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Found a security bug in LMDE6, need some help (i.imgur.com)

I have an older Intel laptop that has a 1600x900 display, and I find that if I put the machine to sleep, connect an external monitor with a higher resolution, and then turn it back on, the login screen doesn’t adjust to the new resolution and it reveals what I had open (see photo)....


Keep in mind that if it is a serious security issue many projects have a way of reporting them separately from other bug reports so the issues can be patched before being published.


Then perhaps the qualification to be a Trekkie should be watching the original series. We’ll loose the VFX loving pew pew people.

My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux

I have been daily driving Linux for over two years now and I have switched distros many times. So, when my friend bought a new laptop, I convinced him to install Linux Mint on it. I asked him if he wanted to dual boot, he said no because it would fill up all his storage. We installed Linux Mint. The other day, he wanted to play...


Aren’t Roblox and old Minecraft rather efficient? FIFA 17 sounds like it’s from 2017. To me it sounds like mostly old games so without the specs of the laptop which don’t sound good with 256gb of storage I can’t really judge whether 10fps in newer Minecraft versions isn’t perhaps to be expected. Minecraft has always run the best on my machine (compared to most steam games which are more finicky when it comes to drivers. Btw for me fixing drivers it’s usually just switching between the ones on flatpak and arch whenever it doesn’t work and worst case I do a downgrade until it’s fixed.)

Would it be worth testing the vanilla Minecraft launcher to see if that’s the problem, perhaps compare the launch options if it’s not possible? (I completely get not liking what Microsoft is doing with the launcher and I’m looking for an alternative at this point as well.)

It’s possible that the laptop has an old/niche graphics card with bad driver support, which will probably be worse to try to fix on windows, unless they already know how to use the manufacturers likely gui based weird custom installer already (I think that’s how Nvidia does it and of course it has ads).

Personally my experience on windows has been a nightmare with it breaking itself more often than Linux (while being used a fraction of the time or probably slightly more if I count the time spent on my old laptop which had slightly fewer issues). Luckily I don’t have to use it but I do have a windows install in dual boot which takes 3x longer to start, shows me ads, requires me to plug the mouse in after booting for it to work.


Minecraft runs fine for me, surely FIFA runs fine with proton (protondb says 2019 -2022 work)? I don’t even get why people use Roblox from what I’ve heard so I have no idea about that.

I have no idea what is going on with that laptop.


Please stop reminding me that 2017 was 7 years ago.


Honestly with the exception of trying out Nvidia drivers until they worked nicely (took 3 tries the first time back when I was on Ubuntu because it had nouveau as default and I miss read the first time) everything worked fine with wine or proton (or was just Linux compatible in the first place) and often I had better performance too.

Now on endeavouros I do more tinkering but I still don’t have any problems except on my Wayland machine which experiences stutter in a few games but I’m guessing that will be fixed later this year with the new drivers and Wayland protocol changes.


I was ok with windows but frustrated with it’s ads and updates. Even back then I liked OSS which I later found out was mostly FOSS and I tried out Linux dual boot on my new computer, I’ve probably spent 60h on that windows installation and at this point I only have it to change the settings on a usb device that doesn’t seem to have Linux support, which I’m considering writing something small for if I figure out how those things work.

Most of those 60h were in the first year and then a couple of hours between Ubuntu and endeavouros, making sure I had my backups even if I couldn’t boot into Linux.


I have fedora on my laptop personally. Upsides vs windows: More than 5 FPS on the desktop. Boots 95% of the time (the 5% are usually in summer when it likes to overheat if it’s vents aren’t completely unobstructed), starts in 1 minute rather than five and uses 1-1.5gib of ram leaving me 1.5-2gib (+4gib swap) for apps rather than the 0.5gib or so on windows.


In the case that mint is the problem perhaps a different distro that is still stable and has a large user base would be good as it makes it easier to get support. I think that’s also why those distros aren’t recommended to newbies. I started with Ubuntu which worked fine. I think I could’ve started with most gnome/KDE distros though if they were similarly stable (preferably more). I think having the settings available in a gui was important for my first time.


Seriously you’re recommending Reddit to a Lemmy user?


There’s no way to completely avoid cheaters and I really don’t get why there’s so many windows games that want Kernelmode access. You could still read the memory and emulate inputs based on that or draw something on the screen. It’s probably just causing the cheaters who want to download something and win to get more viruses (which most probably deserve assuming the viruses aren’t too bad), while the game company gets closer to being indistinguishable from a virus itself.


