
mryessir, to politics in The lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl, explained

Americans influenced everything in my life.

I hope they collaborate onto better goals.

Buckle up.

PanArab, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

They can’t prohibit it for other faiths though. Jews, Muslims, and so on can still divorce… right?


Marriage in the eyes of a state is a legal contract. I don’t think faith is a barrier or consideration in this context.

PanArab, (edited )

So they are forcing their own interpretation of Christianity on everyone? I guess that the US doesn’t have separate courts for other religions… So no one’s allowed divorce even if allowed in their religion? this can’t be legal.

To think that the caliphate at least allowed Jews and Christians to have their own religious courts.


They are changing the laws so it can be legal, its what the submission is about.

rab, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next
@rab@lemmy.ca avatar

I don’t even understand why people get married when all the data shows that marriages fail


That is really not true.

@rab@lemmy.ca avatar

One of my favorite videos ever uploaded to YouTube, should be mandatory viewing in high school youtu.be/o5z8-9Op2nM?si=D-JVKYYmhqUXjtLA


What do you mean? Divorce is at a 50 year low, and the average couple getting married today has more like a 75 percent chance of staying married. Your odds are especially good if it’s your first marriage.

The famous 50% figure doesn’t take into account that getting a divorce is correlated with getting another one, and the emerging generations are much more selective in who they marry.

@rab@lemmy.ca avatar

I encourage you to listen to this when you have a free hour youtu.be/o5z8-9Op2nM?si=D-JVKYYmhqUXjtLA


No point in living either, everyone dies eventually so what’s the point right?

That’s essentially your take.

@rab@lemmy.ca avatar

What does marriage do?

I have a gf of 10 years, we are happy now, why would we get married?

I’m honestly curious the reasoning


I’ve been married 14 years, and I have no idea. It makes it REALLY hard to break up. No one can grasp that you changed your last name. At all. Every gov offical just BAFFLED. ‘‘I’ve worked in the county clerks office for 30 years and this is the FIRST I’ve heard of people changing their last name for marriage’’. Every. Fucking. Time. If you have kids that aren’t even close to 18, and you break up, You get to be EXACTLY the same as married, but now you don’t have sex or trust eachother. But literally nothing else changes. Also if you get married in your 20s, then by 40 you get to find out in excruciating detail that ‘inner child’, ‘mid-life crisis’, and ‘familiarity breeds contempt’, aren’t just dumb things people say, they are also why you dread being around someone you stupidly legally bound yourself too in the custom of a religion nether of you is still childish enough to buy into.

I mean… it was pretty fun when we were having kids, going on trips, casually abusing Rx drugs, and having a sexual awakening after getting to 25 being painfully sexually repressed through religious abuse, but FUCK if I’m not aware of how little rope is left.

MalReynolds, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next
@MalReynolds@slrpnk.net avatar

Seriously, U.S., get your shit together. This crap spills out all over the world thanks to cultural imperialism (Hollywood etc.), no beuno.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, to politics in What can Democrats actually do about Thomas’s and Alito’s corruption?
@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

Nothing, unless they win the election

Even then a Sinema or Manchin or some other asshole - my odds are on Fetterman right now - will sabotage it and we’ll have to wait another decade before we have another supermajority who will probably do the same thing.

randon31415, to politics in What can Democrats actually do about Thomas’s and Alito’s corruption?

Since they are lifetime appointments, does that mean they don’t loose it if they get convicted of a crime? Could we see Trump and Thomas both in prison serving as president and SCOTUS judge?

@jeffw@lemmy.world avatar

I would think he’d need to be impeached and removed, yeah


Supermajority in Congress could do that, if people took the midterms seriously.

pineapplelover, to politics in How Trump gets away with being so old

His spray on tan helps a lot. I saw a picture of him without his tan and everytime I look at a picture of him I remember his pale and old skin.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices, to politics in Big Milk has taken over American schools
worldwidewave, to world in Why Israel can't destroy Hamas

Netanyahu specifically had a very clear policy of keeping Hamas in power and also of trying to contain Hamas, because Hamas is a very good excuse for Israel to continue on its path of settlement, expansion, occupation, and rejection of a Palestinian state.

As long as Hamas is there, Israel doesn’t have to get into any kind of peace process, any kind of serious political negotiation. It doesn’t have to take the Palestinian demands for a state, for liberation, for rights as seriously. Even if we assume that Netanyahu is committed to getting rid of Hamas, he has an interest in staying in power now, and the best way to stay in power is to keep the war going on and on.

