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Fools and their money.

Why do so many fools have so much money?

I am scared to flirt with girls.

I don’t have any issue talking to girls when the intent is not romantic/sexual. OK I have met someone, first few conversations went alright, how do I transition to something else without being embarrassed and feeling like a dick? Like, if I want to say something technical or communicate for something else, everything is fine....


Why would anyone hate you? Why would you be feel like you will be disgusting?

FWIW you don’t have to flirt to become romantic with a partner. You can just be straightforward and say how you feel. “I like you. You’re really pretty, and you make me happy when we talk.” Some people won’t like that level of honesty and transparency, but it sounds like you wouldn’t want a partner who wants flirting.

Don’t be gross or vulgar. Don’t treat anyone like a sexual object, and take rejection well. It can be crushing to work up the nerve to tell someone how you feel, only to be turned away, but that’s part and parcel with consensual relationships. There are many fish in the sea, and if you hyper-focus on just one, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Once you’re involved in a relationship, you can try out a little more flirting. Wink or make suggestive comments. Quick kisses on the neck or a pinch might be acceptable depending on the context. Don’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable, and don’t do anything that makes them uncomfortable. Part of a relationship is discovering the boundaries of another individual. You’re going to cross a few lines, and it is important to react with understanding and respect. If your partner reacts negatively, apologize and adjust your behavior. This can be tough, because the boundaries may change with context (e.g. flirting at a bar on a date vs flirting at a family function) or over time (young relationships are more exciting) but as long as you demonstrate that you care about your partner, you can take some calculated risks.


Be a whole lot cooler if they publicly removed her from the bench. I’m pretty fucking tired of “reasonable” people expecting fascists to do the right thing and voluntarily cede power.


I do not have the authority or the capacity to remove anyone from the bench, not by any means. What are you suggesting?


Well, I’m not able bodied, but even in my prime I never had the skills to track down and murder anyone, much less a famous judge. I assume that’s what you’re suggesting, and I’m not capable, morally, financially, or physically of committing such an act.

Not to mention, if we can overcome fascism through democracy and the rule of law, our nation will be stronger for it, and new fascists will die on the vine. If we use violence to achieve our goals, we create martyrs and inspire zealots. We will reap what we sow.


OK, but in this story, “they” is federal judges in an actual position of authority who recognize the threat and possess the means to a remedy. I’m not like sitting in a field, staring up at the stars, wishing someone could cure my lonely condition. I don’t want someone to do something, I want these two judges to force Aileen Cannon to step aside like they suggested she should.

They can do something, they know what should be done, and they do nothing because they lack the political will. If enough people stand up and demand action, we will see action.

That’s something we can do. That’s something I’m doing right now, and it’s something you’re discouraging for some reason.


Ah, my mistake.


In addition to what disguy ovahea said, vote. Vote in every election. Vote when it’s inconvenient. Vote when your boss is annoyed it makes you late for work. Go to the town hall meetings and ask questions. Demand more from your local politicians.


That’s like saying “baseball players pitching balls at the batter is a dangerous game.”

Like, that’s the game. The whole game. It always has been. Why are you using the verbs in the present tense to imply that it’s something new, something they haven’t been doing from the beginning?


I have no idea what your point might be, but I’m fairly sure it’s as stupid as everything else you wrote.


Stop me

Ok, please stop.

They don’t care that their pies are obvious. Their supporters don’t care that the lies are obvious.

The point is to get you to write a story. It doesn’t matter if your story is about how much of a buffoon and a failure the candidate is. You wrote a story about Trump’s visit to a black church. The more stories you write about it, the longer it is in the news. So they’ll find another way to get you to write about it.

Just stop.


In a statement to The Daily Beast, the White House fumed at the so-called “cheap fake,” which it contends is a sign of failing journalistic ethics at a number of conservative publications.

I’d be surprised that conservative publications could spell journalistic ethics.


I don’t understand, I’ve told them that I’m hip, I’ve told them that I care about their issues, I’ve told them that I’m a better choice, and they just aren’t listening. They just keep asking questions, and demanding action, and insisting on something or other, I don’t really know because I wasn’t paying attention.

Maybe I should learn one of those meme dances.

Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices (

LOS ANGELES – President Biden on Saturday night said he expects the winner of this year’s presidential election will likely have the chance to fill two vacancies on the Supreme Court – a decision he warned would be “one of the scariest parts” if his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, is successful in...


The current president could name six Supreme Court Justices today, if the Democrats were better at this.


Democrats are never as good at predicting something as they are when they are predicting the things they cannot accomplish


I see Minetest is available for android. Can you run Mineclonia on a phone?


I paid for Minecraft more times than any other game. If there’s a free way to play it, I do feel entitled to that.


