nyan, to linux in Xubuntu 24.04: A minimal install that really means it

A minimal Gentoo install contains less than 30 packages and fits in 1GB of disk (no GUI, though). If you more than double either of those numbers, you’re not “minimal”.

nfsu2, avatar

(no GUI, though).

That is the point. Unless Gentoo has a user-friendly graphical installer that offers minimal dekstop options that does everything automatically for you there is no point of comparison.

akrz, to technology in Apple's 'incredibly private' Safari is not so private in Europe

What kind of Apple propaganda is this?

SnotFlickerman, avatar

If you’d read the article, you’d have realized it’s specifically because of a bad implementation by Apple of their URI scheme for handling links.

They’re literally suggesting users use Brave over Safari because it isn’t susceptible to cross-site scripting in the same way.

They urge iOS users in Europe to use Brave rather than Safari because Brave’s implementation checks the origin of the website against the URL to prevent cross-site tracking.

This is anything but Apple propaganda. It’s literally calling Apple out on a huge failure of their own design.


My comment was in jest.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

Then I retract my statement and hope you have a good day.


Let’s agree on that 🤝 and thanks for the explanation anyway 🫡

Quazatron, to linux in Xubuntu 24.04: A minimal install that really means it avatar

Xubuntu is still my distro of choice.

Removing snap and installing flatpak is two commands away.

john89, to linux in Xubuntu 24.04: A minimal install that really means it

I’m honestly thinking about going back to XFCE after years with KDE.

Idk, it just seems really buggy to me now. The transition to 6 isn’t going as smoothly as it should, but it’s about what I’d expect.

I keep getting weird freezes where the dock stops working.


Oh good, it’s not just me with weird freezing problems. I often see individual windows hang for a good while as well, and then KWin just restarts in place.


I love kde, I love the file picker, I love window management, I love dolphin, I love the panels, I love Kate, etc… but every time I have to switch to a new tty to restart kwin, part of my soul dies

MyNameIsRichard, to linux in Xubuntu 24.04: A minimal install that really means it avatar

This nearly Snap-free Ubuntu remix

This snap-laden Ubuntu remix


someonesmall, to linux in Xubuntu 24.04: A minimal install that really means it

Using a de-bloated Ubuntu reminds me of my time on Windows - had to use a bunch of tools to disable all kind of sh*t. Not doing this again, Ubuntu will never be a choice for me.


Yeah. Glad I’m pretty much done moving my server to Debian.

Fuck snaps. And fuck paying for security updates, lol.


Are these issues also present on Ubuntu based LXCs?

If so I’ll have some game servers needing migration soon

DmMacniel, to linux in Xubuntu 24.04: A minimal install that really means it

Either you are a snap free distro or you aren’t. You can’t be somewhere in a middle when the option is binary.


I prefer my beer 93% alcohol free.


I also like stronger beers


I’ll translate “almost snap free” for you: It’s still using snap for some stuff that wouldn’t work without snap. Avoid Ubuntu.


Ok thanks for that.

Shareni, to linux in Xubuntu 24.04: A minimal install that really means it

Would you shake someone’s hand if it was nearly shit-free?


Most people’s hands probably are only nearly shit-free 🤢

narc0tic_bird, to linux in Xubuntu 24.04: A minimal install that really means it

“nearly Snap-free”, hmm. I think I used Xubuntu briefly, but that was way before Snap was a thing.

umbrella, avatar


riodoro1, to linux in Xubuntu 24.04: A minimal install that really means it

Nearly snap free.

Thats a wrong answer.


Tried Ubuntu a few years back. Snap was a big part of why I dropped it. Started using Pop_OS last year, and while it’s still not my main driver (mostly because of gaming issues), I split my time between it and windows pretty evenly.


I have Kubuntu installed on my desktop, been using it for years. I had disabled snap Firefox and used a Deb version, but the other day I discovered that Kubuntu reinstalled the snap Firefox.

I’ve been planning to switch to Debian on my desktop, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. This little incident is reminding why I want to in the first place.

TCB13, to opensource in The hyper-clouds are open source's friends avatar

Yes, they’re friends if the open-source projects are designed / made in a way that makes the “hyper-cloud” profit more. What BS of an article.

Those “hyper-cloud” providers (and SaaS providers in general) keep increasing profits by reconfiguring the entire development industry in a way that favors the sell of their services and takes away all the required knowledge developers used to have when it came to developing and deploying solutions. Companies such as Microsoft and GitHub are all about re-creating and reconfiguring the way people make software so everyone will be hostage of their platforms. We now have a generation of developers that doesn’t understand the basic of their tech stack, about networking, about DNS, about how to deploy a simple thing into a server that doesn’t use some orchestration with service x or isn’t a 3rd party cloud xyz deploy-from-github service.

Consulting companies who make software for others also benefit from this “reconfiguration” as they are able to hire more junior or less competent developers and transfer the complexities to those cloud services. The “experts” who work in consulting companies are part of this as they usually don’t even know how to do things without the property solutions. Let me give you an example, once I had to work with E&Y, one of those big consulting companies, and I realized some awkward things while having conversations with both low level employees and partners / middle management, they weren’t aware that there are alternatives most of the time. A manager of a digital transformation and cloud solutions team that started his career E&Y, wasn’t aware that there was open-source alternatives to Google Workplace and Microsoft 365 for e-mail. I probed a TON around that and the guy, a software engineer with an university degree, didn’t even know that was Postfix was and the history of email.

All those new technologies keep pushing this “develop and deploy” quickly and commoditizing development - it’s a negative feedback loop that never ends. Yes I say commoditizing development because if you look at it those techs only make it easier for the entry level developer and companies instead of hiring developers for their knowledge and ability to develop they’re just hiring “cheap monkeys” that are able to configure those technologies and cloud platforms to deliver something. At the end of the they the business of those cloud companies is transforming developer knowledge into products/services that companies can buy with a click.

foremanguy92_, to opensource in The hyper-clouds are open source's friends


trainden, to opensource in The hyper-clouds are open source's friends
halm, to opensource in The hyper-clouds are open source's friends avatar

Friends? More like feudal lords picking and choosing which projects they can benefit from supporting.

danielquinn, to opensource in The hyper-clouds are open source's friends avatar
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