Altofaltception, to world in Biden says he hopes for Israel-Hamas cease-fire by next Monday

Maybe a ceasefire and lifting the blockade

DoomBot5, to world in Biden says he hopes for Israel-Hamas cease-fire by next Monday

Hopefully this ceasfire comes with an actual solution this time.


Doubtful but the most important thing at this moment is to stop the killing and destruction and solve the humanitarian crisis. Once that is done then a solution can be worked on, though frankly I am pessimistic due to the level of anger and hate at the moment.


That’s the thing. Nobody wants to propose an actual solution. Letting Hamas regroup and smuggle in more weapons just returns things to the status que that got us into this situation in the first place.


There is no obvious solution but doing nothing is still better than what’s happening now.


That’s the thing. Nobody wants to propose an actual solution. Letting Israel continue its slow motion genocide and cause more brutal oppression and deaths over decades returns things to the status que that got us into this situation in the first place.

The only way there can be peace is for Israel to be dismantled and Netanyahu trialed at the Hague for crimes against humanity.


The only way there can be peace is for Israel to be dismantled and Netanyahu trialed at the Hague for crimes against humanity.

There is quite a long lines of countries in the middle east that must receive the same treatment first. It’s funny how they’re always ignored.


I somehow think that committing a genocide against the Israeli people would not yield the results you think.

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

they didn’t propose a genocide.


I didn’t know how else to interpret the dismantling of Israel because they specified punitive actions against the government of Israel separate from the dismantling of Israel.

This implies Israel should cease existing as a nation. Which implies its people would be at the whims of whomever can conquer the land. Which implies the potential scattering of people from their homes. Which is a genocide.

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

Which implies its people would be at the whims of whomever can conquer the land.

no, it doesn’t.

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

scattering of people from their homes. Which is a genocide.

are you sure that’s what you wanted to say?


If preventing the Palestinian people from having a proper government, leaving them at the mercy of their nation-state neighbors, is wrong, then dismantling Israel and leaving them to the same fate is also wrong.

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

i oppose all governance. i don’t want a palestinian government either.


Then you are not somebody to be taken seriously. Live your dream and move to a failed state where anarchy reigns, die from dysentery, and stay out of geopolitical conversations.

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

this is politically illiterate.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

A solution to peace in the Middle East in less than a week.

Good luck.


Doubtful. But if there is one I can assure you Hamas will break it just like they broke it on October 7th.


You do realize that all ceasefires between Palestinian resistance (not Hamas because the one you're thinking of was with PIJ) and Israel are just return to the status quo ante bellum? Both Israel and the other party agree to just do things as usual for the time being. Gazans sure as hell were being bombed before October 7th.


Don’t have any idea where you’re getting misled from but there were quite a few ceasefires between Hamas and Israel and the last one was mediated by Egypt in 2021 and was broken by Hamas on the morning of October 7th. Also, if you guys think Hamas cares one iota about any of the Palestinian civilians, can you explain why they wasted millions of dollars building tunnels to shelter their terrorist leaders instead of one single shelter for any civilian? Please stop getting your news from social media and sites telling you what to think.


Nobody thinks hummus are the good guys here.

The only good people here are the innocent ones dying


Hummus is damn good…oh, you misspelled Hamas, nevermind.


And did Israel stop bombing Gazans during that ceasefire? Did they lift the blockade? (Hint: The answer is no) If no it's worthless. That's why I said these "ceasefires" are returns to the status quo ante bellum.


Did they lift the blockade?

Did Hamas stop trying to smuggle in weapons to terrorize Israel with (Hint: the answer is no)


The blockade is still an act of war.


Good to know you still know nothing about what you say here.



A blockade is the act of actively preventing a country or region from receiving or sending out food, supplies, weapons, or communications, and sometimes people, by military force. A blockade differs from an embargo or sanction, which are legal barriers to trade rather than physical barriers. It is also distinct from a siege in that a blockade is usually directed at an entire country or region, rather than a fortress or city and the objective may not always be to conquer the area.

A blockading power can seek to cut off all maritime transport from and to the blockaded country; although stopping all land transport to and from an area may also be considered a blockade. Blockades restrict the trading rights of neutrals, who must submit for inspection for contraband, which the blockading power may define narrowly or broadly, sometimes including food and medicine. In the 20th century, air power has also been used to enhance the effectiveness of the blockade by halting air traffic within the blockaded airspace.

