Pyr_Pressure, to canada in Alberta to ban renewables on ‘prime’ land and preserve ‘pristine viewscapes’

But it will be perfectly acceptable to put an oil well there which will be abandoned and left to rot after a few years I bet.

JustADrone, to canada in Alberta to ban renewables on ‘prime’ land and preserve ‘pristine viewscapes’

I assume the same “pristine viewscapes” bullshit will apply to oil & gas and coal mines etc. (of course it won’t)


The oil pipelines and open mines add character to the “prestige viewscapes”.

The oil sands are known as a vacation spot for a reason.


There’s nothing prettier than a swath of land stripped bare with the barren limestone exposed, the pristine reflections of the sun on the undisturbed tailing ponds, the piles of black mud with lines of tire tracks running through it, with the silence broken only by intermittent booms to keep the birds from landing in the toxic sludge.

Or how about the oil derricks in the north, placed delicately in the middle of the boreal forest, within a clearcut square of stripped down below the soil, creating a beautiful bare patch 100m in every direction from the derricks.

cyborganism, to canada in Alberta to ban renewables on ‘prime’ land and preserve ‘pristine viewscapes’


Because when the oil industry does it to more than 140 thousand square kilometers that’s fine.

Cort, to canada in Alberta to ban renewables on ‘prime’ land and preserve ‘pristine viewscapes’

How many farmers will this piss off? Like seriously. I’m south of the border and any farmer that likes making money LOVES renting out a tiny portion of their land to turbine companies for all that sweet passive income.

Phil_in_here, to canada in Alberta to ban renewables on ‘prime’ land and preserve ‘pristine viewscapes’

The year is 6000BCE. Time traveling Danielle Smith rallies against planting farms to preserve natural beauty. Insists hunting is a much more practical food source and will continue to serve humanity’s needs indefinitely.


That would actually be less dumb. Being a peasant sucks, yo.

psvrh, avatar

Being a hunter-gather sucks more.

CanadaPlus, (edited )

Does it? You still might starve, but at least you spend your time wandering beautiful wilds and practicing your hunting skills. Depending on which biome you’re in you might even have considerable leisure time.

If you think about it, so many of our videogames are like hunting and gathering. I think we evolved to like that lifestyle. Few people enjoy smacking plants to get seeds off all day, on the other hand. Or getting dicked around by a local noble.

Potatisen, to world in Antarctica sea ice reaches alarming low for third year in a row

That’s not great, wish I had influence over mega corps and rich people flying jets everywhere.

Guess all I can do is throw my hands up and shrug.

tb_, avatar

You can let yourself be heard and you can vote.

Complete apathy is how we assure there definitely won’t be any change.

PatFussy, to world in Israel in breach of international law if it denies Gaza food and water, says Cameron

You’ve got to get the Hamas leaders out of Gaza, otherwise any ceasefire won’t last because the problem will still be there. You’ve got to dismantle the operation of terrorist attacks. You’ve got to have a new Palestinian Authority and governments in place. You have got to give the Palestinian people a political horizon to a better future and two-state solution and, crucially, you’ve got to release all of the hostages and do that very quickly.

Edit: this was a reading check test and you guys failed. Don’t comment without reading the article. What I wrote above was a word for word quote directly by Lord Cameron found in this very article.


You can’t do any of that anymore. It’s not even possible. What are they going to have an election? With what infrastructure. And guess who they’re probably going to vote for? Israelis have been bombing and murdering them for the last few months. You think they’re voting for moderate peaceful leaders? No they’re going to very understandably be voting for people who can them bring them Israeli blood. Which is half the reason Netanyahu did it in the first place.


You're half right, but only half. These things need the Israeli right wing to be out of the picture, not just Hamas. It's those people that gave rise to Hamas and other terrorist/resistance organizations. You're like someone saying "we need the IRA to stop their actions so Irish people can have rights" during the Troubles.

eestileib, to world in Israel in breach of international law if it denies Gaza food and water, says Cameron

Fucking do something about it!


Best I can do is thoughts and prayers.

Altofaltception, to world in Israel in breach of international law if it denies Gaza food and water, says Cameron

What are you going to do about it, Cameron?


Speak loudly and swing UK’s dick. That’s all he can do.

So he is. What more do you expect?

Deceptichum, avatar

Maybe work the shaft a bit?

