bossito, to world in Kuwait to distribute 100,000 copies of Quran in Sweden after Muslim holy book desecrated at one-man protest avatar

Swedes pilling up Qurans for the winter to save on wood in 1, 2…

LexiconBexicon, to world in Kuwait to distribute 100,000 copies of Quran in Sweden after Muslim holy book desecrated at one-man protest avatar

The man who burned the quran literally had his family tortured to death by muslims in Iraq

He’s free to burn the garbage as many times as he wises

Weird how all you people don’t even care about that part of this story


If I had relatives killed by extremist Jews (yeah, yeah, just hear me out), would it be okay for me to promote Nazi ideology and idolize the Holocaust? Hate is wrong in every circumstance.

Marsupial, avatar

Would it be okay for an angry Palestinian who had their family killed by Israel to burn a Torah?

Or should that Palestinian respect the feelings of the people who follow the ideology responsible for their families death?


It’s a book. Why does it matter?

sagrotan, to world in Kuwait to distribute 100,000 copies of Quran in Sweden after Muslim holy book desecrated at one-man protest avatar

I wish there’s a similar reaction if one woman is raped or degraded, one gay person beaten or oppressed, one child molested, one dictator suppresses a population or one politician decides against environment, reason and humanity and for greed. But no, a fkn book was burnt. What would Mohammed say about that if he’d live today, hm?


He’d say “don’t care, I have 9 year olds to rape”.

lvxferre, to food in Wasabi, beloved on sushi, linked to "really substantial" boost in memory, Japanese study finds avatar

Maybe that’s why I remember the first time that I had wasabi. Oh wait, it’s because my mouth was on fire.

Jokes aside, I’m a tiny bit sceptic on the claim due to the funding. Good news for sushi enjoyers if true, though.


I’ve never met anyone that likes wasabi, so I’m skeptical about every claim in this headline

OmnipotentEntity, avatar

I like wasabi.

I think the study is probably irreproducible bullshit, but at least I like wasabi.


Now the question is, has anyone here actually had wasabi?

But here’s the rub: That tangy paste served up at nearly all sushi bars — even the ones in Japan — is almost certainly an impostor. Far more common than the real thing is a convincing fraud, usually made of ordinary white horseradish, dyed green.

Japan doesn’t even produce enough to fulfill their own demand, I’m almost certain all Wasabi I’ve ever had was fake.

OmnipotentEntity, avatar

Horseradish wasabi is good. I’ve also had real wasabi, which is even better.

lvxferre, avatar

I like it in small amounts in sushi, plus in a few other dishes (like my “undead raising” lamen. It gets wasabi, black pepper, red pepper and ginger. If whatever you have ends killing you, don’t worry - the mix will make your body move again!)

pbjamm, avatar

Chili Crisp - the God King of Condiments

Tavarin, to food in Wasabi, beloved on sushi, linked to "really substantial" boost in memory, Japanese study finds avatar

I assume this applies only to real wasabi, and not the dyed Horseradish most places call wasabi.

towerful, to technology in Tesla recalling more than 2 million vehicles to fix autopilot safety problem

This is one of those strange terms where “recalling” is somehow the official term for a software update that can be sent over the air and applied remotely.
Not physically recalled


Yeah everyone freaks out about all these ‘recalls’ when it’s just a software push

sonori, avatar

To be fair, when talking about a control system that moves tons of metal feet away from bystanders these sorts of safety critical systems should be given a level of weight greater than that given to Candy Crush.

While may always be improvements to such software, it’s not a trivial matter to get it wrong.


I understand that, but the misuse of the word “recall” is archaic and I’m pretty sure specific to only the auto industry.
Phones don’t get recalled for software updates.
I think it is to mean a mandatory update that fixes a core/safety system, and the wording is some legal thing relating to when such an issue would have to be fixed by a mechanic in a garage. Likely to fit around existing insurance documents and laws, without having to get those reworded.

But “recall” means

to order the return of a person who belongs to an organization or of products made by a company…/recall

I just want to clarify that this update isn’t actually a recall. It a “car recall”, which in this case is just a software update.

snooggums, avatar

An autopilot safety issue is a core/safety system issue...


I’m not disputing that.
I’m saying that “recall” in this case does not mean physically returning the vehicle, contrary to the dictionary definition of the word.

snooggums, avatar

The dictionary definition, which also includes one for remembering information that does not require any physical movement, is not the same thing as a vehicle recall. A vehicle recall is about implementing fixes, which have traditionally required being serviced in a physical location even for software upgrades, but there is no reason to have a new word just because the fix can be made remotely. It isn't like the thing that they are doing is any different than being recalled to a dealership for them to install the software updates.

Do you think phone calls should be renamed for cell phones because they don't use physical land line connections?

Should electric cars be called something other than cars because they run on electricity instead of fossil fuels?

Who cares where the car is when the recall fix is implemented? It is still a vehicle recall, just handled remotely.

MostlyBlindGamer, avatar

A recall is the legally defined process to address a safety issue. From NTSHA’s documentation.

Manufacturers voluntarily initiate many of these recalls, while others are either influenced by NHTSA investigations or ordered by NHTSA via the courts. If a safety defect is discovered, the manufacturer must notify NHTSA, as well as vehicle or equipment owners, dealers, and distributors. The manufacturer is then required to remedy the problem at no charge to the owner. NHTSA is responsible for monitoring the manufacturer’s corrective action to ensure successful completion of the recall campaign.

There was a safety issue and it was addressed by the manufacturer: huzzah!

Even physical mechanical changes don’t usually require the car to go back to the factory, they’re often addressed as part of routine maintenance.

