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Noob question. Is it easy to play GOG games on Linux? Can you add them to steam?


Thanks. I don’t care about online feature so it doesn’t seem too complicated. I will probably grab a game to try this out and a few more and everything works without problems.


Super useful thanks! I was actually looking at psychonauts 2. I use a Steam controller so that controller thing is getting me a bot worried. I’ll do what you say and see how that goes. Cheers!


Those people are legendary. A bunch of nerds singlehandedly defeating a multi-billions dollars business. I have an M1 for work, if they can manage for Asahi Linux to take advantage of the GPU, I will do 90% of my work on Linux.


other GPU-intensive work.

That’s what I meant. I’ve tried a bit of video editing in DaVinci Studio and the performance was far from what I get on macOS.


That’s what I was thinking at first but at the speed things are moving with these people, anything can happen.

Yerbouti, (edited )

Yep. I have a friend who works there, well I guess he use to. Get ready for a wave of shitty videogames all written and designed by AI in the coming years.


They’re definitely not perfect but in my one year experience on Linux+2080ti, it’s totally usable. The Linux community seems to enjoy those overblown drama, at this point the Nvidia thing is basically a meme, pretty funny to watch.


The first sentence says it’s “definitely not perfect” and “in MY experience”. So relax, nobody is dismissing your bad experience.


According to the discord, it could be as soon as this weekend.

Yerbouti, (edited )

You ok? Still thinking about this? Lol, I actually think Nvdia sucks big time! I get my GPUs for free that’s why I use Nvidia. I wouldn’t give them money, unlike you. Stop crying and get an AMD maybe?


There you go! Now look at you, all grown up and ready to not care too much about unimportant stuff. Good luck now! Enjoy your computer and remember, you can be nice to people you disagree with, it’s really possible.




Lol I have no clue who he is but you sure seem to know a lot of about NVIDIA. I get my gpus for free lol. I got a 3080 in a box waiting for me but I dont botter installing since the 2080ti WORKS PERFECTLY FINE on linux!!! Unlike you, I never gave them my personnal money, I have better things to do with it lol. I think linux and computer might be too complicated for you, maybe get an iPad? Or keep on being an AMD sucker, they must love losers like you who thinks a stupid capitalist business is better than another stupid capitalist business and get mad over it. LOL


If I’m correct Justin sold WinAmp and then created Reaper AKA the best DAW ever made.


Ron is awesome. He’s on Mastodon, really fun to follow.


When the creator of Monkey Island tells you Fuck You, you definitely messed out something in your life. Shame on you Elon Musk for disappointing Ron Glibert.


Fedora works pretty well. Any fork with Gnome should work.


Out of the loop, what the hell is up with Home Alone memes rn?


Schools are not replacement for parents.

Yerbouti, (edited )

So, are schools expected to teach kids how to wipe their ass because they might have dumbfuck parents? Are you seriously expecting the school to teach every fucking basic things of life because bad parenting is a thing? Giving these kids a few hours of forced break from their phone is actually the best thing a school can do.

School is not social services and it does not replace a family.

Do you have any idea what a teacher’s job is? Stupidly, and I mean really stupidly underpaid jobs where you work twice the hours you get paid and have to deal with tons of entitled idiots, kids and adults, who, like you expect school to take care of everything. Schools teaches kids a lot of things, read, write, maths, geo, etc., but it can’t replace parents. I use to teach in high school, long ago, never fucking again. You want schools to do more? Start paying teacher like you pay doctor, lawyer, dentist or even construction workers and then we’ll talk.


Alternative alternative proposal: being billionaire shouldn’t be possible. There should be a wealth cap.


Yes! I’m an example of this. I’ve decided to give Linux a try on my old 2012 Macbook last year, because I’ve heard so much about it on Lemmy. I played with it for a few days and realized it was the OS I’ve been dreaming of. Ended up installing Nobara on a partition of my gaming PC (with NVDIA) and cant remeber last time I’ve booted Windows. I still have to work on macOS on my M1, but I’ve install Asahi and alternate between the two. I am now convince 80,% pc user would be way more happy on Linux. I really think FOSS are now better then licence software in most case.


Asahi is for M1 to M3 macs only, it works well. If your old mac is an Intel, you can basically install any distro!


Nobara 39 (Fedora spin) is amazing with KDE, 2080ti.


