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Colorado Republican Brutally Grilled By Local News Anchor: ‘Why Is Abortion Good For Your Girlfriend? Bad For Other Women?’ (

Colorado congressional candidate and sitting State Rep. Richard Holtorf ® received a tough grilling this week at the hands of local 9News anchor Kyle Clark over his apparent hypocrisy when it comes to abortion rights....


That’s pointless. You could get them to admit that pro-choice is the only fair and rational position, but then they’d just go and vote for more restrictions on abortion because that’s what gets them re-elected.

You have to play hardball with the modern Republican party. Embarass them and energize Democrats to replace them. There’s no reasoning with them.


felt like



This is how you know you’ve fallen for propaganda. Almost every single time I ask about Hillary’s policy positions, the people who hate Hillary either spout some right wing conspiracy bs or they just talk about “vibes”.

(There’s the occasional leftist who actually knows what her policy positions are but 95% of the times it’s bs or vibes)


What the fuck is


That’s fair, it was 8 years ago. But 8 years ago, few people cared about her policies either.


Probably wasn’t even a true story. Sounds like the type of vague shit that gets circulated on Facebook.


I take the opposite tack: these existing gun laws are too inflexible and draconian, they’re a relic of the war on drugs and need to be done away with. The question on the form that Biden lied about was intentionally worded very vaguely. Typically this crime is an add on charge so the feds can bypass sentencing guidelines.

Especially for a gun he only owned for 11 days. In a sane world this would be at worst a misdemeanor and a fine.

But Democrats hate guns and Republicans hate Bidens, so here we are.


That’s not how statistics work. You’d need to compare the rate of encounters between women and bears vs women and men.

That’s a fun central underpinning of the “man vs bear” thing: a lot of people are really really stupid. If 3 women a year encounter bears, and one of them gets mauled, and 3 million women a year encounter men, and two of them get raped, some idiots will claim that men are more dangerous than bears.


Depends on how much fearmongering the media does. Satanic Panic was a thing, remember.


Most of the “fearmongering” is actually women talking about their experiences.

Most of the “fearmongering” isn’t happening because we were talking about a hypothetical situation where only two women were raped. Fuck you for implying that I don’t think rape is a real thing that happens.


I LOVE seeing people squirm when I call them out for dog whistling about Kamala


Lemmy is way too edgy to enjoy good games that are also popular.


No one is settling.

We used to be starving.

Now we get table scraps. This is progress.

Eventually, we’ll get our own meals.

Then, we’ll be able to take food from the fat cats who were starving us before.

Vote blue. You won’t immediately realize all your wildest dreams, but you’ll be moving in that direction.


despite the clueless media predicting one every day for the last 4 years.

GOD I got so fucking sick of that after the first year. It was obvious it wasn’t gonna happen but every damn media outlet, even the ones I previously thought were relatively unbiased, were just shouting “recession, recession, recession” like a chant to the Econ Gods. It was such obvious propaganda.


Biden: literally cures cancer and institutes world peace

Tankies: “here’s how this is bad for Biden”


You were the one who said we were getting table scraps dude 🤣

Can’t even keep your own propaganda straight


Biden: literally cures cancer

Useful idiots: he didn’t cure cancer! Fuck the data, listen to what everyday people are telling you! My mom’s best friend’s cousin’s roommate got cancer! Biden is so out of touch!


No one can close the door permanently because every 4 years we decide to give one guy the key. We’ve just never had a guy this bad before (or at least for a long time…the 1800s were wild)


I like how when you asked that question in another comment, and I gave you a quick list of things Biden specifically, personally did to improve the economy, you went all quiet and then came over here to ask the same question.


Thanks for being open minded.


Taiwan joining Ukraine is laughably outside of the realm of possibility. Like, not even worth mentioning except to point out how silly some people’s grasp of geopolitics is.

Biden Administration Tightens Mileage Standards to Buoy E.V.s | The new rule requires automakers to achieve an average of 65 miles per gallon across all models by 2031. (

The new standards require American automakers to increase fuel economy so that, across their product lines, their passenger vehicles would average 65 miles per gallon by 2031, up from 48.7 miles today. The average mileage for light trucks, including pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles, would have to reach 45 miles per...


