Bolton says Trump wants to be treated like North Korean leader: ‘Get ready’

Former national security adviser John Bolton tweeted on Tuesday that former President Trump wants to be treated like North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and people should “get ready.”

Donald Trump wants Americans to treat him like North Koreans treat Kim Jung Un. Get ready……” Bolton posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Bolton, who served as the national security adviser under the Trump administration, posted a viral clip of Trump speaking with Fox News’s Steve Doocy in 2018, where the former president offered praise for the North Korean leader.

“He’s the head of a country, and I mean he’s the strong head. Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention,” Trump is heard saying in the clip. “I want my people to do the same.”


Wait, really? We need MOAR BAD HAIR JOKES!

One dictator has successfully closed off his society and oppressed his citizens almost back to the Stone Age, yet we usually make fun of his bad hair

The other wannabe dictator has a long history of grift and corruptions, breaking democratic norms, and getting away with actions that should have put him in prison decades ago, yet …… not enough bad hair jokes?

b3an, avatar

So he wants to be treated like a puppet that regularly gets whumped by the military leaders?


Probably my favorite Trump moment.

On his famous visit to N. Korea, dipshit Don salutes a N. Korean General as Kim Jong Un watches with bewildered side eye. Indelibly hilarious, and captured in a famous photograph.

Trump is so god damn dumb he almost makes George W. Bush appear like he was a seasoned diplomat.

khannie, avatar

I had never seen that one. It’s a doozy! I’m giggling away here.


Oh sweet white water rafting Jesus— thank you for adding this!

Look closely at Kim Jong Un’s face. He’s like: “What the fuck???”

khannie, avatar

Oh sweet white water rafting Jesus

Hahaha. That’s a new one for me and I love it.

No worries. :) Kim’s face is priceless.


Such level of stupidity surprised even NK dictator


Trump is so god damn dumb he almost makes George W. Bush appear like he was a seasoned diplomat.

this is so depressingly accurate it hurts. and George was a putz, a world class schmuck. And Trump makes George look like Kissinger.


If John Bolton is the voice of reason, then we’ve truly fucked up.


I wouldn’t go that far just because reason and his personal interests happen to line up on this one.


Bolton will be jockeying to get a position in line to work for the trump dictatorship. Fuck that guy, there’s nothing reasonable about him.

snooggums, avatar

We knew this back in 2016…


Fuck every person who worked for Trump in the White House and didn’t publicly demand the Cabinet throw him out under the 25th Amendment


Why would anyone care what Bolton has to say? If we listened to him we would probably be in the middle of WW3 right now.


His own National Security Advisor speaks against him. That should normally raise a lot of red flags.


Anybody who hasn’t already seen the dozens of red flags isn’t going to care about one more.


What if most of the red flags are not real or manufactured, and the other side has just as many red flags?

AbidanYre, (edited )

They aren’t and they don’t.


The funny part is that if you actually engaged with what I am saying, you would list a bunch of things that are either completely false or exaggerations or just different opinions. The issue is that you are being lied to and your sources of news suck.

AbidanYre, (edited )

The funny part is that actually engaging a bad faith troll is a waste of my time. You did kind of prove my point though, so thanks for that.


That is all you guys do is insult and say nothing of substance. Hopefully you will see the error of you ways before the country is destroyed, but probably not.

AbidanYre, (edited )

And all you’ve done is ask some bullshit hypothetical question about “both sides”. Don’t start crying about how that deserves a fully researched response with citations. It got exactly the response it deserved.

If you want to destroy the country, the convicted fraudster and rapist who promised to be a dictator on day one is a sure-fire way to do it.


Okay good, you actually made a claim “convicted fraudster and rapist”. He was not convicted of rape, and the fraud he was convicted of was complete and obvious bullshit to anyone that knows thing one about real estate.

I am telling you, trump was not a good president, but all the things you believe are based on bullshit.

AbidanYre, (edited )

The judge in the Jean Carroll case disagrees with you. But I’m sure you know better than him. It’s also not ok to penetrate someone against their will, even if you don’t use your dick.

Owing $400M is bad from a security/blackmail point of view even if you’re apparently cool with all the fraud. Would you prefer to discuss the scam University or the charity that was shut down for misuse of funds?

You also didn’t address him being a dictator on day one, so I guess you’re ok with that.