Close patrol of hostile ports, in order to prevent naval forces from putting to sea, is also referred to as a blockade. When coastal cities or fortresses were besieged from the landward side, the besiegers would often blockade the seaward side as well. Most recently, blockades have sometimes included cutting off electronic communications by jamming radio signals and severing undersea cables. Blockades often result in the starvation of the civilian population, notably during the blockade of Germany during World War I and the blockade of Biafra during the Nigerian Civil War.[1]

According to modern international law, blockades are an act of war.[2] They are illegal as part of a war of aggression[3] or when used against a civilian population, instead of a military target.[4] In such case, they are a war crime and potentially a crime against humanity.[5][6]

I dont think the person you are responding to is the one who knows nothing about what they are saying.


Yikes, the citations on that last paragraph are scary bad. That’s why you never trust Wikipedia at face value, but rather check what sources it’s citing.

Heck, there is an entire section of the article that contradicts that paragraph.


Theres also encyclopedia Britanica:

blockade, an act of war whereby one party blocks entry to or departure from a defined part of an enemy’s territory, most often its coasts. Blockades are regulated by international law and custom and require advance warning to neutral states and impartial application.

Or Oxford public international law:

A blockade is a belligerent operation to prevent vessels and/or aircraft of all nations, enemy and neutral (Neutrality in Naval Warfare), from entering or exiting specified ports, airports, or coastal areas belonging to, occupied by, or under the control of an enemy nation. The purpose of establishing a blockade is to deny the enemy the use of enemy and neutral vessels or aircraft to transport personnel and goods to or from enemy territory (Transit of Goods over Foreign Territory).

Or are all these sources wrong and you just so happen to know better?


Well, you keep citing sources that don’t support the original statement. Both of these definitions mention blockades being used in wars, not that they themselves were an act of war


both of these definitions mention blockades being used in wars, not that they themselves were an act of war

blockade, an act of war


I misspoke. the ceasefire Egypt brokered between Hamas and Israel was on May 14th, 2023 and no, Israel did not bomb Gaza until their retaliation to Hamas breaking the ceasefire with their terrorist attack on the morning of October 7th. the blockade was not even mentioned in the ceasefire and I have no idea why you would think it was. There were quite a few ceasefires since Hamas rolled into town and to be honest ALL of them were necessary because Israel answered Hamas attacks.


no, Israel did not bomb Gaza until their retaliation to Hamas breaking the ceasefire with their terrorist attack on the morning of October 7th.

You know people can tell when you lie, right? Israel has never stopped bombing Gaza due to a ceasefire. Not in 2008, not in 2013, and sure as hell not in 2022 or 2023. Also the 2023 ceasefire was, as I said, between Israel and the PIJ, not Hamas.

the blockade was not even mentioned in the ceasefire and I have no idea why you would think it was.

It's not. Therefore it's a return to the status quo ante bellum, not a ceasefire. Because the blockade is an act of war.


What bomb was dropped by Israel between May 14th, 2023 and the night of October 7th 2023?


I mean I'm 100% sure I can find many since Israeli bombing of Gaza is a daily occurrence, but I've already stated that the 2023 "ceasefire" was between the PIJ and IDF. Hamas has nothing to do with it. Are you intentionally ignoring that part?


yet you accuse me of lying. Welcome to block liar.


Actually he’s been lieing about Israel on Lemmy for far long than you’ve been here.


Couldn’t care less. he’s on block now and the place smells better.

doingthestuff, to world in Biden says he hopes for Israel-Hamas cease-fire by next Monday

I hope for Jesus to return by then too but I don’t have really high expectations.


Neither are gonna happen.


How can someone who never existed return?

subignition, avatar

Jesus was in all likelihood a person who existed, he just didn't have the credentials often attributed to him


Wow! We’re you there?


Do you not know how studying history works or do you seriously only believe what you yourself have seen?


No I know that people who study history have different opinions and that you sounded like you had some secret knowledge.


Maybe you should ask yourself the same question?


Actually, Documentary evidence outside of the New Testament is limited to put it mildly. Everything else is just second- or third-party claims from decades after he supposedly lived by a few Jewish and Roman scholars, most of which weren’t even alive at the time.