Fuel requirements are being raised for light trucks too.


What? No, there’s not infinite everything, what a self centered viewpoint.

If I block every Trump supporter I see, then I no longer see Trump supporters, then I get a false idea of how little support Trump has.

Meanwhile Trump supporters keep spreading their bullshit unchecked.

This is a community, not a television. You’re not just a consumer, you’re helping to shape the discussions. You can’t just hide away every time you see someone say something you don’t like.


Extremely helpful comment, thanks for your contribution.

It’s not idealism, it’s having a fucking spine. If you can’t handle reality, get therapy. Otherwise, roll up your sleeves and get to work.


It’s a discussion forum. The ENTIRE POINT is to discuss things.


Not an obligation, but a responsibility.


It matters. Forums are battlegrounds of ideas.




I don’t understand why it matters at all. Seriously. What’s the problem?


Its provided the appearance of impropriety

Why does that matter? These fuckers think that a woman having a job is an impropriety.

I’m dead serious, I just do not get it. It’s like a cyclical argument. Why is this prosecution in trouble? Because they did something that gives Trump ammunition to attack the prosecution. What did they do? They gave Trump ammunition to attack the prosecution. What was the “ammunition”? The ammunition was the act of giving Trump ammunition to attack the prosecution. And on and on

If she was dating the person who appointed her to the case, sure. Potential for bias/corruption. If she was dating a defense counsel, sure. If she was dating a witness, sure. She was dating another consultant on her own team. Who gives a flying fuck? Would anyone have a problem with a husband and wife team on the same prosecution? They’re working together, there’s no potential for bias or corruption or anything.


You have the choice of people dying or MORE people dying though. Seems like a very obvious choice.


They’re not betting the house on Israel. They’re hedging. They increased aid to Palestine, they delayed arms shipments, and they’ve been pursuing a ceasefire deal like their lives depended on it.

You want them to bet the house on Palestine.


Harm reduction is a myth

Sincerely, the boot on your neck


You are now just blatantly lying. Poverty and homelessness has been trending down for decades.


More damn lies.

yet the number of people living paycheck to paycheck has been increasing

No it’s not.

The number of renters that cannot afford their rent has been increasing

No it’s not.

homelessness is at the largest level ever recorded

Not even close.

You got any sources for your bullshit, other than “my ass”?


Sorry, I can’t hear you over the Russian dick in your mouth


You think that, under Biden, literally every single Palestinian will die?

Because that’s what Trump has said he wants.


Sure, but I don’t even want to get into all that. They’ll just pivot back to the stupid “genocide Joe” bullshit. I want to pin em down on that, because even THAT makes no goddamn sense.


US sends aid, Israel or Hamas steals it. You want Biden to put American troops on the ground to ensure distribution?


Ah so you’re doing that disingenuous bullshit where you’re saying the TOTAL number of homeless has gone up while intentionally implying you meant the homelessness RATE has gone up.

Guess what? Our POPULATION has gone up over the past hundred years too.

Even just looking at pure numerical data, only last year did the number of homeless edge above the 2012 level, which is the earliest we have good data for. There’s no way in hell it’s beating out 2009-2011 after free great recession, much less the great depression.

As for poverty, it’s currently around HALF of our earliest data from 1925. Trending down steadily.

Capitalism has its problems, but trying to paint a picture of life getting worse over time is absolutely bullshit.




First, Trump isn’t any more or less capable of doing that than Biden. Both of them have the same toolset to work with.

Yeah but one will and one won’t. Who cares about capacity, we’re talking about (well documented, I should add) intentions.

Second, yes, if you starve the open air concentration camp you can in fact kill everyone there in a few months.

Trump would definitely do it faster and more thoroughly.


Then stop sending weapons.

Finally, an actionable demand. I happen to agree. Stick with that. Stop with your extra lies and bullshit.


Blah blah blyat bullshit

“immense pressure” hah


I think we’re down low enough that no one is at risk of being suckered in by your brain rot, so I’m just gonna quit with the charade that you’re a reasonable person making arguments in good faith.


All you people from old countries should learn something from Americans: stop being shackled by your past.

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