samus12345, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution' avatar

Bring it, asshole. There are a lot more people who oppose you than support you.

hypnoton, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

We just need a good excuse to clap all the servatives.

Bring it, christofascist servative trash.

Nobody, to politics in 'Screaming the Quiet Part': Trump Advisers Say He's Ready to Embrace King-Like Powers | Common Dreams

If we’re for real getting a dictator, let’s at least be smart about it. Don’t give it to the conman or the insane Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society christofascists. What’s Gen. Mattis doing these days? He’d make an excellent dictator.

RizzRustbolt, to world in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage

I’ll stand in front of you…

I’ll take the force of the blow… Projection.

Kidplayer_666, to politics in Right-Wing Supreme Court Rules Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' for Official Acts

Isn’t that written in the constitution clearly? Isn’t that what Impeachment for, the only way to prosecute a president over his acts during the presidency?


He was impeached but not convicted for this insurrection act. This case is to determine if, now that he is a civilian again, he can be held accountable for the insurrection.


Impeachment is a process for determining wrongdoing, which isn’t the same as determining legal guilt.

Or to phrase it differently: there are things you could do that would get you fired from your job, but aren’t illegal.


Previously, by Justice Department custom, the president was immune from prosecution while in office. That was just an internal stance and didn’t make him immune from prosecution indefinitely, just that you can’t arrest the president in the Oval Office. It could be seen as a pragmatic stance that we shouldn’t tie the president up in court battles while he’s supposed to be doing the job of presidenting or that he’d just obviously order his Justice Department not to arrest him so don’t try to do irrelevant things.

Now he’s immune forever, even after he’s no longer in control of the people who would be prosecuting him and he has no critical role to play in society. And it’s officially declared by the Supreme Court, not just custom.


Nope. Impeachment is part of a process to remove a president. Conviction in the senate only results in the president being removed. Crimes are prosecuted in a court of law. Not by a political process.

zerog_bandit, to politics in Dangerous Precedent': Record AIPAC Spending Helps George Latimer Defeat Jamaal Bowman

Yes, it’s a dangerous precedent to have someone in office who calls rape and sexual violence “propaganda”.

_sideffect, to world in Most People on Earth, Even in Petrostates, Want Quick Fossil Fuel Phaseout: Poll

Meaning what exactly?

I’d like to hear their plans on how exactly they want us to stop using oil “quickly”

Mothra, avatar

“And YOU get a FREE EV! And YOU get and EV! And YOU! EVERYBODY GETS AN EV!!!”


I guess it’s “I don’t want to use fossil fuels but I don’t have an alternative. Give me an alternative! Don’t have one? Then I’ll keep using fossil fuels”

In fairness though not using fossil fuels it’s something of a luxury at present. EVs are more expensive that non EVs. Maybe this will change but slowly. Home solar is very expensive and still doesn’t get you self sufficient in most cases. Power companies need to make the grid renewable to make it accessible to the average person for home power.


I find it funny when people associate fossil fuels with cars ONLY.

Almost everything you have on you right now, and in your home, was made using oil.

That’s why I asked what I did; I’m all for not using oil and moving to a cleaner approach, but no good solution has been proposed yet, and people that want to do it cold turkey are fools that don’t know any better.


Most people are talking about fossil fuels in terms of electricity and transport, which can and should be transitioned to renewable energy and electric vehicles as fast as possible (ideally with some people moving away from cars altogether).

And the poll itself is specifically talking about renewable energy, so it’s not like the article is confused on that point.

Yes, manufacturing is a harder problem, especially when it’s not just used as an energy source. But the easier problems need to be attacked as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of runaway climate change.


Give more renewables at least the same incentives and funding oil is getting, and get more nuclear ready. Yes, nuclear is safe, look it up

ILikeBoobies, (edited ) to politics in 88-2: Only Markey, Sanders Oppose 'Expensive, Risky' Nuclear Power Expansion

Good that it passed but we know who big oil has bought at least

jeffw, avatar

Where did the story mention oil companies?


Only people supporting oil companies would vote against nuclear

jeffw, avatar

Got em, Sanders and Markey are in the pocket of big oil and everyone else in the Senate is standing up to those corrupt senators! /s


You CLEARLY don’t know what you’re talking about, and now you reveal your “logic” is simply a game of 50/50. Very cool.


Oh yes, Senators Markey and Sanders, well known servants of Big Oil. /s

VantaBrandon, to world in Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza


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  • CanadaPlus,

    I downvoted, now you’re doing Holocaust inversion.

    Like, yeah, most people want to live in peace, Jews and Arabs alike. This guy is literally quoting Hitler as a guy who had the right worldview, so not him.

    CouncilOfFriends, (edited )

    Promotors and apologists for genocide seem to believe “rooting out the Nazis” is an excuse they can claim with no evidence. This ignores the entire point that most people could not give less of a shit how you label the indiscriminate murder of civilians.


    “Downvote if you’re a nazi”

    Oh no, he cracked the code, how can we downvote now???

    Roflmasterbigpimp, avatar

    Actually, everyone and it goes many millennia back. If everywhere you go it smells like crap, look at your foot.


    The Jews have a lot of awful history. But right now it’s Israel who are comitting Genocide. That’s not “living in peace”

    tabularasa, to politics in IRS Expects $50 Billion Return by Closing Loophole Exploited by the Super Rich

    Yet, it’s still a fucking joke. 50 billion over TEN YEARS when the debt is 34T and we still have a 1.17T deficit.

    schnurrito, to world in Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza
    Linkerbaan, avatar
    octopus_ink, (edited )

    And nearly twenty years old but still relevant.

    You know what I’d probably be doing right now if I was a Palestinian who was 8 at the start of that graph? Not looking to shake hands with my neighbors that’s for sure.

    Naich, to world in 'The Abyss Is Beckoning': Global Nuke Spending Surged to $2,898 a Second in 2023 avatar

    Any beings stupid enough to eschew spending money on helping their own species in favour of weapons to destroy the planet they live on don’t deserve to survive.

    Mora, to world in Norway Isn’t Bowing to Threats of Capital Flight

    Way to go, Norway!👍

    nutsack, to politics in Billionaire Capitalists Like Musk and Thiel Want to Kill Democracy

    billionaires have already done this. they want to take power from the other billionaires

    GiuseppeAndTheYeti, to world in Rights Groups Slam 'Malicious Crackdown' on Migrants and Civil Society in Tunisia

    Everybody get up, it’s time to slam now

    jeffw, avatar

    Thanks, now it’ll be stuck in my head all day

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