The false notion that there’s a credible secular consensus stems from a bunch of Christian historians (the concentration of which is higher than in every other specialty within history, for obvious reasons) agreeing with each other that of course their imaginary friend’s son who’s also his own dad and a disembodied spirit TOTALLY existed as a historical figure, nothing religious about believing so! 🙄

subignition, avatar

Limited, sure, but not absent. How much of the article you linked did you read? The second and further sections of that article make a fairly compelling case for there having been someone who fit most of the criteria, and it also specifically addresses your "bunch of Christian historians" bit.

“These are all Christian and are obviously and understandably biased in what they report, and have to be evaluated very critically indeed to establish any historically reliable information,” Ehrman says. “But their central claims about Jesus as a historical figure—a Jew, with followers, executed on orders of the Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate, during the reign of the Emperor Tiberius—are borne out by later sources with a completely different set of biases.”

It's not like


Yeah, both you and Ehrman are taking a LOT on faith (yes, that was intended) that really isn’t borne out by any reliable sources, critically no contemporate ones.

If there really HAD been a man like that, don’t you think that just a few people would bother to notice and tell others about him?

All the supposed “evidence” is a bunch of cobbled together rumors that REEK of confirmation bias to a degree that it can’t possibly be taken as proof.

subignition, avatar

I think it is well beyond rumors when a historian four generations later writes about you. You're welcome to disagree though. That's the nice thing about opinions is that everybody gets to have their own.

fluxion, to world in Biden says he hopes for Israel-Hamas cease-fire by next Monday

Netanyahu told “Face the Nation” on Sunday that a hostage deal would delay the Rafah operation, but said Israel would still move ahead with the operation at a later time.

Gee that sounds promising

BeatTakeshi, to world in Biden says he hopes for Israel-Hamas cease-fire by next Monday avatar

Did he light a candle too? Every little helps

Linkerbaan, to world in Biden says he hopes for Israel-Hamas cease-fire by next Monday avatar
PoliticallyIncorrect, (edited ) to world in Biden says he hopes for Israel-Hamas cease-fire by next Monday avatar

While he keep sending weapons(or aid for weapons) to Israel… LMAO…


Other than those from November, what shipments from this month are you referring to or are you pulling this out of your ass?

PoliticallyIncorrect, avatar

Did you understand the question? Money is not weapons. You said…

While he keep sending weapons to Israel… LMAO…

Again I ask you, when was the shipment of weapons?

PoliticallyIncorrect, avatar

Money to buy weapons it’s not the same as weapons?


You have been asked twice and failed to answer twice yet continue to pollute my inbox with your crap. Bye

PoliticallyIncorrect, avatar

Good luck buddy…

LotrOrc, to world in Biden says he hopes for Israel-Hamas cease-fire by next Monday

Lol you mean the ceasefire that was in place that Israel kept breaking constantly bombing, killing, and arresting thousands of Palestinians? And the one they keep breaking by building illegal settlements? Or are we just pretending that there was no history of apartheid violence in the 70 years before the 7th of October?


Israel built settlements in Gaza? Another clueless Hamas apologist. Bye

OhmsLawn, to world in British warship and U.S. aircraft seize 6,000 pounds of cocaine and other drugs after "high-speed chase" in Caribbean Sea

I’m all for imperial measurements, but this is cocaine. It’s always been kilos, always will be.

a1studmuffin, avatar

“6000 pounds of cocaine” sounds more like a recipe ingredient.

legios, avatar

I thought of it as a great band name…


I’m all for imperial measurements but this is cocaine. It’s always been kilos, always will be.


harderian729, to world in British warship and U.S. aircraft seize 6,000 pounds of cocaine and other drugs after "high-speed chase" in Caribbean Sea

Anyone else find it weird how we waste taxpayer resources to prohibit drugs the ruling class has unfettered access to anyways?


It’s performance art. A part of the circus section of bread and circuses.

rayyy, to world in Gangs in Haiti try to seize control of main airport as thousands escape prisons: "Massacring people indiscriminately"

Unbelievable, but then again, who would have thought a gang would storm the capital and attempt a full blown coup here. Guess this is not out of the question here anymore either.

FinishingDutch, to world in Gangs in Haiti try to seize control of main airport as thousands escape prisons: "Massacring people indiscriminately" avatar

Ooff, that doesn’t sound like a good time. Haiti’s always been rather problematic, with the colonial history, dictators, extreme poverty, disasters, several coups, etc. Etc. In 2004, the UN also sent folks there to keep the peace. They were there until 2019 and accomplished…?