It was not a simple process. I’ve been trying for years to migrate, and gave up because it wasn’t worth the hassle. I have been playing Minecraft since the alpha, and I have bought the game several times over.

To know that my account is now simply gone means that I’m just that much less likely to return. If I have to rebuild, I’ll invest my time in a game that won’t be taken away from me.

Don’t Forget to Like, Subscribe and Vote: Biden’s Rocky Influencer Courtship (

Influencers have been given exclusive tours of the White House and campaign headquarters and been invited to briefings with policy advisers. They’ve been wined and dined at lavish parties in New York and at State of the Union watch parties in the White House. And they’ve been promised extraordinary access to party officials...


Shock. Surprise. Confusion. Three things I don’t feel in any way that the octogenarian centrist is struggling to astroturf enthusiasm with young people on social media, without attempting in any way to address the concerns of young Americans.

Biden needs to do better. They’re not his votes until he wins them. He’s not getting the youth vote by default, just because his opponent is a bigoted, fascist rapist and convicted felon.

I really can’t believe how bad the DNC is at this.

Trying to remember an old Spider-Man game I played as a child... anyone can recognize it?

Hey folks, I’ve lurked on this community for a while now but haven’t really posted anything until today. Sorry if this isn’t really the right place to ask questions like this, but since this is a place for old games, I felt it’d be the most appropriate one…...


From that time period, it was probably one of the Spider-Man games that tied in with the Raimi movies. It would have had Bruce Campbell narrating the tutorial levels, if that helps jog your memory.

The first one had a tutorial level in a wrestling match, but the second one sounds more similar to what you described. Unfortunately, if you were playing Spider-Man 2 on a Windows PC, it means you were playing the worst possible version of a great game. The Playstation version was far superior in performance, controls, graphics, and well just about every other way. The Windows version (you can’t even call it a port, because it was an entirely different game) was developed by Fizz Factor. If you tried to play the game today, I would strongly recommend the Treyarch version on an emulator, but it might not have the nostalgia factor.


Maybe he’s touting smaller class sizes?


Except his base has bought the line of thinking that a candidate is “allowed” to interfere in their own election, because he’s trying to win. They are OK with him doing anything, including committing crimes, as long as he wins.

The important part is the fraud. He is a liar, who illegally tried to hide his illegal hush money payments in an attempt to illegally interfere with the election process.


To be clear, this Order does not encourage the outright deprivation of any student’s rights.

Weird how you feel the need to be clear about that. Alternatively, you could simply not encourage the outright deprivation of any student’s rights.


Really, it’s very different. Avian flu is estimated to be more deadly, and also less contagious among humans. Covid was most dangerous to the sick and the old, as well as first responders and medical professionals.

In other words, the people who were careless about Covid19 precautions were not the people who suffered the most.

With Avian flu, and really anything else you might get from contaminated milk, the person who will suffer is the person who is being careless.

So if Conservatives want to ignore the best advice of smart people and drink poison, I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. I feel really bad for their children, of course, but I can’t stop them from where I’m sitting.


There is some correlation between political affiliation and community death rates, especially as it relates to attitudes towards vaccinations.

But that doesn’t mean the anti-vaxxers are the ones who suffer. It means the communities where anti-vaxxers live suffer. That’s not the same thing at all.

We know how Covid works. We know how viruses work in general. Every infection is an opportunity for mutation, and every unvaccinated person increases the risk for the entire community.

A young, healthy individual has a relatively low risk of dying from COVID19. They should still get the vaccine, and take precautions against transmissions, because every infection is an opportunity for mutation, and every unvaccinated person increases the risk for the entire community.

I’ve heard from so many morons, “it’s just the flu, it’s no big deal, it’s not worth the inconvenience.” And they’re probably right, for them. But it’s far worse than the flu, it is a big deal, and the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask or getting vaccinated is nothing compared to the lives it would have saved if we had mandated these basic things.


Username checks out.

While you’re here, can I as you a favor? Talk to your people. Those fuckers have been up to some bullshit.


Nobody ought to be surprised. Trump was publicly good friends with Epstein.

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”


I read his comments, and it sounds like he’s advocating for appeasement. Which is much worse than a gaffe.


I mean, that was clearly what he was going for, and a news writer took the bait.

This is the kind of shit conservatives point to when they attack the “mainstream media.”


Redundancy is efficiency. No ship would operate with exactly 75 people to cover 25 stations in three shift. Either some of those stations are redundant, or you have more than 75 people. Otherwise, one illness or injury would bring down the whole system.

A switch to shorter shifts would reduce redundancy on each shift, but each worker would get more rest and be less likely to burnout or get sick, even if they have to pick up occasional double shifts until they can take on more crew.

themeatbridge, (edited )

I played the first two games, and I watched the trailer.

What are the bigots whining about?

