The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions

Donald Trump would be on track to win a historic landslide in November — if so many US voters didn’t find him personally repugnant.

Roughly 53 percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the former president. And yet, when asked about Trump’s ability to handle key issues — or the impact of his policiesvoters routinely give the Republican candidate higher marks than President Biden.

In a YouGov survey released this month, Trump boasted an advantage over Biden on 10 of the 15 issues polled. On the three issues that voters routinely name as top priorities — the economy, immigration, and inflation — respondents said that Trump would do a better job by double-digit margins.

Meanwhile, in a recent New York Times/Siena College poll, 40 percent of voters said that Trump’s policies had helped them personally, while just 18 percent said the same of Biden. If Americans could elect a normal human being with Trump’s reputation for being “tough” on immigration and good at economics, they would almost certainly do so.

Biden is fortunate that voters do not have that option. But to erase Trump’s small but stubborn lead in the polls, the president needs to erode his GOP rival’s advantage on the issues.


And then there are the "Who cares, we'll be dead by then!" crew. My bios included.


Try passing this and then ask Americans if they’re better off now than they were 4 years ago.


Many Americans are too idiotic to realize the president is not the legislature. They can champion laws/policies, but the Executive is not the Legislative. It feels so weird to me that so much focus goes to the presidential slot when senators and house reps are the primary power brokers. It’s equally weird how we’ve allowed so much power creep to seep into the presidential office, where presidents have routinely exercised powers that are way out of their constitutional lane on numerous occasions. It sometimes feels like Americans want a totalitarian form of government.


president is not the legislature

Worse, when they blame the economy, they are ignorant to the fact that Republicans passed a law to specifically make the US Central Bank (the Federal Reserve) a PRIVATE entity that is outside the reach of the president.

Zuberi, (edited ) avatar

Genojoe does not win if that’s who you decide to run in the end.

Your move, DNC.

Edit: Libs always exercising their ability to down-vote but never their ability to vote for an actual candidate 😂

baronvonj, avatar

Which actual candidate was either running in the Democratic Primary or has any statistical chance of winning the presidency without being either the Democratic or Republican nominee?


Who is this “actual candidate” you keep blustering about? You’re all “fuck genocide joe and the neolibs” but never once have any of you offered a viable alternative. Special, urgent emphasis on viable, by the way. Otherwise, I am going to assume you do want Trump to win as some sort of accelerationist gambit so the proletariat revolution can finally begin… well, guess what, in the power vacuum you want so bad, you’ll be surprised to see who actually ends up against that wall.

Zuberi, avatar

Make sure you renew your passport bby


If you read the article, it says the Republicans are proposing raising the age to collect full Social Security benefits to 69 (it is now currently 67). That’s not quite the same as ‘cutting’ social security.

BTW, the surplus SS currently has in its account will run dry in about 10 years. Once that happens, Social Security will become a pay as you go program if nothing changes, which means benefits will be reduced by about 25% (i.e. the amount of money coming in from SS taxes will only cover about 75% of projected outlays).

Zuberi, avatar

Not to defend their stance, but you obviously have no idea what Social Security is and the reasoning you won’t be getting a single dime.


I did read the article. The current age to collect full benefits is 67. They are proposing it be raised to 69. Please illuminate for me what I am missing.

Zuberi, avatar

So when you paid into it, you were told you would get money out at 67.

You will no longer be getting paid for those 2 years, thus are getting less money back from the gov (and forcing 67-69 y/os potentially back into the work place).

cosmic_slate, avatar


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  • Zuberi, avatar

    Bro they hope you fucking die before you take it out. It’s a “cut” per OPs question you dork.


    Now who has no idea what Social Security is? If this proposal passes, I can still retire at 62 (with reduced monthly benefits). The proposal is to increase the age at which you receive ***full ***benefits.

    “You will no longer be getting paid for those 2 years” - That is absolutely not true. I would not receive full benefits for those two years if this proposal passes.

    One additional fun fact I gleemed from the article that no one here has mentioned: according to this article, if this proposal passes, it would amount to a 14% cut. But if nothing changes, the Social Security trust fund will become insolvent in 2033 (just 9 years away!!) which will result in a 23% cut.

    Zuberi, avatar

    Care to edit the OG comment that you were wrong?


    wrong about what?

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