So now we’re back to another round of UN intervention probably. It really feels like Haiti will forever be incapable of proper self-governance. The people deserve better, but I doubt they’ll get it.


In 2004 the UN sent peacekeepers to solidify the US and French-backed coup d’état. It’s a mess, and the terrible series of natural disasters also hasn’t helped.

redcalcium, (edited ) to world in Gangs in Haiti try to seize control of main airport as thousands escape prisons: "Massacring people indiscriminately"

Man, I miss the peaceful world during the last pandemic.

My pet theory is some world leaders actually got covid brain fog and made stupid decisions after pandemics. E.g. Trump with January 6 (he got covid around late 2020). Maybe Putin got covid brain fog too and thought invading Ukraine was a good idea.

floofloof, (edited )

You don’t need COVID to explain either of these two being a power-hungry megalomaniac asshole.


Nah but it could help explain why they went full send on it since the crisis


That’s a very charitable interpretation of reality, it brightened my day a bit, thanks.

ZK686, to world in Gangs in Haiti try to seize control of main airport as thousands escape prisons: "Massacring people indiscriminately"

Don’t worry everyone, all these Haitian refugees will be welcomed with open arms by Democrats any day now…


AFAIK it was the House Republicans that blocked the border deal. Do right now, it’s 100% on the Republicans.


Republicans were never going to vote for this bill because it doesn’t do enough:

  1. too many people in before the automatic border closures start.
  2. the border closures time periods aren’t long enough or are too loosely defined.
  3. the “loopholes” that still allow asylum processing when the border is closed.
  4. too much aid for Ukraine, and Israel…without an real regulation (I know, Democrats hate to know where all the money is going.)

So, with that in mind, the REAL issue is why did FIVE Democrats vote against their own bill? Their own party wasn’t even united in favor for it…


The bill was designed with Republicans, but house Republicans were in bad faith, and are Russian puppets and traitors. So quit the bullshit.


“Russian puppets and traitors” oh please…stop it already. Republicans are just asking questions about why and where all this money is going. They are completely united with stopping Russia, they just don’t want to funnel endless money to the cause.

LibertyLizard, to world in Gangs in Haiti try to seize control of main airport as thousands escape prisons: "Massacring people indiscriminately"

Is it really accurate to call these groups gangs at this point? They are not gangs in the sense that people in the US or Europe would understand. They are not groups of criminals engaged primarily in economic crimes. They are basically armed autonomous militants. Their main activities are political and governmental. Most of the killing is for control of territory they oversee.

In essence Haiti has become a failed state and these groups are vying to control that power vacuum. The term gang is more misleading than clarifying and I have to wonder if there is some unconscious racial bias at play with media coverage.


I think it’s more trying to preemptively delegitimize any groups among them who could come to the fore while the UN policing response is still lacing their boots

Don’t want any of them to be able to claim they’re freedom fighters while the Kenyans are capturing the ones who cooperate and killing the ones who don’t


I don’t really see that as the role of the media. The media should inform people about what’s happening, not editorialize to support some hypothetical future military action.

Also, I mean, they are freedom fighters. That doesn’t mean I support them but they are violent radicals seeking the overthrow of the government. Freedom fighters is just how the media and governments refer to militants they want to make sound benign. You can argue that the Taliban were freedom fighters, as were the rebels in the US civil war. It’s kind of a nonsense term.

Linkerbaan, avatar

It should but it does not. The media demonizes the side that we want to kill and manufactures consent for you to do so. Then when you have been convinced that one side is good and the other one evil we can send in troops to coup the country and place a puppet regime.

Khadaffi was a great example of us killing a dictator and then leaving a power vacuum that was far worse.

If we actually cared about helping people not being killed we’d be stopping arms to israel by now.


Would we call cartels in Mexico ‘gangs’?

Maybe there’s a better more specific term, but the broader and more generalized one still seems to fit.


if they started calling them “militias” people would argue whether they were well-regulated


Yes they’re definitely autonomous militias not gangs. There’s even been dust ups with the Dominican military which is substantially more armed and trained (by US forces) than their Haitian counterparts.

Haiti is such a tragedy, they try to stand on their own and then they get nuked by an earthquake and chorlera, they try at democracy and their president gets assasinated - the country just cant get a fuckin break. Everyone’s mostly too poor to escape and the DR closed their borders, which honestly I can’t blame them, everyone else is trapped in the meat grinder. It’s the ultimate example of why colonialism scars for generations even after the occupiers leave.

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