Oh wow, I’m curious how they detect spoofed hardware.


When has anyone ever recommended windows/macos over Linux for compatibility?


Why though? I’ve failed to run windows 10 on an old laptop and windows 11 won’t even officially support something without TPM 2 and just seems to want to commit suicide on my machine (and take any other bootloader to the grave with it). Macos gets updates for a few years until it doesn’t and then software won’t run on the older/newer versions. I personally don’t know of any software that wouldn’t run when I updated to Linux kernel version 6 (likely some drivers that aren’t maintained though) and I’m also running Linux on my old Pentium 4 with no problems except overheating in summer which is probably because it needs to be cleaned.


Fair enough but have you tried running GCC on windows? Or perhaps videogames on Mac (according to non Linux users that I know both of those are a real pain)

To be fair I had some trouble running some apps on Wayland at first but now it’s only a couple of games (which run fine on X11)


I’ve tried compiling C on windows in vscode in the meantime and I gave up and switched to a GitHub codespace to use GCC and cross compiled for Windows, then had to download an extra dll for a library and put it in the folder with the exe and it’s massive I believe it was like 1.4mb instead of 30kb on Linux. I’ve got all of the games that I want running on Wayland now too while on windows I still can’t run a tiling window manager or change keybinds for moving around windows.

If you were just talking about how most non programmers will find a way to compile C natively on windows rather than switch OS, fair enough. I’m also sure windows has more desktop apps available but there’s plenty of useful tools on Linux that don’t run on windows or don’t integrate into system components (have you ever extracted a tarball in windows explorer? tar ships with windows but it’s terminal only) and nobody (other than ms) is allowed to change the last part (to my knowledge, I’m not a lawyer and haven’t read all of the windows EULA but I think it would fall under reverse engineering).

If you are not a programmer and don’t care enough about your privacy to learn about a new system and you don’t care about customizability too much you’re probably best off macos (seems to be compatible with more none games and customization tools) or windows which is hideously expensive unless you know where to get it and then you still get spied on and receive ads (not sure whether Macos does that).


Have you seen Windows 11 yet? It’s somehow worse…


And if they mess it up you don’t have to tolerate it at all!


To fix the vampires being out of sync you can just attach them to different drive shafts and just use the right gear ratio.


I’ll have the Delorean and assuming it comes shielded the 64 kgs of enriched uranium please.


I’ve done it when I was sick and was it was taking a while for the rest to come up… So technically I was looking at my phone in-between the individual pukes


doubt it, you might want idk something like an electron microscope that doesn’t shoot electrons at the freshly separated atom and then look at it’s output.


Hmm what to do? Genocide or complain about something that no one wanted to hear? It’s such a fine line… how does anyone decide?


Ooh that one’s good!


I sometimes get blurry flashes of memories that I can use to know what it looked like but I don’t actually see it (just the blurry part)


Waaahhh… Not like I wanted an apple in the first place.

Btw I feel like this is good place to promote !aphantasia Not very active but maybe others could help change that.


I think the point is that it’s annoying to memorize regardless of language and it’s not like genders always make sense in other languages either. It is funnier with genders though.

Das Mädchen (the girl) is neutral in German. lol


And then there’s the wars about der/die/das Nutella :>


I’m used to it from German but having to learn which is which was still annoying. Luckily Latin has its genders built in to its nouns which makes it easier.


I thought android had its own bootloader and I assume drivers (At least Linux has its own drivers). To my understanding if android phones have a bios that’s the only thing that could be compromised but it should just provide the interrupts right? Now that I think about it if Google put a huge bios in there it might be able to access and share things it’s not supposed to. (But I feel like people would have noticed.)


We’ll you see if you’re making people pay extra for their human rights that’s called investing. Not puny recreational items.

This is a joke. But it is a pattern I noticed in this sample.


What is CAD in this case? I get the feeling your TLA is not referring to computer-aided design or Canadian Dollars.


Ok it seems like the comic that “Loss” is from is called ctrl alt delete or something, so I’m guessing that’s it.


According to Descartes I think therefore I am (and that’s all I know), but to be honest I’m not convinced…


You chose the worst place to stand, you’re completely obscured, how am I meant to judge your appearance when you fail to even fill a couple of pixels?


You’re welcome!


Ah yes parents teaching their kids to drive at 16 and scary traffic, this can only be the US…


Why is this nsfw?


Oh I think I’ve seen worse things not marked as nsfw on Lemmy to be honest

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