BB and his whole batch of right wing cabinet members has got to go.

irish_link, to politics in Why we need a Memorial Day for civilian victims of war

With absolute honesty, I have to say I’ve not read the article just the headline and the first paragraph.

I know far too many servicemen and servicewomen who came out mentally and physically damaged while watching their peers die. (It sucks but this day is to recognize and honor that)

A good portion of them will agree with you on principal. They are the same people that will say this day is about those they lost who are not military in service to our country as well as those were military.

If you’re in a hostile situation and you have your teams back, you have your teams back. It doesn’t matter what your role is.

If your argument is to include people who are not in the line of fire, or are in a hostile area, this is not the day to make that argument. That comes off incredibly tasteless and insulting to those who are struggling with survivors guilt, 10, 20 and even 30 years after the fact.


I can appreciate the sentiment, but I will say that here in the UK (and other places in Europe), we have a Remembrance Day which honours all the dead of war, civilians and service personnel included, so it can be done. Anecdotal, but personally I’ve never met someone who has served that resents it not just being about those who served.

@Akasazh@feddit.nl avatar

Civilians get traumatized too, and not even get paid to be there.

Also they can be just as heroic, which is why civilians are eligible for the Victoria Cross.

I don’t think many military people who lived through a war would object to respect being paid to civilian casualties, as long as it’s an AND situation.


There’s no honor in being a boot for the empire

@chakan2@lemmy.world avatar

Be careful not to cut yourself with that edge.

Soundhole, to politics in The Supreme Court's new voting rights decision is a love letter to gerrymandering

So, are we done with this yet?

@jeffw@lemmy.world avatar

Done with? Gerrymandering? No way. This current SCOTUS? Depends on November…. And which justices die

sudo42, to world in “Everyone is absolutely terrified”: Inside a US ally’s secret war on its American critics

So now India AND Israel AND Russia?

A_Chilean_Cyborg, to world in “Everyone is absolutely terrified”: Inside a US ally’s secret war on its American critics
@A_Chilean_Cyborg@feddit.cl avatar

My country, once a victim it self of American intervention, now has a exterior policy to be proud of, it always takes a posture for peace, human rights, democracy and international rights.

BigMacHole, to politics in The Republican Party's man inside the Supreme Court

Who CARES if this highest court in the Land who is literally REWRITING LAWS WE HAVE TO FOLLOW are doing it Purely based on Politics instead of the Constitution or Established Law?

-Republicans who LOVE the Constitution when it’s used to defend School Shooters!

Triasha, to politics in The silver lining in a very bad poll for Biden

I’m depressingly curious why voters would trust trump on anything .


They get news from different sources than you do.


That doesn’t solve the mystery. If those sources were the only ones I could read, I still wouldn’t think Trump was anything but a liar.


You honestly believe that? Our perception of the world and our opinions is formed by what we see and here. It’s that simple. Not sure how you think you somehow transcend that, and have some innate ability to discern truth from propaganda. Whole nations and civilizations have been deceived by propaganda and none of us is above that. So the question we should be asking ourselves is what propaganda are we consuming and how is that affecting us?


I wouldn’t believe the same things I believe now. I don’t think I am some kind of truth oracle.

But I wouldn’t believe Trump is an honest or God fearing man. That requires an emotional investment in the lie that I don’t think any version of me could sustain.

The divorces, the lechery, the misogyny, the racism, the repeated refusal to pay his contractors. (Theft)

Those are matters of public record. They vastly predate his status as a politician. Trump was a real life movie villain back in the 1980’s when Back to the Future was made.

If I was still a Christian hearing my pastor sing Trump’s praises every week would make me question the pastor, and if the congregation stuck by him I would question the whole church.


I think those are fair criticisms of Trump’s moral character, and evidence that he is not a person worthy of admiration and praise from a pastor or as a man of faith and religion. It’s pretty clear, to me at least, that his religion is a tool to appeal to a certain political base.

But this is not unique among politicians. At that level of politics, morality and character are whatever they need to be in order to get votes from their base.

So different news sources simply down play the bad aspects of his character and emphasize the good. They also amplify wrongdoing of his opposition, focus on injustice towards him, and discuss all the bad things that will happen if the opposition wins. It’s all the same tactics preying on people’s emotions and basic instincts, just spun up a little differently.

I don’t know what value or use it is to know these things, or dwell on them. Each of us still comes back to the values we hold closest, and support whichever candidate best represents those values, knowing that they will never be fully or perfectly represented.

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