump claims credit for Biden’s insulin price cap

I remember when Trump tried to claim credit for pharmacies putting price caps on a variety of medicines by a bill he passed, when that bill changed nothing because it was already a policy the pharmacies had enacted years prior.


That’s what Biden did last year when he claimed they negotiated lower meds for Medicare. When in reality the patents were expiring in those drugs and lower cost generics were about to hit the market anyway

Curious_Canid, to upliftingnews in Diamond industry 'in trouble' as lab-grown gemstones tank prices further avatar

This is definitely good news. The diamond industry has been a pit of human misery for most of its existence.


For jewelry no less. Just to look at.

QuarterSwede, avatar

Well to be fair, it’s about how it makes someone feel wearing it.

dhork, (edited ) to politics in Chubb ended Trump fraud bond talks after backing E. Jean Carroll appeal bond, court filing says

There’s another key point in the article: the reason why those other companies didn’t bite is that they would not entertain taking real estate as collateral. Chubb was the only company willing to even try and negotiate that, and Trump couldn’t come up with a satisfactory package for them.

Since we already know that Trump overvalued his properties for loan purposes, it is very possible that an objective analysis of their worth vs. their outstanding debt led to the conclusion that they are mostly underwater.


Chubb was the only company willing to even try and negotiate that, and Trump couldn’t come up with a satisfactory package for them.

I’m seeing possibly subtext here that Chubb intentionally screwed Trump which was a surprise.

So Team Trump were talking with Chubb for bonds against both the $91 million judgment as well as the $464 million judgment. Team Trump was offering up both liquid assets (the Schwab brokerage account with whatever stocks and bonds are in there) and real estate. Team Trump really wanted bonds against the real estate.

It looks like Chubb said something like “Hmm, well we have two bonds we’re talking about here. Lets do the $91 million bond in purely liquid, and then we can look at the real estate for the $464 million bond. Seeing how you need the $91 million bond in a couple of days lets get that knocked out first”. Team Trump agreed handing over all the liquid assets (the Schwab account) so the $91 million bond is now “fully collateralize” meaning liquid money to back up the bond.

Then Team Trump says “Okay the $91 million bond worked great! Now lets do the $464 million bond backed by Trump real estate!”

Chubb says “Hard pass, not interested.”

So all the good stuff is gone and Trump has nothing good left to try to secure any bond on the $464 million. Chubb makes whatever commission they placed on top of the $91m bond, and simply pays out the $91m to Jean Carrol when the appeal fails. Jean Carrol wins, Chubb wins, Trump gets played.

I say all of this with zero love for Chubb, but when a grifter gets grifted, its satisfying to watch.

Jaysyn, to politics in Voters blame businesses more than Biden for sticky inflation avatar

It's not inflation, it's collusion. You don't get to have record profits for four years with 20% "inflation".


Collusion plus the fact that a significant portion of food brands are owned by a handful of companies:…/Companies-Own-The-Food-We-Eat-Info…

They used supply chain issues as an excuse to raise the price of all of their products to obscene levels, and then never brought the prices back down after the supply chains resolved, if that even was a real issue in the first place. I guess they figured people don’t really have the option to just not buy food.


Almost as if monopolies aren’t good for consumers. Weird.

Treczoks, to politics in Trump allies on Republican National Committee want to help pay his legal bills

I’m actually torn on this. If they don’t pay for Trumps legal woes, he has to pay them out of his own coffers, which will seriously hit his pride and self image, which in turn will make him suffer. On the other hand, draining the RNCs chests will impede their ability to support REP candidates everywhere.


My thought is, If Trump pays himself he will simply finance it and when his whole house of cards falls someone else will be on the hook with his biggest bankruptcy in history - which is inevitable.

On the other hand if it comes from campaign funds then the money will actually get drained from people who need it right now, so for me it’s a clear choice, let the campaign pay!


How many ‘Republican National Committee members’ are there and are they, like, filthy rich? (not from US). Kicking in a few million each could be a small price to be in favour with your future dictator


While I’m not sure about your exact question, I do recall hearing recently that the republican establishment is effectively broke, and has been causing a myriad of issues for local campaigns everywhere. There may be some number of private donors that will want to help bail Trump out, but that’s still going to be money they won’t be donating to help republicans win the house and the senate.


They are asking if the entire committee is rich people.


The RNC shouldn’t be allowed to cover his expenses. We can’t stop random billionaires from bailing him out but he should need to grovel like a bitch to make it happen… and be required to pay tax on that bailout.


Yep. I’m more and more ok with the GOP just going broke and fizzling out. Some other party will pop up but it won’t be the same.

GalacticHero, to games in Disney to take $1.5 billion stake in Epic Games, work with Fortnite maker on new content

Why do I feel like no good can come of this?


Because everything involved with Epic is a dumpster fire.


They do be like that.

Played Lego Fortnite yesterday - a Frankenstein monster combined from two shitty entertainment companies. It’s hilariously unfathomably buggy.

helloharu, avatar

I don’t know if I’ve missed something but what makes Lego shitty?


Their games are notoriously bad. They simply rely on their fantastic reputation irl and can’t give a fuck about making good games - they sell enough games, even of the worst, just because they’re Lego.

helloharu, avatar

Sooo… they’re not a shitty company, they just make games that you don’t like.

KingThrillgore, avatar

Two great tastes that taste great together.

Sanctus, to politics in Supreme Court releases ruling on Trump immunity in election case avatar

This is fucking terrible news. One man, above the law, indivisible. With liberty and justice for himself.

Fuck the SCOTUS. Its past time we removed them.


Good thing that they just told everyone the president has immunity to do whatever. Biden can remove corrupt supreme court officials in the name of saving democracy. Hell he could even have them put to death by guillotine on the steps of the capital and it’ll be alright because they just said the president could do that. And since they are very clearly a threat to our democracy, he would be in the right.


That’s why they ruled the way they did because they know Democrats won’t ever do that.

jeffw, to politics in Biden takes credit for Target grocery price cuts: 'They're answering the call' avatar

I like how all of OP’s posts are about how terrible Biden is and that they think this makes Biden look bad

return2ozma, avatar

It’s humorous to me Biden takes credit for it. It’s business, retail shopping is flat.

For Target, the price cuts are also an attempt to turn around sales, which fell last year for the first time since 2016, amid a predicted sluggish 2024.


It does make him look bad/like an opportunist idiot. The same way he tried to take credit for employment numbers when people returned to work after COVID lockdowns.


This is one of those things you can definitely say both sides do though without second thought.


No doubt

DontMakeMoreBabies, to politics in Biden fund gets big donation from son of billionaire Republican megadonor Larry Ellison

Eat them all.

Donjuanme, to games in Disney to take $1.5 billion stake in Epic Games, work with Fortnite maker on new content

This doesn’t end well for anyone does it?

Did epic not have enough money already? Was fort night not printing it quickly enough?


Taking a stake is different than buying it out. To me this is Disney trying to get better deals for their characters/properties to be in FN, while also raking profits on both ends.

JohnnyCanuck, avatar

I don’t know what their bottom line was, but during the pandemic Epic was just pouring money out to snag up the top engineers in the industry.

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