The problem is no other platform has that much content. Looking for an obscure scene from an old tv show? It’s probably on YouTube. Wanna know more about Brigitte Bardot’s career? Someone has a nice channel about her. The fact that the platform sucks amd his own by effing google doesn’t change that there is just so much great niche content to be discovered. Hopefully we’ll have a fully working foss alternative soon enough. I’ll gladly pay for that if the money goes back to creators.


One day, about 10 years ago, a guy pull out a knife to fight me in a subway station because he thought I was staring at him. Also got some nasty comments from women who thought I was looking at them when I didn’t even notice their presence. Now I try to look at the floor in public in case I get lost in my mind.


It’s everywhere in the country. In 30 years, I have never ever seen so many homeless people in Montréal. Same for Ottawa. But hey, capitalism is the best system so lets do nothing about it, the market will magically fix things.


you most ave busi dayz iff youre wander-ing arond the internet triyng to corekt every-one. Fun fakt, it usualy onli serve’s too makke u louk condescanding hand doesnt impprove peoples nowledge of anglish.


Lol thanks. Not sure what people downvoted me that much. English is basically my third langage so I dont like getting shit on by some probably unilingual dude.


Music tech. teacher. I still rock my pair of 7506 from 20 years ago. They are not ideal for mixing bass tho, but otherwise really solid.


Nobara if you want to game or do AV editing. I’m a semi-noob and I did not like Mint.


Lol, but why? I use it for my daily usage! I game, surf the web, edit videos in Da Vinci and do a lot (a whole lot) of audio work on Reaper. It has been updated following the Fedora cycle and you easily switch from Gnome to KDE. If you go to the Discord you’ll see it is actually well maintained. Having tried a few distros, I settle for Nobara because it’s basically Fedora with all AV codecs and drivers pre-installed, exactly what I wanted. You may not like it personally but I don’t think it’s right to say it doesn’t work for daily usage.


Got ya

Yerbouti, (edited )

Lol, 70℅ of my students base their personality on the fact they have iphones. Will you make a meme about people brainwashed by big capitalist business or do you prefer to complain about people actively using and contributing to free, fair and ethical alternative to corporate bullshit? I’m on Nobara btw. It comes will all codecs pre-installed and you have the option to use Gnome or Plasma.


It’s not actually! I’m a semi-noob and manage to get it running like a charm on my M1 in like 30 minutes. It uses KDE so you can set it up to be like win or macos in a few clicks. I’m just waiting for a it to take full advantage of my powerfull GPU to make it my main os.


Lol, what does having my “perception tainted” mean? I hate apple because it’s a soulless buisiness that exploits workers around the world and sell overpriced products. Those are facts, what’s tainted about that? I still have a Macbook for my job, probably the best laptop i ever had, but admitting they create good product doesnt make me an Apple fanboy.


So, what is general concesus about Proton, is it safe or not? I dont use it because you need to pay for Bridge to use it in Thunderbird. Maybe I would use if it has a dedicated app.


I hate Apple but macOs is always super well.designed. if you wann know what Windows will look like in 5-6 years, look at the current macOs version.


Is that something Benny did? Gotta see that. This guy is full of not-so-surprising surprise.

Working on metal music for a potential Doom/Hades type game (fast pacing) - I'd like some feedback. (

I’ve previously composed for different project, video, play, etc. but never for a game. I got an opportunity and they asked me to send draft of metal tracks so I recorded a few things overs the past 2 weeks. I’m looking for any kind of feedback that could help me. In you opinion, are these too fast, slow, complicated,...


That is super usefull, thanks! I wasn’t sure if I should just keep the tracks more ryrhmic/repetitive since its for a game bur after reading your comments, I might add a lead guitar track on top of the rythm. Cheers!


Thanks a lot, I really appreciate. The tracks you mentionned are pretty much my favorite too so I will probably send those. Nice recommandations too. I heard of the game but I’m gonna make sure to check that ost!


Sure. Now let’s do nothing about it, Canadian style.

What adventure games do you recommend?

pretty much the title. i have played most of sierra, lucasarts and telltale catalogues so if you are suggesting one of their games i’ve probably already played it. it doesn’t have to be a copycat, homage or in the same style as these companies’ games either, just that it must satisfy the vague definition of being an...


Outer Wilds felt like an adventure game to me.

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