theangryseal, to upliftingnews in Paul McCartney's long-lost Höfner bass returned after more than 50 years

This makes me very happy.

ModernRisk, to world in 5 patients die after oxygen cut off in Gaza hospital seized by Israeli forces, health officials say

All in the name of “self defense” right?

When the -peep- are the world presidents going to do something?


I found your comment very confusing. It’s a beep, not a peep when fuck is censored on TV. It’s ok to say fuck if that’s what you mean.


I think they meant “heck”, not “fuck”

Norgoroth, to world in 5 patients die after oxygen cut off in Gaza hospital seized by Israeli forces, health officials say avatar


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  • Linkerbaan, avatar

    Let’s not lie about rape, we aren’t liars like the IDF here.

    So far israel has brutally murdered many Palestinian children and women but no party has done any raping we know of.

    jordanlund, avatar

    To be clear, the allegations are real and have been happening for years, but I’m not aware that any of it has been substantiated:…/israeli-guards-rape-palestinian-women/…/untold-story-abuse-palestinian-…

    Wermhatswormhat, to world in 5 patients die after oxygen cut off in Gaza hospital seized by Israeli forces, health officials say

    Netanyahu says that he will not allow “international dictates regarding a permanent settlement with the Palestinians.” But he sure as shit will keep accepting that international funding to keep up with his genocidal campaign. When the fuck will Biden finally come to his senses and stop all fucking funding for this disgraceful asshat.


    Never. And moderates will never allow anyone to the left of Biden to make it through the primaries.

    _sideffect, to world in U.K. police find $568 million of cocaine hidden in bananas, shattering drug-seizure record

    I need to take more time when buying bananas at Costco

    Stalinwolf, avatar

    I manage a produce department for a living and I’m biding my time.

    Jakdracula, to world in U.K. police find $568 million of cocaine hidden in bananas, shattering drug-seizure record avatar

    The first part has 12,500 pounds of cocaine and the next paragraphs gives the amounts of earlier seizures in tons. How does one compare? Lazy writing.


    Divide by 2,000?


    The second paragraph states it’s 5.7tons.

    DrSleepless, to world in U.K. police find $568 million of cocaine hidden in bananas, shattering drug-seizure record

    That shit is bananas.




    I always imagine Kelly



    Rentlar, to world in U.K. police find $568 million of cocaine hidden in bananas, shattering drug-seizure record

    When I hear reports of “estimated street value” I imagine the police department putting the drugs up for sale on Craigslist and waits for offers. “£500M OBO”.

    reverendsteveii, to world in U.K. police find $568 million of cocaine hidden in bananas, shattering drug-seizure record

    if one shipment has 6 tons of coke in it the manufacturing and smuggling apparatus has to be huge. that’s half a billion dollars on one roll of the dice. how many multi-ton shipments got through? at what point do we admit that drug prohibition has never prevented anyone who wanted drugs from getting them and just give up?

    waratchess, to world in U.K. police find $568 million of cocaine hidden in bananas, shattering drug-seizure record

    I bet those bananas cost more than $10 each.

    Che_Donkey, avatar

    There’s money in the banana stand…chic chic

    Tolstoshev, to world in U.K. police find $568 million of cocaine hidden in bananas, shattering drug-seizure record

    It’s one shipment of bananas, Michael. How much could it cost, $568M dollars?

    Zip2, to world in U.K. police find $568 million of cocaine hidden in bananas, shattering drug-seizure record

    Cocaine for scale.

    gravitas_deficiency, to world in U.K. police find $568 million of cocaine hidden in bananas, shattering drug-seizure record

    There’s always money in the banana stand

    Assman, (edited ) to world in U.K. police find $568 million of cocaine hidden in bananas, shattering drug-seizure record avatar

    Here’s a crazy idea, but hear me out: what if the government produced the cocaine and taxed it, taking billions of dollars away from criminals and creating millions in new tax revenue. People are gonna do coke no matter who makes it.


    Yeah but that would hurt the cartels

    Zaktor, to world in Biden says he hopes for Israel-Hamas cease-fire by next Monday

    Me too, Biden, me too. If only I had the same power you do to cause one to happen.


    Yeah, Joe Biden has the power to fix an issue that has been going on for 75 years with a snap of the fingers, but just won’t do it.

    What do you expect him to do?


    Stop sending money to Israel. If he can’t do that on his own, at least take a public stand.


    This level of death and destruction hasn’t been going on for 75 years, and the President of the United States has vast amounts of influence with Israel. Stop supporting them, stop arming them, hell, start sanctioning Netanyahu and his genocidal cabinet.

    Biden himself has put a stop to Israeli aggression before, and hell, even if they were simply uncontrollable, at least he would have tried.

    TruthAintEasy, avatar

    Christians wont let this happen, they like the bloodshed and think they can accelerate the mythical "battle of Megiddo" and the return of Jesus.

    Linkerbaan, avatar

    This has nothing to do with religion. It’s just a nice scapegoat to blame America wanting a military base in the region on.

    TruthAintEasy, avatar

    Could very well be true, but I think for some of the american elites its both, just my opinion

    Linkerbaan, avatar

    I doubt, it their entire party coincidentally picks whatever portion of the Bible is convenient for them that day and pack it up for their moronic base to rally behind.

    These people believed Russia was the devil a few years ago and suddenly they don’t care about Ukraine anymore.


    Literally yes. Israel's Apartheid is inherently unsustainable and has been surviving using international support (mainly from the US and UK in recent years). Take away the biggest pillar and the whole thing will collapse. Maybe by, say, not vetoing UN resolutions or sending Israel aircraft carriers.

    livus, avatar
    • Stop blocking UN resolutions for a ceasefire
    • Support UN enforcement of the resulting resolution for a ceasefire
    • Stop funding Israel
    • Apply the same kind of sanctions the US applied to Ethiopia when it was committing similar human rights abuses in Tigray a couple of years ago.

    Israel is currently killing people directly at a rate of about 3.6% of the population per year. That's not a situation that's bern going on for 75 years.


    Support UN enforcement of the resulting resolution for a ceasefire

    No country on earth is dump enough to send peacekeepers to that garbage fire. You might as well line up a thousand of your own men and march them one by one into a cattle grinding machine. It would be far far cheaper and more humane.

    livus, avatar

    I honestly don't think it would come to that.

    If the US withdrew support that would be it. If Israel lost the West's support I don't think it would attack the UN forces and Hamas has hardly any capabilities.

    Wouldn't surprise me if the African Union was up for it if it had world support.


    At least sanction them like South Africa.


    Stop sending them money and weapons. It’s pretty simple if you stop arguing in bad faith.

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