Conservative Plan Calls for Dozens of Executions if Trump Wins

A conservative plan for Donald Trump’s potential transition into the presidency calls for dozens of prisoners to be executed, according to HuffPost. An 887-page plan by Project 2025, led by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, says that if elected, Trump should make a concerted effort to execute the remaining 40 prisoners on death row. The section’s author, attorney Gene Hamilton, advised that Trump “do everything possible to obtain finality” on the current list of people until Congress forces them to stop. Hamilton is the vice president of America Legal First, a group of former Trump lawyers bent on attacking “woke” companies, headed by Stephen Miller. Trump’s approach to the death penalty stands in stark contrast to that of President Joe Biden, who has openly opposed the death penalty, but done little to move forward legislation to reform or abolish the practice since entering office.

For those of you not in the know Project 2025 is Republicans plan to turn the USA into an authoritarian state.


Oh this is a non-story. Look, if trump gets in, there’ll be plenty of killing. Enough for everyone. He’s got it all figured out.


They love to appear tough as long as they don’t get their own hands dirty.



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  • Cryophilia,

    The first time.


    Trump’s approach to the death penalty stands in stark contrast to that of President Joe Biden, who has openly opposed the death penalty, but done little to move forward legislation to reform or abolish the practice since entering office.

    So, it’s saying his words stand in contrast. His actions, on the other hand, seem to say very little.


    Perfunctory reminder that presidents are not kings. Congress passes legislation.


    adjective (of an action or gesture) carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection. “he gave a perfunctory nod”

    Neat, haven’t heard that word before


    Good luck getting the American people to grasp the concept.


    répété, répété, répété


    It’s fun to say. It sounds like it should be a type of hedgehog fart or something. I like complicated words for totally ordinary things.


    …you realize that still doesn’t speak well to the Democrats ability to organize and pass legislation? The republicans are the threat that they are because Democrats leave this shit on the table. It’s like abortion; there have been several occasions in 21st century where the Democrats had the legislature and the presidency, yet it still comes down to 9 unelected elders. They even had a month’s forewarning of the Dobbs decision, yet no legislative fix! They didn’t even try!


    Wow, you managed to completely ignore mountain of misdeeds by conservatives to then blame dems for what conservatives have done over and over again. Not only that, you’ve conflated the death penalty and abortion along with general shit-talking of democrats, mostly baseless Fox News talking points…

    But what really speaks shit about conservatives it how they’re constantly tearing down our democracy and then trying to blame democrats for it— just like you are here. The problem for you is: we’re not as stupid as you think we are.

    Are you a bot or just a paid shill?


    I’m not saying conservatives are good, I’m saying democrats are not very serious about opposing them.

    Are you a child, or have you only recently started paying attention to yankee politics?


    You’re spreading GOP disinformation and talking points, and you’re not fooling anyone.

    yankee politics

    It’s 2024, not 1864, Lmao


    christ it’s like i’m talking to 2016.

    is it nice? moving through time without noticing or remembering it’s passing? As static as a simpsons character?


    If you don’t like that your bs isn’t tolerated here, leave.

    Throwing tantrums won’t change that.


    How is any of what I’ve been saying “GOP talking points”? Do the conservatives in your life pay nearly this close attention to what the democrats do? Because all the conservatives I know are freaking out over Facebook stories of kitty litter in classrooms or Heather Has Two Mommies being available at the local library.

    If your reaction to criticisms of the DNC is to immediately assume i’m some spooky agent provocateur, then you’re approach to politics is just as mindless as the Facebook conservatives.


    Continuing to complain About the consequences of your own actions will not get you any sympathy.


    That is my primary criticism of democrats, yes


    That is my primary criticism of democrats, yes

    And the troll takes off the mask


    What mask? What are you even saying? You seem to only communicate in cliches


    Typical that you keep blaming others for your own behavior. Just like you have been this whole time.

    Project <— you are here


    Oh, are you like, a bot trained on redditor’s comments? Is that why you only have old memes to reference?

    Like, do you have any response to what I’m arguing besides various iterations of “Nuh Uh!”


    do you have any response to what I’m arguing besides various iterations of “Nuh Uh!”

    You mean the exact thing you’ve said for your last 2 replies?

    Once again, blaming others for the exact thing you are doing, lmao. So predictable…

    If you don’t like that your bs isn’t tolerated here, then leave. Continuing to throw tantrums won’t get you any sympathy.


    We’re both doing now. That’s how this tango works.

    I pointed out Democrats are not particularly strategic or serious when it comes to wielding both the legislature and the presidency, you didn’t have a response to that, here we are


    Once again, blaming others for your actions. That’s not going to work here because we’re not the idiots you think we are.

    If you don’t like that your bs isn’t accepted here, leave. Continuing to throw tantrums about it won’t gain you any sympathy.


