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I’m really good at my job.

But that’s not why I got my job, it’s just a coincidence.

I got my job because I’m pretty good at interviews.


If you ever read Socrates, most of his questions are just giving you the answer and then saying “doesn’t that make sense?”


That’s what he said


Every time I submit something, it gets removed for not being in the proper community.

Like dude, the proper community doesn’t exist and I don’t have the time to mod a community!


If you see this girl as a slut, that’s a you issue lol. Might want to do some therapy about that.


That’s fair but there’s also a practical question of efficacy. Malcolm X did not convince white people to change.

MLK brilliantly straddled the line between speaking up and alienating people.


Obvious troll is obvious


Plus who fucks an animal before you eat it?

Yeah! Most of the girls I’ve dated prefer it the other way around


Go on, chuck a few slices of bacon in the pan for me.



“mother country” or “motherland” is pretty common for descendants of European colonists/emigrees. I know Germans call it “fatherland” instead, probably the Dutch too


outrageous claims of nefarious intent

[x] Doubt


But there’s some kind of crazy disconnect that fuels American support for Israel.

Lemmy is stupid, so you shouldn’t pay attention to popular lemmy theories. But you’ve got it wrong too.

Christians need Israel to exist in order for their prophecy to be fulfilled. That’s the reason for the vast majority of the support Israel gets in the US. They don’t care about Israel as a state, or Jews, or anything else. It’s just a practical matter. One of the preconditions for the End Times is Israel existing.


Damn, it’s a shame that you - who are clearly so much smarter and more knowledgeable than everyone involved - aren’t running things. Surely no armchair general would ever second guess your approach to handling complex international diplomacy.

I’m glad at least someone has it all figured out, if only Biden would reach out to you personally.


I don’t know who you’re talking about

The fuck you don’t lmao

What the fuck is this gaslighting bullshit. “Tankies? Never heard of em”


You probably only think that because you’ve gone out of your way to exclude them from your life. They still very much exist. They’re a majority of people who care about the middle east in any way.

and I don’t think they are in charge of the State Department

Anything that popular has sway with the government.


That’s not what I said, gaslighter


Literally not my words, dumbass


Brits just like insaerting raundoum vaoueles eouearvaeryweaeaeaeauaeor


Unless you mean “because they emigrate”, then they’re not that smart. By not voting, they acquiesce to whatever becomes policy. They silence their own voice. Pretty damn stupid imo


Also she’s not great, she’s a fucking Russian asset.


If this horror continues until January, Gaza is already gone.

As horrible as you think it is, it can get worse. A lot worse.


Difference is, in this case, they’re not voting on purpose! 🤣

Same energy as high school students staging a “school walkout” to protest…um…whatever that thing was, who cares, no school woo!


Holy privilege Batman. Are trans people not included in your definition of “our lives”?

Did you just openly admit that you only care about straight white men?


Because it never stops.


I am doing the work by refusing to do the work

Fuckin lazy ass


“both sidez” lol


What are her poll numbers? Ignoring the fact that she’s a fucking Russian asset, she couldn’t beat Trump. Try again.


So, just to be clear, no 3rd party candidate has any chance of beating Trump, correct?


Answer the question.


Answer the question.


Give us a fucking name, dude


It’s not like me voting for Biden will stop me being subject to Trump’s whims if he wins.

You voting for Biden helps Trump not win.


Yay! Congratulations. Now vote for the last bad choice.


Thanks for doing your part.


Then you’re advocating for more power for people who want to end your existence. Nice play, genius.


You gotta be a teenager or something if you’re too cool for ice cream and naps

Ice cream and a nap sounds awesome


Oh no, the US is in danger of losing their massively influential 3rd parties!


This was a Republican bill that Democrats opposed. Fuck your “both sides” bullshit


It’s only for party leaders. And they’d have to actually speak the entire time. The GOP would just wait and then pass it when he was done. It’s not like the Senate filibuster which can effectively kill legislation.


I agree, it’s not totally unreasonable to do it, but it’s also not totally unreasonable to not do it, and to save the media attention for something more meaningful. And less divisive for Democrats. Like, say, a law banning abortion federally.


Chiming in with another juggalo friend who was an incredibly good hearted person. Ended up going to jail for “assaulting an officer” by trying to pull a cop off of someone during the George Floyd protests. I lost touch after that.