-oh look, there’s one down below in the comments. I’ll ask them.

Edit: I asked 'em, but I received no answers. One called me a slur, but I’m not sure what else I was expecting.


What are you whining about?


What are you whining about?


I assumed that he was referencing the morality mechanic that’s been a staple of the game from the beginning. Be good, and you’re revered. Be evil, and people will fear you. Also, your looks change to match, IIRC. “Really sticks with you.”


It’s weird to be snarky about literacy when you have a spelling error in your whining.


its probably intentionally ambiguous

100% this.


So doubling down on the bigotry, eh? At least you’re honest about what you’re about.


The fact that you think “intentionally ugly” and “diversity” are the same thing is just a staggering new form of ignorant intolerance. I’m going to need a minute to digest that.

Ok, so many question…

Is it that you only play as characters you want to fuck? Or you only play as characters that look like you? Or is it both, and you only want to fuck people who look like you, and want to play games where that’s part of it?

How ugly do you need to be to no longer be normal? Or is it being different from you that makes people ugly?

Are all ugly people minorities in your mind? Like you see someone on the street with crooked teeth and a mishapen head, and you think “Your kind aren’t welcome here!” Or are there certain minorities that are ugly to you, and you think this character model looks like one of “them”? Which group is even represented in this trailer?

I’m really curious about you. I’d really rather not be, and I’d probably be happier if I just forget you exist. You’re like a really weird shaped piece of dog shit. How were you formed? What the fuck was wrong with that dog?

I know you probably won’t give me answers, and will probably just fall back on some tired cliche of an insult again. But on the off chance that you feel like sharing, I’d love to know more.


When you’re rich, the law is more what you’d call “guidelines” than actual law.

War on Gaza: US courts must hold Biden accountable (

While President Joe Biden recently said that “no one is above the law”, in response to guilty verdicts in former President Donald Trump’s hush-money trial, his administration is seemingly committed to shielding Israel from accountability at any cost - even if that means tearing apart the rules-based international order....


OK, but that’s not what this is. Not even close.

And Trump wasn’t convicted for bribing a porn star to not tell the embarrassing story of their tryst. He was convicted of engaging in fraud to hide the payments. That’s the sort of casual attitude towards the law that makes him unfit for office.

I’ll grant you that Biden’s support for Bibi makes it difficult to support him, but Trump is an even stronger supporter of Netanyahu, and would be far worse for the Palestinian people.


You say that like Trump isn’t complicit in genocide.

Republican Operatives Swoop in to Help Cornel West This Election (

”This helps take away votes from Joe Biden,” the activist told one person at the rally, according to a video posted to X (formerly Twitter) by a Washington Post reporter. “We’re helping the Trump team who’s trying to get him on there,” added a woman by his side.


I don’t subscribe to the belief that third party votes are “owed” to anybody. I’ve voted for third party candidates in the past, hoping to send a message to candidates from the two parties, with almost no success.

For a while, I worked as a realtor, and we would talk about the value of direct mailer postcards. The critical point was that you were trying to send a message to the recipient in the time that it took them to see your postcard and walk it over to their recycling bin. That was your window, and if your message took longer than that to digest, it was wasted.

That’s how I think of the message you send with a third party vote. The message lasts as long as it takes for the party to walk your votes over to their trashcan. Your candidate won’t win. If the message is strong, like say for instance the margin of victory is smaller than the percent of third party votes, they might remember you in the next election. Maybe. But they are just as likely to write it off as a fluke or an outlier, because that’s easier than introspection.

There are two viable parties. You can support one or the other, or neither. But there is a clear difference between the two, and while you might not like everything about one party, there’s going to be one party that stands for everything you hate.

You can vote against the party you hate, but if you don’t, you can’t really complain when they win and do everything you hate. Voting for a third party does nothing at all.


Not really. A vote for a third oarty is a vote for nobody.


If you go to a restaurant, let’s say McDonald’s, and you order something they don’t have, like oysters and pasta, you aren’t going to get what you ordered. It’s as though you haven’t ordered at all, because you won’t get it.

You might think that ordering it could let McDonald’s know that there is a demand for oysters and pasta, and maybe they will change the menu.

That won’t work.

You might think other people in the restaurant will overhear you order it and decide they want that, too.

That won’t work either.

Your order serves no purpose. Technically, you’ve asked for something, demanded it even, but you won’t get it and you never will change the restaurant or the menu that way.

Telling anyone otherwise is spreading misinformation.


They ask what you want at McDonald’s, and you can ask for anything you want. That doesn’t mean you’ll get it. The analogy is accurate.


For downballot races? Sure. If you’re voting for a state rep or some uncontested local race, every vote counts. But we’re talking about a presidential election, and under the current rules, a write in candidate will never win.

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