    Really, though, do you think Biden has the political willpower to pull enough swing states? People tend to vote how they feel; keep the incumbent if they’re happy, kick 'em out if they’re not.

    The conservatives seem to think they have this one in the bag, they’re already outlining their policy plans, as this article highlights.


    You already let the mask slip, troll. Do you think we all have amnesia and forgot, or are you just an AI bot, so you’ve slipped back into the act?

    This sounds like a script, lol


    Well, I admit I’m enjoying this on several levels. On the one hand, it’s funny to collect downvotes. Half the time, it works like a little ticker that says, “Someone has acknowledged what you said, but doesn’t have the time or capacity to reply

    On the other hand, I do genuinely enjoy talking about politics. I’ve been following US elections since I was in middle school. I like to remind people to think about more than this narrow view of this specific election; the reporting and posting and commenting all tends to have such a very short-term memory for these things.


    So, you’ve admitted to both trolling and wonton narcissism— of course you still believe you’ve accomplished something here.

    Acting like a child throwing a tantrum with an overinflated sense of self-importance. And you’re proud of that, lol. Do you also have your mommy congratulate you on your poops? Lol


    im just typing

    but sure, i’ll cop to those labels, if you like. One Trolling, Nacissistic screed, mon sieur;

    Let’s talk about the Obama administration! What a campaign they ran, and what a voter mandate it got them to boot! Can you imagine if they actually used that mandate? If Obama had actually closed Gitmo and pulled out of Afghanistan, like he had said he would. The lives that would have been saved, the blood unspilled; it’s beyond calculable.

    And what was his legislative achievement, for all that mandate could have done? He passed the Affordable Healthcare Act. A bill modeled on proposals made by the Heritage Foundation. The very same Heritage Foundation that’s giving us Project 2025. Imagine that.


    Here’s another: deflection. Once again, you attack others rather than face the consequences of your actions.

    So predictable.

    Are you just copy and pasting from a script or from ChatGPT?


    i’m talking about the article, referencing things in it. Do you often classify conversation as ‘deflection’?


    for someone posting on a politics community, you seem to really dislike actually discussing politics



    Theprogressivist, avatar

    Do you also have your mommy congratulate you on your poops?



    Ok bye!


    “Dems are bad at protecting abortion because the law on the books was overturned by a corrupt Repub SCOTUS. That’s why we have to deter Dem votes, so we can have an even more corrupt SCOTUS.”

    Do you think about what you are typing at all, or is this like a copy/paste from some sort of propaganda and disinformation Discord group?

    AppleTea, (edited )

    You seem to misunderstand the Dobbs decision. There was no law in the books, abortion was set by the decision of a previous supreme court ruling, Roe V Wade. Dobbs over-rulled that ruling – if there had been an actual law, passed at any point in time the legislature, there would have been nothing the supreme court could do.

    A month before the Dobbs ruling and until the following November, the Democrats had the house, senate, and presidency. If they had passed a law enshrining abortion as a right, then all court rulings would become moot.

    And… the supreme court is already a captured body for the republicans. Too late. There is going to be a republican in office either next year or in another four. That’s just how US presidencies go – no party holds the wing for very long. Pearl clutching about the makeup of the court is a little late at this point.

    firefly, avatar

    @gregorum @AppleTea

    Which equates to 535 kings ruling over 300 million serfs.

    Or are they all just sockpuppets for one hidden king?

    Smell the democracy!


    Tell that to the Supreme Court.


    There’s a series of detective novels I’ve been reading for years. Bernie Gunther is a WW1 veteran who joined the Berlin police force in the 1920s, and left when his Jewish boss was fired by the Nazis. Author is Philip Kerr.

    In one of the novels, Bernie runs into an old cop pal and they have a drink. The cop tells Bernie that there were about 30 executions in all of Germany the year before the Nazis took over, and there have already been over 200 this year. The cop wonders how far it’s going to go?

    Theprogressivist, avatar

    That sounds interesting as fuck, is that Berlin Noir?


    Yes. Each book is a stand alone, but they do go in ‘historical’ order.

    Slightly off topic. Max Allan Collins Nate Heller books are ‘hard boiled historicals.’ The latest "Too Many Bullets’ covers the Bobby Kennedy assassination.


    Are they in English?


    Yes, Philip Kerr the author is English.


    Looking for that now.

    I want to take a break for doom news podcasts



    Theprogressivist, avatar

    Thank you! You just gave me a whole new series to dive into. Super excited.




    I might have to check that series out. Thank you.

    It actually reminds me a bit of Babylon Berlin, a German noir show which was based off the Gereon Rath series by Volker Kutscher.


    Seen it. I usually hate TV shows with subtitles, but this one kept me going.


    I need to watch it again, I think I’d understand it better the second time.


    ‘Shogun’ has entered the chat…

    i kid. Enjoy what you want.

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