This is the type of subtle "bothsides"ism that I actually give kudos to. It’s not as blatant as saying “they’re both equally bad” or “they’re both old” or “they’re both [anything]”. It’s pretending to be dispassionate, just a neutral observation, just “oh wow, the times we live in”. Oh so subtle. “Presidential candidates”, not “a Presidential candidate”. “Challenge each other”, not “challenges the Democrat”.

And not a word about the central focus of the article, that Trump is clearly off his rocker.

It’s like textual judo. Deflect from the primary purpose: Trump is a fucking whacko --> we live in a time. Equivocate: Republicans are making shit up --> candidates challenge each other.

Bravo. You’re a rare troll. That was eloquent.


Media also has a HUGE problem with weasel words. I hear it all the time. “Certain politicians are saying”, “some people believe”, “it is believed that he was radicalized online” (by fucking who? to believe what??)

Be fucking honest. Republicans are saying crazy shit. Right-wing domestic terrorists are radicalizing people. Media refuses to come out and say this shit and it makes stupid and/or uninformed people think it’s both sides doing the heinous stuff.


if the voter Is entirely unaware of how the government is structured and functions

The vast, vast majority of voters have no idea how government works. And this is actually one of the few things that both sides are guilty of: incredibly uninformed voters.


He has not, as faras I’m aware.

Colorado Republican Brutally Grilled By Local News Anchor: ‘Why Is Abortion Good For Your Girlfriend? Bad For Other Women?’ (

Colorado congressional candidate and sitting State Rep. Richard Holtorf ® received a tough grilling this week at the hands of local 9News anchor Kyle Clark over his apparent hypocrisy when it comes to abortion rights....


Joe Manchin double crossed Republicans who thought he was in their pocket.…/manchin-schumer-senate-deal-energy…

For those who weren’t paying attention at the time, Biden had a massive proposed spending bill called Build Back Better, which was going to be the cornerstone of his plan for recovering from the pandemic. Republicans oppossed it, of course. There were 50 Democratic Senators and 50 Republicans, meaning that spending bills could not get past the filibuster (which requires a 60-vote supermajority).

The bill was split into two parts. One was the Infrastructure and Jobs Act, and the other was the (cynically named) Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA contained some of the sweeping provisions regarding climate change, health care, etc which Republicans were dead set against. The infrastructure act they were okay with on principle, but they didn’t want to give the Dems a win. The IRA, due to the type of spending involved, could be passed with just 50 votes under a loophole known as reconciliation.

In late 2021, Manchin and Sinema were making noises about the IRA. Democrats started saying very publicly that they should refuse to pass the smaller but more popular infrastructure act until/unless the bigger IRA was passed. It was starting to look like another broken promise from Democrat administrations: a big, ambitious bill (Build Back Better) gets watered down and stripped of all its best parts and a good but wimpy version of it (infrastructure act) is all that’s allowed to pass by Republicans.

Democrats backed down, Republicans passed the infrastructure bill, it looked like business as normal. Manchin publicly pulled support for the IRA and by early 2022 it was dead.

It briefly revived in June of 2022. Republicans had no power to block it, but they threatened to block the CHIPS act unless Democrats backed down again. Once again, Manchin, seemingly a loyal Republican plant, pulled his support and the bill died.

Congress passed the CHIPS act, and hours later on the same day, Schumer and Manchin revealed that Manchin had actually reached out to secretly continue negotiations, and they had a deal, and now there was nothing left for the Republicans to block out of spite, they were gonna pass it. And they did pass it, 51 to 50 with Kamala being the tie breaker.

It was stunning, everyone had written off Manchin as a R in D’s clothing, but honestly without him it’s very unlikely that we would have gotten all three of those bills passed. Even if we’d passed the IRA, Republicans would have killed one of the other bills out of spite.


Embarassing someone like this is how you convince anyone listening who hasn’t made up their minds. They’re the politically uninformed. They vote based on vibes, and “oooh Republican got owned” is a vibe.

Don’t get me wrong, I detest these people and frequently ridicule them. But if well reasoned holistic arguments could convince them, they’d already be convinced.

Even more importantly, Democrats who already know where they stand but need more “energy” to convince them to get off their asses and vote will resonate with this. They need someone fiery. Dark Brandon is very successful with them.


I can get behind an “and then”. Thanks for discussing in good faith, it’s a rare thing nowadays.

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