The_Che_Banana, to gaming in Russia continues work on homegrown game console despite technology and scale issues

Powered by potato.


Good enough for vodka.

rickyrigatoni, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned

Happy pride month?

Mango, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned

Time to sue for breach of contract. My original agreement with Mojang which Microsoft bought is forever.

Excrubulent, avatar

And if you bought in alpha, it is for “every future version” of Minecraft. I made it into that group by like a week.

If Microsoft wants to keep profiting off of Minecraft’s name, then they are making “future versions” and they need to honour that. They don’t want to do that? Okay, call it “shitty block building game rip-off ,084,831”. But they won’t, because that name is valuable for good reason.

It would cost them literally nothing and gain massive goodwill to give that out to like the tiny minority of early players, many of whom won’t even use it, but something about being a corporation makes it impossible for them to do literally anything good. It’s frankly baffling.

Lumelore, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned avatar

That happened to my sister unfortunately. She tried to transition her account and kept getting strange errors and minecraft support was very unhelpful. I ended up buying her a new account for her birthday, which I’m glad we can play together again, but it sucks that some strange bug took her account in the first place.


It wasn’t the big, it was Microsoft. They forced the transition and refused to solve the issue you faced.


What’s fucked up is they still have a custom skin my ex made for me on my account, but I don’t own the game.

EmperorHenry, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned avatar

I tried transitioning my account and every time it said it was done, I’d get another email saying I need to do it


i wonder if this and other obscure errors people get that prevent them from transitioning is done on purpose for randomly chosen users, its more money for them after all when people have to buy the game again.

EmperorHenry, avatar

My account wasn’t even valid anymore, I bought one of those cards with a code on it to get minecraft when I first started playing and then there was about a 8 to 9 year gap where I didn’t even think about it

ssj2marx, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned

Man I made my Mojang account so long ago that when I tried to transition I couldn’t recover the account password to do it.

olutukko, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned

still sucks but I mean they did warn about this for propably over 2 years


i feel like it was longer. its been more than that since I last played minecraft and I definitely remember getting the warning multiple times via email I feel like it even got delayed based on how long ago it feels.


yeah now that I think about it it might be over 3 years :D proåably even more


Yeah seriously…. I received so fucking many emails over the last n years about it. I hadn’t touched mc in many years, pre MS acquisition and I was made well aware of what was happening.

There are comments in this thread talking about MS had taken purchases away, like come on now.


More like 5 years, my account was migrated in 2019 (found the email looking for something else) and I remember not doing it right away, but because I had already received multiple emails from them warning me about it.


damn time flies :D

Excrubulent, avatar

Okay, but breach of contract isn’t okay just because you announced you were going to do it well in advance. It just makes their culpability easier to prove because they announced their unlawful intentions extremely clearly.


I haven’t read into this but do you have actual proof that it was unlawful in any way? this is no different from game servers and websites shutting down and it happens all the time

Excrubulent, avatar

Well then read into it if you want to make pronouncements about it. It is the revocation of a license that was sold in perpetuity. That is quite different to no longer providing a service in general. It is selectively denying service to a certain group without legal cause. There were no terms in the contract with Mojang that they could unilaterally remove the license if you didn’t do a specific digital dance on their terms. If it is unlawful, the lawsuit will determine that.

And my point is that if it is indeed unlawful, then telling people years in advance makes no difference, especially if, in some cases mentioned in this very thread, people tried to transfer and couldn’t and were given no way to fix it.

anas, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned

One Reddit thread warrants a whole article? Is this what journalism is today?


Always has been.


I’m not sure I understand. As recently as a few years ago, it was common to find high quality long-form articles on just about any subject linked from your favorite subreddits/tweeters/etc. Now, it seems like the majority of “news” articles I come across are vapid, two paragraph, summaries of a Reddit post or Twitter thread, that don’t anything substantive of their own. I mean, yeah you could find a lot of that 5 years ago too, but now it’s hard to find anything else. It wasn’t that long ago that we had newspapers and magazines, both online and offline, that were actually known for hard-hitting, in-depth journalism. Then they all got sold to companies like Meredith and Conde Nast and have become nothing but thinly veiled advertising. I guess my point is that it hasn’t always been that way, and it doesn’t have to be that way now.


