jordanlund, avatar

GOOD. He SHOULD be anxious. His numbers right now in states he won, states he NEEDS TO WIN AGAIN, are awful.

Every one of his supporters needs to stop burying their head in the sand, get out, and organize.

This isn’t 2020 where we could increase the vote count because Covid pushed everything to vote by mail, turn out is going to be down.

In 2020, Biden won:

Georgia (Biden +0.23%): Currently Trump +3 to +7…/georgia/

Pennsylvania (+1.17%): Trump +4…/pennsylvania/

Michigan (+2.78%): Trump +3 to +5…/michigan/

Wisconsin (+0.63%): Trump +3 to +4…/wisconsin/

Arizona (+0.3%): Trump +4 to +5…/arizona/

Nevada (+2.39%): Trump +5 to +7…/nevada/

In a good number of these states, even though he won, he did so by a plurality, not a majority. There is not a lot of wiggle room and if the election were today, he would lose.

return2ozma, avatar

I try to warn them but they just think I’m a Russian bot.

FuglyDuck, avatar


jordanlund, avatar

The worst ones are the ones who go “The only poll that counts is election day!”

And I’m like “Yeah, that’s how you LOSE and then do a book tour about 'Whyyyyyy? Why did I looooose? It must be someone else’s fauuuuulllt!”


Yeah, here’s what happened… you shot off your mouth in West Virginia, a state you were NEVER going to win, which lost you Pennsylvania (20 electoral college votes). Then you failed to campaign AT ALL in Michigan (16) and Wisconsin (10).

Could have been 273 to 258. That’s what happened.

Joe needs to show up BIG in all three of those states. There’s absolutely no excuse for “Son of Scranton” to be down 4 in PA. None.

downhomechunk, avatar

Sounds like something a Russian bot would say.


Because you don’t offer any solutions. Saying “Democrats bad” does absolutely nothing to further the conversation or help steer them in the right direction. If something is dire enough to require all these “warnings” then it should be paired with actions people can take to improve the situation. It is not difficult to say “Democrats bad, Republicans are worse, here’s how we fix it”. If you don’t feel those extra steps are necessary I would argue your concern isn’t very genuine.


Protip, not talking about the problems is also not a solution. Seems you just like your silence. Half the articles posted on lemmy have no solutions presented, yet we don’t find people saying things like this on those. I wonder why.

Also on the face of it its a ridiculous asertation. Should people only post articles about problems they themselves have solutions for? Because that sounds wholly stupid.


Oh I’m not saying every article/comment needs to be about solutions at all. That would be ridiculous and wholly stupid, I agree. But someone posting negative articles and comments about the Democrats all day long and acting like theyre doing it out of concern is absurd (so is the “you guys take all the positive ones so that’s all that’s left over” thing). It’s doing nothing but creating more apathy and depressing engagement. It’s a very clear pattern with obvious results so I don’t see how it isn’t a conscious effort.


Maybe because there’s no warning and instead it sounds like you’re repeating “Biden sucks” and “democrats suck” over and over.

Like another comment said you offer no solutions or any alternative to shitting on democrats… which isn’t going to help the issue at hand if you are to be taken seriously.


C’mon you horses! RACE gol darnya

stinerman, avatar

Yeah I’m pretty angry and anxious too. Angry that a person like Donald Trump could outdraw Vermin Supreme.


Surrounded by protective aides who want to minimize the chances of a flub, the 81-year-old president has chafed at restraints that he sees as counter to his natural instincts as a retail politician, a third person familiar with internal discussions said.

He has felt cocooned at times and has been eager to get out more, meet voters face-to-face and take the fight directly to Trump, said the third person and a fourth also familiar with the matter who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss campaign strategy and the president’s private views.

Fucking idiot consultants… precisely what Biden needs to do is get out and talk to more people in intimate settings.

Yea, he’s old… and that’s a flaw for him. If he talks to people directly and cultivates the “sharp grandpa” image it’ll be extremely helpful for him.

return2ozma, avatar

They don’t want him to look like a “confused grandpa” but I think you’re right that he needs to get out there more. Flubs and all. Joe needs to get out there and fight like a wolverine. By them keeping him “on a leash” he looks weak and voters see through it.


Yea, if they keep him locked in the basement people just assume the worst - they assume all the right wing bullshit is true and he’s locked away out of shame.

Ghost33313, avatar

The state of the union proved he is right. Completely destroyed the GOP narrative and put out a ton of info that most people support.

HootinNHollerin, (edited )

Cut off Israel


Stop making this an election issue. Both sides support Israel, so it’s a moot point. All you’re gonna do is get Trump elected, ensuring the complete destruction of Palestine.


The issue is being used against Biden though, and not just by Trump pushers. So probably can't get around it being an election issue


I hope you guys are ready for another 4 years of Trump, and the complete annihilation of Palestine once he’s in power. That’s all those people are going to cause

HootinNHollerin, (edited )

But IMO it’s a reason why he’s frustrated. I don’t want trump at all. I hate him with all my being. But you can’t ignore an issue like it’s not either


I’m saying the issue needs to be dealt with at a different level or after Biden wins. Throwing the election to Trump to “teach Biden a lesson” is just shooting yourselves in the chest

Riccosuave, avatar

It already is an election issue regardless of how you personally feel. While both PARTIES may support Israel, a large percentage of Democratic votes DO NOT. Therefore, it is defacto an election issue.


Sounds like a party primary issue, not a federal election issue.

jordanlund, avatar

Will never happen. The Israeli lobby is too powerful and there’s nothing close to replacing it.