Or y’know not do this:

But he sidestepped a request by one peer for the UK to halt arms supplies to Israel, adding Hamas could stop the fight immediately.


the guy has no real ability to make a decision one way or another. if he says “no”, he’ll be sidestepped or replaced.

he has no real power, and its absurd for you to pretend he does.

Deceptichum, avatar

He does have the ability to not sidestep the issue and counter with whataboutism however.


Not labelling any criticism of Israel as antisemitism would be a start.

Sanctions would be better.

TheFeatureCreature, to canada in Alberta to ban renewables on ‘prime’ land and preserve ‘pristine viewscapes’ avatar

and the province has shifted away from coal at a far faster rate than expected.

Because solar and wind are dirt cheap compared to traditional energy generation methods. Using renewable energy is, put bluntly, just good business sense. If you have plentiful sun and/or wind and you’re not making use of solar or wind generation then you are pissing away good money opportunities.

But if there is one thing the conservatives love more than resisting change, it’s sitting around doing nothing while they beg the federal government for more money so they can subsidize their failure of a fossil fuel sector. That entire province just evokes the mental image of repeatedly slamming your foot on a rake and complaining how much it hurts each time.


That’s such a great depiction of Alberta’s politics it’s both funny and tragic at the same time. Alberta (and SK for that matter) could be leading the nation in non-hydro renewables if they let the market decide, but for some reason the O&G industry needs to continue to be propped up. If only they could see the opportunity staring them in the face.


Don’t forget, all while blaming everyone else for putting the rake there


Solar and wind are dirty cheap until it’s night time and they is no… wind. It’s not a predictable source of energy and it’s often associated with gas to compensate that.

For those who are curious about Energy and Alberta, I strongly suggest to listen to this podcast…


until it’s night time and they is no… wind

Spot the person who’s never been to Alberta. It’s ALWAYS FUCKING WINDY HERE.


Man, even just reducing gas usage by having solar / wind even if it’s half the time, is STILL HALF THE USAGE.

dubyakay, to world in Israeli director receives death threats after officials call Berlin film festival ‘antisemitic’

Germany acting as the concerned Karen over someone else being slighted.

FenrirIII, to world in Israeli director receives death threats after officials call Berlin film festival ‘antisemitic’ avatar

Yet another case of anyone speaking out against Israel being labeled antisemitic.


Well, this one takes it one lever higher: calling an Israeli jew, descendent of holocaust survivors, “antisemite” just because he disagrees with the actions of his government …


To be fair he opposes killing thousands of children and starving 2.4 million people to death, so that does make him antisemitic.


Back in my days “antisemitic” meant hating all jews, not merely opposing Israel’s government. So no, he’s not antisemitic.


Lay off the booze.


I don’t know how that is in other parts of the world but this is quite a normal occurrence in Germany nowadays. A lot of Israeli Jews living in Germany have been labeled by white Germans as antisemitic for criticising the occupation.

stoly, to world in Israeli director receives death threats after officials call Berlin film festival ‘antisemitic’

I’ve said it before that Germany has no choice here and can never act rationally on this subject. They don’t have a way out.


They could consider not labelling any criticism of Israel as antisemitic.


They do have a way out - instead of pretending to have achieved holiness on this subject, just not perpetuate the problem. Boring and mundane, yeah.

But this is actually the hardest thing to do for people of all European (in very general sense) cultures, even USSR had that “догнать и перегнать”, Europeans simply can’t admit that the best they can do in some cases is to not make matters worse. They always need to claim the crown.


White knight syndrome I suppose.

bl4ckblooc, to canada in Alberta to ban renewables on ‘prime’ land and preserve ‘pristine viewscapes’

She is such a fucking plague on this country. If Canada was a dictatorship like all of here followers believe, she would have been rounded up and thrown in a camp last year.


It’s amazing that none of them seem to know dictatorships do more than get vocal critics downvoted or maybe fired, which is what they seem the think the Jews Globalists are doing to them, and which proves they’re in a dictatorship.

FunderPants, (edited )

She is a plague on us all, CO2 doesn’t care about provincial boundaries. My children will suffer from her decisions.

muntedcrocodile, to world in Israeli director receives death threats after officials call Berlin film festival ‘antisemitic’ avatar

Germany cant win here whatever they do they are wrong best decision they can make is to say nothing.


That would mean admitting that you can’t possibly be the most virtuous participant in a discourse spawned by your state killing 6 mln people. Not a very German or European thing to do, just letting go of that feeling of being the beacon of morality.

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