Marco Rubio says he would not accept 2024 election results ‘if it’s unfair’

Republican senator’s comments come as he is considered among Trump’s top candidates for vice-president

The Republican Florida senator Marco Rubio said on Sunday he would not commit to accepting the 2024 presidential election results, insisting that “if it’s unfair” his party will “go to court and point out the fact that states are not following their own election laws”.

Rubio’s statements on Meet the Press come as he is considered among former president Donald Trump’s top candidates for vice-president. Trump has continuously said falsely that the 2020 election was stolen.

Those claims spurred the 6 January 2021 insurrection, during which participants stormed the Capitol building as lawmakers were in the midst of certifying the election results. Trump is facing a variety of charges related to alleged election meddling.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

Theyre gearing up another January 6, mark my words


I don’t think they’ll even need to. The Dems are tired and the repubs are amped up. Trump is probably going to win this election as fucked up as that is.


You’re sorely mistaken if you think We The People are not AMPED to send these filthy trump traitors scurrying back to the prison cells they would be graced to inhabit alive.


My family in law are a very intellectual thinking kind Jewish family but for some dumb fucking reason they are trump supporters. I’m voting out of fear but I don’t think there is enough of us.


It baffles me that more Jewish people don’t understand that they’re going to be targeted by the MAGA crowd, because they largely share a common cause with neo-Nazis. It’s super fucking obvious, and they refuse to see it.


It’s almost as bad as “Latinos for Trump”


Or black people for Trump.

Or homosexuals for Trump (yeah, that is a thing, I don’t get it either).



Jews for Hitler!


Only if Trump doesn’t win. Then it’s not necessary.


Even if he wins the EC, he’ll still question the popular vote results.

Blackout, avatar

Sounds like a spoiled child


Fuckface 45 is that shitty kid who always changed the rules of the game right as he was about to lose.

His few friends were the ones who accepted the changes and stuck around.


“time out!”
“Time in!”


slips, trips, and falls out of the grape-stomping bucket and tumbles off the elevated platform“Ooo, oooo, ooo-”


Guy putting his thumb on the scale: “nobody better put their thumb on this scale!”

CharlesDarwin, avatar

I wonder if he considers it unfair to have the antiquated slavery-era EC choose a candidate over the popular vote.


News flash: to them, it’ll only be fair if they win.


And their rampant voter suppression makes it unfair by default.


V.P. Candidate Checklist:

✅ Deny 2020 election results.

✅ Deny 2024 election results in advance

✅ Kiss Trump’s ass.

✅ Lose your soul if you ever had one.


Nobody who ever had a soul would ever agree to be Donald’s VP.

simplejack, avatar

Dude gets called “Little Marco” for a months by Trump, and he’s still chortling his balls. People like him are so desperate for power that they will happily give up their self respect.


This is one of my favorite photos ever. Just the perfect representation of the modern Republican Party.


Yeah because it’s that easy right?! Dr tells me I have cancer, I’ll just not accept the diagnosis because it’s unfair. Problem solved, cancer gone!


Apropos, because the Rs are pretty much a cancer on the nation and it’s people.


Surprised none of them have said the constitution should be followed, as long as it’s convenient to their ends.

ME5SENGER_24, (edited )

Why not just have live voting? Mail in ballots are required to be sent and counted before Election Day and all the results are posted live. No counting, no electoral college. Just votes.

Edit: I’d love some feedback to understand the negative sentiment surrounding my comment. I think the electoral college is absolute nonsense and I think we should entirely rely on the popular vote. My statement of live voting would literally just remove the counting process and make your votes instantly visible to the public, you enter a polling station that is connected via a governmental VPN and the moment you press send it’s displayed live. If you need to mail in your vote, you do it by a deadline prior to the election.


There’s still loopholes in every system. Like someone hacking the stations and or the server, the losing side could claim. Another claim would be that the mail in counting could be rigged. I think live would be better than the counting method, but I’m just saying haters gonna hate regardless of the methodology.


Marco Rubio is afraid of trump and his childish nicknames.


Reality doesn’t give a shit what you accept.


And he gets to pick which data supports his desired outcome.


If you torture the data enough, it will confess.


obviously it’s only fair if Trump wins like he says. Otherwise it’s just rigged if he doesn’t win


That’s exactly how Trump thinks, whenever he calls things unfair it’s just regular crap but everything is unfair if they don’t get their desired outcome. The mental gymnastics are absolutely amazing with these people. If we could turn that into an energy source we could get off of oil. Likewise with their projection, though we’d need to limit the size of screen they’d produce otherwise we could only make out a nose hair at best.

snooggums, avatar

Hell, Trump whined that 2016 was rigged even though he won the electoral college.

MamboGator, avatar

Now ask him if he would consider any election where republicans lost to be “fair.”


Would he like a wah-burger to go with his French cries?

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