PP_BOY_, avatar

Cutting off Israel is the first step. Arming Palestine is the next.

mozz, avatar

Bro your stuff's gotta be more subtle than this at this point

return2ozma, avatar

Why more subtle? I already told you multiple times I’ll be posting election news articles through the general. Why are you surprised?

mozz, avatar

It was intended just as some constructive criticism


Is there a reason that most of your political posts are just Biden-bashing tho?

return2ozma, avatar

I’ve explained it many times already. The anti Trump articles are posted almost immediately here so I don’t post them. They already have anti Trump articles covered.


Or you could just fuck off back to your safe spaces on Reddit. Nobody is fooled.

return2ozma, avatar

You’d rather stay ignorant in your Biden bubble and not know that he’s doing really bad across most demographics? Or would you rather be informed and push Biden to fight harder?

Cogency, avatar

Nah I’ve got you tagged for this too. Biden has to be supported at this point, my life and many others are absolutely on the line. Defeating trump, trumps any and all concerns about Biden.

return2ozma, avatar

If you actually cared about defeating Trump then you would want to know which areas Biden was doing poorly in and help get him to get voters off the couch. I’m gay too and I cannot just sit by and hope “but Trump” works this time (it won’t). Voters need to be informed, motivated, and active.

Cogency, avatar

Nope, politics is won by messaging. By constantly hand wringing about flaws your echoing his critics material. We all know his weaknesses, echoing them over and over only weakens the messaging.

Point is your just echoing the criticisms, which undermines his strength as a politician even if he isn’t anyones favorite, he’s still a good Democrat who is old school pro union, which is honestly more beneficial and fundamental to democratic power than anything.

return2ozma, avatar

Biden is what the GOP was in the 90s. Biden’s always been conservative and racist. Do you know his history over the last 40 years?

Cogency, avatar

I know his troubled history, I’m trans, I’m a socialist. I do not believe there is any other way for me to survive without a Biden win, and black people in South Carolina overwhelmingly put Biden in charge of the democratic party over Bernie Sanders and I respect that choice because he was there to uphold Obama’s legacy.

return2ozma, avatar

Hope and change? Yikes. Obama was a huge disappointment. That’s coming from somebody that volunteered, made phone calls, and ran the orange county Obama website.

Cogency, avatar

Obama changed Healthcare forever he gave me the Healthcare that saved my life literally, again trans. His hope and change was a step forward. But you don’t sound old enough to remember what it was like before that. And he was betrayed out of his congressional power immediately after by Joe Lieberman.

return2ozma, avatar

Yes, Romneycare. The largest transfer of wealth to the health insurance industry.

Cogency, (edited ) avatar

Yuuuuup and it was the only one they could pass because of the one seat majority Joe Lieberman afforded them and he was bought out, the original Kristen Sinema.

Still saved a lot of lives and still infinitely better than what was before it.

knightly, avatar

black people in South Carolina

You mispelled “DNC meddling in the primary”.

The Democrats chose to elect Trump in 2024 when they conspired against the most popular politician in the USA to put a minimum-viable neoliberal candidate on the ballot in 2020.

I don’t want to be a doomer about it, but the writing was on the wall by the end of 2018 and the only thing left in the DNC playbook is to lash out at everyone who isn’t a sycophantic supporter.

I spent two years orchestrating an escape from Texas to a blue state once the abortion bans started coming through, and I’ll probably spend the next three getting out of the USA and bringing as many refugees as I can with me.


Didn’t take long for the right wing talking points to creep in after all.

We’re allowed to make mistakes. He’s an old man and most definitely grew up in another world. He’s clearly changed his mind on a fair number of things later in his life, which is hard to do.

No matter what you say there’s only one reason to post the shit you keep posting.


Milo was(is) also gay. As I said you’re not fooling anyone. Sow dissent elsewhere.

return2ozma, avatar

Milo is a grifter. What money am I making from this? We don’t even get karma points haha

wagesj45, avatar

You'd rather stay ignorant in your Biden bubble and not know that he's doing really bad across most demographics?

Absolutely this is the case. A lot of democrats are going to think that they've got this in the bag because "Trump is worse!" They're want to live in echo chambers and think that Biden is doing great because the other option is too scary for them to admit to themselves. And anyone that prods that cognitive dissonance will be yelled at and shouted down with cries of "Russian bot" and "You're helping the fascists".

Meanwhile, Trump republicans and "normal" republicans (is there such a thing now?) are all rallying behind their God King, and everyone "in the middle" (i.e. uninformed people that don't keep up with the news, and what they do know is surface level at best) just sees a doddering old grandpa vs a charismatic flimflam salesman.

I want to enthusiastically support Biden. It would be great if he were earning my support. But his behavior and campaigning are forcing me to merely reluctantly hold my nose to vote for him.


I mean, the anti Trump articles are literally “Trump team claims he can kill people as president” and “Trump says he wants to be a dictator” while Biden stuff is “man without direct power to do thing doesn’t do thing he can’t do” or “Biden is anxious about the thing that he should be anxious about.”

return2ozma, avatar

Yes. Correct. Like Trump said he could shoot somebody on Fifth Ave and nothing would happen to him. We all already know the crazy shit he says. What’s the purpose of pointing it out when his base doesn’t care? Other than Dems saying “oh wow Trump said something crazy again!” no shit…


It’s being posted because it’s extremely concerning when it’s coming from a presidential candidate. Are you saying we should just not mention when Trump does yet another batshit insane thing? Just “oh yeah, Trump said he was going to shoot a puppy but that’s just normal for him so we don’t bother talking about it.”

return2ozma, avatar

Post all the anti Trump articles you want. Trump is merely a symptom of the massive problem that is our political system.

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