ToucheGoodSir, to pcgaming in Sega’s Crazy Taxi reboot is a ‘massively multiplayer driving game’

SOmething something driverless cars are just around the corner :| years later

Lost_My_Mind, to pcgaming in Sega’s Crazy Taxi reboot is a ‘massively multiplayer driving game’

Do kids today even know what a taxi is? Or do they see a yellow cab the same way they see the save icon? “Why is it a square thingy? Those used to exist in real life???”

I used to say I was never going to get old…and then I got old. Now my knees hurt.


Taxis were not wiped out in a great apocalypse. This is the dumbest thing I’ve read all day.


Outside of big cities taxis did have a big apocalypse though. I’m not saying I support their decline I’m only saying I’ve witnessed it.


Outside big cities you were lucky to find a taxi anyway. But onto most any city in Europe, Asia, hell, pretty much anywhere in a non-US centric view, and they’re quite plentiful


I used to say I was never going to get old…

Only way to do that isn’t pleasant. Gotta die young.


That was always the plan. When I was 7, I planned on dying by 15. I’m 40 now, so things went a bit offcoarse.


Depending on how you age, that is kinda the goal ngl. I’ve seen my grandpa, I’d much rather die as myself before i lose any spark of life.


taxis are still sround yk…

ChihuahuaOfDoom, to pcgaming in Sega’s Crazy Taxi reboot is a ‘massively multiplayer driving game’

Fuck that


Hard agree. Online massive multi-player games have become gross money grabs with all of the worst modern BS like micro transactions, loot boxes etc. Maybe Sega will prove me wrong but I wouldn’t bet on it.

DancingBear, to pcgaming in Sega’s Crazy Taxi reboot is a ‘massively multiplayer driving game’

Can they make a mobile app where you are the person who needs the taxi lol



Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya!!

Letstakealook, to games in Hands-On: Black Myth: Wukong is frantic, hard as nails and visually stunning.

I’m looking forward to this one. Hopefully, it lives up to expectations on release.

conciselyverbose, to games in Yoshi P apologizes for Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail issues. The expansion is currently in early access.

Having an expansion for an MMO be in early access seems super weird.

I understand the communication that it’s still not as polished as it will be once the community beats it up a little, but the nature of an MMO is to kind of pressure a certain type of player to instantly race through that content. Once it’s available, it “counts”, right? They’re not rolling back outcomes or anything? It’s live?

nyahlathotep, avatar

it’s not ‘early access’ in that way, it’s just that if you preorder you get access 3 or 4 days early


So if you buy it you get it before if you buy it?

That system is an even dumber one (and not unique to this game).

nyahlathotep, avatar

you also get exp-boosting earrings that work until the max level of the previous expansion, and a unique minion (little pet to show off)


My point is that the “early access preorder” really just means the sale date is 3 days earlier than you’re claiming or whatever.


I think there’s a couple reasons they do it this way.

One is that the pre-order bonus is still available despite the game effectively being out. I imagine they spare themselves some unwanted difficulty or dissatisfied responses from people who otherwise would have missed it.

The other is this very thread. Server issues are common on an expansion pack release. This gives them a convenient excuse to put in the apology announcement. It’s a small thing but who knows, maybe it has some impact.

It’s definitely a silly twisting of words (and their double key system for the pre-order and full purchase only sillier).

Drusenija, to games in Yoshi P apologizes for Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail issues. The expansion is currently in early access.

I can’t speak to the Xbox stuff but for the most part I feel the Dawntrail launch has gone really well. Yes, there’s some bugs, that’s usually inevitable for a launch of this size, but the only game breaking one I’ve seen was Syrcus Tower which was fixed in under 24 hours without bringing the game down for maintenance.

But I don’t think there’s been anywhere near as many queuing issues as there was in Endwalker, and while I’m only just past the first dungeon in the MSQ the only issues I’ve seen (other than ST) have been cosmetic.


Aye. Granted, I’m on Dynamis so my experience is going to be wildly different from, eg. Aether, but I’ve only had one occasion of long queues, and that was when Aether died. And even then, it was steady progress, unlike the Login Roulette of Endwalker.

rainynight65, to games in CDPR says its new Boston studio means Cyberpunk 2 will be more authentically American

I don’t need a game that’s set in a fictional future and world to be ‘authentically American’.


Well, the author of the Cyberpunk universe is Mike Pondsmith, who’s American and the game setting is in the US.


So be authentic to the universe. Be authentic to the lore. Nobody knows what ‘authentically American’ will look like in fifty plus years. And it’s still a fictitious city. There is no need for details to conform with any particular city of today, American or not.


I get that but it’s also a genre about social commentary and I think that is best when someone for whom the setting is their home can inject their perspective

Pooptimist, to games in CDPR says its new Boston studio means Cyberpunk 2 will be more authentically American

Wow… What a dumb article… When I read “more authentically American” I thought “makes sense, show the consequences of hard-core capitalism even more clearly and boldly” but what he understands as American culture is manhole covers and the position of waste bins?!


Basically trivia to make noise, nothing else. Advertisement is advertisement, even if the game is probably like 10 years away at this point.

Computerchairgeneral, to games in Konami producer says it would be ‘the dream’ for Kojima to return to Metal Gear

Yeah, it would be great if Kojima was still working on Metal Gear, wouldn't it Konami? I wonder why he isn't?

CrabAndBroom, to games in CDPR says its new Boston studio means Cyberpunk 2 will be more authentically American

Could they not just image search American manhole covers?


It’s more that those things likely never crossed anyones mind during development. A lot of everyday things you just assume are the way they are where you live everywhere, until you see they aren’t. And even being aware of that you are always going to miss things.

I doubt this had any actual influence on which studio ended up working on the game, but it is a nice side effect.

mindbleach, to games in Konami producer says it would be ‘the dream’ for Kojima to return to Metal Gear

You won’t unfuck that chicken.

Socsa, to games in CDPR says its new Boston studio means Cyberpunk 2 will be more authentically American

Is that something people were asking for?

Deconceptualist, to games in CDPR says its new Boston studio means Cyberpunk 2 will be more authentically American

Does it have to be set in America? I’d think the genre could work almost anywhere with technological cities.


It doesn’t have to, but it’s based on the Cyberpunk tabletop rpg which is mostly centered around Night City. So most of the existing lore is focused on America. Personally I’d prefer more games/movies/… outside the US in general, I’ve seen enough fictional versions of NYC and LA.


If not outside of America at least less common areas Chicago, Nasheville, Atlanta hell even rural regions like West Virginia. Hell if you are gonna do it in California or New York do it in less known areas, like Albany or San Bernardino yes I know Albany is the capital of New York but well New Yor, New york gets all the attention.


We had a great movie scene in Berlin and then the Nazis happened. Now almost every German film is the same low-tier trash


Trying to think of recent German films I’ve seen and the best I can do is Das Leben der Anderen and Der Untergang, both being 20 years old.

darreninthenet, avatar

Cyberpunk 2020 TTRPG had a shit ton of source books for outside of Night City and outside America, including space and even one for the very beginnings of deep space exploration in the cyberpunk world… the source material has a lot of legs outside of Night City.


Good to hear, never dug to much into it. Then there’s even less reason to keep it in Night City/America, maybe something in Japan.

DarkThoughts, to games in CDPR says its new Boston studio means Cyberpunk 2 will be more authentically American

So the next city iteration will be a few buildings between massive parking lots and barely any pedestrian crossings or even sidewalks while all the streets are congested as fuck and it takes you ages to get anywhere because everything is so far apart?

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