Sleuth, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC

Oh, looks like the time is coming to finally buy this game.

pumerogo, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC avatar

Maybe I should finish the game, before the patch and then after, to experience the differences!

… Who am I kidding, I will probably procrastinate playing, since my backlog is too long and then maybe play it in September. Looking forward to the DLC, it sounds great!

mr_delicious, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC

Hold tight, no preorders!

Hovenko, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC avatar

Dont get baited into preorders. The game is not going anywhere and there is unlimited number of copies.

tango_octogono, avatar

Wish there was a pin comment feature here.

I’m very excited for this expansion, but at best I’m buying it on the release date

Hovenko, avatar

I honestly don't understand the rush. There is a shitload of good games to play till then. I just started Persona5 and I am good for some time now. Once I finish, I will come and grab the PL DLC (maybe even discounted) free of hype and bullshit, maybe even with a fixed bug or two.

Matte, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC

sooo… they’re charging 30$ to fix their own game?

tango_octogono, avatar

for the new story. Base game owners will receive these updates as well

BeardedGuy, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC

It sounds like we're finally getting close to the original game we were promised. I'm glad that they're giving updates to the original owners as well

DeathWearsANecktie, avatar

I so wanted this game to be good, but it was just… average. Which is massively disappointing after the hype it had.

Looking forward to trying it again with the new update.

legion, avatar

finally getting close to the original game we were promised

Ehhhhh.... the things in that change list are nice, but I'm not sure they're fundamental enough to get this to the game it was originally presented to be.

That said, it might be enough to where the game would at least be worth my time. But I'm not going to trust this list to be delivered (relatively) bug-free and as good as it sounds until it's done and proven to be so.

I'll at least keep tabs on it when it drops, which is a lot more consideration than CP2077 was getting from me yesterday.

Shiggs, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC

NGL, I just pre-ordered after reading this. I know folks HATE pre-ordering literally because of the first release of CP2077, but I loved that game so much and always felt like the internet just had a disproportionate tantrum over it.

This isn't to say that we shouldn't have been disappointed at all. I certainly wish that they didn't hype so hard, but I think of all the games to over-promise and under-deliver, Cyberpunk and the projektRED team didn't deserve poster child status.

Also, god damn Keanu as Johnny Silverhand fulfilled all of my Cyberpunk2020 dreams from my nerdy-ass childhood, and I don't want this IP to die. So I'll buy the game and expansion for PC. I know that I'll get it anyway, even if it has bad reviews, because I did the first time and didn't regret it for a second.

sergio, avatar

I don’t think it was disproportionate at all, the game was nonfunctional for large swathes of people.


They definitely overpromised. My bro got it for PS4 and apparently it was nearly unplayable. I remember when the Witcher 3 came out it also had quite a few issues but not this bad.

Bretzel, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC

I liked Cyberpunk when it launched (despite the false promises from Projekt Red), but THIS is very promising. I will surely replay the game

sparky, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC

This is actually really cool. Sounds like calling it a "DLC" is far short of the reality. I picked it up on release and played like 5 hours or so maybe, but when I tried it again a few days ago, I had no idea what I was doing anymore. Might be time to start a new game and give it a fresh try once the new DLC lands.

rarkgrames, avatar

I have the same issue. I started playing but being a busy parent I didn’t have time to get in to it properly and now I’d need to start again. I might have to do that when the DLC drops.

Games should have a “parent mode” which give you a quick refresher on controls and important gameplay mechanics. :)

sorenant, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC

Are we going to see NMS like redemption story on Cyberpunk? Hope so.


Haven't they said this is it for CP2077? One expansion, load of upgrades, and nothing else is planned.

poopscoop, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC

Damn getting the no man’s sky treatment, not bad

Revolving_Glass, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC avatar

Just wanting to clarify a difference from the copy paste edit, particularly the claim about cyberpsychosis. Here’s the paragraph from the article, parentheses are my addition:

A new Edgerunners perk allows you to even surpass that (the limit of cyberware), while accepting some penalties, like having a health debuff. “It’s all about this balance between risk and reward,” Sasko explained. “We are not going as far as the introduction of cyberpsychosis though, have that in mind.”

I would probably enjoy some gameplay mechanic of cyberpsychosis but I’m not sure how they would pull that off outside of a scripted story sequence. For the most part, players are already gunning down everyone in the room, so cyberpsychosis only has meaningful impact if you end up killing someone you wanted to protect. I imagine it would be hard for that situation to show up organically.

TakethAway, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC

Hey, they finally finished the game!

HisNoodlyServant, to gaming in Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC

Yea going to wait until user reviews start coming in before I purchase it. They promised a ton of shit at launch and it was lies plus the insane amount of bugs. Ended up playing it like a year later even though I bought it at launch.

AndrasKrigare, to gaming in Microsoft signs deal with Outriders studio 'People Can Fly' for a new Xbox game | VGC

I'm interested in that. I know a lot of people weren't too big on Outriders, but I enjoyed it a lot.

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