There were always low-effort articles where some journalist would rip off another paper without really looking into sources, and sometimes that original article would just be citing a forum post or something. A couple games of telephone later, and you get outlandish claims not backed up by anything at all, and it all happens when journalists rewrite things in their own words.

What seems to have happened is that those low-effort articles have exploded in number and have gotten better at SEO, to the point where the higher quality content gets buried by SEO spam. It certainly doesn’t help when sites like Reddit give it more credibility by users linking to them, and it’s easier than ever to pay someone (or configure AI) to generate these articles en-masse.

Those high quality sources still remain, they just don’t show up in searches. Go ahead and read Reuters, New York Times, The Economist, etc. They mostly still exist, and they’re still high quality. But their headlines aren’t as evocative, so they don’t get passed around social media (where people rarely read past the headline anyway) as much.

In the past, we called low-effort, sketchy sources “tabloids,” now we just call them “news” and reserve the term “tabloid” for the crazier stuff that makes it to store checkout lines.

ordellrb, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned

Not to Pirate, (i own the Java version since 2015~)but is there a way to have a minecraft executable that runs localy and never connects to microsoft/internet? I know minetest exists, have made a world there a while ago, but its ever so slightly diffrent


UltimMC lets you play without an account


The official Minecraft server .jars (and all the modded ones) can be configured to not check in with Microsoft. The game itself can be launched in offline mode too. Might be easier to get it set up with a 3rd party launcher instead of the official one.


I paid for Minecraft more times than any other game. If there’s a free way to play it, I do feel entitled to that.


I have gotten more free accounts on Minecraft than any other game. I bought it twice on Java (not counting copies I bought for family) and once on bedrock, so when they moved accounts to Microsoft and gave every Java account a bedrock account and every bedrock account a Java account, so I now have three on each version. A second (or third) account is useful for rescuing your main account in some circumstances

umbrella, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned avatar


walderan, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned

Friendly, and unsolicited reminder that the Minetest engine + its game Mineclonia (or alternatively Voxelibre) are a pretty good open source alternative as of late.
Minetest is also getting some pretty nice upgrades to its graphics lately. The upcoming release should be looking quite pretty.

s3rvant, avatar

+1 for Minetest

I run a server on our local network that kiddos love

It was fairly simple to setup including which game type and mods


Can you use minecraft mods with any of these clones?

If not it’s kind of a deal breaker.


Nope, you can just use these mods for the time being.
On the flip side, it’s orders of magnitude easier to write a Minetest mod, and keep it updated with later versions and compatible with other mods.


Highly unlikely. Minecraft has a lot of quirky code, and the mods would have been built around that code.

For all intents and purposes, the clones are a different game entirely, and unless the mod author specifically goes out of their way to make their mod compatible with the clones, or a different version for it, they won’t work.


I see Minetest is available for android. Can you run Mineclonia on a phone?


Indeed you can. Personally I find the phone interface a bit too clunky, but if your phone’s hardware is up for it, it does run, and all platforms that support Minetest are compatible with each other.

tal, avatar

its game Mineclonia (or alternatively Voxelibre)

I see that Voxelibre has considerably more players, but you list Mineclonia first. Do you have a preference between the two?

walderan, (edited )

Well for the sake of context Mineclonia is a fork of Mineclone2, which has now rebranded itself as VoxeLibre. The project was forked due to personal and design disputes. In fact the most productive developer of Mineclonia, used to be the lead dev of mcl2.

Currently VoxeLibre maintains the continuity of the original project and the community which explains its higher popularity. Mineclonia by comparison has very little presence, the discord server was set up like a couple of months ago I think.

