Biden campaign announces it will target flipping Trump’s Florida

President Biden’s reelection campaign announced Monday that it will aim to flip Florida, targeting the home of former President Trump.

Campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said in a memo that investing in Florida is part of the Biden campaign’s pathway to 270 electoral votes. Trump won the Sunshine State in 2020 with more than 51 percent, compared to Biden’s 48 percent.

“Make no mistake: Florida is not an easy state to win, but it is a winnable one for President Biden, especially given Trump’s weak, cash-strapped campaign, and serious vulnerabilities within his coalition,” she said.

The Biden campaign has also set its sights on flipping in November. Trump won North Carolina by a tight margin in 2020, and Biden visited the state as part of his tour of every battleground state last month.

badbrainstorm, avatar

I thought I remembered that a major factor was the Cuban vote in Dade county that swung it for Trump in 2020, due to Trump going on and on about Biden being socialist/communist, and you know, their history…


Biden throwing, pls report.

mlg, avatar

Michigan is going to physically beat the crap out of him being a swing state but I guess de-funding genocide is too hard of a campaign promise


Please don’t bother. Target keeping the other fucking real swing states first and foremost

scripthook, avatar

yeah I doubt that. FL hasn’t been a swing state sine 2008


North Carolina seems more obtainable


I’m down to vote Biden in FL

Suavevillain, avatar

Florida is rough. Dems here are awful and are never serious. They got caught dancing with the GOP on video. People were upset then they made a bunch of excuses. It will be hard to undo the cult worship Trumpism has in this state.


Yes, but with abortion on the ballot there - I'm sure that's why they are targeting it.

Like in Kansas 2022 - keeping abortion legal won by 19%. In Kansas!

Abortion being a ballot issue will certainly bring out the blue vote.


Chavez Rodriguez outlined that abortion will be on the ballot in Florida, where the state Supreme Court issued a ruling that puts a six-week ban into effect May 1. Democrats see abortion as a winning issue for them in 2024 after experiencing better-than-expected results in the midterm elections months after Roe v. Wade was overturned.

That’s basically a key point here. Abortion is banned in Florida, but a state constitutional amendment protecting the right to abortion is on the ballot the same day as the presidential election.

That does change the electoral dynamic.


Ok, this actually makes sense now. Florida otherwise felt like a pretty rough target, but this could actually swing it and they need to campaign like hell on it.


At this point, Florida and NC better be in play. I bet he’ll put some money into TX too. Georgia wasn’t a key state in the early stages of 2020 but it swung Biden’s way.

You can’t just “blue wall” yourself like Hillary and assume you have Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, you have to expand the possible opportunities for a winning map. In the later stages of the campaign they’ll make the hard choices on where money and time will most effectively spent. For now, open the aperture as wide as plausible.


He’s got a better chance of flipping Texas than Florida right now


Maybe, maybe not. DeSantis took 60% of the vote for Governor in 2022, but his approval has tanked since then and is now underwater. Democrats also flipped Florida House District 35 in a special election, which is rated an R+15 district (it votes 15 points more towards Republicans than the national average).

Combine that with empty coffers at the Republican party, and Trump taking over the party apparatus so it can fund his legal bills at the expense of all other races and even his own campaign. They’re severely off balance, and Democrats can pull a Jiu Jitsu move here by trying just a little in every single contest that’s even a bit contestable. Republicans won’t have a fundraising answer to that. Doesn’t mean Democrats will win every seat, but it could be quite the flood.


Shouldn’t we assume his approval tanked because he dared challenge the Trumpanzees’ cult leader?

I hope it is a flood though, that would be a welcome surprise.


And they will do it by shifting the party further to the right


They will do it on the shoulders of abortion rights. They are hoping to ride that wave.


Shouldn’t be hard, most people hate republicans who live in cities, it’s the vermin counties you might have trouble with. Basically Ocala and the other deep south racist/supremacist areas of the pan handle.


Just keep hammering them with quotes from Republicans, including Trump, about cutting Social Security, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act. Put it up on billboards and other signage in public spaces where social media algorithms can’t hide it from potential voters.


I think you’re underestimating how much MAGA Republicans are willing to bite their own noses off to spit at minorities.

They will, maybe reluctantly, give up social security, Medicare, any many of the social programs they benefit from if it allows them to hate Mexicans/Cubans/trans people more.


I can’t argue about the MAGAts but every other old person in Florida needs to know that a vote for Trump is a vote to cut their own standard of living and life expectancy.


You’re talking about people who will straight faced tell a news reporter that we need to end all the welfare in this country…then when the reporter says, “wait, but didn’t you say you receive Medicaid and food stamps?” they’ll say, “yeah but that’s different. I need that. It’s the welfare that we need to put an end to!”


Words matter. To these voters, “welfare” is for poors and people from other countries who are just leeching from the system.

“Food stamps” and “Medicare” are for upstanding rural citizens who are just a bit down on their luck.


Given that abortion and legal weed will both be on the ballot in Florida this cycle, turnout could a lot different this time around.


If it somehow did work, then it would mean Republicans would need to win PA, GA, and MI in addition to every other state they currently lead in. However, it is unlikely that this would work for Biden because the state is polling 47% to 40% weighted average in favor of Trump, if you include third party then Trump is winning with 46% to 39%.

270towin Florida

FiveThirtyEight Florida


This is why the Republicans have been focused on making Florida and Texas so toxic: there was a chance of turning them blue. By being all Handmaid's Tale, they've been trying to drive out anyone leaning blue and attract more MAGAts. Because there are just too many electoral votes in either state for the Republicans to be willing to lose them.

SimplyChad, avatar

I honestly don’t think Florida’s a swing state anymore. Since desantis took office and designated it an anti-vax safe haven during covid, I think it swung much further right. This is probably a waste of resources.


Normally I would agree, but with the GOPs attacks on women’s rights and Florida taking it to an extreme, I do believe there is a path to victory there for Democrats.


On the other hand, designating your state full of obese and old people as a COVID haven has one pretty serious drawback.


You got a dip shit like DeSantis whose War On Woke cost Florida tax payers millions for nothing. And you also have dipshit pedo Matt Gaetz who is proud to pay for underage sex workers and still has a job.

Flipping will just unwind Florida’s BS to circa 2015 and will take years of recovery before they can rebuild.

dezmd, avatar

You are incorrect, FL is swinging further left exactly because of DeSantis and abortion and book bans and education and even Disney. Jacksonville demonstrated the Dems can win in what everyone mistakes for a red region.


Florida is not a swing state. It’s red. Vox did a good video on the why.…/florida-red-trump-desantis-republican-2…

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