
What are the most private social media platforms?

I’ve been feeling uneasy about the privacy implications of using Lemmy and similar platforms. The ability for anyone to view your entire posting history feels to me like publicly sharing my browser history. In contrast, most other social media platforms allow you to limit your feed visibility to just friends or followers....

Certification for closed source software

Is there any type of third-party certification for closed source software, similar to how we have ISO9001 for quality management? I’d prefer companies provide their software as open source, however I can imagine cases where the software genuinely doesn’t do anything malicious but might still contain trade secrets that the...

Star Trek shows come in varying degrees of quality, but one thing that has remained consistently good is the casting of Amanda Grayson, Spock's mom.

She’s always this small, fair skinned dark featured woman, but more importantly is her strength and gentleness, and how they empower eachother. The subtleties are differently from series to series, but they’re all good portrayals of a complex, interesting character.

local anti public transportation comment

Saw this comment on a local news post about the mayor’s state of the city address and the mayor mentioned some of the new public transportation initiatives including adding another line to the train, I was under the impression that Amtrak was a success until the rails became denationalized and corporate greed limited the...

Getting into Civ 6

I got into Civilization rather late with their fifth entry. I was hesitant because as I get older I need more time to game than I do new titles. Still I picked up six with all DLC during the last sale. I have to say I am liking the changes. It was good to wait because Civ does need its DLCs to feel complete....

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