The term may feel misleading, but it exists and is used in a specific context.


It doesn’t feel misleading, it is misleading. We understand that use of the term “recall” in reference to cars happens to include over the air software updates in its legal definition. However many people likely do not. I’d also wager that many people who do know occasionally forget when they first see the headline. So while the use of the word “recall” here is technically correct it leads people to assume that they are physically recalling the cars.

swope, avatar

Long ago "drive" meant urging an animal to move forward. And "dialing" a phone number meant entering the "digits" by turning a rotary dial with your digits.

Words aren't as static as you seem to think.


Yeh, but all of those are currently defined by dictionaries in that regard.
A software update delivered over-the-air, with no end user interaction, without having to move the car is not in the dictionary definitions of the word “recall”.
The dictionary definition says “return item to company”

sonori, avatar

Except these things do require action for a lot of people. Their is a good reason why Tesla was required to send out mail to all effected customers.

This may come as a shock to you, but not all people have their cars connected to the internet. While it varies by network, about 30% of the US by area does not even have cell service, and the parts that do can be unreliable, especially if there is a big garage door between you and the tower. And this is the US, Canada is even more rural.

Some people might have also purposely disconnected their vehicles from the cell network, maybe because of evidence that Tesla employees were making highlight reels of customers from the in car camera footage.

In either of these or more cases, an update requires active work and steps to resolve. Indeed there is a reason Tesla has to provide technicians who can come out to their customers address to apply it free of charge. The same language and laws apply to every other auto manufacturer on our shared roads.

Stillhart, to technology in Tesla recalling more than 2 million vehicles to fix autopilot safety problem

I’m here looking to see if I need to bring my car in and it turns out it’s just a software update that already happened. Wow, such news…

1984, avatar

Aren’t you nervous that a software update will just make your car more dangerous? I don’t trust them at all. Not so I trust my life to a computer system that is known to malfunction and kill people under certain circumstances.


Nope. Been working just fine for a few years now. Can’t see them suddenly just breaking it.

There are plenty of reasons to avoid Tesla, like the fact that it took 11 months to repair my car because Tesla isn’t making enough spare parts. Or the fact that Elon Musk is a fascist asshole. I will certainly not be buying another Tesla at this point. But software? No.

And to be clear, every car manufacturer has an “autopilot” like system now. It’s not just a Tesla thing.

evanuggetpi, to technology in Tesla recalling more than 2 million vehicles to fix autopilot safety problem

It’s important to note that this is an official safety recall, even if the fix is a software update. How the fix happens is immaterial to NHTSA’s safety recall process; the point is that the public and owners are notified that there is a safety defect and that there is a remedy.…/more-than-2-million-teslas-are-…

KingThrillgore, to technology in Tesla recalling more than 2 million vehicles to fix autopilot safety problem avatar

Someone’s having a bad day.

HairHeel, to technology in Tesla recalling more than 2 million vehicles to fix autopilot safety problem avatar

Software receives update. INTERNET PANICS


A recall is a bit more severe than am update. Common, but not simply pushing out a software update they couldve done wirelessly.

It means they have been regulated for a severe safety defect and are being forced to do this.


It will be done wirelessly. They’re just legally required to call this a “recall” because automotive legislation was written before OTA updates were a thing.




Lol please, no way Musk would accept a recall unless it was severe enough to be forced on him

Silverseren, to world in Australia bans Nazi salute, swastika, other hate symbols in public as antisemitism spikes

I mean, I'm fine with that. That seems like something that should have been done a while ago.

It's when they try and extend such things to saying any criticism of Israel is illegal, like what Germany is trying right now.

metaStatic, to world in Australia bans Nazi salute, swastika, other hate symbols in public as antisemitism spikes

other hate symbols

such as? am I going to prison for owning a black flag?

The new laws also make the act of glorifying OR praising acts of terrorism a criminal offense.

I will not stop praising or glorifying climate protestors laying across lanes of traffic. you being a little bit late to your soul sucking 9 to 5 isn't an act of terrorism.
The word Terrorist is already used as a truncheon against dissidents. Convicted Terrorist is about to become the 3rd gender in Australia.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

On the internet words like terrorist, fascist, and genocide seemingly has lost all meaning. It’s just an expression of dumb emotions.

But in a court of law these words do have defined meanings. The internet != real life.

And yeah a law in which the intent is to reduce antisemitism by banning symbols carried by antisemitic people may result in it being illegal for you to display your black flag in public if that same flag as carried by people who promote violence against Jews.

This might trigger some introspection in some people about why they’re in possession of symbols that are also carried by people that promote racist violence. Is there is significant difference between your black flag and a swastika in terms of how those symbols affect people?

yamanii, to world in Australia bans Nazi salute, swastika, other hate symbols in public as antisemitism spikes avatar

Surprised they weren’t banned.


Probably because it hadn’t been an issue until recently Strange times indeed


I wonder if those chants are actually anti-semitic or if they are just trying to trigger the people from Israel.

I feel if people are pro-Palestine, they are against discrimination and abuse of power, which would make it pretty strange if they actually want to do the same to jews.


You’re so right! Chanting “Gas the Jews” is just a bit of trolling. No antisemitism to be found here!

Poxlox, to world in Australia bans Nazi salute, swastika, other hate symbols in public as antisemitism spikes


brbposting, to upliftingnews in Paul McCartney's long-lost Höfner bass returned after more than 50 years

“As a result of the publicity someone living in a terraced house on the south coast of England remembered an old bass guitar that was in their attic,” the Lost Bass Project wrote Thursday. “They got this out and realized just what they had. Within days it was back with Paul McCartney!”

Plausible yet


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