But in terms of code, mineclonia has been the faster evolving of the two. More features, more bug fixes, and advances from voxelibre that are deemed valuable are cherry picked. In terms of specific features, I really prefer the double digging depth, and the better villages. And voxelibre has significantly shortened the attack range which I find really annoying.

Other than that, mineclonia is more commited to being a true clone of minecraft, with voxelibre going out of its way to diverge, especially after the rebrand, which might turn out to be wise if microsoft’s trademark lawyers come knocking.

Resol, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned avatar

I’m glad I literally JUST bought a copy of Minecraft so I didn’t have to deal with this mess.

But unfortunately I have to deal with Microsoft shenanigans now. And I can’t even play the worse version on Linux.


one would argue that’s a Linux feature

Resol, avatar

At least I can still play Minecraft in general.


How is it a mess? They gave people YEARS with constant reminders and it takes like half a minute to do. Anyone having issues with this is a fucking idiot and deserves to loose their account.


It was not a simple process. I’ve been trying for years to migrate, and gave up because it wasn’t worth the hassle. I have been playing Minecraft since the alpha, and I have bought the game several times over.

To know that my account is now simply gone means that I’m just that much less likely to return. If I have to rebuild, I’ll invest my time in a game that won’t be taken away from me.


Why would you want to play Bedrock on Linux? The Java version is great, supports mods, etc. The only reason I can think of is to play with console players in MP, so I recommend pressuring them to play the Java version so you can use mods (or play Minetest if they don’t want to pay). It runs fine on most potatoes, so if they have a PC of any variety, they can probably run it.


There is also GeyseMC which translates Bedrock connections to Java allowing Bedrock players to join


Huh, cool! I’ll try that the next time my kids’ friends want to play Bedrock (they only have consoles).


Minetest engine and its games are great fun. It’s super easy to mod with Lua scripts and there is awesome documentation. ContentDB has an abundant selection of games and mods for anyone to customize their play.

Resol, avatar

Nice, I’ll be sure to check it out.

Lumelore, avatar

I forget what it’s called, but there is a 3rd party application that allows you to play the mobile version on Linux. I only use it to play with my cousin since she can only play on Xbox, and it works pretty well.

Resol, avatar

So it’s something that works like BlueStacks?


Similar idea, but it does some funky translation layer magic to get pretty much native performance. The original project is called mcpelauncher-linux, iirc it’s been abandoned and forked at least once since then but I haven’t kept up with it.

Resol, avatar

Got it.

ObamaBinLaden, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned

What does 196 have to say about this?

DarkThoughts, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned

I "transitioned" to Vintage Story anyway.


Thanks for the heads up on that game. Looks fun!


It's basically TerraFirmaCraft, but as a standalone game, if you ever played that mod.

Guntrigger, to games in Minecraft players outraged as Microsoft deletes accounts that weren't transitioned

I’m very surprised by the discourse in this thread. I understand that people were given lots of warning, but that doesn’t excuse that they just had their purchase recinded. Why not just allow download of an old version of Minecraft Java still?

I’d consider myself a Microsoft fanboy as I’ve had Xbox live for nearly 2 decades and Game Pass since it came into existence. Removing people’s purchases for any reason is a scummy move.


Devil’s advocate: the login requires a server, so even old versions won’t work unless they keep them online. And without support, they will be easy target for hackers.

I hate this, and honestly the best would have been to not change the logging at all. I bought a game that didn’t need a MS account to play and this change doesn’t bring any benefit.


Also lots of other places (YouTube as an example) allow you to migrate your account indefinitely, over a decade after they were purchased.


If you self host an older version, you can allow non-authenticated users. I did that for years so my kids could play on our LAN with just the one license. I eventually bought a second license, but we still haven’t played outside our LAN.


Keeping up a server that allows migration has negligable costs for a product the size of minecraft. There is no excuse…


Keep that in mind next time you consider giving money to Microsoft. I definitely do.

I’m just playing devil’s advocate, and never es l was this name more appropriate.

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