Powderhorn, to politics in A retired federal judge says Judge Cannon appears to show 'favoritism' toward Trump avatar

I have to respect the restraint the retired judge showed here. I don’t find it appropriate, but it’s professional, unlike Cannon.

Davel23, to politics in A retired federal judge says Judge Cannon appears to show 'favoritism' toward Trump

In other news, retired federal judge has eyes.

pbjamm, to politics in A retired federal judge says Judge Cannon appears to show 'favoritism' toward Trump avatar

i am shocked, shocked i say!

well, not that shocked.

mozz, to politics in A retired federal judge says Judge Cannon appears to show 'favoritism' toward Trump avatar

Appears 😂

Butterbee, to politics in A retired federal judge says Judge Cannon appears to show 'favoritism' toward Trump avatar

Nooooooooo. Reeaaaallly?

snooggums, avatar

Say it ain’t so!


Your [judicial bias] is a heartbreaker!

Gamoc, to politics in Trump challenges Biden to cognitive test but confuses name of doctor who tested him : NPR

“It was Christopher Eccleston, the ninth doctor! It was!”

mosiacmango, to world in Israeli military announces daily ‘tactical pause’ in southern Gaza to allow in aid

Looks like the recent pictures of emaciated, starving Palestinian children that have been going viral have had an effect.

Here’s hoping this can resolve the horrible famine Israel has imposed on Palestine.

Etterra, to politics in Trump challenges Biden to cognitive test but confuses name of doctor who tested him : NPR

I say your 3% titanium tax goes too far!


And I say your 3% titanium tax doesn’t go too far enough!


The hell are you two talking about?


Lol! Thanks!

retrospectology, to politics in Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices avatar

They’re not going to retire until it’s a republican in office.

Only option for Democrats is expanding the courts, which neolibs will not do, because then they’d have fewer excuses for not doing their job.

postmateDumbass, to politics in Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices

There is no limit, stop pretending.

randon31415, to politics in Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices

The next president, not the current one, since the ones we have will wait decades before letting a Democrat replace them.

Sam_Bass, to politics in Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices

All of them should be retired and let an entire new crew have a shot at it. Term limits for ALL


You shut your goddamn mouth about Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. They are Angels sent from jurisprudence heaven.


69 and 64. Kagan should be thinking of retirement and Sotomayor should have learned RBG’s lesson.


Seriously, how are people not seeing this??? We have liberal justices pushing 70, who refused to resign before the “most important election of our lifetimes”.

We have fascists having their old ones resign for young bootlickers while Dems are about to repeat RBG twice.

Oh let me guess, waah the dems didn’t have a majority, how could we expect them to utilize the weapons of politics, waah.

Oh except those times we did have a majority but it doesn’t count because here’s always one spoiler vote that can’t be whipped. Guess we just have to keep watching the slide into fascism as Dems claim to be the great protector of democracy no matter who wins.

And yet some people have the audacity to call it a BotH SiDeS argument.

You know what we called people like these Democrat leaders in times of strife?


And yes, I am am voting blue. So fucking tell me, blue MAGA, what are the dems going to do to stop the slide into fascism?

Skates, to politics in Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices

Hell, he may name 5 if he guns down 5 of the current ones. Crime doesn’t matter when you’re the president, and the next 5 you name can agree with you. Or they can also be gunned down.

jaybone, to politics in Trump challenges Biden to cognitive test but confuses name of doctor who tested him : NPR

We live in a time when presidential candidates challenge each other to cognitive tests.


This is the type of subtle "bothsides"ism that I actually give kudos to. It’s not as blatant as saying “they’re both equally bad” or “they’re both old” or “they’re both [anything]”. It’s pretending to be dispassionate, just a neutral observation, just “oh wow, the times we live in”. Oh so subtle. “Presidential candidates”, not “a Presidential candidate”. “Challenge each other”, not “challenges the Democrat”.

And not a word about the central focus of the article, that Trump is clearly off his rocker.

It’s like textual judo. Deflect from the primary purpose: Trump is a fucking whacko --> we live in a time. Equivocate: Republicans are making shit up --> candidates challenge each other.

Bravo. You’re a rare troll. That was eloquent.


Especially because Biden hasn’t challenged Trump to a cognitive test face-off, or has he?


He has not, as faras I’m aware.

jordanlund, to politics in Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices avatar

Biden is older than the two oldest Supreme Court Justices, and Trump is more or less the same age, so it’s more like the next Vice President will get to name two Supreme Court Justices… :)

Biden - 81
Trump - 78
Thomas - 75
Alito - 74

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