Hand-waving away documented crimes and established facts is really just further proving my point about not seeing red flags.


I do know better than him about real estate, that is true, but he would be better at law. But its a political prosecution not a protection one. And the rest of your comment is just standard leftist propaganda; trump makes a joke and you pretend its real.

It’s also not ok to penetrate someone against their will, even if you don’t use your dick.

I thought we were talking about trump not biden… I bet you dont even know about that one.




You’re acting like we haven’t been in the opening stages of WWIII since Russia invaded Ukraine…back in 2014! The deeper invasion into Ukraine and Israel v Gaza are just more steps in that direction, and if America devolves into Civil War the whole world is going to be settling past grievances, and WWIII will be on like Donkey Kong. While I hope I’m wrong, things could definitely go wrong for all of us, especially with who takes or keeps the American Presidency in November.


I think both WW3 and a civil war are avoidable if we change course, but I agree with you that it all seems quite inevitable.


There’s just too many misinformed hot heads saying and doing dumb shit while being herded by malicious puppet masters with their own nefarious agendas, and if Trump wins in November each of those dominoes will start tumbling as things degrade. I hope we all see reason but those that are sucked into the various disinformation and propaganda campaigns are basically forming new religions around the objects of those misinformation and propaganda campaigns, and each of those new religions have counter-religions that those same misinformation and propaganda purveyors have also helped to foster and foment, just a really ugly problem to tackle regardless of if things go well in the future.


Why do you think this is Trump centric? From what I see, we are involved into two wars that directly lead to WW3, and that was on Bidens watch (not that trump wouldnt have gotten involved in Israel).


The US bolsters NATO, Taiwan, South Korea, and the rest of our allies, Trump is an extreme isolationist, pro-Putinist, Pro Kim Jong Un, and despite his BS, Pro Xi, if he pulls out of NATO, flips on all of our alliances it will break the current world order, and bolster a world order of fascist tyrants. Trump is also talking about some pretty extreme measures at home, and I doubt we’ll all just take it, loyalties are going to he divided, we’re weak AF right now and primed for a collapse, which will also upset the current world order. Also people may not like the idea of world orders, but what we have is much better than the alternative that guys like Trump, Putin, and others offer.

The reason why we’ll weather things better under Biden is that he’s competent, surrounds himself with fairly competent people, he’s not an isolationist, and MAGA/GOP are one presidential loss from total collapse, especially now with the Trump’s in full control of GOP finances.

So yeah, that’s why.


Sorry man but those are talking points not policy stances. He is not pro-everyone, its just just how he acts. The real way to tell what the truth is to look at the score board and see that Biden has gotten us into two wars in four years and trump did not. I believe that if Trump were the president last term, Putin wouldnt have invaded Ukraine.

Biden is that he’s competent, surrounds himself with fairly competent people

Oh my god, this is just so dumb. I can point to a bunch of different things they fucked up beyond recognition. This has objectively been one of the worst administrations ever. The only one worse one in the modern era would be Bush.


Whatever, you brainwashed Trump bootlicker 🤣


The difference is that I am not going to vote for trump because I dont like him, and you are going to vote for biden becasue you beleive whatever you are told.

Theprogressivist, avatar

Good fucking luck trying to get anyone who isn’t a cultist to bend the knee.


That’s what the militarized law enforcement is for.


Private gun ownership is legal in the US, and the reason the people who wrote the constitution put it in there wasn’t for blowing up Tannerite and posting it to Facebook. Mickey has a surprise tool (it’s the second amendment)


Unfortunately the private gun owners mostly seem to want to use them in support of a fascist dictatorship, not against.

In any case, the best time to stop a fascist dictatorship is before it takes hold.

Theprogressivist, avatar

Liberals don’t associate gun ownership with their identities.


I’m EmpathicVagrant and this is my favorite comment on the Citadel.


Why it’s in the constitution is pretty clear, and it isn’t what you’re implying. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…” is why. We didn’t have a standing military, nor was it expected we ever would. Militias were the standard way a nation fought wars at the time, with a few notable exceptions.

I’m all for what you’re saying, but also the second amendment is an out-dated piece of history. I’m generally pro-gun ownership when done properly, but the second amendment doesn’t say what everyone thinks it says. It is based on an assumption that has been shown to be not true.

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