Agent641, to world in 'The Abyss Is Beckoning': Global Nuke Spending Surged to $2,898 a Second in 2023

Jokes on them, I crave the abyss

workerONE, to politics in Americans Are Wising Up to the GOP’s Tired Trickle-Down Scam

It’ll trickle so much and so very very fast, you’ll say wow I’ve never been tricked on like that before, and you’re just gonna love it.


You’ll be tired of getting trickled on so hard. There’ll be so much trickling going on.

twig, to politics in Billionaire Capitalists Like Musk and Thiel Want to Kill Democracy

The only comfort I can find in this is that in a constant battle of consolidating an individual’s power, it is very difficult to maintain a cohesive political movement in the long term.

In other words, I think these people are too selfish to build or maintain any society at all. This is bound to crumble sooner than later, but it is sad to see underprivileged and stupid people be taken on this shitty ride. And it really fucking sucks that the rest of us get swept in their shitstorm.

moitoi, to politics in Billionaire Capitalists Like Musk and Thiel Want to Kill Democracy avatar

If they kill democracy and take the power, it looks like oh wait USSR.

ParabolicMotion, to politics in Billionaire Capitalists Like Musk and Thiel Want to Kill Democracy

Check out the costume in that article pic. If Tesla goes under he can just move over to the rock scene, right? Metallica can become MeTeslaca. I see some similar features. Think anyone would notice if someone swapped him for Hetfield…oh…wait, didn’t someone already swap a Hetfield with a Hetfield?

Theprogressivist, avatar



Do you see it too, in terms of facial features, though? Once I realized it, I can’t unsee it now.

Theprogressivist, avatar

Damn, I can’t unsee it now.



DMBFFF, to world in Israel Threatens 'Severe Consequences' for Nations Who Recognize Palestine avatar

Apparently Ireland’s economy is bigger than Israel’s;

and Spain is over 4x the size of Israel’s.…/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)

jeffw, avatar

Tax havens have distorted GDPs

DMBFFF, avatar

True, but I wonder if the PCI of the 90% of Irish who are among the 95% richest and 95% poorest in Ireland is greater than 90% of those those in Israel proper who are among the 95% richest and 95% poorest in Israel proper.

Spitzspot, to politics in Alito's Beach House Flew Second Flag Linked to Jan. 6, Christian Nationalism avatar

Add 4

PopOfAfrica, to politics in 'Ethical Nightmare': House Democrats Demand Alito Recuse From Trump Cases

No, campaign on court reform you useless losers.

We need some God damn snake wranglers to deal with these snakes.

UncleGrandPa, to world in 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified

There are models that predict as much as 4 C


Shhh… don’t tell anyone. At 4 degrees Antarctica becomes the refuge of humanity. There’s a reason Trump wanted to buy Greenland from Denmark.🇩🇰

PanArab, to world in 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified

Extreme weather will make a lot of places rethink their infrastructure and whether they should even move somewhere else.


Bye Florida.


Don’t worry DeSantos is just going to outlaw hurricanes. Problem solved

HawlSera, to world in 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified

Yes, I can finally die, hopefully the afterlife is a thing that… exists

Melkath, to politics in Sanders Rips Colleagues for Attacking Student Protesters Instead of Netanyahu | Common Dreams


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

Did Bernie doff his Democrat affiliation?


Afaik he’s always been independent. I think he ran with the democratic party for the presidency, but unless I missed something he’s always been independent with his senate position


This is my understanding as well, I would say this is correct


Why is he not President? Why is it just the two other fuxkers?

glacier, avatar

Because he did not have the best campaign staff and the Democratic party establishment preferred other candidates. His base was mostly young white people or college students who don’t turn out to vote enough.


I worked for Bernie’s campaign in ‘16, and I agree with this about some of his top staff… There were times where it legitimately seemed like they were deliberately screwing things up… And since a lot of them were establishment Dems who had previously worked for the likes of Hillary it wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out they were.

I think the biggest reason he lost the primary was the Party shenanigans though. All the tricks we see the Republicans using now-a-days like voter purges and closing polling locations last minute are tricks they learned from Hillary’s campaign and the DNC schills that control the state parties. And of course there was just straight up fraud in some places like Iowa.

As for his supporters, he actually got millions of young people to show up and vote in the primary who otherwise wouldn’t have. Millions of whom almost certainly didn’t show up to vote for Clinton, and likely wouldn’t have thought twice about voting at all had it not been for Bernie. Had he been on the ballot millions of young people who didn’t show up for Clinton would have shown up. I doubt anyone who voted for Clinton would have voted for Trump over Bernie, and I doubt they would have stayed home. The DNC flushed millions of new voters’ votes down the toilet by forcing Clinton through.


In short, he kissed the party ring, and Hilary made him pay for it.

Why do we still entertain the 2 party dystopia?


Because it’s the only realistic option on a federal level until we have ranked choice voting.


If over 40% of Americans registering third party didnt do it, I wonder what you think signifies the change,


So an independent who could actually represent the masses kissed the 2 party ring and America went to hell, do not pass go, noone got their full 200 dollars.

Sounds about right.


I wouldn’t say he kissed the ring. He’s always caucuses with dems, and he knew a major part ticket is the only way to get in, so he shot his shot for the dem nomination. Didn’t work out and he backed off because he likes dem presidents a lot more than the alternative


That said, Hilary corrupted him out.

As an independent, he was poised to win over 40 percent of the nation.

As a ring kisser, he could have won, but they got him where they wanted him and silenced him.

Keaipo, to politics in GOP Farm Bill Blueprint 'Puts Big Ag's Profits Over Everyone Else'

The GOP is representing pretty much nothing but corporate interests, and citizen rights repression. A recipe that will take decades to repair, if ever.

possiblylinux127, to privacy in A Federal TikTok Ban is a 'Misguided Detour' from Doing What’s Needed to Protect People’s Privacy and Safeguard National Security

I might get on Ticktok here soon

Binthinkin, to politics in Biden Legacy = Genocide

People who say that are either not informed or just plain stupid. This has been going on for at least 20 years. Stupid ass Russian kids.

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