Vendetta9076, to privacy in CJEU Gives File-Sharer Surveillance & Data Retention a Green Light * TorrentFreak avatar

I love that murderers and rapists have more privacy than pirates in most of the world.


Well you see, those victims are just untouchables, whereas Pirates attack the property of the rich…


“If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy”

refalo, to privacy in Rightsholders Want U.S. “Know Your Customer” Proposal to Include Domain Name Services * TorrentFreak

The proposal is very clear about this exclusion. Since domain name registrars and registries don’t host any content, they fall outside its scope.

Actually it is already possible to do this, there are even tools made specifically for doing so.

Plus if the registrar also provides DNS services, that can be used to “host” content (or links to it) as well.

drwho, to privacy in Rightsholders Want U.S. “Know Your Customer” Proposal to Include Domain Name Services * TorrentFreak avatar

Sounds like they want to crack down on seedboxes.

ChallengeApathy, to privacy in U.S. "Know Your Customer" Proposal Will Put an End to Anonymous Cloud Users * TorrentFreak

It’s actually rather stunning to see just how hard they’re attacking privacy in these final months of the disastrous dumpster fire that is the Biden administration. This is exactly why I believe centralized cloud and CDN infrastructure is massively dangerous.

Make the web decentralized again.


I haven’t heard the alternative candidates talk about how they’ll fight for our privacy.


I didn’t mention the others. It’s simply that this current “administration” has been a disaster in literally every way so it’s not surprising they’re trying to end our constitutional rights.


Could be worse.

We could have trump

citizensv, to privacy in U.S. "Know Your Customer" Proposal Will Put an End to Anonymous Cloud Users * TorrentFreak

Liberty = 0

DevCat, to privacy in U.S. "Know Your Customer" Proposal Will Put an End to Anonymous Cloud Users * TorrentFreak avatar

Let’s see. Email - Iceland Web host - Iceland VPN - Sweden Backup - Norway

Did I miss anything?




They are pricier and they know it.

drwho, to privacy in U.S. "Know Your Customer" Proposal Will Put an End to Anonymous Cloud Users * TorrentFreak avatar

Hot on the heels of piracy spiking when streaming media libraries were being pared down. This reads like a shot against seedboxes.

haui_lemmy, to privacy in U.S. "Know Your Customer" Proposal Will Put an End to Anonymous Cloud Users * TorrentFreak

Every time I read news like this I‘m glad I moved to my own cloud.

golden_zealot, avatar

How did you do it, what are you using and how do you have it configured? Also interested in the costs.


Check out my setup if you want.

Costs depend on a lot of factors. If you are technically adept you might be able to get away with 20 bucks a month for the whole setup but most folks wouldn’t imo. I also have some old hardware I was able to use and upgraded it. Initial invest for a homeserver varies greatly depending on who you know.

If you want to know more please ask. You can also hit me up on matrix. Link in bio.

golden_zealot, avatar

Swell, thank you.


I did a similar setup for my own cloud on several Raspberry Pis (one master and two backup devices). The backups are placed offsite and sync the entire content of the master device. The next step I want to try now is running a Proxmox cluster (on x86) that now only syncs contents but also provides identical copies in a high availability setup (like a “real” cloud would).


Thats actually not a bad idea. Long term selfhosted cloud solutions will have to compete on availability/redundancy. You might want to help the NC folks to implement that on their docker setup or something?

ShellMonkey, to privacy in U.S. "Know Your Customer" Proposal Will Put an End to Anonymous Cloud Users * TorrentFreak avatar

That’ll only ever pass of the big cloud vendors allow it. No way that Azure/AWS/Google wouldn’t object if a sizable portion of their user base get upset and threaten to leave. How much of that user base argues is unknown though.


The money makers for large clouds are companies. They won’t care about this legislation

ShellMonkey, avatar

Generally yes, it would matter a lot how it was structured. Today you couldn’t call up AWS and ask for the details on a service owner out of privacy reasons and there are ways to register things by proxy. If they started stripping those kind of protections away though there’s bound to be some pushback.

dohpaz42, to privacy in Reddit Objects to Filmmakers' Renewed Attempt to Obtain User IP Addresses avatar

What’s more disturbing than the filmmakers continually trying to get the ips, is that the courts keep entertaining the filmmakers. At what point does the legal system say enough?


When the MPAA stops lobbying Congress

_haha_oh_wow_, to privacy in Reddit Objects to Filmmakers' Renewed Attempt to Obtain User IP Addresses avatar

Again? Hasn’t this been slapped down like 3 times now?

SnotFlickerman, avatar

Can sb explain the courts how fail2ban works?

tetris11, avatar

To be fair, given how useless it is a lot of the time, I’m not sure

andrew, to privacy in Reddit Objects to Filmmakers' Renewed Attempt to Obtain User IP Addresses avatar

Can’t wait for this company to be public and to be subject to the whims of shareholders chasing profit.



just_another_person, to privacy in Reddit Objects to Filmmakers' Renewed Attempt to Obtain User IP Addresses

Why? If they are handing them over to people, why shouldn’t the filmmaker be able to see them?


They only handed over 1 ip address. Because he/she explicitly said they were a customer, during a specific time period, and admitted to doing it.

Reddit is refusing to hand over any more because it’s all circumstantial. Example: I heard this ISP doesn’t give a fuck.

And Reddit has further evidence that handing over ip addresses will hurt the others because the film companies immediately started harassing the one ip address they did hand over, via a reverse lookup through t-mobile.

SeedyOne, to technology in Reckless DMCA Deindexing Pushes NASA's Artemis Towards Black Hole

Yet another clue as to why Google search sucks as time goes on.

onlinepersona, to technology in Reckless DMCA Deindexing Pushes NASA's Artemis Towards Black Hole

TIL is the best place to search for warez because all DMCA takedown notices are listed there 😂 Spread it far and wide, folks!


ripcord, avatar


It's an old code, but it checks out


What do the kids say nowadays? 😄 I still add “warez” to my queries when “download X for free” doesn’t cut it.


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